use of com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestAuthentication method testAuthViaPreauthToken.
* test auth request with preauth in SOAP instead of login/password
* @throws Exception
public void testAuthViaPreauthToken() throws Exception {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expires = timestamp + 60000;
String domainPreAuthKey = setUpAndReturnDomainAuthKey();
Account a = TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME);
AccountSelector acctSel = new AccountSelector(, a.getName());
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(acctSel);
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("account", a.getName());
params.put("by", "name");
params.put("timestamp", timestamp + "");
params.put("expires", expires + "");
PreAuth preAuth = new PreAuth().setExpires(expires).setTimestamp(timestamp).setValue(PreAuthKey.computePreAuth(params, domainPreAuthKey));
req = req.setPreauth(preAuth);
Element resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
AuthResponse authResp = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(resp);
assertTrue("Lifetime is invalid", authResp.getLifetime() < expires - timestamp);
String newAuthToken = authResp.getAuthToken();
assertNotNull("should have received a new authtoken", newAuthToken);
assertTrue("should have a received a non-empty authtoken", newAuthToken.length() > 0);
AuthToken at = ZimbraAuthToken.getAuthToken(newAuthToken);
assertTrue("new auth token should be registered", at.isRegistered());
assertFalse("new auth token should not be expired yet", at.isExpired());
use of com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestUtil method authUser.
public static SoapTransport authUser(String acctName, String password) throws Exception {
com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector acct = new com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector(, acctName);
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(acct, password);
AuthResponse resp = SoapTest.invokeJaxb(transport, req);
return transport;
use of com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestDeployZimlet method testZipWithAbsolutePath.
public void testZipWithAbsolutePath() throws Exception {
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getAdminSoapUrl());
com.zimbra.soap.admin.message.AuthRequest authReq = new com.zimbra.soap.admin.message.AuthRequest(LC.zimbra_ldap_user.value(), LC.zimbra_ldap_password.value());
Element response = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(authReq, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
com.zimbra.soap.admin.message.AuthResponse authResp = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(response);
String authToken = authResp.getAuthToken();
String aid = adminUpload(authToken, "", "/opt/zimbra/unittest/zimlets/");
assertNotNull("Attachment ID should not be null", aid);
AttachmentIdAttrib att = new AttachmentIdAttrib(aid);
DeployZimletRequest deployReq = new DeployZimletRequest(AdminConstants.A_DEPLOYLOCAL, false, true, att);
Element req = JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(deployReq);
try {
Element res = transport.invoke(req);
fail("Should throw SoapFaultException");
} catch (SoapFaultException e) {
//check that file did not get extracted to absolute path
File rogueFile = new File("/opt/zimbra/conf/rogue.file");
assertFalse("/opt/zimbra/conf/rogue.file should not have been created", rogueFile.exists());
use of com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestCookieReuse method testInvalidSearchRequest.
* Verify that we canNOT RE-use the cookie taken from a legitimate HTTP session for a SOAP request after
* ending the original session
public void testInvalidSearchRequest() throws ServiceException, IOException {
//establish legitimate connection
TestUtil.setAccountAttr(USER_NAME, Provisioning.A_zimbraForceClearCookies, "FALSE");
ZMailbox mbox = TestUtil.getZMailbox(USER_NAME);
URI uri = mbox.getRestURI("Inbox?fmt=rss");
ZAuthToken authT = mbox.getAuthToken();
//create evesdropper's SOAP client
SoapHttpTransport transport = new HttpCookieSoapTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
//check that search returns something
SearchRequest searchReq = new SearchRequest();
Element req = JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(searchReq, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory());
Element res = transport.invoke(req);
SearchResponse searchResp = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(res);
List<SearchHit> searchHits = searchResp.getSearchHits();
Assert.assertFalse("this search request should return some conversations", searchHits.isEmpty());
//explicitely end cookie session
Account a = TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME);
EndSessionRequest esr = new EndSessionRequest();
//check that search returns nothing
transport = new HttpCookieSoapTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
searchReq = new SearchRequest();
try {
req = JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(searchReq, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory());
res = transport.invoke(req);
searchResp = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(res);
searchHits = searchResp.getSearchHits();
Assert.assertTrue("this search request should fail", searchHits.isEmpty());
} catch (SoapFaultException ex) {
Assert.assertEquals("Should be getting 'auth required' exception", ServiceException.AUTH_EXPIRED, ex.getCode());
use of com.zimbra.common.soap.SoapHttpTransport in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestCookieReuse method testForgedNonCSRFPost.
* Verify that we CANNOT make an POST request with a non-CSRF-enabled auth token if the auth token
* has an associated CSRF token
public void testForgedNonCSRFPost() throws Exception {
AuthToken at = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME));
CsrfUtil.generateCsrfToken(at.getAccountId(), at.getExpires(), new Random().nextInt() + 1, at);
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
GetInfoRequest request = new GetInfoRequest();
try {
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("should be catching AUTH EXPIRED here", ServiceException.AUTH_REQUIRED, e.getCode());
}"should have caught an exception");