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Example 1 with ConfigInstance

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class ComponentClass method createComponent.

 * Create an instance of this ComponentClass with the given configId. The configs needed by the component
 * must exist in the provided set of {@link}s.
 * @param id                  The id of the component to create, never null.
 * @param availableConfigs    The set of available config instances.
 * @param configId            The config ID of the component, nullable.
 * @return A new instance of the class represented by this ComponentClass.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public T createComponent(ComponentId id, Map<ConfigKey, ConfigInstance> availableConfigs, String configId) {
    if (configId == null) {
        configId = System.getProperty("");
    boolean hasId = false;
    List<Object> params = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Class cc : constructor.parameters) {
        if (cc.equals(ComponentId.class)) {
            hasId = true;
        } else if (cc.getSuperclass().equals(ConfigInstance.class)) {
            ConfigKey key = new ConfigKey(cc, configId);
            if ((availableConfigs == null) || !availableConfigs.containsKey(key)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Could not resolve config instance '" + key + "' required to instantiate " + clazz);
    T component = construct(params.toArray());
    if (hasId && component.hasInitializedId() && !id.equals(component.getId())) {
        log.warning("Component with id '" + id + "' tried to set illegal component id: '" + component.getId() + "', or the component takes ComponentId as a constructor arg without calling super(id).");
    // Enforce correct id - see bug #4036397
    return component;
Also used : ConfigKey( ConfigInstance(

Example 2 with ConfigInstance

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class Derived method exportBuilderConfig.

 * Checks what this is a producer of, instantiate that and export to writer
// TODO move to ReflectionUtil, and move that to unexported pkg
private void exportBuilderConfig(Writer writer) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, IOException {
    for (Class<?> intf : getClass().getInterfaces()) {
        if (ConfigInstance.Producer.class.isAssignableFrom(intf)) {
            Class<?> configClass = intf.getEnclosingClass();
            String builderClassName = configClass.getCanonicalName() + "$Builder";
            Class<?> builderClass = Class.forName(builderClassName);
            ConfigInstance.Builder builder = (Builder) builderClass.newInstance();
            Method getConfig = getClass().getMethod("getConfig", builderClass);
            getConfig.invoke(this, builder);
            ConfigInstance inst = (ConfigInstance) configClass.getConstructor(builderClass).newInstance(builder);
            List<String> payloadL = ConfigInstance.serialize(inst);
            String payload = StringUtilities.implodeMultiline(payloadL);
Also used : Builder( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ConfigInstance( Builder(

Example 3 with ConfigInstance

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class InstanceResolver method getConfigClass.

 * Returns a {@link ConfigInstance} of right type for given key using reflection
 * @param  cKey a ConfigKey
 * @return a {@link ConfigInstance} or null if not available in classpath
private static Class<? extends ConfigInstance> getConfigClass(ConfigDefinitionKey cKey, ClassLoader instanceLoader) {
    String className = createClassName(cKey.getName());
    String fullClassName = packageName(cKey) + "." + className;
    Class<?> clazz;
    try {
        clazz = instanceLoader != null ? instanceLoader.loadClass(fullClassName) : Class.forName(fullClassName);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Could not find config class for key " + cKey, e);
    if (!ConfigInstance.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
        throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(fullClassName + " is not a ConfigInstance subclass, can not produce config for " + cKey);
    return (Class<? extends ConfigInstance>) clazz;
Also used : ConfigurationRuntimeException( ConfigInstance(

Example 4 with ConfigInstance

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class VespaModel method getConfig.

 * Resolves config of the given type and config id, by first instantiating the correct {@link},
 * calling {@link #getConfig(, String)}. The default values used will be those of the config
 * types in the model.
 * @param clazz The type of config
 * @param configId The config id
 * @return A config instance of the given type
public <CONFIGTYPE extends ConfigInstance> CONFIGTYPE getConfig(Class<CONFIGTYPE> clazz, String configId) {
    try {
        ConfigInstance.Builder builder = newBuilder(clazz);
        getConfig(builder, configId);
        return newConfigInstance(clazz, builder);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : ConfigurationRuntimeException( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) ConfigurationRuntimeException( IOException( Builder( ConfigInstance(

Example 5 with ConfigInstance

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class VespaModel method getConfigFromBuilder.

private ConfigPayload getConfigFromBuilder(ConfigKey configKey, ConfigBuilder builder, InnerCNode targetDef) {
    try {
        ConfigInstance instance = InstanceResolver.resolveToInstance(configKey, builder, targetDef);
        log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, () -> "getConfigFromBuilder for " + configKey + ",instance=" + instance);
        return ConfigPayload.fromInstance(instance);
    } catch (ConfigurationRuntimeException e) {
        // This can happen in cases where services ask for config that no longer exist before they have been able
        // to reconfigure themselves. This happens for instance whenever jdisc reconfigures itself until
        // ticket 6599572 is fixed. When that happens, consider propagating a full error rather than empty payload
        // back to the client.
        log.log(LogLevel.INFO, "Error resolving instance for key '" + configKey + "', returning empty config: " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e));
        return ConfigPayload.fromBuilder(new ConfigPayloadBuilder());
Also used : ConfigurationRuntimeException( ConfigPayloadBuilder( ConfigInstance(


ConfigInstance ( ConfigurationRuntimeException ( ConfigKey ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 ComponentId ( Version ( ComponentClass ( Builder ( ConfigBuilder ( IntConfig ( StringConfig ( Cursor ( Slime ( ConfigDefinitionKey ( ConfigPayload ( ConfigPayloadApplier ( ConfigPayloadBuilder ( File ( IOException ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1