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Example 1 with TrustedDevices

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TrustedDevices in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Auth method verifyTrustedDevice.

private void verifyTrustedDevice(Account account, TrustedDeviceToken td, Map<String, Object> attrs) throws ServiceException {
    TrustedDevices trustedDeviceManager = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTrustedDevices(account);
    trustedDeviceManager.verifyTrustedDevice(td, attrs);
Also used : TrustedDevices(com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TrustedDevices)

Example 2 with TrustedDevices

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TrustedDevices in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Auth method handle.

public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
    ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
    Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
    // Look up the specified account.  It is optional in the <authToken> case.
    String acctValuePassedIn = null, acctValue = null, acctByStr = null;
    AccountBy acctBy = null;
    Account acct = null;
    Element acctEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_ACCOUNT);
    boolean csrfSupport = request.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_CSRF_SUPPORT, false);
    if (acctEl != null) {
        acctValuePassedIn = acctEl.getText();
        acctValue = acctValuePassedIn;
        acctByStr = acctEl.getAttribute(AccountConstants.A_BY,;
        acctBy = AccountBy.fromString(acctByStr);
        if (acctBy == {
            Element virtualHostEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_VIRTUAL_HOST);
            String virtualHost = virtualHostEl == null ? null : virtualHostEl.getText().toLowerCase();
            if (virtualHost != null && acctValue.indexOf('@') == -1) {
                Domain d = prov.get(Key.DomainBy.virtualHostname, virtualHost);
                if (d != null)
                    acctValue = acctValue + "@" + d.getName();
        acct = prov.get(acctBy, acctValue);
    TrustedDeviceToken trustedToken = null;
    if (acct != null) {
        TrustedDevices trustedDeviceManager = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTrustedDevices(acct);
        if (trustedDeviceManager != null) {
            trustedToken = trustedDeviceManager.getTokenFromRequest(request, context);
            if (trustedToken != null && trustedToken.isExpired()) {
                TrustedDevice device = trustedDeviceManager.getTrustedDeviceByTrustedToken(trustedToken);
                if (device != null) {
    String password = request.getAttribute(AccountConstants.E_PASSWORD, null);
    boolean generateDeviceId = request.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_GENERATE_DEVICE_ID, false);
    String twoFactorCode = request.getAttribute(AccountConstants.E_TWO_FACTOR_CODE, null);
    String newDeviceId = generateDeviceId ? UUIDUtil.generateUUID() : null;
    Element authTokenEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_AUTH_TOKEN);
    if (authTokenEl != null) {
        boolean verifyAccount = authTokenEl.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_VERIFY_ACCOUNT, false);
        if (verifyAccount && acctEl == null) {
            throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("missing required element: " + AccountConstants.E_ACCOUNT, null);
        try {
            AuthToken at = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(authTokenEl, acct);
            addAccountToLogContextByAuthToken(prov, at);
            // so the account will show in log context
            if (!checkPasswordSecurity(context))
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("clear text password is not allowed", null);
            AuthToken.Usage usage = at.getUsage();
            if (usage != Usage.AUTH && usage != Usage.TWO_FACTOR_AUTH) {
                throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("invalid auth token");
            Account authTokenAcct = AuthProvider.validateAuthToken(prov, at, false, usage);
            if (verifyAccount) {
                // can treat the auth token as an opaque string.
                if (acct == null || !acct.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(authTokenAcct.getId())) {
                    throw new AuthTokenException("auth token doesn't match the named account");
            if (usage == Usage.AUTH) {
                ServletRequest httpReq = (ServletRequest) context.get(SoapServlet.SERVLET_REQUEST);
                httpReq.setAttribute(CsrfFilter.AUTH_TOKEN, at);
                if (csrfSupport && !at.isCsrfTokenEnabled()) {
                    // handle case where auth token was originally generated with csrf support
                    // and now client sends the same auth token but saying csrfSupport is turned off
                    // in that case do not disable CSRF check for this authToken.
                return doResponse(request, at, zsc, context, authTokenAcct, csrfSupport, trustedToken, newDeviceId);
            } else {
                acct = authTokenAcct;
        } catch (AuthTokenException e) {
            throw ServiceException.AUTH_REQUIRED();
    if (!checkPasswordSecurity(context)) {
        throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("clear text password is not allowed", null);
    Element preAuthEl = request.getOptionalElement(AccountConstants.E_PREAUTH);
    String deviceId = request.getAttribute(AccountConstants.E_DEVICE_ID, null);
    long expires = 0;
    Map<String, Object> authCtxt = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_ORIGINATING_CLIENT_IP, context.get(SoapEngine.ORIG_REQUEST_IP));
    authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_REMOTE_IP, context.get(SoapEngine.SOAP_REQUEST_IP));
    authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_ACCOUNT_NAME_PASSEDIN, acctValuePassedIn);
    authCtxt.put(AuthContext.AC_USER_AGENT, zsc.getUserAgent());
    boolean acctAutoProvisioned = false;
    if (acct == null) {
        // try LAZY auto provision if it is enabled
        if (acctBy == || acctBy == AccountBy.krb5Principal) {
            try {
                if (acctBy == {
                    EmailAddress email = new EmailAddress(acctValue, false);
                    String domainName = email.getDomain();
                    Domain domain = domainName == null ? null : prov.get(, domainName);
                    if (password != null) {
                        acct = prov.autoProvAccountLazy(domain, acctValuePassedIn, password, null);
                    } else if (preAuthEl != null) {
                        long timestamp = preAuthEl.getAttributeLong(AccountConstants.A_TIMESTAMP);
                        expires = preAuthEl.getAttributeLong(AccountConstants.A_EXPIRES, 0);
                        String preAuth = preAuthEl.getTextTrim();
                        prov.preAuthAccount(domain, acctValue, acctByStr, timestamp, expires, preAuth, authCtxt);
                        acct = prov.autoProvAccountLazy(domain, acctValuePassedIn, null, AutoProvAuthMech.PREAUTH);
                } else {
                    if (password != null) {
                        Domain domain = Krb5Principal.getDomainByKrb5Principal(acctValuePassedIn);
                        if (domain != null) {
                            acct = prov.autoProvAccountLazy(domain, acctValuePassedIn, password, null);
                if (acct != null) {
                    acctAutoProvisioned = true;
            } catch (AuthFailedServiceException e) {
                ZimbraLog.account.debug("auth failed, unable to auto provisioing acct " + acctValue, e);
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
      "unable to auto provisioing acct " + acctValue, e);
    if (acct == null) {
        // try ZMG Proxy auto provision if it is enabled
        if (acctBy == && password != null) {
            Pair<Account, Boolean> result = null;
            try {
                result = prov.autoProvZMGProxyAccount(acctValuePassedIn, password);
            } catch (AuthFailedServiceException e) {
            // Most likely in error with user creds
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
      "unable to auto provision acct " + acctValuePassedIn, e);
            if (result != null) {
                acct = result.getFirst();
                acctAutoProvisioned = result.getSecond();
    if (acct == null) {
        throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED(acctValue, acctValuePassedIn, "account not found");
    AccountUtil.addAccountToLogContext(prov, acct.getId(), ZimbraLog.C_NAME, ZimbraLog.C_ID, null);
    Boolean registerTrustedDevice = false;
    TwoFactorAuth twoFactorManager = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTwoFactorAuth(acct);
    if (twoFactorManager.twoFactorAuthEnabled()) {
        registerTrustedDevice = trustedToken == null && request.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_TRUSTED_DEVICE, false);
    // if account was auto provisioned, we had already authenticated the principal
    if (!acctAutoProvisioned) {
        boolean trustedDeviceOverride = false;
        if (trustedToken != null && acct.isFeatureTrustedDevicesEnabled()) {
            if (trustedToken.isExpired()) {
                ZimbraLog.account.debug("trusted token is expired");
                registerTrustedDevice = false;
            } else {
                Map<String, Object> attrs = getTrustedDeviceAttrs(zsc, deviceId);
                try {
                    verifyTrustedDevice(acct, trustedToken, attrs);
                    trustedDeviceOverride = true;
                } catch (AuthFailedServiceException e) {
          "trusted device not verified");
        boolean usingTwoFactorAuth = acct != null && twoFactorManager.twoFactorAuthRequired() && !trustedDeviceOverride;
        boolean twoFactorAuthWithToken = usingTwoFactorAuth && authTokenEl != null;
        if (password != null || twoFactorAuthWithToken) {
            // authentication logic can be reached with either a password, or a 2FA auth token
            if (usingTwoFactorAuth && twoFactorCode == null && password != null) {
                int mtaAuthPort = acct.getServer().getMtaAuthPort();
                boolean supportsAppSpecificPaswords = acct.isFeatureAppSpecificPasswordsEnabled() && zsc.getPort() == mtaAuthPort;
                if (supportsAppSpecificPaswords && password != null) {
                    // if we are here, it means we are authenticating SMTP,
                    // so app-specific passwords are accepted. Other protocols (pop, imap)
                    // doesn't touch this code, so their authentication happens in ZimbraAuth.
                    AppSpecificPasswords appPasswords = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getAppSpecificPasswords(acct, acctValuePassedIn);
                } else {
                    prov.authAccount(acct, password, AuthContext.Protocol.soap, authCtxt);
                    return needTwoFactorAuth(acct, twoFactorManager, zsc);
            } else {
                if (password != null) {
                    prov.authAccount(acct, password, AuthContext.Protocol.soap, authCtxt);
                } else {
                    // it's ok to not have a password if the client is using a 2FA auth token for the 2nd step of 2FA
                    if (!twoFactorAuthWithToken) {
                        throw ServiceException.AUTH_REQUIRED();
                if (usingTwoFactorAuth) {
                    // check that 2FA has been enabled, in case the client is passing in a twoFactorCode prior to setting up 2FA
                    if (!twoFactorManager.twoFactorAuthEnabled()) {
                        throw AccountServiceException.TWO_FACTOR_SETUP_REQUIRED();
                    AuthToken twoFactorToken = null;
                    if (password == null) {
                        try {
                            twoFactorToken = AuthProvider.getAuthToken(authTokenEl, acct);
                            Account twoFactorTokenAcct = AuthProvider.validateAuthToken(prov, twoFactorToken, false, Usage.TWO_FACTOR_AUTH);
                            boolean verifyAccount = authTokenEl.getAttributeBool(AccountConstants.A_VERIFY_ACCOUNT, false);
                            if (verifyAccount && !twoFactorTokenAcct.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(acct.getId())) {
                                throw new AuthTokenException("two-factor auth token doesn't match the named account");
                        } catch (AuthTokenException e) {
                            throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("bad auth token");
                    TwoFactorAuth manager = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTwoFactorAuth(acct);
                    if (twoFactorCode != null) {
                    } else {
                        throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED("no two-factor code provided");
                    if (twoFactorToken != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthTokenException e) {
                            throw ServiceException.FAILURE("cannot de-register two-factor auth token", e);
        } else if (preAuthEl != null) {
            long timestamp = preAuthEl.getAttributeLong(AccountConstants.A_TIMESTAMP);
            expires = preAuthEl.getAttributeLong(AccountConstants.A_EXPIRES, 0);
            String preAuth = preAuthEl.getTextTrim();
            prov.preAuthAccount(acct, acctValue, acctByStr, timestamp, expires, preAuth, authCtxt);
        } else {
            throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("must specify " + AccountConstants.E_PASSWORD, null);
    AuthToken at = expires == 0 ? AuthProvider.getAuthToken(acct) : AuthProvider.getAuthToken(acct, expires);
    if (registerTrustedDevice && (trustedToken == null || trustedToken.isExpired())) {
        //generate a new trusted device token if there is no existing one or if the current one is no longer valid
        Map<String, Object> attrs = getTrustedDeviceAttrs(zsc, newDeviceId == null ? deviceId : newDeviceId);
        TrustedDevices trustedDeviceManager = TwoFactorAuth.getFactory().getTrustedDevices(acct);
        trustedToken = trustedDeviceManager.registerTrustedDevice(attrs);
    ServletRequest httpReq = (ServletRequest) context.get(SoapServlet.SERVLET_REQUEST);
    // For CSRF filter so that token generation can happen
    if (csrfSupport && !at.isCsrfTokenEnabled()) {
        // handle case where auth token was originally generated with csrf support
        // and now client sends the same auth token but saying csrfSupport is turned off
        // in that case do not disable CSRF check for this authToken.
    httpReq.setAttribute(CsrfFilter.AUTH_TOKEN, at);
    return doResponse(request, at, zsc, context, acct, csrfSupport, trustedToken, newDeviceId);
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) ServletRequest(javax.servlet.ServletRequest) AuthFailedServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException.AuthFailedServiceException) TrustedDeviceToken(com.zimbra.cs.account.TrustedDeviceToken) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Element(com.zimbra.common.soap.Element) Provisioning(com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning) AccountBy(com.zimbra.common.account.Key.AccountBy) TwoFactorAuth(com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TwoFactorAuth) Usage(com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthToken.Usage) AppSpecificPasswords(com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.AppSpecificPasswords) EmailAddress(com.zimbra.cs.account.names.NameUtil.EmailAddress) AccountServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) AuthFailedServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException.AuthFailedServiceException) ZimbraSoapContext(com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext) AuthTokenException(com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException) TrustedDevice(com.zimbra.cs.account.TrustedDevice) AuthToken(com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthToken) Domain(com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain) TrustedDevices(com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TrustedDevices)


TrustedDevices (com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TrustedDevices)2 AccountBy (com.zimbra.common.account.Key.AccountBy)1 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)1 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)1 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)1 AccountServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException)1 AuthFailedServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.account.AccountServiceException.AuthFailedServiceException)1 AuthToken (com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthToken)1 Usage (com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthToken.Usage)1 AuthTokenException (com.zimbra.cs.account.AuthTokenException)1 Domain (com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain)1 Provisioning (com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning)1 TrustedDevice (com.zimbra.cs.account.TrustedDevice)1 TrustedDeviceToken (com.zimbra.cs.account.TrustedDeviceToken)1 AppSpecificPasswords (com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.AppSpecificPasswords)1 TwoFactorAuth (com.zimbra.cs.account.auth.twofactor.TwoFactorAuth)1 EmailAddress (com.zimbra.cs.account.names.NameUtil.EmailAddress)1 ZimbraSoapContext (com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 ServletRequest (javax.servlet.ServletRequest)1