use of in project java-webauthn-server by Yubico.
the class FidoMetadataService method findEntries.
* Look up metadata entries matching a given attestation certificate chain or AAGUID.
* @param attestationCertificateChain an attestation certificate chain, presumably from a WebAuthn
* attestation statement.
* @param aaguid the AAGUID of the authenticator to look up, if available.
* @return All metadata entries which satisfy ALL of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>It satisfies the {@link FidoMetadataServiceBuilder#prefilter(Predicate) prefilter}.
* <li>It satisfies AT LEAST ONE of the following:
* <ul>
* <li><code>aaguid</code> is present and equals the {@link
* MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry#getAaguid() AAGUID} of the metadata entry.
* <li><code>aaguid</code> is present and equals the {@link
* MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry#getAaguid() AAGUID} of the {@link
* MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry#getMetadataStatement() metadata statement}, if any, in
* the metadata entry.
* <li>The certificate subject key identifier of any certificate in <code>
* attestationCertificateChain</code> matches any element of {@link
* MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry#getAttestationCertificateKeyIdentifiers()
* attestationCertificateKeyIdentifiers} in the metadata entry.
* <li>The certificate subject key identifier of any certificate in <code>
* attestationCertificateChain</code> matches any element of {@link
* MetadataStatement#getAttestationCertificateKeyIdentifiers()
* attestationCertificateKeyIdentifiers} in the {@link
* MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry#getMetadataStatement() metadata statement}, if any, in
* the metadata entry.
* </ul>
* <li>It satisfies the {@link FidoMetadataServiceBuilder#filter(Predicate) filter} together
* with <code>attestationCertificateChain</code> and <code>aaguid</code>.
* </ul>
* @see #findEntries(List)
* @see #findEntries(List, AAGUID)
public Set<MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry> findEntries(@NonNull List<X509Certificate> attestationCertificateChain, @NonNull Optional<AAGUID> aaguid) {
final Set<String> certSubjectKeyIdentifiers = -> {
try {
return new ByteArray(CertificateParser.computeSubjectKeyIdentifier(cert)).getHex();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("SHA-1 hash algorithm is not available in JCA context.", e);
final Optional<AAGUID> nonzeroAaguid = aaguid.filter(a -> !a.isZero());
log.debug("findEntries(certSubjectKeyIdentifiers = {}, aaguid = {})", certSubjectKeyIdentifiers, aaguid);
if (!nonzeroAaguid.isPresent()) {
log.debug("findEntries: ignoring zero AAGUID");
final Set<MetadataBLOBPayloadEntry> result = Stream.concat(, -> Optional.ofNullable(prefilteredEntriesByCertificateKeyIdentifier.get(cski)).map(Collection::stream).orElseGet(Stream::empty))).filter(metadataBLOBPayloadEntry -> this.filter.test(new AuthenticatorToBeFiltered(attestationCertificateChain, metadataBLOBPayloadEntry, aaguid.orElse(null)))).collect(Collectors.toSet());
log.debug("findEntries(certSubjectKeyIdentifiers = {}, aaguid = {}) => {} matches", certSubjectKeyIdentifiers, aaguid, result.size());
return result;