use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DoublesMergeImpl method downSamplingMergeInto.
* Merges the source sketch into the target sketch that can have a smaller value of K.
* However, it is required that the ratio of the two K values be a power of 2.
* I.e., source.getK() = target.getK() * 2^(nonnegative integer).
* The source is not modified.
* @param src The source sketch
* @param tgt The target sketch
//also used by DoublesSketch, DoublesUnionImpl and HeapDoublesSketchTest
static void downSamplingMergeInto(final DoublesSketch src, final UpdateDoublesSketch tgt) {
final int srcK = src.getK();
final int tgtK = tgt.getK();
final long tgtN = tgt.getN();
if ((srcK % tgtK) != 0) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("source.getK() must equal target.getK() * 2^(nonnegative integer).");
final int downFactor = srcK / tgtK;
checkIfPowerOf2(downFactor, "source.getK()/target.getK() ratio");
final int lgDownFactor = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(downFactor);
final DoublesSketchAccessor srcSketchBuf = DoublesSketchAccessor.wrap(src);
final long nFinal = tgtN + src.getN();
for (int i = 0; i < srcSketchBuf.numItems(); i++) {
// update only the base buffer
final int spaceNeeded = DoublesUpdateImpl.getRequiredItemCapacity(tgtK, nFinal);
final int curCombBufCap = tgt.getCombinedBufferItemCapacity();
if (spaceNeeded > curCombBufCap) {
//copies base buffer plus current levels
tgt.growCombinedBuffer(curCombBufCap, spaceNeeded);
//working scratch buffers
final DoublesArrayAccessor scratch2KAcc = DoublesArrayAccessor.initialize(2 * tgtK);
final DoublesArrayAccessor downScratchKAcc = DoublesArrayAccessor.initialize(tgtK);
final DoublesSketchAccessor tgtSketchBuf = DoublesSketchAccessor.wrap(tgt, true);
long srcBitPattern = src.getBitPattern();
long newTgtBitPattern = tgt.getBitPattern();
for (int srcLvl = 0; srcBitPattern != 0L; srcLvl++, srcBitPattern >>>= 1) {
if ((srcBitPattern & 1L) > 0L) {
justZipWithStride(srcSketchBuf.setLevel(srcLvl), downScratchKAcc, tgtK, downFactor);
newTgtBitPattern = DoublesUpdateImpl.inPlacePropagateCarry(//starting level
srcLvl + lgDownFactor, //optSrcKBuf,
downScratchKAcc, //size2KBuf,
scratch2KAcc, //do mergeInto version
false, tgtK, tgtSketchBuf, newTgtBitPattern);
//off-heap is a no-op
if (tgt.isDirect() && (nFinal > 0)) {
final WritableMemory mem = tgt.getMemory();
mem.clearBits(FLAGS_BYTE, (byte) EMPTY_FLAG_MASK);
// internal consistency check
assert tgt.getN() / (2 * tgtK) == newTgtBitPattern;
final double srcMax = src.getMaxValue();
final double srcMin = src.getMinValue();
final double tgtMax = tgt.getMaxValue();
final double tgtMin = tgt.getMinValue();
if (srcMax > tgtMax) {
if (srcMin < tgtMin) {
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class DoublesSketch method putMemory.
* Puts the current sketch into the given Memory if there is sufficient space, otherwise,
* throws an error.
* @param dstMem the given memory.
* @param compact if true, compacts and sorts the base buffer, which optimizes merge
* performance at the cost of slightly increased serialization time.
public void putMemory(final WritableMemory dstMem, final boolean compact) {
if (isDirect() && isCompact() == compact) {
final Memory srcMem = getMemory();
srcMem.copyTo(0, dstMem, 0, getStorageBytes());
} else {
final byte[] byteArr = toByteArray(compact);
final int arrLen = byteArr.length;
final long memCap = dstMem.getCapacity();
if (memCap < arrLen) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Destination Memory not large enough: " + memCap + " < " + arrLen);
dstMem.putByteArray(0, byteArr, 0, arrLen);
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class ItemsSketch method getInstance.
* Heapifies the given srcMem, which must be a Memory image of a ItemsSketch
* @param <T> type of item
* @param srcMem a Memory image of a sketch.
* <a href="{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @param comparator to compare items
* @param serDe an instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return a ItemsSketch on the Java heap.
public static <T> ItemsSketch<T> getInstance(final Memory srcMem, final Comparator<? super T> comparator, final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
final long memCapBytes = srcMem.getCapacity();
if (memCapBytes < 8) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Memory too small: " + memCapBytes);
final int preambleLongs = extractPreLongs(srcMem);
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
final int familyID = extractFamilyID(srcMem);
final int flags = extractFlags(srcMem);
final int k = extractK(srcMem);
if ((serVer == 3) && ((flags & COMPACT_FLAG_MASK) == 0)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Non-compact Memory images are not supported.");
final boolean empty = Util.checkPreLongsFlagsCap(preambleLongs, flags, memCapBytes);
//checks k
final ItemsSketch<T> qs = getInstance(k, comparator);
if (empty) {
return qs;
//Not empty, must have valid preamble + min, max
final long n = extractN(srcMem);
//can't check memory capacity here, not enough information
//for min, max
final int extra = 2;
final int numMemItems = Util.computeRetainedItems(k, n) + extra;
//set class members
qs.n_ = n;
qs.combinedBufferItemCapacity_ = Util.computeCombinedBufferItemCapacity(k, n);
qs.baseBufferCount_ = computeBaseBufferItems(k, n);
qs.bitPattern_ = computeBitPattern(k, n);
qs.combinedBuffer_ = new Object[qs.combinedBufferItemCapacity_];
final int srcMemItemsOffsetBytes = preambleLongs * Long.BYTES;
final Memory mReg = srcMem.region(srcMemItemsOffsetBytes, srcMem.getCapacity() - srcMemItemsOffsetBytes);
final T[] itemsArray = serDe.deserializeFromMemory(mReg, numMemItems);
return qs;
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class ReservoirItemsUnion method heapify.
* Instantiates a Union from Memory
* @param <T> The type of item this sketch contains
* @param srcMem Memory object containing a serialized union
* @param serDe An instance of ArrayOfItemsSerDe
* @return A ReservoirItemsUnion created from the provided Memory
public static <T> ReservoirItemsUnion<T> heapify(final Memory srcMem, final ArrayOfItemsSerDe<T> serDe) {
final int numPreLongs = extractPreLongs(srcMem);
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
final boolean isEmpty = (extractFlags(srcMem) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) != 0;
int maxK = extractMaxK(srcMem);
final boolean preLongsEqMin = (numPreLongs == Family.RESERVOIR_UNION.getMinPreLongs());
final boolean preLongsEqMax = (numPreLongs == Family.RESERVOIR_UNION.getMaxPreLongs());
if (!preLongsEqMin & !preLongsEqMax) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible corruption: Non-empty union with only " + Family.RESERVOIR_UNION.getMinPreLongs() + "preLongs");
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
if (serVer == 1) {
final short encMaxK = extractEncodedReservoirSize(srcMem);
maxK = ReservoirSize.decodeValue(encMaxK);
} else {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible Corruption: Ser Ver must be " + SER_VER + ": " + serVer);
final ReservoirItemsUnion<T> riu = new ReservoirItemsUnion<>(maxK);
if (!isEmpty) {
final int preLongBytes = numPreLongs << 3;
final Memory sketchMem = srcMem.region(preLongBytes, srcMem.getCapacity() - preLongBytes);
riu.update(sketchMem, serDe);
return riu;
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class ReservoirLongsSketch method heapify.
* Returns a sketch instance of this class from the given srcMem, which must be a Memory
* representation of this sketch class.
* @param srcMem a Memory representation of a sketch of this class. <a href=
* "{@docRoot}/resources/dictionary.html#mem">See Memory</a>
* @return a sketch instance of this class
public static ReservoirLongsSketch heapify(final Memory srcMem) {
final int numPreLongs = extractPreLongs(srcMem);
final ResizeFactor rf = ResizeFactor.getRF(extractResizeFactor(srcMem));
final int serVer = extractSerVer(srcMem);
final boolean isEmpty = (extractFlags(srcMem) & EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) != 0;
final long itemsSeen = (isEmpty ? 0 : extractN(srcMem));
int k = extractK(srcMem);
// Check values
final boolean preLongsEqMin = (numPreLongs == Family.RESERVOIR.getMinPreLongs());
final boolean preLongsEqMax = (numPreLongs == Family.RESERVOIR.getMaxPreLongs());
if (!preLongsEqMin & !preLongsEqMax) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible corruption: Non-empty sketch with only " + Family.RESERVOIR.getMinPreLongs() + "preLongs");
if (serVer != SER_VER) {
if (serVer == 1) {
final short encK = extractEncodedReservoirSize(srcMem);
k = ReservoirSize.decodeValue(encK);
} else {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Possible Corruption: Ser Ver must be " + SER_VER + ": " + serVer);
if (isEmpty) {
return new ReservoirLongsSketch(k, rf);
final int preLongBytes = numPreLongs << 3;
final int numSketchLongs = (int) Math.min(itemsSeen, k);
// default to full reservoir
int allocatedSize = k;
if (itemsSeen < k) {
// under-full so determine size to allocate, using ceilingLog2(totalSeen) as minimum
// casts to int are safe since under-full
final int ceilingLgK = Util.toLog2(Util.ceilingPowerOf2(k), "heapify");
final int minLgSize = Util.toLog2(Util.ceilingPowerOf2((int) itemsSeen), "heapify");
final int initialLgSize = SamplingUtil.startingSubMultiple(ceilingLgK, rf.lg(), Math.max(minLgSize, MIN_LG_ARR_LONGS));
allocatedSize = SamplingUtil.getAdjustedSize(k, 1 << initialLgSize);
final long[] data = new long[allocatedSize];
srcMem.getLongArray(preLongBytes, data, 0, numSketchLongs);
return new ReservoirLongsSketch(data, itemsSeen, rf, k);