Search in sources :

Example 1 with MailboxStore

use of com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method doLSUB.

private boolean doLSUB(String tag, String referenceName, String mailboxName) throws ImapException, IOException {
    checkCommandThrottle(new LsubCommand(referenceName, mailboxName));
    if (!checkState(tag, State.AUTHENTICATED)) {
        return true;
    Pair<String, Pattern> resolved = resolvePath(referenceName, mailboxName);
    String resolvedPath = resolved.getFirst();
    Pattern pattern = resolved.getSecond();
    Pattern childPattern = Pattern.compile(pattern.pattern() + "/.*");
    ImapPath patternPath = new ImapPath(resolvedPath, credentials, ImapPath.Scope.UNPARSED);
    List<String> subscriptions = null;
    try {
        // you cannot access your own mailbox via the /home/username mechanism
        String owner = patternPath.getOwner();
        if (owner == null || owner.indexOf('*') != -1 || owner.indexOf('%') != -1 || !patternPath.belongsTo(credentials)) {
            Map<SubscribedImapPath, Boolean> hits = new HashMap<SubscribedImapPath, Boolean>();
            if (owner == null) {
                MailboxStore mbox = credentials.getMailbox();
                boolean isMailFolders = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer().isImapDisplayMailFoldersOnly();
                for (FolderStore folder : mbox.getUserRootSubfolderHierarchy(getContext())) {
                    // chat has item type of message.hence ignoring the chat folder by name.
                    if ((isMailFolders) && (folder.isChatsFolder() || (folder.getName().equals("Chats")))) {
                    String fAcctId = folder.getFolderItemIdentifier().accountId;
                    if ((fAcctId != null) && !fAcctId.equals(credentials.getAccountId())) {
                        // ignore imapSubscribed flag on remote folders - they apply to the remote acct
                    if (folder.isIMAPSubscribed()) {
                        checkSubscription(new SubscribedImapPath(new ImapPath(null, folder, credentials)), pattern, childPattern, hits);
            Set<String> remoteSubscriptions = credentials.listSubscriptions();
            if (remoteSubscriptions != null && !remoteSubscriptions.isEmpty()) {
                for (String sub : remoteSubscriptions) {
                    ImapPath subscribed = new ImapPath(sub, credentials);
                    if ((owner == null) == (subscribed.getOwner() == null)) {
                        checkSubscription(new SubscribedImapPath(subscribed), pattern, childPattern, hits);
            subscriptions = new ArrayList<String>(hits.size());
            for (Entry<SubscribedImapPath, Boolean> hit : hits.entrySet()) {
                String attrs = hit.getValue() ? "" : "\\NoSelect";
                subscriptions.add("LSUB (" + attrs + ") \"/\" " + hit.getKey().asUtf7String());
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        ZimbraLog.imap.warn("LSUB failed", e);
        sendNO(tag, "LSUB failed");
        return canContinue(e);
    if (subscriptions != null) {
        for (String sub : subscriptions) {
    sendNotifications(true, false);
    sendOK(tag, "LSUB completed");
    return true;
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) MailboxStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SearchFolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.SearchFolderStore) FolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.FolderStore) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)

Example 2 with MailboxStore

use of com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method status.

private String status(ImapPath path, byte status) throws ImapException, ServiceException {
    StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder("STATUS ").append(path.asUtf7String()).append(" (");
    int empty = data.length();
    int messages;
    int recent;
    int uidnext;
    int uvv;
    int unread;
    int modseq;
    MailboxStore mboxStore = path.getOwnerMailbox();
    if (mboxStore != null) {
        FolderStore folder = path.getFolder();
        if (folder == null) {
            throw MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_FOLDER(path.asImapPath());
        ImapFolder i4folder = getSelectedFolder();
        messages = folder.getImapMessageCount();
        if ((status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_RECENT) == 0) {
            recent = -1;
        } else if (messages == 0) {
            recent = 0;
        } else if (i4folder != null && i4folder.getItemIdentifier().sameAndFullyDefined(folder.getFolderItemIdentifier())) {
            recent = i4folder.getRecentCount();
        } else if (i4folder != null && path.isEquivalent(i4folder.getPath())) {
            recent = i4folder.getRecentCount();
        } else {
            ImapMailboxStore imapStore = path.getOwnerImapMailboxStore();
            recent = imapStore.getImapRECENT(this.getContext(), folder);
        uidnext = folder.isSearchFolder() ? -1 : folder.getImapUIDNEXT();
        uvv = folder.getUIDValidity();
        unread = folder.getImapUnreadCount();
        modseq = folder.isSearchFolder() ? 0 : folder.getImapMODSEQ();
        ZimbraLog.imap.debug("STATUS for %s. unread %d, recent %d, count %d", folder.getPath(), unread, recent, messages);
    } else {
        throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(path.getOwner());
    if (messages >= 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_MESSAGES) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("MESSAGES ").append(messages);
    if (recent >= 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_RECENT) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("RECENT ").append(recent);
    // note: we're not supporting UIDNEXT for search folders; see the comments in selectFolder()
    if (uidnext > 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_UIDNEXT) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("UIDNEXT ").append(uidnext);
    if (uvv > 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_UIDVALIDITY) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("UIDVALIDITY ").append(uvv);
    if (unread >= 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_UNSEEN) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("UNSEEN ").append(unread);
    if (modseq >= 0 && (status & StatusDataItemNames.STATUS_HIGHESTMODSEQ) != 0) {
        data.append(data.length() != empty ? " " : "").append("HIGHESTMODSEQ ").append(modseq);
    return data.append(')').toString();
Also used : MailboxStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore) SearchFolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.SearchFolderStore) FolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.FolderStore)

Example 3 with MailboxStore

use of com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method doDELETEACL.

private boolean doDELETEACL(String tag, ImapPath path, String principal) throws IOException {
    if (!checkState(tag, State.AUTHENTICATED)) {
        return true;
    try {
        // make sure the requester has sufficient permissions to make the request
        if ((path.getFolderRights() & ACL.RIGHT_ADMIN) == 0) {
  "DELETEACL failed: user does not have admin access: " + path);
            sendNO(tag, "DELETEACL failed");
            return true;
        // figure out whose permissions are being revoked
        GranteeIdAndType grantee = getPrincipalGranteeInfo(principal);
        if ( == null) {
  "DELETEACL failed: cannot resolve principal: %s", principal);
            sendNO(tag, "DELETEACL failed");
            return true;
        // and revoke the permissions appropriately
        MailboxStore mboxStore = path.getOwnerMailbox();
        if (mboxStore != null) {
            FolderStore folder = path.getFolder();
            if (!folder.getACLGrants().isEmpty()) {
                mboxStore.modifyFolderRevokeGrant(getContext(), folder.getFolderIdAsString(),;
                if ( == GuestAccount.GUID_AUTHUSER) {
                    mboxStore.modifyFolderRevokeGrant(getContext(), folder.getFolderIdAsString(), GuestAccount.GUID_PUBLIC);
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        if (e.getCode().equals(ServiceException.PERM_DENIED)) {
  "DELETEACL failed: permission denied on folder: %s", path);
        } else if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_FOLDER)) {
  "DELETEACL failed: no such folder: %s", path);
        } else if (e.getCode().equals(AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)) {
  "DELETEACL failed: no such account: %s", principal);
        } else {
            ZimbraLog.imap.warn("DELETEACL failed", e);
        sendNO(tag, "DELETEACL failed");
        return true;
    sendNotifications(true, false);
    sendOK(tag, "DELETEACL completed");
    return true;
Also used : MailboxStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) SearchFolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.SearchFolderStore) FolderStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.FolderStore)

Example 4 with MailboxStore

use of com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method sendNotifications.

public void sendNotifications(boolean notifyExpunges, boolean flush) throws IOException {
    ImapProxy proxy = imapProxy;
    if (proxy != null) {
    ImapListener i4selected = getCurrentImapListener();
    if (i4selected == null || !i4selected.hasNotifications()) {
    MailboxStore mbox = i4selected.getMailbox();
    if (mbox == null) {
    ImapFolder i4folder;
    try {
        i4folder = i4selected.getImapFolder();
    } catch (ImapSessionClosedException e) {
    List<String> notifications = new ArrayList<String>();
    // XXX: is this the right thing to synchronize on?
    try {
        if (i4folder.areTagsDirty()) {
            notifications.add("FLAGS (" + StringUtil.join(" ", i4folder.getFlagList(false)) + ')');
        int oldRecent = i4folder.getRecentCount();
        boolean removed = false;
        boolean received = i4folder.checkpointSize();
        if (notifyExpunges) {
            List<Integer> expunged = i4folder.collapseExpunged(sessionActivated(ImapExtension.QRESYNC));
            removed = !expunged.isEmpty();
            if (removed) {
                if (sessionActivated(ImapExtension.QRESYNC)) {
                    notifications.add("VANISHED " + ImapFolder.encodeSubsequence(expunged));
                } else {
                    for (Integer index : expunged) {
                        notifications.add(index + " EXPUNGE");
        // notify of any message flag changes
        boolean sendModseq = sessionActivated(ImapExtension.CONDSTORE);
        for (Iterator<ImapFolder.DirtyMessage> it = i4folder.dirtyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            ImapFolder.DirtyMessage dirty =;
            if (dirty.i4msg.isAdded()) {
            } else {
                notifications.add(dirty.i4msg.sequence + " FETCH (" + dirty.i4msg.getFlags(i4folder) + (sendModseq && dirty.modseq > 0 ? " MODSEQ (" + dirty.modseq + ')' : "") + ')');
        if (received || removed) {
            notifications.add(i4folder.getSize() + " EXISTS");
        if (received || oldRecent != i4folder.getRecentCount()) {
            notifications.add(i4folder.getRecentCount() + " RECENT");
    } finally {
    // no I/O while the Mailbox is locked...
    for (String ntfn : notifications) {
    if (flush) {
Also used : MailboxStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 5 with MailboxStore

use of com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ImapHandler method doCREATE.

private boolean doCREATE(String tag, ImapPath path) throws IOException, ImapThrottledException {
    checkCommandThrottle(new CreateCommand(path));
    if (!checkState(tag, State.AUTHENTICATED)) {
        return true;
    if (!path.isCreatable()) {"CREATE failed: hidden folder or parent: " + path);
        sendNO(tag, "CREATE failed");
        return true;
    try {
        MailboxStore mbox = path.getOwnerMailbox();
        if (mbox != null) {
            mbox.createFolderForMsgs(getContext(), path.asResolvedPath());
        } else {
            throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(path.getOwner());
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        String cause = "CREATE failed";
        if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.CANNOT_CONTAIN)) {
            cause += ": superior mailbox has \\Noinferiors set";
        } else if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
            cause += ": mailbox already exists";
        } else if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.INVALID_NAME)) {
            cause += ": invalid mailbox name";
        } else if (e.getCode().equals(ServiceException.PERM_DENIED)) {
            cause += ": permission denied";
        if ("CREATE failed".equals(cause)) {
            ZimbraLog.imap.warn(cause, e);
        } else {
  "%s: %s", cause, path);
        sendNO(tag, cause);
        return canContinue(e);
    sendNotifications(true, false);
    sendOK(tag, "CREATE completed");
    return true;
Also used : MailboxStore(com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)


MailboxStore (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MailboxStore)34 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)22 MailServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)17 AccountServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException)14 SearchFolderStore (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.SearchFolderStore)10 FolderStore (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.FolderStore)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ItemIdentifier (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ItemIdentifier)5 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)4 ZimbraMailItem (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ZimbraMailItem)3 ImapMessageSet (com.zimbra.cs.imap.ImapMessage.ImapMessageSet)3 Mailbox (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox)3 IOException ( ZMailbox (com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox)2 ZSharedFolder (com.zimbra.client.ZSharedFolder)2 MountpointStore (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.MountpointStore)2 ZimbraQueryHit (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ZimbraQueryHit)2 ZimbraQueryHitResults (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ZimbraQueryHitResults)2 ZimbraSearchParams (com.zimbra.common.mailbox.ZimbraSearchParams)2 GuestAccount (com.zimbra.cs.account.GuestAccount)2