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Example 1 with ConfigFile

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class FileLoader method loadResources.

 * Load resources from the filesystem/classpath.
 * @return A map from the path to the resource.
 * @throws IOException If something goes boom.
public Map<String, ConfigFile> loadResources() throws IOException {
    Map<String, ConfigFile> resourceMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    int configDirURILength = resolver.getResources(this.rootURL)[0].getURI().toString().length();
    Resource[] hjsonResources = resolver.getResources(this.rootURL + HJSON_EXTN);
    for (Resource resource : hjsonResources) {
        if (!resource.exists()) {
            log.error("Missing resource during HJSON configuration load: {}", resource.getURI());
        String path = resource.getURI().toString().substring(configDirURILength);
        resourceMap.put(path, ConfigFile.builder().type(toType(path)).contentProvider(() -> CONTENT_PROVIDER.apply(resource)).path(path).version(NO_VERSION).build());
    return resourceMap;
Also used : ConfigFile( Resource( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 2 with ConfigFile

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class ConfigDataStoreTest method testUpdate.

public void testUpdate(@TempDir Path configPath) {
    String configRoot = configPath.toFile().getPath();
    Validator validator = new DynamicConfigValidator(DefaultClassScanner.getInstance(), configRoot);
    ConfigDataStore store = new ConfigDataStore(configRoot, validator);
    createFile("test", store, false);
    ConfigFile updateFile = updateFile(configRoot, store);
    ConfigDataStoreTransaction readTx = store.beginReadTransaction();
    RequestScope scope = mock(RequestScope.class);
    ConfigFile loaded = readTx.loadObject(EntityProjection.builder().type(ClassType.of(ConfigFile.class)).build(), toId("models/tables/test.hjson", NO_VERSION), scope);
    assertTrue(compare(updateFile, loaded));
Also used : ConfigFile( RequestScope( DynamicConfigValidator( Validator( DynamicConfigValidator( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 3 with ConfigFile

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class ConfigDataStoreTest method testUpdateWithPermissionError.

public void testUpdateWithPermissionError(@TempDir Path configPath) {
    String configRoot = configPath.toFile().getPath();
    Validator validator = new DynamicConfigValidator(DefaultClassScanner.getInstance(), configRoot);
    ConfigDataStore store = new ConfigDataStore(configRoot, validator);
    ConfigFile createdFile = createFile("test", store, false);
    String createdFilePath = Path.of(configPath.toFile().getPath(), createdFile.getPath()).toFile().getPath();
    File file = new File(createdFilePath);
    boolean blockFailed = blockWrites(file);
    if (blockFailed) {
        // We can't actually test because setting permissions isn't working.
    assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> updateFile(configRoot, store));
Also used : ConfigFile( ConfigFile( File( DynamicConfigValidator( Validator( DynamicConfigValidator( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 4 with ConfigFile

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class ConfigDataStoreTest method testCreateValidateOnly.

public void testCreateValidateOnly(@TempDir Path configPath) {
    String configRoot = configPath.toFile().getPath();
    Validator validator = new DynamicConfigValidator(DefaultClassScanner.getInstance(), configRoot);
    ConfigDataStore store = new ConfigDataStore(configRoot, validator);
    ConfigDataStoreTransaction readTx = store.beginReadTransaction();
    RequestScope scope = mock(RequestScope.class);
    ConfigFile loaded = readTx.loadObject(EntityProjection.builder().type(ClassType.of(ConfigFile.class)).build(), toId("models/tables/test.hjson", NO_VERSION), scope);
Also used : ConfigFile( RequestScope( DynamicConfigValidator( Validator( DynamicConfigValidator( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 5 with ConfigFile

use of in project elide by yahoo.

the class ConfigDataStoreTransaction method createObject.

public <T> void createObject(T entity, RequestScope scope) {
    ConfigFile file = (ConfigFile) entity;
    if (readOnly || !canCreate(file.getPath())) {
        log.error("Attempt to modify a read only configuration");
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Configuration is read only.");
    todo.add(() -> {
        // We have to assign the ID here during commit so it gets sent back in the response.
        file.setId(ConfigFile.toId(file.getPath(), file.getVersion()));
        updateFile(file.getPath(), file.getContent());
Also used : ConfigFile(


ConfigFile ( RequestScope ( DynamicConfigValidator ( Validator ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)8 File ( Include ( SecurityCheck ( EntityDictionary ( NO_VERSION ( EntityPermissions ( BadRequestException ( Check ( FilterExpressionCheck ( UserCheck ( Type ( ClassScanner ( DefaultClassScanner ( Config ( DynamicConfigHelpers (