use of com.zimbra.client.ZDocument in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZDocumentTest method note.
public void note() throws Exception {
String xml = "<doc f='' d='1300925565000' rev='2' ms='2' l='0-0-0:16' ver='1' ct='text/plain' id='0-0-0:257' cr='' " + "loid='' t='' s='18' md='1300925565000' leb='' name='doc.txt' descEnabled='1' cd='1300925565000'><meta/><fr>This is a document</fr></doc>";
ZDocument doc = new ZDocument(Element.parseXML(xml));
Assert.assertEquals(null, Strings.emptyToNull(doc.getFlags()));
xml = "<doc f='t' d='1300925565000' rev='3' ms='4' l='0-0-0:16' ver='1' ct='text/plain' id='0-0-0:258' cr='' " + "loid='' t='' s='14' md='1300925565000' leb='' name='note.txt' descEnabled='1' cd='1300925565000'><meta/><fr>This is a note</fr></doc>";
ZDocument note = new ZDocument(Element.parseXML(xml));
Assert.assertEquals("t", note.getFlags());
use of com.zimbra.client.ZDocument in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDocument method testContentType.
* Tests the content-type based on file extension.
public void testContentType() throws Exception {
// Create two documents.
ZMailbox mbox = TestUtil.getZMailbox(USER_NAME);
String folderId = Integer.toString(Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_BRIEFCASE);
ZDocument doc1 = TestUtil.createDocument(mbox, folderId, NAME_PREFIX + "-docOne.doc", "application/octet-stream", "doc1".getBytes());
ZDocument doc2 = TestUtil.createDocument(mbox, folderId, NAME_PREFIX + "-docTwo.xls", "application/ms-tnef", "doc2".getBytes());
// Confirm that the content-type changed based on file extension
Assert.assertEquals("application/msword", doc1.getContentType());
Assert.assertEquals("application/", doc2.getContentType());
use of com.zimbra.client.ZDocument in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestUserServlet method testSanitizeHtmlContentType.
* Verifies that the value of {@code zimbraNotebookSanitizeHtml} does not
* affect the {@code Content-Type} header (bug 67752).
* @throws HttpException
public void testSanitizeHtmlContentType() throws ServiceException, IOException, HttpException {
ZMailbox mbox = TestUtil.getZMailbox(USER_NAME);
ZDocument doc = TestUtil.createDocument(mbox, Integer.toString(Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_BRIEFCASE), NAME_PREFIX + " testSanitizeHtmlContentType.txt", "text/plain", "testSanitizeHtmlContentType".getBytes());
Account account = TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME);
checkContentType(mbox, doc);
checkContentType(mbox, doc);
use of com.zimbra.client.ZDocument in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZMailboxUtil method dumpSearch.
private void dumpSearch(ZSearchResult sr, boolean verbose) {
if (verbose) {
int offset = mSearchPage * mSearchParams.getLimit();
int first = offset + 1;
int last = offset + sr.getHits().size();
stdout.printf("num: %d, more: %s%n%n", sr.getHits().size(), sr.hasMore());
int width = colWidth(last);
if (sr.getHits().size() == 0) {
final int FROM_LEN = 20;
int id_len = 4;
for (ZSearchHit hit : sr.getHits()) {
id_len = Math.max(id_len, hit.getId().length());
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
String headerFormat = String.format("%%%d.%ds %%%d.%ds %%4s %%-20.20s %%-50.50s %%s%%n", width, width, id_len, id_len);
String itemFormat = String.format("%%%d.%ds. %%%d.%ds %%4s %%-20.20s %%-50.50s %%tD %%<tR%%n", width, width, id_len, id_len);
stdout.format(headerFormat, "", "Id", "Type", "From", "Subject", "Date");
stdout.format(headerFormat, "", "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "----", "--------------------", "--------------------------------------------------", "--------------");
int i = first;
for (ZSearchHit hit : sr.getHits()) {
if (hit instanceof ZConversationHit) {
ZConversationHit ch = (ZConversationHit) hit;
String sub = ch.getSubject();
String from = emailAddrs(ch.getRecipients());
if (ch.getMessageCount() > 1) {
String numMsg = " (" + ch.getMessageCount() + ")";
int space = FROM_LEN - numMsg.length();
from = ((from.length() < space) ? from : from.substring(0, space)) + numMsg;
// if (ch.getFragment() != null || ch.getFragment().length() > 0)
// sub += " (" + ch.getFragment()+")";
mIndexToId.put(i, ch.getId());
stdout.format(itemFormat, i++, ch.getId(), "conv", from, sub, cal);
} else if (hit instanceof ZContactHit) {
ZContactHit ch = (ZContactHit) hit;
String from = getFirstEmail(ch);
String sub = ch.getFileAsStr();
mIndexToId.put(i, ch.getId());
stdout.format(itemFormat, i++, ch.getId(), "cont", from, sub, cal);
} else if (hit instanceof ZMessageHit) {
ZMessageHit mh = (ZMessageHit) hit;
String sub = mh.getSubject();
String from = mh.getSender() == null ? "<none>" : mh.getSender().getDisplay();
mIndexToId.put(i, mh.getId());
stdout.format(itemFormat, i++, mh.getId(), "mess", from, sub, cal);
} else if (hit instanceof ZAppointmentHit) {
ZAppointmentHit ah = (ZAppointmentHit) hit;
if (ah.getInstanceExpanded()) {
} else {
String sub = ah.getName();
String from = "<na>";
mIndexToId.put(i, ah.getId());
stdout.format(itemFormat, i++, ah.getId(), ah.getIsTask() ? "task" : "appo", from, sub, cal);
} else if (hit instanceof ZDocumentHit) {
ZDocumentHit dh = (ZDocumentHit) hit;
ZDocument doc = dh.getDocument();
String name = doc.getName();
String editor = doc.getEditor();
mIndexToId.put(i, dh.getId());
stdout.format(itemFormat, i++, dh.getId(), doc.isWiki() ? "wiki" : "doc", editor, name, cal);
use of com.zimbra.client.ZDocument in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDocument method testNote.
* Tests documents created with the {@code Note} flag set.
public void testNote() throws Exception {
// Create a document and a note.
ZMailbox mbox = TestUtil.getZMailbox(USER_NAME);
String folderId = Integer.toString(Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_BRIEFCASE);
ZDocument doc = TestUtil.createDocument(mbox, folderId, NAME_PREFIX + "-doc.txt", "text/plain", "doc".getBytes());
ZDocument note = TestUtil.createDocument(mbox, folderId, NAME_PREFIX + "-note.txt", "text/plain", "note".getBytes(), true);
String flags = Character.toString(ZItem.Flag.NOTE.getFlagChar());
mbox.updateItem(note.getId(), null, null, flags, null);
// Confirm that the Note flag is set when getting the documents.
doc = mbox.getDocument(doc.getId());
Assert.assertEquals(null, doc.getFlags());
Assert.assertEquals(flags, note.getFlags());
// Test searching for notes.
List<String> ids =, "in:briefcase tag:\\note", ZSearchParams.TYPE_DOCUMENT);
Assert.assertEquals(1, ids.size());
Assert.assertEquals(note.getId(), ids.get(0));