use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DirectQuickSelectSketch method hashUpdate.
//restricted methods
UpdateReturnState hashUpdate(final long hash) {
mem_.putByte(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) (mem_.getByte(FLAGS_BYTE) & ~EMPTY_FLAG_MASK));
final long thetaLong = getThetaLong();
//The over-theta test
if (HashOperations.continueCondition(thetaLong, hash)) {
//signal that hash was rejected due to theta.
return RejectedOverTheta;
final int lgArrLongs = getLgArrLongs();
//The duplicate test
final int index;
if (mem_.isResourceReadOnly() && !mem_.isDirect()) {
index = HashOperations.hashSearchOrInsert(mem_, lgArrLongs, hash, preambleLongs_ << 3);
} else {
index = HashOperations.fastHashSearchOrInsert(mem_.getArray(), mem_.getCumulativeOffset(0L), lgArrLongs, hash, preambleLongs_ << 3);
if (index >= 0) {
//Duplicate, not inserted
return RejectedDuplicate;
//insertion occurred, increment curCount
final int curCount = getRetainedEntries() + 1;
//update curCount
mem_.putInt(RETAINED_ENTRIES_INT, curCount);
if (curCount > hashTableThreshold_) {
if (lgArrLongs > lgNomLongs_) {
//Assumes no dirty values, changes thetaLong, curCount_
assert (lgArrLongs == (lgNomLongs_ + 1)) : "lgArr: " + lgArrLongs + ", lgNom: " + lgNomLongs_;
//rebuild, refresh curCount based on # values in the hashtable.
quickSelectAndRebuild(mem_, preambleLongs_, lgNomLongs_);
} else //end of rebuild, exit
//Not at full size, resize. Should not get here if lgRF = 0 and memCap is too small.
final int lgRF = getLgRF();
final int actLgRF = actLgResizeFactor(mem_.getCapacity(), lgArrLongs, preambleLongs_, lgRF);
int tgtLgArrLongs = Math.min(lgArrLongs + actLgRF, lgNomLongs_ + 1);
if (actLgRF > 0) {
//Expand in current Memory
//lgArrLongs will change; thetaLong, curCount will not
resize(mem_, preambleLongs_, lgArrLongs, tgtLgArrLongs);
hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs_, tgtLgArrLongs);
} else //end of Expand in current memory, exit.
//Request more memory, then resize. lgArrLongs will change; thetaLong, curCount will not
final int preBytes = preambleLongs_ << 3;
tgtLgArrLongs = Math.min(lgArrLongs + lgRF, lgNomLongs_ + 1);
final int tgtArrBytes = 8 << tgtLgArrLongs;
final int reqBytes = tgtArrBytes + preBytes;
final MemoryRequestServer memoryRequestServer = mem_.getMemoryRequestServer();
final WritableMemory newDstMem = memoryRequestServer.request(reqBytes);
moveAndResize(mem_, preambleLongs_, lgArrLongs, newDstMem, tgtLgArrLongs, thetaLong);
mem_ = newDstMem;
hashTableThreshold_ = setHashTableThreshold(lgNomLongs_, tgtLgArrLongs);
//end of Request more memory to resize
//end of resize
return InsertedCountIncremented;
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DirectUpdateDoublesSketch method growCombinedMemBuffer.
//Direct supporting methods
private static WritableMemory growCombinedMemBuffer(final WritableMemory mem, final int itemSpaceNeeded) {
final long memBytes = mem.getCapacity();
//+ preamble + min & max
final int needBytes = (itemSpaceNeeded << 3) + COMBINED_BUFFER;
assert needBytes > memBytes;
final MemoryRequestServer memoryRequestServer = mem.getMemoryRequestServer();
final WritableMemory newMem = memoryRequestServer.request(needBytes);
mem.copyTo(0, newMem, 0, memBytes);
return newMem;