use of com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZMailbox method changePassword.
private ZChangePasswordResult changePassword(String key, AccountBy by, String oldPassword, String newPassword, String virtualHost) throws ServiceException {
if (mTransport == null) {
throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("must call setURI before calling changePassword", null);
AccountSelector account = new AccountSelector(SoapConverter.TO_SOAP_ACCOUNT_BY.apply(by), key);
ChangePasswordRequest req = new ChangePasswordRequest(account, oldPassword, newPassword);
ChangePasswordResponse res = invokeJaxb(req);
return new ZChangePasswordResult(res);
use of com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ZMailbox method authByPassword.
public ZAuthResult authByPassword(Options options, String password) throws ServiceException {
if (mTransport == null) {
throw ZClientException.CLIENT_ERROR("must call setURI before calling authenticate", null);
AccountSelector account = new AccountSelector(, options.getAccount());
AuthRequest auth = new AuthRequest(account, password);
if (options.getTrustedDevice()) {
if (options.getAuthToken() != null) {
auth.setAuthToken(new AuthToken(options.getAuthToken().getValue(), false));
if (options.getDeviceId() != null) {
if (options.getTrustedDeviceToken() != null) {
if (options.getGenerateDeviceId()) {
addAttrsAndPrefs(auth, options);
AuthResponse authRes = invokeJaxb(auth);
ZAuthResult r = new ZAuthResult(authRes);
return r;
use of com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class GetAdminConsoleUIComp method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
GetAdminConsoleUICompRequest req = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(request);
AccountSelector accountSel = req.getAccount();
DistributionListSelector dlSel = req.getDl();
Element resp = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.GET_ADMIN_CONSOLE_UI_COMP_RESPONSE);
if ((null != accountSel) && (null != dlSel)) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("can only specify eith account or dl", null);
Account authedAcct = getAuthenticatedAccount(zsc);
Set<String> added = new HashSet<String>();
GroupMembership aclGroups = null;
if (accountSel != null) {
AccountBy by = accountSel.getBy().toKeyAccountBy();
String key = accountSel.getKey();
Account acct = prov.get(by, key);
AccountHarvestingCheckerUsingCheckRight checker = new AccountHarvestingCheckerUsingCheckRight(zsc, context, Admin.R_viewAccountAdminUI);
if (acct == null) {
defendAgainstAccountHarvestingWhenAbsent(by, key, zsc, checker);
} else {
if (!authedAcct.getId().equals(acct.getId())) {
defendAgainstAccountHarvesting(acct, by, key, zsc, checker);
addValues(acct, resp, added, false);
aclGroups = prov.getGroupMembership(acct, true);
} else if (dlSel != null) {
Key.DistributionListBy by = dlSel.getBy().toKeyDistributionListBy();
String key = dlSel.getKey();
DistributionList dl = prov.getDLBasic(by, key);
GroupHarvestingCheckerUsingCheckRight checker = new GroupHarvestingCheckerUsingCheckRight(zsc, context, Admin.R_viewDistributionListAdminUI);
if (dl == null) {
defendAgainstGroupHarvestingWhenAbsent(by, key, zsc, checker);
} else {
defendAgainstGroupHarvesting(dl, by, key, zsc, checker);
addValues(dl, resp, added, false);
aclGroups = prov.getGroupMembership(dl, true);
} else {
// use the authed account
addValues(authedAcct, resp, added, false);
aclGroups = prov.getGroupMembership(authedAcct, true);
if (aclGroups != null) {
for (String groupId : aclGroups.groupIds()) {
DistributionList dl = prov.get(, groupId);
addValues(dl, resp, added, true);
return resp;
use of com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestAuthentication method testAccountLockout.
public void testAccountLockout() throws Exception {
String wrongPassword1 = "test1234";
String wrongPassword2 = "test12345";
Account acct = TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME);
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
AccountSelector acctSel = new AccountSelector(, acct.getName());
AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(acctSel, wrongPassword1);
// Verify lockout happen after 2 invalid login using same password.
Element resp;
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("account is not lockedout", verifyLockedoutAndReactivateAccount(acct, transport));
// Add Soap protocol to PasswordLockoutSuppressionProtocols
// Verify lock out should not happen after 2 invalid login using same password and next login with different invalid password should be locked out.
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("account is not active", acct.getAccountStatus().equals(;
req = new AuthRequest(acctSel, wrongPassword2);
try {
resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("account is not lockedout", verifyLockedoutAndReactivateAccount(acct, transport));
use of com.zimbra.soap.type.AccountSelector in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class TestAuthentication method testAuthViaPreauthToken.
* test auth request with preauth in SOAP instead of login/password
* @throws Exception
public void testAuthViaPreauthToken() throws Exception {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
long expires = timestamp + 60000;
String domainPreAuthKey = setUpAndReturnDomainAuthKey();
Account a = TestUtil.getAccount(USER_NAME);
AccountSelector acctSel = new AccountSelector(, a.getName());
SoapHttpTransport transport = new SoapHttpTransport(TestUtil.getSoapUrl());
AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(acctSel);
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("account", a.getName());
params.put("by", "name");
params.put("timestamp", timestamp + "");
params.put("expires", expires + "");
PreAuth preAuth = new PreAuth().setExpires(expires).setTimestamp(timestamp).setValue(PreAuthKey.computePreAuth(params, domainPreAuthKey));
req = req.setPreauth(preAuth);
Element resp = transport.invoke(JaxbUtil.jaxbToElement(req, SoapProtocol.SoapJS.getFactory()));
AuthResponse authResp = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(resp);
assertTrue("Lifetime is invalid", authResp.getLifetime() < expires - timestamp);
String newAuthToken = authResp.getAuthToken();
assertNotNull("should have received a new authtoken", newAuthToken);
assertTrue("should have a received a non-empty authtoken", newAuthToken.length() > 0);
AuthToken at = ZimbraAuthToken.getAuthToken(newAuthToken);
assertTrue("new auth token should be registered", at.isRegistered());
assertFalse("new auth token should not be expired yet", at.isExpired());