Search in sources :

Example 1 with Parser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class Model method getQueryTree.

 * Returns the query as an object structure.
 * This causes parsing of the query string if it has changed since this was last called
 * (i.e query parsing is lazy)
public QueryTree getQueryTree() {
    if (queryTree == null) {
        Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(type, ParserEnvironment.fromExecutionContext(execution.context()));
        queryTree = parser.parse(Parsable.fromQueryModel(this));
        if (parent.getTraceLevel() >= 2) {
            parent.trace("Query parsed to: " + parent.yqlRepresentation(), 2);
    return queryTree;
Also used : Parser(

Example 2 with Parser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class YqlParser method parseUserInput.

private Item parseUserInput(String grammar, String defaultIndex, String wordData, Language language, boolean allowNullItem) {
    Query.Type parseAs = Query.Type.getType(grammar);
    Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(parseAs, environment);
    // perhaps not use already resolved doctypes, but respect source and restrict
    Item item = parser.parse(new Parsable().setQuery(wordData).addSources(docTypes).setLanguage(language).setDefaultIndexName(defaultIndex)).getRoot();
    // the null check should be unnecessary, but is there to avoid having to suppress null warnings
    if (!allowNullItem && (item == null || item instanceof NullItem))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsing '" + wordData + "' only resulted in NullItem.");
    if (// mark the language used, unless it's the default
    language != Language.ENGLISH)
    return item;
Also used : CompositeItem( WordAlternativesItem( NullItem( PrefixItem( OrItem( PhraseItem( TaggableItem( SubstringItem( AndItem( RankItem( EquivItem( WeightedSetItem( PhraseSegmentItem( ExactStringItem( PredicateQueryItem( WeakAndItem( ONearItem( DotProductItem( Item( SuffixItem( AndSegmentItem( SegmentItem( IntItem( WandItem( RegExpItem( RangeItem( WordItem( NotItem( NearItem( Query( Parsable( NullItem( Parser( NonNull(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull)

Example 3 with Parser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class RangeQueryOptimizerTestCase method parseQuery.

private Item parseQuery(String query) {
    IndexFacts indexFacts = new IndexFacts();
    Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(Query.Type.ADVANCED, new ParserEnvironment().setIndexFacts(indexFacts).setLinguistics(linguistics));
    return parser.parse(new Parsable().setQuery(query)).getRoot();
Also used : IndexFacts( Parsable( ParserEnvironment( Parser(

Example 4 with Parser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class WashPhrasesTestCase method transformQuery.

private String transformQuery(String rawQuery) {
    Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(Query.Type.ALL, new ParserEnvironment());
    Item root = parser.parse(new Parsable().setQuery(rawQuery)).getRoot();
    if (root instanceof NullItem) {
        return null;
    return root.toString();
Also used : CompositeItem( NullItem( PhraseItem( Item( AndItem( WordItem( Parsable( ParserEnvironment( NullItem( Parser( AbstractParser(

Example 5 with Parser

use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class CJKSearcherTestCase method assertTransformed.

private void assertTransformed(String queryString, String expected, Query.Type mode, Language actualLanguage, Language queryLanguage, Linguistics linguistics) {
    Parser parser = ParserFactory.newInstance(mode, new ParserEnvironment().setIndexFacts(indexFacts).setLinguistics(linguistics));
    Item root = parser.parse(new Parsable().setQuery(queryString).setLanguage(actualLanguage)).getRoot();
    assertFalse(root instanceof NullItem);
    Query query = new Query("?language=" + queryLanguage.languageCode());
    new Execution(new Chain<Searcher>(new CJKSearcher()), new Execution.Context(null, indexFacts, null, null, linguistics)).search(query);
    assertEquals(expected, query.getModel().getQueryTree().getRoot().toString());
Also used : NullItem( Item( Chain( Execution( Query( Parsable( ParserEnvironment( CJKSearcher( NullItem( Parser(


Parser ( Parsable ( Item ( NullItem ( ParserEnvironment ( AndItem ( CompositeItem ( PhraseItem ( WordItem ( Query ( Chain ( IndexFacts ( AndSegmentItem ( DotProductItem ( EquivItem ( ExactStringItem ( IntItem ( NearItem ( NotItem ( ONearItem (