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Example 1 with ZTSClientException

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSAWSCredsClient method retrieveAWSTempCreds.

private static boolean retrieveAWSTempCreds(AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredProvider) {
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < 120; i++) {
            AWSCredentials awsCreds = awsCredProvider.getCredentials();
            if (awsCreds == null) {
                System.out.println("Error: AWS Credentials are not available");
                return false;
            System.out.println("AWS Temporary Credentials:\n");
            System.out.println("\tAccess Key Id : " + awsCreds.getAWSAccessKeyId());
            System.out.println("\tSecret Key    : " + awsCreds.getAWSSecretKey());
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    } catch (ZTSClientException ex) {
        System.out.println("Unable to retrieve AWS credentials: " + ex.getMessage());
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : ZTSClientException( AWSCredentials(com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials)

Example 2 with ZTSClientException

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class InstanceClientRegister method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
    // parse our command line to retrieve required input
    CommandLine cmd = parseCommandLine(args);
    String domainName = cmd.getOptionValue("domain").toLowerCase();
    String serviceName = cmd.getOptionValue("service").toLowerCase();
    String provider = cmd.getOptionValue("provider").toLowerCase();
    String instance = cmd.getOptionValue("instance");
    String dnsSuffix = cmd.getOptionValue("dnssuffix");
    String providerKeyPath = cmd.getOptionValue("providerkey");
    String providerKeyId = cmd.getOptionValue("providerkeyid");
    String instanceKeyPath = cmd.getOptionValue("instancekey");
    String ztsUrl = cmd.getOptionValue("ztsurl");
    // get our configured private key
    PrivateKey providerKey = Crypto.loadPrivateKey(new File(providerKeyPath));
    // first we are going to generate our attestation data
    // which we are going to use jwt. ZTS Server will send
    // this object to the specified provider for validation
    String compactJws = Jwts.builder().setSubject(domainName + "." + serviceName).setIssuer(provider).setAudience("zts").setId(instance).setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES))).setHeaderParam("keyId", providerKeyId).signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, providerKey).compact();
    System.out.println("JWS: \n" + compactJws + "\n");
    // now we need to generate our CSR so we can get
    // a TLS certificate for our instance
    PrivateKey instanceKey = Crypto.loadPrivateKey(new File(instanceKeyPath));
    String csr = generateCSR(domainName, serviceName, instance, dnsSuffix, instanceKey);
    if (csr == null) {
        System.err.println("Unable to generate CSR for instance");
    System.out.println("CSR: \n" + csr + "\n");
    // now let's generate our instance register object that will be sent
    // to the ZTS Server
    InstanceRegisterInformation info = new InstanceRegisterInformation().setAttestationData(compactJws).setDomain(domainName).setService(serviceName).setProvider(provider).setToken(true).setCsr(csr);
    // now contact zts server to request identity for instance
    InstanceIdentity identity = null;
    Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders = new HashMap<>();
    try (ZTSClient ztsClient = new ZTSClient(ztsUrl)) {
        identity = ztsClient.postInstanceRegisterInformation(info, responseHeaders);
    } catch (ZTSClientException ex) {
        System.out.println("Unable to register instance: " + ex.getMessage());
    System.out.println("Identity TLS Certificate: \n" + identity.getX509Certificate());
    Map<String, String> attrs = identity.getAttributes();
    if (attrs != null) {
        System.out.println("Provider Attributes:");
        for (String key : attrs.keySet()) {
            System.out.println("\t" + key + ": " + attrs.get(key));
Also used : PrivateKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InstanceRegisterInformation( ZTSClient( DERIA5String(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String) InstanceIdentity( Date(java.util.Date) CommandLine(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) List(java.util.List) ZTSClientException( File(

Example 3 with ZTSClientException

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSMock method getPublicKeyEntry.

public PublicKeyEntry getPublicKeyEntry(String domainName, String serviceName, String keyId) {
    PublicKeyEntry keyEntry = null;
    if ("2".equals(keyId)) {
        keyEntry = new PublicKeyEntry();
        Path path = Paths.get("./src/test/resources/zts_public_k1.pem");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    if (keyEntry == null) {
        throw new ZTSClientException(404, "Unknown ZTS Public Key");
    } else {
        return keyEntry;
Also used : PublicKeyEntry( Path(java.nio.file.Path) ZTSClientException( IOException(

Example 4 with ZTSClientException

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class ZTSTLSClient method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // parse our command line to retrieve required input
    CommandLine cmd = parseCommandLine(args);
    final String domainName = cmd.getOptionValue("domain").toLowerCase();
    final String serviceName = cmd.getOptionValue("service").toLowerCase();
    final String keyId = cmd.getOptionValue("keyid").toLowerCase();
    final String ztsUrl = cmd.getOptionValue("ztsurl");
    final String keyPath = cmd.getOptionValue("key");
    final String certPath = cmd.getOptionValue("cert");
    final String trustStorePath = cmd.getOptionValue("trustStorePath");
    final String trustStorePassword = cmd.getOptionValue("trustStorePassword");
    final String proxyUrl = cmd.getOptionValue("proxy");
    try {
        KeyRefresher keyRefresher = Utils.generateKeyRefresher(trustStorePath, trustStorePassword, certPath, keyPath);
        SSLContext sslContext = Utils.buildSSLContext(keyRefresher.getKeyManagerProxy(), keyRefresher.getTrustManagerProxy());
        try (ZTSClient ztsClient = new ZTSClient(ztsUrl, proxyUrl, sslContext)) {
            try {
                PublicKeyEntry publicKey = ztsClient.getPublicKeyEntry(domainName, serviceName, keyId);
                System.out.println("PublicKey: " + publicKey.getKey());
            } catch (ZTSClientException ex) {
                System.out.println("Unable to retrieve public key: " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.out.println("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
Also used : PublicKeyEntry( CommandLine(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) ZTSClient( ZTSClientException( SSLContext( KeyRefresher(com.oath.auth.KeyRefresher) ZTSClientException( ParseException(org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException)

Example 5 with ZTSClientException

use of in project athenz by yahoo.

the class InstanceClientRefresh method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
    // parse our command line to retrieve required input
    CommandLine cmd = parseCommandLine(args);
    String domainName = cmd.getOptionValue("domain").toLowerCase();
    String serviceName = cmd.getOptionValue("service").toLowerCase();
    String provider = cmd.getOptionValue("provider").toLowerCase();
    String instance = cmd.getOptionValue("instance");
    String dnsSuffix = cmd.getOptionValue("dnssuffix");
    String instanceKeyPath = cmd.getOptionValue("instancekey");
    String ztsUrl = cmd.getOptionValue("ztsurl");
    // now we need to generate our CSR so we can get
    // a TLS certificate for our instance
    PrivateKey instanceKey = Crypto.loadPrivateKey(new File(instanceKeyPath));
    String csr = generateCSR(domainName, serviceName, instance, dnsSuffix, instanceKey);
    if (csr == null) {
        System.err.println("Unable to generate CSR for instance");
    System.out.println("CSR: \n" + csr + "\n");
    // now let's generate our instance refresh object that will be sent
    // to the ZTS Server
    InstanceRefreshInformation info = new InstanceRefreshInformation().setToken(true).setCsr(csr);
    // now contact zts server to request identity for instance
    InstanceIdentity identity = null;
    try (ZTSClient ztsClient = new ZTSClient(ztsUrl)) {
        identity = ztsClient.postInstanceRefreshInformation(provider, domainName, serviceName, instance, info);
    } catch (ZTSClientException ex) {
        System.out.println("Unable to register instance: " + ex.getMessage());
    System.out.println("Identity TLS Certificate: \n" + identity.getX509Certificate());
Also used : CommandLine(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) InstanceRefreshInformation( PrivateKey( ZTSClient( ZTSClientException( DERIA5String(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String) File( InstanceIdentity(


ZTSClientException ( ZTSClient ( File ( CommandLine (org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine)3 InstanceIdentity ( PublicKeyEntry ( IOException ( Path (java.nio.file.Path)2 PrivateKey ( DERIA5String (org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String)2 AWSCredentials (com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials)1 KeyRefresher (com.oath.auth.KeyRefresher)1 DomainMetrics ( InstanceRefreshInformation ( InstanceRegisterInformation ( Date (java.util.Date)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 List (java.util.List)1 SSLContext ( ParseException (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException)1