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Example 1 with Path

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class ApplicationFileTest method testApplicationFile.

public void testApplicationFile() throws Exception {
    Path p1 = Path.fromString("foo/bar/baz");
    ApplicationFile f1 = getApplicationFile(p1);
    ApplicationFile f2 = getApplicationFile(p1);
    assertThat(f1.getPath(), is(p1));
    assertThat(f2.getPath(), is(p1));
Also used : Path( ApplicationFile( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with Path

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class TensorFlowFeatureConverter method transformLargeConstant.

private void transformLargeConstant(ModelStore store, RankProfile profile, QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, Set<String> constantsReplacedByMacros, String constantName, Tensor constantValue) {
    RankProfile.Macro macroOverridingConstant = profile.getMacros().get(constantName);
    if (macroOverridingConstant != null) {
        TensorType macroType = macroOverridingConstant.getRankingExpression().type(profile.typeContext(queryProfiles));
        if (!macroType.equals(constantValue.type()))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Macro '" + constantName + "' replaces the constant with this name. " + "The required type of this is " + constantValue.type() + ", but the macro returns " + macroType);
        // will replace constant(constantName) by constantName later
    } else {
        Path constantPath = store.writeLargeConstant(constantName, constantValue);
        if (!profile.getSearch().getRankingConstants().containsKey(constantName)) {
            profile.getSearch().addRankingConstant(new RankingConstant(constantName, constantValue.type(), constantPath.toString()));
Also used : Path( RankProfile( TensorType( RankingConstant(

Example 3 with Path

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class RemoteSessionFactory method createSession.

public RemoteSession createSession(long sessionId) {
    Path sessionPath = this.sessionsPath.append(String.valueOf(sessionId));
    SessionZooKeeperClient sessionZKClient = new SessionZooKeeperClient(curator, configCurator, sessionPath, defRepo, configserverConfig.serverId(), componentRegistry.getZone().nodeFlavors());
    return new RemoteSession(tenant, sessionId, componentRegistry, sessionZKClient, clock);
Also used : Path(

Example 4 with Path

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class SessionFactoryImpl method create.

private LocalSession create(File applicationFile, String applicationName, long currentlyActiveSession, TimeoutBudget timeoutBudget) {
    long sessionId = sessionCounter.nextSessionId();
    Path sessionIdPath = sessionsPath.append(String.valueOf(sessionId));
    log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, Tenants.logPre(tenant) + "Next session id is " + sessionId + " , sessionIdPath=" + sessionIdPath.getAbsolute());
    try {
        SessionZooKeeperClient sessionZooKeeperClient = new SessionZooKeeperClient(curator, configCurator, sessionIdPath, defRepo, serverId, nodeFlavors);
        File userApplicationDir = tenantFileSystemDirs.getUserApplicationDir(sessionId);
        IOUtils.copyDirectory(applicationFile, userApplicationDir);
        ApplicationPackage applicationPackage = createApplication(applicationFile, userApplicationDir, applicationName, sessionId, currentlyActiveSession);
        return createSessionFromApplication(applicationPackage, sessionId, sessionZooKeeperClient, timeoutBudget, clock);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error creating session " + sessionIdPath, e);
Also used : Path( File( ApplicationPackage(

Example 5 with Path

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class RemoteSessionRepo method sessionAdded.

 * A session for which we don't have a watcher, i.e. hitherto unknown to us.
 * @param sessionId session id for the new session
private void sessionAdded(long sessionId) {
    try {
        log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Adding session to RemoteSessionRepo: " + sessionId);
        RemoteSession session = remoteSessionFactory.createSession(sessionId);
        Path sessionPath = sessionsPath.append(String.valueOf(sessionId));
        Curator.FileCache fileCache = curator.createFileCache(sessionPath.append(ConfigCurator.SESSIONSTATE_ZK_SUBPATH).getAbsolute(), false);
        sessionStateWatchers.put(sessionId, new SessionStateWatcher(fileCache, reloadHandler, session, metrics));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed loading session " + sessionId + ": No config for this session can be served", e);
Also used : Path( ConfigCurator( Curator(


Path ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 ApplicationFile ( ConfigCurator ( File ( ApplicationPackage ( Node ( MockCurator ( KeeperException (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException)3 RankingConstant ( Curator ( NullConfigModelRegistry ( FilesApplicationPackage ( ApplicationId ( TenantName ( NamedReader ( RankProfile ( Tensor ( TensorType ( NestedTransaction (