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Example 1 with JavaScriptCompressor

use of in project yui-compressor-ant-task by n0ha.

the class YuiCompressorTask method compressFile.

private void compressFile(final File inFile, final File outFile, final String fileType) throws EvaluatorException, BuildException {
    // always recompress when outFile and inFile are exactly the same file
    if (outFile.isFile() && !inFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(outFile.getAbsolutePath())) {
        if (outFile.lastModified() >= inFile.lastModified()) {
    try {
        // prepare input file
        Reader in = openFile(inFile);
        // prepare output file
        Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile), charset);
        if (fileType.equals(FileType.JS_FILE)) {
            final JavaScriptCompressor compressor = createJavaScriptCompressor(in);
            compressor.compress(out, lineBreakPosition, munge, warn, preserveAllSemiColons, !optimize);
        } else if (fileType.equals(FileType.CSS_FILE)) {
            final CssCompressor compressor = new CssCompressor(in);
            compressor.compress(out, lineBreakPosition);
        } else if (fileType.equals(FileType.HTML_FILE) || fileType.equals(FileType.XHTML_FILE)) {
            final HtmlCompressor compressor = new HtmlCompressor();
        } else if (fileType.equals(FileType.XML_FILE)) {
            final XmlCompressor compressor = new XmlCompressor();
        // close all streams
        in = null;
        out = null;
        if (verbose) {
            log(stats.getFileStats(inFile, outFile, fileType));
    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
        throw new BuildException("I/O Error when compressing file", ioe);
Also used : FileOutputStream( CssCompressor( Reader( InputStreamReader( XmlCompressor(com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.XmlCompressor) OutputStreamWriter( HtmlCompressor(com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.HtmlCompressor) IOException( BuildException( JavaScriptCompressor( Writer( OutputStreamWriter(

Example 2 with JavaScriptCompressor

use of in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ZimletResources method service.

public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (flushCache(request)) {
    HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    HttpServletResponse resp = (HttpServletResponse) response;
    String uri = req.getRequestURI();
    String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo();
    if (pathInfo == null) {
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> zimletNames = (Set<String>) req.getAttribute(ZimletFilter.ALLOWED_ZIMLETS);
    Set<String> allZimletNames = (Set<String>) req.getAttribute(ZimletFilter.ALL_ZIMLETS);
    if (!pathInfo.startsWith(RESOURCE_PATH)) {
        // handle requests for individual files included in zimlet in case dev=1 is set.
        ServletContext targetContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext().getContext("/zimlet");
        if (targetContext == null) {
            throw new ServletException("Could not forward the request to zimlet webapp, possible misconfiguration.");
        RequestDispatcher dispatcher = targetContext.getRequestDispatcher(pathInfo);
        dispatcher.forward(req, resp);
    String contentType = getContentType(uri);
    String type = contentType.replaceAll("^.*/", "");
    boolean debug = req.getParameter(P_DEBUG) != null;
    boolean compress = !debug && supportsGzip && uri.endsWith(COMPRESSED_EXT);
    String cacheId = getCacheId(req, type, zimletNames, allZimletNames);
    if (ZimbraLog.zimlet.isDebugEnabled()) {
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: uri=" + uri);
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: cacheId=" + cacheId);
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: contentType=" + contentType);
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: type=" + type);
    // generate buffer
    File file = !debug ? getCacheFile(cacheId) : null;
    String text = null;
    if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(writer);
        // zimlet messages
        if (type.equals(T_JAVASCRIPT)) {
            ServletConfig config = this.getServletConfig();
            ServletContext baseContext = config.getServletContext();
            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = baseContext.getRequestDispatcher(RESOURCE_PATH);
            // NOTE: descriptions can be translated.
            for (String zimletName : allZimletNames) {
                RequestWrapper wrappedReq = new RequestWrapper(req, RESOURCE_PATH + zimletName);
                ResponseWrapper wrappedResp = new ResponseWrapper(resp, printer);
                // bug 45922: avoid cached messages
                wrappedReq.setParameter("debug", "1");
                //this will activate ZimletProps2JsServlet
                dispatcher.include(wrappedReq, wrappedResp);
        // zimlet resources
        if (ZimbraLog.zimlet.isDebugEnabled()) {
            ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: generating buffer");
        generate(zimletNames, type, printer);
        text = writer.toString();
        // minimize css
        if (type.equals(T_CSS) && !debug) {
            CssCompressor compressor = new CssCompressor(new StringReader(text));
            StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
            compressor.compress(out, 0);
            text = out.toString();
        if (type.equals(T_JAVASCRIPT) && !debug) {
            // compress JS code
            text = text.replaceAll("(^|\n)\\s*DBG\\.\\w+\\(.*\\);\\s*(\n|$)", "\n");
            JavaScriptCompressor compressor = new JavaScriptCompressor(new StringReader(text), new ErrorReporter() {

                public void warning(String message, String sourceName, int line, String lineSource, int lineOffset) {
                    if (line < 0) {
                        ZimbraLog.zimlet.warn("\n" + message);
                    } else {
                        ZimbraLog.zimlet.warn("\n" + line + ':' + lineOffset + ':' + message);

                public void error(String message, String sourceName, int line, String lineSource, int lineOffset) {
                    if (line < 0) {
                        ZimbraLog.zimlet.error("\n" + message);
                    } else {
                        ZimbraLog.zimlet.error("\n" + line + ':' + lineOffset + ':' + message);

                public EvaluatorException runtimeError(String message, String sourceName, int line, String lineSource, int lineOffset) {
                    error(message, sourceName, line, lineSource, lineOffset);
                    return new EvaluatorException(message);
            StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
            compressor.compress(out, 0, true, false, false, false);
            String mintext = out.toString();
            if (mintext == null) {
      "unable to minimize zimlet JS source");
            } else {
                text = mintext;
        // store buffer
        if (!debug) {
            // NOTE: This assumes that the cacheId will *end* with the compressed
            // NOTE: extension. Therefore, make sure to keep getCacheId in sync.
            String uncompressedCacheId = compress ? cacheId.substring(0, cacheId.length() - COMPRESSED_EXT.length()) : cacheId;
            // store uncompressed file in cache
            file = createCacheFile(uncompressedCacheId, type);
            if (ZimbraLog.zimlet.isDebugEnabled()) {
                ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: buffer file: " + file);
            copy(text, file);
            putCacheFile(uncompressedCacheId, file);
            // store compressed file in cache
            if (compress) {
                String compressedCacheId = cacheId;
                File gzfile = createCacheFile(compressedCacheId, type + DiskCacheServlet.EXT_COMPRESSED);
                if (ZimbraLog.zimlet.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: buffer file: " + gzfile);
                file = compress(file, gzfile);
                putCacheFile(compressedCacheId, file);
    } else {
        if (ZimbraLog.zimlet.isDebugEnabled()) {
            ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("DEBUG: using previous buffer");
    // write buffer
    try {
        // We browser sniff so need to make sure any caches do the same.
        resp.addHeader("Vary", "User-Agent");
        if (file == null || req.getProtocol().endsWith("1.0")) {
            // Bug 20626: We're no longer caching zimlets
            // Set to expire far in the past.
            resp.setHeader("Expires", "Tue, 24 Jan 2000 17:46:50 GMT");
            // Set standard HTTP/1.1 no-cache headers.
            resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
            // Set standard HTTP/1.0 no-cache header.
            resp.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
        } else {
            // force cache revalidation but allow client cache
            resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, max-age=0");
            if (file.lastModified() <= req.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since")) {
            resp.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", file.lastModified());
        if (compress && file != null) {
            resp.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
        // NOTE: the contents of the generated file to the stream.
        if (!compress || file != null) {
            resp.setContentLength(file != null ? (int) file.length() : text.getBytes("UTF-8").length);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        // ignore -- thrown if called from including JSP
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("zimletres: " + cacheId);
        ZimbraLog.zimlet.debug("zimletres: " + e.getMessage());
    if (file != null) {
        // NOTE: If we saved the buffer to a file and compression is
        // NOTE: enabled then the file has *already* been compressed
        // NOTE: and the Content-Encoding header has been added.
        copy(file, resp, false);
    } else {
        copy(text, resp, compress);
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) ServletConfig(javax.servlet.ServletConfig) CssCompressor( HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) HttpServletResponseWrapper(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper) JavaScriptCompressor( RequestDispatcher(javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) ErrorReporter(org.mozilla.javascript.ErrorReporter) StringWriter( EvaluatorException(org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException) StringReader( ServletContext(javax.servlet.ServletContext) HttpServletRequestWrapper(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper) File( PrintWriter(


CssCompressor ( JavaScriptCompressor ( HtmlCompressor (com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.HtmlCompressor)1 XmlCompressor (com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.XmlCompressor)1 File ( FileOutputStream ( IOException ( InputStreamReader ( OutputStreamWriter ( PrintWriter ( Reader ( StringReader ( StringWriter ( Writer ( Set (java.util.Set)1 RequestDispatcher (javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher)1 ServletConfig (javax.servlet.ServletConfig)1 ServletContext (javax.servlet.ServletContext)1 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)1 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)1