use of in project vespa by vespa-engine.
the class Concat method evaluate.
public <NAMETYPE extends TypeContext.Name> Tensor evaluate(EvaluationContext<NAMETYPE> context) {
Tensor a = argumentA.evaluate(context);
Tensor b = argumentB.evaluate(context);
a = ensureIndexedDimension(dimension, a);
b = ensureIndexedDimension(dimension, b);
// If you get an exception here you have implemented a mixed tensor
IndexedTensor aIndexed = (IndexedTensor) a;
IndexedTensor bIndexed = (IndexedTensor) b;
TensorType concatType = type(a.type(), b.type());
DimensionSizes concatSize = concatSize(concatType, aIndexed, bIndexed, dimension);
Tensor.Builder builder = Tensor.Builder.of(concatType, concatSize);
long aDimensionLength = aIndexed.type().indexOfDimension(dimension).map(d -> aIndexed.dimensionSizes().size(d)).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new);
int[] aToIndexes = mapIndexes(a.type(), concatType);
int[] bToIndexes = mapIndexes(b.type(), concatType);
concatenateTo(aIndexed, bIndexed, aDimensionLength, concatType, aToIndexes, bToIndexes, builder);
concatenateTo(bIndexed, aIndexed, 0, concatType, bToIndexes, aToIndexes, builder);