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Example 1 with FunctionTestConfig

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class CfgConfigPayloadBuilderTest method createConfigPayload.

public void createConfigPayload() {
    final FunctionTestConfig config = ConfigInstancePayloadTest.createVariableAccessConfigWithBuilder();
    final String expectedJson = inputJson("{", "    'double_val': '41.23',", "    'refarr': [", "        ':parent:',", "        ':parent',", "        'parent:'", "    ],", "    'pathVal': 'src/test/resources/configs/def-files/function-test.def',", "    'string_val': 'foo',", "    'myStructMap': {", "        'one': {", "            'myString': 'bull',", "            'anotherMap': {", "                'anotherOne': {", "                    'anInt': '3',", "                    'anIntDef': '4'", "                }", "            },", "            'myInt': '1',", "            'myStringDef': 'bear',", "            'myIntDef': '2'", "        }", "    },", "    'boolarr': [", "        'false'", "    ],", "    'intMap': {", "        'dotted.key': '3',", "        'spaced key': '4',", "        'two': '2',", "        'one': '1'", "    },", "    'int_val': '5',", "    'stringarr': [", "        'bar'", "    ],", "    'enum_val': 'FOOBAR',", "    'myarray': [", "        {", "            'anotherarray': [", "                {", "                    'foo': '7'", "                }", "            ],", "            'intval': '-5',", "            'fileVal': 'file0',", "            'refval': ':parent:',", "            'myStruct': {", "                'a': '1',", "                'b': '2'", "            },", "            'stringval': [", "                'baah',", "                'yikes'", "            ],", "            'enumval': 'INNER'", "        },", "        {", "            'anotherarray': [", "                {", "                    'foo': '2'", "                }", "            ],", "            'intval': '5',", "            'fileVal': 'file1',", "            'refval': ':parent:',", "            'myStruct': {", "                'a': '-1',", "                'b': '-2'", "            },", "            'enumval': 'INNER'", "        }", "    ],", "    'fileArr': [", "        'bin'", "    ],", "    'enumwithdef': 'BAR2',", "    'bool_with_def': 'true',", "    'enumarr': [", "        'VALUES'", "    ],", "    'pathMap': {", "        'one': 'pom.xml'", "    },", "    'long_with_def': '-9876543210',", "    'double_with_def': '-12.0',", "    'stringMap': {", "        'double spaced key': 'third',", "        'double.dotted.key': 'second',", "        'one': 'first'", "    },", "    'refwithdef': ':parent:',", "    'stringwithdef': 'bar and foo',", "    'doublearr': [", "        '2344.0',", "        '123.0'", "    ],", "    'int_with_def': '-14',", "    'pathArr': [", "        'pom.xml'", "    ],", "    'rootStruct': {", "        'innerArr': [", "            {", "                'stringVal': 'deep',", "                'boolVal': 'true'", "            },", "            {", "                'stringVal': 'blue a=\\\'escaped\\\'',", "                'boolVal': 'false'", "            }", "        ],", "        'inner0': {", "            'index': '11',", "            'name': 'inner0'", "        },", "        'inner1': {", "            'index': '12',", "            'name': 'inner1'", "        }", "    },", "    'fileVal': 'etc',", "    'refval': ':parent:',", "    'onechoice': 'ONLYFOO',", "    'bool_val': 'false',", "    'longarr': [", "        '9223372036854775807',", "        '-9223372036854775808'", "    ],", "    'basicStruct': {", "        'intArr': [", "            '310',", "            '311'", "        ],", "        'foo': 'basicFoo',", "        'bar': '3'", "    },", "    'long_val': '12345678901'", "}");
    CfgConfigPayloadBuilderTest.assertDeserializedConfigEqualsJson(config, expectedJson);
Also used : FunctionTestConfig( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with FunctionTestConfig

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class FunctionTest method attemptLacking.

private void attemptLacking(String param, boolean isArray) throws IOException {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(PATH + "defaultvalues.txt")));
    StringBuilder config = new StringBuilder();
    String line;
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        if ((line.length() > param.length()) && param.equals(line.substring(0, param.length())) && (line.charAt(param.length()) == ' ' || line.charAt(param.length()) == '[')) {
        // Ignore values matched
        } else {
    // System.out.println("Config lacking " + param + "-> " + config + "\n");
    try {
        ConfigGetter<FunctionTestConfig> getter = new ConfigGetter<FunctionTestConfig>(FunctionTestConfig.class);
        getter.getConfig("raw:\n" + config);
        if (isArray) {
            // Arrays are empty by default
        fail("Expected to fail when not specifying value " + param + " without default");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
        if (isArray) {
            fail("Arrays should be empty by default.");
Also used : FunctionTestConfig( BufferedReader( FileReader( File(

Example 3 with FunctionTestConfig

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class FunctionTest method testDefaultValues.

public void testDefaultValues() {
    String configId = "file:" + PATH + "defaultvalues.txt";
    ConfigGetter<FunctionTestConfig> getter = new ConfigGetter<>(FunctionTestConfig.class);
    FunctionTestConfig config = getter.getConfig(configId);
    assertEquals(5, config.int_val());
    assertEquals(-545, config.int_with_def());
    assertEquals(1234567890123L, config.long_val());
    assertEquals(-50000000000L, config.long_with_def());
    assertEquals(41.23, config.double_val(), 0.000001);
    assertEquals(-6.43, config.double_with_def(), 0.000001);
    assertEquals("foo", config.string_val());
    assertEquals("foobar", config.stringwithdef());
    assertEquals(FunctionTestConfig.Enum_val.FOOBAR, config.enum_val());
    assertEquals(FunctionTestConfig.Enumwithdef.BAR2, config.enumwithdef());
    assertEquals(configId, config.refval());
    assertEquals(configId, config.refwithdef());
    assertEquals("vespa.log", config.fileVal().value());
    assertEquals(1, config.boolarr().size());
    assertEquals(0, config.intarr().size());
    assertEquals(0, config.longarr().size());
    assertEquals(2, config.doublearr().size());
    assertEquals(1, config.stringarr().size());
    assertEquals(1, config.enumarr().size());
    assertEquals(0, config.refarr().size());
    assertEquals(0, config.fileArr().size());
    assertEquals(3, config.basicStruct().bar());
    assertEquals(1, config.basicStruct().intArr().size());
    assertEquals(10, config.basicStruct().intArr(0));
    assertEquals(11, config.rootStruct().inner0().index());
    assertEquals(12, config.rootStruct().inner1().index());
    assertEquals(2, config.myarray().size());
    assertEquals(1, config.myarray(0).myStruct().a());
    assertEquals(-1, config.myarray(1).myStruct().a());
    assertEquals("", config.myarray(0).fileVal().value());
    assertEquals("display.sys", config.myarray(1).fileVal().value());
Also used : FunctionTestConfig( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with FunctionTestConfig

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class ConfigInstanceUtilTest method test_require_private_getter.

public void test_require_private_getter() {
    FunctionTestConfig.Builder builder = createVariableAccessBuilder();
    assertEquals(ConfigInstanceUtil.getField(builder, "int_val"), 5);
    FunctionTestConfig conf = new FunctionTestConfig(builder);
    assertEquals(conf.int_val(), 5);
Also used : FunctionTestConfig( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with FunctionTestConfig

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class JRTConfigRequestFactoryTest method testCreateFromSub.

public void testCreateFromSub() {
    ConfigSubscriber subscriber = new ConfigSubscriber();
    Class<FunctionTestConfig> clazz = FunctionTestConfig.class;
    final String configId = "foo";
    JRTConfigSubscription<FunctionTestConfig> sub = new JRTConfigSubscription<>(new ConfigKey<>(clazz, configId), subscriber, new ConfigSet(), new TimingValues());
    // Default vespa version
    JRTClientConfigRequest request = JRTConfigRequestFactory.createFromSub(sub);
    assertThat(request.getProtocolVersion(), is(3L));
    assertThat(request.getVespaVersion().get(), is(defaultVespaVersion));
    // Create with vespa version set
    String version = "5.37.38";
    System.setProperty(JRTConfigRequestFactory.VESPA_VERSION, version);
    request = JRTConfigRequestFactory.createFromSub(sub);
    assertThat(request.getProtocolVersion(), is(3L));
    assertThat(request.getVespaVersion().get(), is(VespaVersion.fromString(version)));
Also used : FunctionTestConfig( ConfigSubscriber( TimingValues( JRTConfigSubscription( ConfigSet( Test(org.junit.Test)


FunctionTestConfig ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 ConfigPayload ( ConfigBuilder ( ConfigSet ( ConfigSubscriber ( JRTConfigSubscription ( Slime ( ConfigPayloadBuilder ( RawConfig ( TimingValues ( BufferedReader ( File ( FileReader (