use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class IntersectionImpl method update.
public void update(final Sketch sketchIn) {
final boolean firstCall = curCount_ < 0;
final Object memObj = mem_ != null ? mem_.getArray() : null;
final long memAdd = mem_ != null ? mem_.getCumulativeOffset(0) : 0;
//Corner cases
if (sketchIn == null) {
//null -> Th = 1.0, count = 0, empty = true
//No seedHash to check
//Because of the def of null above and the Empty Rule (which is OR) empty_ must be null.
empty_ = true;
//if Nth call, stays the same
thetaLong_ = firstCall ? Long.MAX_VALUE : thetaLong_;
curCount_ = 0;
if (mem_ != null) {
PreambleUtil.setEmpty(memObj, memAdd);
insertThetaLong(memObj, memAdd, thetaLong_);
insertCurCount(memObj, memAdd, 0);
Util.checkSeedHashes(seedHash_, sketchIn.getSeedHash());
//Theta rule
thetaLong_ = min(thetaLong_, sketchIn.getThetaLong());
//Empty rule
empty_ = empty_ || sketchIn.isEmpty();
if (mem_ != null) {
insertThetaLong(memObj, memAdd, thetaLong_);
if (empty_) {
PreambleUtil.setEmpty(memObj, memAdd);
} else {
clearEmpty(memObj, memAdd);
final int sketchInEntries = sketchIn.getRetainedEntries(true);
if ((curCount_ == 0) || (sketchInEntries == 0)) {
//Cases 1,2,3,5
//All future intersections result in zero data, but theta can still be reduced.
curCount_ = 0;
if (mem_ != null) {
insertCurCount(memObj, memAdd, 0);
//No need for a HT. Don't bother clearing mem if valid
hashTable_ = null;
} else if (firstCall) {
//Case 4: Clone the incoming sketch
curCount_ = sketchIn.getRetainedEntries(true);
final int requiredLgArrLongs = computeMinLgArrLongsFromCount(curCount_);
//prior only used in error message
final int priorLgArrLongs = lgArrLongs_;
lgArrLongs_ = requiredLgArrLongs;
if (mem_ != null) {
//Off heap, check if current dstMem is large enough
insertCurCount(memObj, memAdd, curCount_);
insertLgArrLongs(memObj, memAdd, lgArrLongs_);
if (requiredLgArrLongs <= maxLgArrLongs_) {
//clear only what required
mem_.clear(CONST_PREAMBLE_LONGS << 3, 8 << lgArrLongs_);
} else {
//not enough space in dstMem //TODO move to request model?
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Insufficient dstMem hash table space: " + (1 << requiredLgArrLongs) + " > " + (1 << priorLgArrLongs));
} else {
//On the heap, allocate a HT
hashTable_ = new long[1 << lgArrLongs_];
moveDataToTgt(sketchIn.getCache(), curCount_);
} else {
//Case 6: Perform full intersect
//Sets resulting hashTable, curCount and adjusts lgArrLongs
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DoublesUnionImplTest method checkResultViaMemory.
public void checkResultViaMemory() {
// empty gadget
final DoublesUnion union = DoublesUnion.builder().build();
// memory too small
WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.allocate(1);
try {
} catch (final SketchesArgumentException e) {
// expected
// sufficient memory
mem = WritableMemory.allocate(8);
DoublesSketch result = union.getResult(mem);
final int k = 128;
final int n = 1392;
mem = WritableMemory.allocate(DoublesSketch.getUpdatableStorageBytes(k, n));
final DoublesSketch qs = buildAndLoadQS(k, n);
result = union.getResult(mem);
DoublesSketchTest.testSketchEquality(result, qs);
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class SetOperation method wrap.
* Wrap takes the SetOperation image in Memory and refers to it directly.
* There is no data copying onto the java heap.
* Only "Direct" SetOperations that have been explicity stored as direct can be wrapped.
* @param srcMem an image of a SetOperation where the hash of the given seed matches the image seed hash.
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @param seed <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#seed">See Update Hash Seed</a>.
* @return a SetOperation backed by the given Memory
public static SetOperation wrap(final Memory srcMem, final long seed) {
final byte famID = srcMem.getByte(FAMILY_BYTE);
final Family family = idToFamily(famID);
final int serVer = srcMem.getByte(SER_VER_BYTE);
if (serVer != 3) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("SerVer must be 3: " + serVer);
switch(family) {
case UNION:
return UnionImpl.wrapInstance(srcMem, seed);
return IntersectionImplR.wrapInstance(srcMem, seed);
throw new SketchesArgumentException("SetOperation cannot wrap family: " + family.toString());
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class SetOperation method wrap.
* Wrap takes the SetOperation image in Memory and refers to it directly.
* There is no data copying onto the java heap.
* Only "Direct" SetOperations that have been explicity stored as direct can be wrapped.
* @param srcMem an image of a SetOperation where the hash of the given seed matches the image seed hash.
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @param seed <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#seed">See Update Hash Seed</a>.
* @return a SetOperation backed by the given Memory
public static SetOperation wrap(final WritableMemory srcMem, final long seed) {
final byte famID = srcMem.getByte(FAMILY_BYTE);
final Family family = idToFamily(famID);
final int serVer = srcMem.getByte(SER_VER_BYTE);
if (serVer != 3) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("SerVer must be 3: " + serVer);
switch(family) {
case UNION:
return UnionImpl.wrapInstance(srcMem, seed);
return IntersectionImpl.wrapInstance(srcMem, seed);
throw new SketchesArgumentException("SetOperation cannot wrap family: " + family.toString());
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class VarOptItemsUnion method heapify.
* Instantiates a Union from Memory
* @param <T> The type of item this sketch contains
* @param srcMem Memory object containing a serialized union
* @param serDe An instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return A VarOptItemsUnion created from the provided Memory
public static <T> VarOptItemsUnion<T> heapify(final Memory srcMem, final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
long n = 0;
double outerTauNum = 0.0;
long outerTauDenom = 0;
// If we have read-only memory on heap (aka not-direct) then the backing array exists but is
// not available to us, so srcMem.array() will fail. In that case, we can use the (slower)
// Memory interface methods to read values directly.
final int numPreLongs = extractPreLongs(srcMem);
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
final boolean isEmpty = (extractFlags(srcMem) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) != 0;
final int maxK = extractMaxK(srcMem);
if (!isEmpty) {
n = extractN(srcMem);
outerTauNum = extractOuterTauNumerator(srcMem);
outerTauDenom = extractOuterTauDenominator(srcMem);
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible Corruption: Ser Ver must be " + SER_VER + ": " + serVer);
final boolean preLongsEqMin = (numPreLongs == Family.VAROPT_UNION.getMinPreLongs());
final boolean preLongsEqMax = (numPreLongs == Family.VAROPT_UNION.getMaxPreLongs());
if (!preLongsEqMin && !preLongsEqMax) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible corruption: Non-empty union with only " + Family.VAROPT_UNION.getMinPreLongs() + "preLongs");
final VarOptItemsUnion<T> viu = new VarOptItemsUnion<>(maxK);
if (isEmpty) {
viu.gadget_ = VarOptItemsSketch.newInstanceAsGadget(maxK);
} else {
viu.n_ = n;
viu.outerTauNumer = outerTauNum;
viu.outerTauDenom = outerTauDenom;
final int preLongBytes = numPreLongs << 3;
final Memory sketchMem = srcMem.region(preLongBytes, srcMem.getCapacity() - preLongBytes);
viu.gadget_ = VarOptItemsSketch.heapify(sketchMem, serDe);
return viu;