use of com.zimbra.cs.account.Account in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class DavServlet method checkCachedResponse.
private CacheStates checkCachedResponse(DavContext ctxt, Account authUser) throws IOException, DavException, ServiceException {
CacheStates cache = new CacheStates();
// Are we running with cache enabled, and is this a cachable CalDAV ctag request?
if (cache.ctagCacheEnabled && isCtagRequest(ctxt)) {
cache.ctagResponseCache = CalendarCacheManager.getInstance().getCtagResponseCache();
cache.gzipAccepted = ctxt.isGzipAccepted();
String targetUser = ctxt.getUser();
Account targetAcct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, targetUser);
boolean ownAcct = targetAcct != null && targetAcct.getId().equals(authUser.getId());
String parentPath = ctxt.getPath();
KnownUserAgent knownUA = ctxt.getKnownUserAgent();
// Use cache only when requesting own account and User-Agent and path are well-defined.
if (ownAcct && knownUA != null && parentPath != null) {
AccountKey accountKey = new AccountKey(targetAcct.getId());
AccountCtags allCtagsData = CalendarCacheManager.getInstance().getCtags(accountKey);
// We can't use cache if it doesn't have data for this user.
if (allCtagsData != null) {
boolean validRoot = true;
int rootFolderId = Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT;
if (!"/".equals(parentPath)) {
CtagInfo calInfoRoot = allCtagsData.getByPath(parentPath);
if (calInfoRoot != null)
rootFolderId = calInfoRoot.getId();
validRoot = false;
if (validRoot) {
// Is there a previously cached response?
cache.ctagCacheKey = new CtagResponseCacheKey(targetAcct.getId(), knownUA.toString(), rootFolderId);
CtagResponseCacheValue ctagResponse = cache.ctagResponseCache.get(cache.ctagCacheKey);
if (ctagResponse != null) {
// Found a cached response. Let's check if it's stale.
// 1. If calendar list has been updated since, cached response is no good.
String currentCalListVer = allCtagsData.getVersion();
if (currentCalListVer.equals(ctagResponse.getVersion())) {
// 2. We have to examine ctags of individual calendars.
boolean cacheHit = true;
Map<Integer, String> oldCtags = ctagResponse.getCtags();
// We're good if ctags from before are unchanged.
for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : oldCtags.entrySet()) {
int calFolderId = entry.getKey();
String ctag = entry.getValue();
CtagInfo calInfoCurr = allCtagsData.getById(calFolderId);
if (calInfoCurr == null) {
// Just a sanity check. The cal list version check should have
// already taken care of added/removed calendars.
cacheHit = false;
if (!ctag.equals(calInfoCurr.getCtag())) {
// A calendar has been modified. Stale!
cacheHit = false;
if (cacheHit) {
ZimbraLog.dav.debug("CTAG REQUEST CACHE HIT");
// All good. Send cached response.
HttpServletResponse response = ctxt.getResponse();
byte[] respData = ctagResponse.getResponseBody();
byte[] unzipped = null;
if (ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled() || (ctagResponse.isGzipped() && !cache.gzipAccepted)) {
if (ctagResponse.isGzipped()) {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(respData);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
GZIPInputStream gzis = null;
try {
gzis = new GZIPInputStream(bais, respData.length);
ByteUtil.copy(gzis, false, baos, true);
} finally {
unzipped = baos.toByteArray();
} else {
unzipped = respData;
if (ZimbraLog.dav.isDebugEnabled()) {
ZimbraLog.dav.debug("RESPONSE:\n" + new String(unzipped, "UTF-8"));
if (!ctagResponse.isGzipped()) {
} else {
if (cache.gzipAccepted) {
response.addHeader(DavProtocol.HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, DavProtocol.ENCODING_GZIP);
} else {
assert (unzipped != null);
// Tell the context the response has been sent.
if (!ctxt.isResponseSent()) {
// Cache miss, or cached response is stale. We're gonna have to generate the
// response the hard way. Capture a snapshot of current state of calendars
// to attach to the response to be cached later.
cache.cacheThisCtagResponse = true;
cache.acctVerSnapshot = allCtagsData.getVersion();
cache.ctagsSnapshot = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
Collection<CtagInfo> childCals = allCtagsData.getChildren(rootFolderId);
if (rootFolderId != Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT) {
CtagInfo ctagRoot = allCtagsData.getById(rootFolderId);
if (ctagRoot != null)
cache.ctagsSnapshot.put(rootFolderId, ctagRoot.getCtag());
for (CtagInfo calInfo : childCals) {
cache.ctagsSnapshot.put(calInfo.getId(), calInfo.getCtag());
if (!ctxt.isResponseSent())
ZimbraLog.dav.debug("CTAG REQUEST CACHE MISS");
return cache;
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.Account in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class AclReports method getAclPrincipals.
private ArrayList<DavResource> getAclPrincipals(DavContext ctxt) throws DavException, ServiceException {
ArrayList<DavResource> ret = new ArrayList<DavResource>();
DavResource res = ctxt.getRequestedResource();
if (!(res instanceof MailItemResource))
return ret;
List<Ace> aces = ((MailItemResource) res).getAce(ctxt);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
for (Ace ace : aces) {
if (ace.hasHref()) {
Account acct = prov.get(, ace.getZimbraId());
if (acct != null)
ret.add(UrlNamespace.getPrincipal(ctxt, acct));
return ret;
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.Account in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ImapHandler method doLISTRIGHTS.
private boolean doLISTRIGHTS(String tag, ImapPath path, String principal) throws IOException {
if (!checkState(tag, State.AUTHENTICATED)) {
return true;
boolean isOwner = false;
try {
if (!"anyone".equals(principal)) {
Account acct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, principal);
if (acct == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(principal);
isOwner = path.belongsTo(acct.getId());
// as a side effect, path.getFolderRights() checks for the existence of the target folder
if ((path.getFolderRights() & ACL.RIGHT_ADMIN) == 0) {
throw ServiceException.PERM_DENIED("you must have admin privileges to perform LISTRIGHTS");
} catch (ServiceException e) {
if (e.getCode().equals(ServiceException.PERM_DENIED)) {"LISTRIGHTS failed: permission denied on folder: %s", path);
} else if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_FOLDER)) {"LISTRIGHTS failed: no such folder: %s", path);
} else if (e.getCode().equals(AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)) {"LISTRIGHTS failed: no such account: %s", principal);
} else {
ZimbraLog.imap.warn("LISTRIGHTS failed", e);
sendNO(tag, "LISTRIGHTS failed");
return canContinue(e);
if (isOwner) {
sendUntagged("LISTRIGHTS " + path.asUtf7String() + " \"" + principal + "\" " + IMAP_CONCATENATED_RIGHTS);
} else {
sendUntagged("LISTRIGHTS " + path.asUtf7String() + " \"" + principal + "\" \"\" " + IMAP_DELIMITED_RIGHTS);
sendNotifications(true, false);
sendOK(tag, "LISTRIGHTS completed");
return true;
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.Account in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ImapPath method isEquivalent.
public boolean isEquivalent(ImapPath other) {
if (!mPath.equalsIgnoreCase(other.mPath)) {
return false;
} else if (mOwner == other.mOwner || (mOwner != null && mOwner.equalsIgnoreCase(other.mOwner))) {
return true;
try {
Account acct = getOwnerAccount();
Account otheracct = other.getOwnerAccount();
return (acct == null || otheracct == null ? false : acct.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(otheracct.getId()));
} catch (ServiceException e) {
return false;
use of com.zimbra.cs.account.Account in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ImapPath method setupMailboxStoreForTarget.
private ImapMailboxStore setupMailboxStoreForTarget(Account target, ItemId iidRemote) throws ServiceException {
ImapMailboxStore imapMailboxStore = null;
// if both target and owner are on local server and using local imap
if (Provisioning.onLocalServer(target) && onLocalServer()) {
try {
MailboxStore mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(target);
imapMailboxStore = ImapMailboxStore.get(mbox, target.getId());
} catch (ServiceException se) {
ZimbraLog.imap.debug("Unexpected exception", se);
} else {
Account acct = mCredentials == null ? null : Provisioning.getInstance().get(, mCredentials.getAccountId());
if (acct == null) {
return null;
try {
ZMailbox zmbx = getZMailboxForAccount(target);
ZFolder zfolder = zmbx.getFolderById(iidRemote.toString(mCredentials.getAccountId()));
if (zfolder == null) {
return null;
imapMailboxStore = ImapMailboxStore.get(zmbx);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
ZimbraLog.imap.debug("Unexpected exception", e);
return imapMailboxStore;