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Example 1 with AnnotationReferenceDataType

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class SDDocumentTypeOrderer method visit.

private void visit(DataType type) {
    if (type instanceof StructuredDataType) {
        StructuredDataType structType = (StructuredDataType) type;
        SDDocumentType sdDocType = find(structType.getName());
        if (sdDocType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find struct '" + type.getName() + "'.");
    if (type instanceof MapDataType) {
        MapDataType mType = (MapDataType) type;
    } else if (type instanceof WeightedSetDataType) {
        WeightedSetDataType wType = (WeightedSetDataType) type;
    } else if (type instanceof CollectionDataType) {
        CollectionDataType cType = (CollectionDataType) type;
    } else if (type instanceof AnnotationReferenceDataType) {
    // do nothing
    } else if (type instanceof PrimitiveDataType) {
    // do nothing
    } else if (type instanceof TensorDataType) {
    // do nothing
    } else if (type instanceof ReferenceDataType) {
    // do nothing
    } else {
        deployLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown type : " + type);
Also used : SDDocumentType( TemporarySDDocumentType( AnnotationReferenceDataType( AnnotationReferenceDataType(

Example 2 with AnnotationReferenceDataType

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentTypeManagerConfigurer method setupAnnotationRefTypes.

private static void setupAnnotationRefTypes(DocumentmanagerConfig config, DocumentTypeManager manager) {
    for (int i = 0; i < config.datatype().size(); i++) {
        DocumentmanagerConfig.Datatype thisDataType = config.datatype(i);
        int id =;
        for (Object o : thisDataType.annotationreftype()) {
            DocumentmanagerConfig.Datatype.Annotationreftype annRefType = (DocumentmanagerConfig.Datatype.Annotationreftype) o;
            AnnotationType annotationType = manager.getAnnotationTypeRegistry().getType(annRefType.annotation());
            if (annotationType == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found reference to " + annRefType.annotation() + ", which does not exist!");
            AnnotationReferenceDataType type = new AnnotationReferenceDataType(annotationType, id);
Also used : DocumentmanagerConfig( AnnotationReferenceDataType( AnnotationType(

Example 3 with AnnotationReferenceDataType

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentModelBuilder method specialHandleAnnotationReferenceRecurse.

private static DataType specialHandleAnnotationReferenceRecurse(NewDocumentType docType, String fieldName, DataType dataType) {
    if (dataType instanceof TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType) {
        TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType refType = (TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType) dataType;
        if (refType.getId() != 0) {
            return null;
        AnnotationType target = docType.getAnnotationType(refType.getTarget());
        if (target == null) {
            throw new RetryLaterException("Annotation '" + refType.getTarget() + "' in reference '" + fieldName + "' does not exist.");
        dataType = new AnnotationReferenceDataType(target);
        addType(docType, dataType);
        return dataType;
    } else if (dataType instanceof MapDataType) {
        MapDataType mapType = (MapDataType) dataType;
        DataType valueType = specialHandleAnnotationReferenceRecurse(docType, fieldName, mapType.getValueType());
        if (valueType == null) {
            return null;
        mapType = mapType.clone();
        addType(docType, mapType);
        return mapType;
    } else if (dataType instanceof CollectionDataType) {
        CollectionDataType lstType = (CollectionDataType) dataType;
        DataType nestedType = specialHandleAnnotationReferenceRecurse(docType, fieldName, lstType.getNestedType());
        if (nestedType == null) {
            return null;
        lstType = lstType.clone();
        addType(docType, lstType);
        return lstType;
    return null;
Also used : AnnotationReferenceDataType( TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType( CollectionDataType( StructuredDataType( TemporaryStructuredDataType( DataType( StructDataType( CollectionDataType( MapDataType( AnnotationReferenceDataType( TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType( ReferenceDataType( MapDataType( TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType( SDAnnotationType( AnnotationType(

Example 4 with AnnotationReferenceDataType

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentManager method buildConfig.

private void buildConfig(DataType type, Datatype.Builder builder) {;
    if (type instanceof ArrayDataType) {
        CollectionDataType dt = (CollectionDataType) type;
        builder.arraytype(new Datatype.Arraytype.Builder().datatype(dt.getNestedType().getId()));
    } else if (type instanceof WeightedSetDataType) {
        WeightedSetDataType dt = (WeightedSetDataType) type;
        builder.weightedsettype(new Datatype.Weightedsettype.Builder().datatype(dt.getNestedType().getId()).createifnonexistant(dt.createIfNonExistent()).removeifzero(dt.removeIfZero()));
    } else if (type instanceof MapDataType) {
        MapDataType mtype = (MapDataType) type;
        builder.maptype(new Datatype.Maptype.Builder().keytype(mtype.getKeyType().getId()).valtype(mtype.getValueType().getId()));
    } else if (type instanceof DocumentType) {
        DocumentType dt = (DocumentType) type;
        Datatype.Documenttype.Builder doc = new Datatype.Documenttype.Builder();
        for (DocumentType inherited : dt.getInheritedTypes()) {
            doc.inherits(new Datatype.Documenttype.Inherits.Builder().name(inherited.getName()));
    } else if (type instanceof NewDocumentType) {
        NewDocumentType dt = (NewDocumentType) type;
        Datatype.Documenttype.Builder doc = new Datatype.Documenttype.Builder();
        for (NewDocumentType inherited : dt.getInherited()) {
            doc.inherits(new Datatype.Documenttype.Inherits.Builder().name(inherited.getName()));
        buildConfig(dt.getFieldSets(), doc);
    } else if (type instanceof TemporaryStructuredDataType) {
    // Ignored
    } else if (type instanceof StructDataType) {
        StructDataType structType = (StructDataType) type;
        Datatype.Structtype.Builder structBuilder = new Datatype.Structtype.Builder();
        if (structType.getCompressionConfig().type.getCode() != 0) {
            structBuilder.compresstype(Datatype.Structtype.Compresstype.Enum.valueOf(structType.getCompressionConfig().type.toString())).compresslevel(structType.getCompressionConfig().compressionLevel).compressthreshold((int) structType.getCompressionConfig().threshold).compressminsize((int) structType.getCompressionConfig().minsize);
        for ( field : structType.getFieldsThisTypeOnly()) {
            Datatype.Structtype.Field.Builder fieldBuilder = new Datatype.Structtype.Field.Builder();
            if (field.hasForcedId()) {
            if (field.getDataType() instanceof TensorDataType)
                fieldBuilder.detailedtype(((TensorDataType) field.getDataType()).getTensorType().toString());
        for (StructDataType inherited : structType.getInheritedTypes()) {
            structBuilder.inherits(new Datatype.Structtype.Inherits.Builder().name(inherited.getName()));
    } else if (type instanceof AnnotationReferenceDataType) {
        AnnotationReferenceDataType annotationRef = (AnnotationReferenceDataType) type;
        builder.annotationreftype(new Datatype.Annotationreftype.Builder().annotation(annotationRef.getAnnotationType().getName()));
    } else if (type instanceof TensorDataType) {
    // Nothing to do; the type of the tensor is instead stored in each field as detailed type information
    // to provide better compatibility. A tensor field can have its tensorType changed (in compatible ways)
    // without changing the field type and thus requiring data refeed
    } else if (type instanceof ReferenceDataType) {
        ReferenceDataType refType = (ReferenceDataType) type;
        builder.referencetype(new Datatype.Referencetype.Builder().target_type_id(refType.getTargetType().getId()));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not create config for data type '" + type.getName());
Also used : AnnotationReferenceDataType( VespaDocumentType( NewDocumentType( NewDocumentType( AnnotationReferenceDataType(

Example 5 with AnnotationReferenceDataType

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class DocumentGenMojo method exportImportProvidedAnnotationRefs.

 * Handle the case of an annotation reference with a type that is user provided, we need to know the class name then
private String exportImportProvidedAnnotationRefs(AnnotationType annType) {
    String ret = "";
    if (annType.getDataType() == null)
        return ret;
    for (Field f : ((StructDataType) annType.getDataType()).getFields()) {
        if (f.getDataType() instanceof AnnotationReferenceDataType) {
            AnnotationReferenceDataType refType = (AnnotationReferenceDataType) f.getDataType();
            AnnotationType referenced = refType.getAnnotationType();
            String providedClass = provided(referenced.getName());
            if (providedClass != null) {
                // Annotationreference is to a type that is user-provided
                ret = ret + "import " + providedClass + ";\n";
    return ret;
Also used : AnnotationReferenceDataType( AnnotationType(


AnnotationReferenceDataType ( AnnotationType ( ( CollectionDataType ( DataType ( MapDataType ( ReferenceDataType ( StructDataType ( StructuredDataType ( TemporaryStructuredDataType ( DocumentmanagerConfig ( NewDocumentType ( VespaDocumentType ( SDDocumentType ( TemporarySDDocumentType ( SDAnnotationType ( TemporaryAnnotationReferenceDataType (