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Example 1 with HostSpec

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class InMemoryProvisioner method prepare.

public List<HostSpec> prepare(ClusterSpec cluster, Capacity requestedCapacity, int groups, ProvisionLogger logger) {
    if ( && groups > 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot both be specifying a group and ask for groups to be created");
    if (requestedCapacity.nodeCount() % groups != 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requested " + requestedCapacity.nodeCount() + " nodes in " + groups + " groups, but the node count is not divisible into this number of groups");
    int capacity = failOnOutOfCapacity || requestedCapacity.isRequired() ? requestedCapacity.nodeCount() : Math.min(requestedCapacity.nodeCount(), freeNodes.get("default").size() + totalAllocatedTo(cluster));
    if (groups > capacity)
        groups = capacity;
    String flavor = requestedCapacity.flavor().orElse("default");
    List<HostSpec> allocation = new ArrayList<>();
    if (groups == 1) {
        allocation.addAll(allocateHostGroup(cluster.with(Optional.of(ClusterSpec.Group.from(0))), flavor, capacity, startIndexForClusters));
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < groups; i++) {
            allocation.addAll(allocateHostGroup(cluster.with(Optional.of(ClusterSpec.Group.from(i))), flavor, capacity / groups, allocation.size()));
    for (ListIterator<HostSpec> i = allocation.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        HostSpec host =;
        if (retiredHostNames.contains(host.hostname()))
    return allocation;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HostSpec(

Example 2 with HostSpec

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class InMemoryProvisioner method allocateHost.

public HostSpec allocateHost(String alias) {
    if (legacyMapping.containsKey(alias))
        return legacyMapping.get(alias);
    List<Host> defaultHosts = freeNodes.get("default");
    if (defaultHosts.isEmpty())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No more hosts of default flavor available");
    Host newHost = freeNodes.removeValue("default", 0);
    HostSpec hostSpec = new HostSpec(newHost.hostname(), newHost.aliases(), newHost.flavor(), Optional.empty());
    legacyMapping.put(alias, hostSpec);
    return hostSpec;
Also used : HostSpec(

Example 3 with HostSpec

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class InMemoryProvisioner method allocateHostGroup.

private List<HostSpec> allocateHostGroup(ClusterSpec clusterGroup, String flavor, int nodesInGroup, int startIndex) {
    List<HostSpec> allocation = allocations.getOrDefault(clusterGroup, new ArrayList<>());
    allocations.put(clusterGroup, allocation);
    int nextIndex = nextIndexInCluster.getOrDefault(new Pair<>(clusterGroup.type(),, startIndex);
    while (allocation.size() < nodesInGroup) {
        if (freeNodes.get(flavor).isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Insufficient capacity of flavor '" + flavor + "'");
        Host newHost = freeNodes.removeValue(flavor, 0);
        ClusterMembership membership = ClusterMembership.from(clusterGroup, nextIndex++);
        allocation.add(new HostSpec(newHost.hostname(), newHost.aliases(), newHost.flavor(), Optional.of(membership)));
    nextIndexInCluster.put(new Pair<>(clusterGroup.type(),, nextIndex);
    while (allocation.size() > nodesInGroup) allocation.remove(0);
    return allocation;
Also used : ClusterMembership( HostSpec(

Example 4 with HostSpec

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class HostSystem method allocateHosts.

public Map<HostResource, ClusterMembership> allocateHosts(ClusterSpec cluster, Capacity capacity, int groups, DeployLogger logger) {
    List<HostSpec> allocatedHosts = provisioner.prepare(cluster, capacity, groups, new ProvisionDeployLogger(logger));
    // TODO: Even if HostResource owns a set of memberships, we need to return a map because the caller needs the current membership.
    Map<HostResource, ClusterMembership> retAllocatedHosts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (HostSpec spec : allocatedHosts) {
        // This is needed for single node host provisioner to work in unit tests for hosted vespa applications.
        HostResource host = getExistingHost(spec).orElseGet(() -> addNewHost(spec));
        retAllocatedHosts.put(host, spec.membership().orElse(null));
        if (!host.getFlavor().isPresent()) {
            log.log(DEBUG, () -> "Host resource " + host.getHostname() + " had no flavor, setting to " + spec.flavor());
    retAllocatedHosts.keySet().forEach(host -> log.log(DEBUG, () -> "Allocated host " + host.getHostname() + " with flavor " + host.getFlavor()));
    return retAllocatedHosts;
Also used : ClusterMembership( HostSpec( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 5 with HostSpec

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class HostsXmlProvisionerTest method require_singlenode_HostAlias_is_used_if_hosts_xml.

public void require_singlenode_HostAlias_is_used_if_hosts_xml() {
    String servicesXml = "<jdisc id='default' version='1.0' />";
    HostsXmlProvisioner hostProvisioner = createProvisioner(oneHost);
    HostSpec hostSpec = hostProvisioner.allocateHost(Container.SINGLENODE_CONTAINER_SERVICESPEC);
    assertThat(hostSpec.hostname(), is(""));
Also used : HostSpec( Test(org.junit.Test)


HostSpec ( Test (org.junit.Test)18 Zone ( ApplicationId ( Node ( ClusterSpec ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)7 NestedTransaction ( Version ( Capacity ( Flavor ( List (java.util.List)5 ClusterMembership ( Environment ( OutOfCapacityException ( Collections (java.util.Collections)4 RegionName ( NodeList ( JobControl ( Agent (