Search in sources :

Example 1 with ExpandResults

use of com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Search method putHits.

private void putHits(ZimbraSoapContext zsc, OperationContext octxt, Element el, ZimbraQueryResults results, SearchParams params, Map<String, Set<String>> memberOfMap) throws ServiceException {
    if (params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.HITS || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.HITS_OR_FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.UNREAD || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.UNREAD_FIRST || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.U_OR_FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.U1_OR_FIRST_MSG) {
        // these are not valid values for Search (according to soap.txt)
    ResultsPager pager = ResultsPager.create(results, params);
    if (params.getCursor() != null) {
        if (params.getCursor().isIncludeOffset()) {
            long offset = pager.getCursorOffset();
            if (offset >= 0) {
                el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, offset);
    } else {
        el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, params.getOffset());
    SearchResponse resp = new SearchResponse(zsc, octxt, el, params, memberOfMap);
    boolean expand;
    ExpandResults expandValue = params.getInlineRule();
    int hitNum = 0;
    while (pager.hasNext() && resp.size() < params.getLimit()) {
        ZimbraHit hit = pager.getNextHit();
        if (hit instanceof MessageHit) {
                 * Determine whether or not to expand MessageHits.
                 * This logic used to be in SearchResponse.isInlineExpand, but was moved
                 * to the handler classes because in some cases
                 * the decision to expand any particular hit is dependent on
                 * other hits (see SearchConv)
            if (expandValue == ExpandResults.NONE) {
                expand = false;
            } else if (expandValue == ExpandResults.ALL) {
                expand = true;
            } else if (expandValue == ExpandResults.FIRST) {
                expand = params.getOffset() > 0 ? false : hitNum == 1;
            } else {
                expand = expandValue.matches(hit.getParsedItemID());
            resp.add(hit, expand);
        } else {
Also used : ZimbraHit(com.zimbra.cs.index.ZimbraHit) ExpandResults(com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults) ResultsPager(com.zimbra.cs.index.ResultsPager) MessageHit(com.zimbra.cs.index.MessageHit)

Example 2 with ExpandResults

use of com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class Search method putHits.

private void putHits(ZimbraSoapContext zsc, OperationContext octxt, Element el, ZimbraQueryResults results, SearchParams params) throws ServiceException {
    if (params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.HITS || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.HITS_OR_FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.UNREAD || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.UNREAD_FIRST || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.U_OR_FIRST_MSG || params.getInlineRule() == ExpandResults.U1_OR_FIRST_MSG) {
        // these are not valid values for Search (according to soap.txt)
    ResultsPager pager = ResultsPager.create(results, params);
    if (params.getCursor() != null) {
        if (params.getCursor().isIncludeOffset()) {
            long offset = pager.getCursorOffset();
            if (offset >= 0) {
                el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, offset);
    } else {
        el.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY_OFFSET, params.getOffset());
    SearchResponse resp = new SearchResponse(zsc, octxt, el, params);
    boolean expand;
    ExpandResults expandValue = params.getInlineRule();
    int hitNum = 0;
    while (pager.hasNext() && resp.size() < params.getLimit()) {
        ZimbraHit hit = pager.getNextHit();
        if (hit instanceof MessageHit) {
                 * Determine whether or not to expand MessageHits.
                 * This logic used to be in SearchResponse.isInlineExpand, but was moved
                 * to the handler classes because in some cases
                 * the decision to expand any particular hit is dependent on
                 * other hits (see SearchConv)
            if (expandValue == ExpandResults.NONE) {
                expand = false;
            } else if (expandValue == ExpandResults.ALL) {
                expand = true;
            } else if (expandValue == ExpandResults.FIRST) {
                expand = params.getOffset() > 0 ? false : hitNum == 1;
            } else {
                expand = expandValue.matches(hit.getParsedItemID());
            resp.add(hit, expand);
        } else {
Also used : ZimbraHit(com.zimbra.cs.index.ZimbraHit) ExpandResults(com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults) ResultsPager(com.zimbra.cs.index.ResultsPager) MessageHit(com.zimbra.cs.index.MessageHit)

Example 3 with ExpandResults

use of com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ToXML method encodeConversation.

public static Element encodeConversation(Element parent, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, OperationContext octxt, Conversation conv, List<Message> msgs, SearchParams params) throws ServiceException {
    int fields = NOTIFY_FIELDS;
    Element c = encodeConversationSummary(parent, ifmt, octxt, conv, msgs, null, OutputParticipants.PUT_BOTH, fields, true);
    if (msgs.isEmpty()) {
        return c;
    c.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_SUBJECT, msgs.get(0).getSubject(), Element.Disposition.CONTENT);
    ExpandResults expand = params.getInlineRule();
    for (Message msg : msgs) {
        if (msg.isTagged(Flag.FlagInfo.DELETED)) {
        if (expand == ExpandResults.FIRST || expand == ExpandResults.ALL || expand.matches(msg)) {
            encodeMessageAsMP(c, ifmt, octxt, msg, null, params.getMaxInlinedLength(), params.getWantHtml(), params.getNeuterImages(), params.getInlinedHeaders(), true, params.getWantExpandGroupInfo(), LC.mime_encode_missing_blob.booleanValue(), params.getWantContent(), NOTIFY_FIELDS);
            if (expand == ExpandResults.FIRST) {
                expand = ExpandResults.NONE;
        } else {
            Element m = c.addNonUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_MSG);
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID, ifmt.formatItemId(msg));
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_DATE, msg.getDate());
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SIZE, msg.getSize());
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SUBJECT, msg.getSubject(), Element.Disposition.CONTENT);
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_FOLDER, ifmt.formatItemId(new ItemId(msg.getMailbox().getAccountId(), msg.getFolderId())));
            recordItemTags(m, msg, octxt, fields);
            m.addAttribute(MailConstants.E_FRAG, msg.getFragment(), Element.Disposition.CONTENT);
            encodeEmail(m, msg.getSender(), EmailType.FROM);
    return c;
Also used : MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) ExpandResults(com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults) Element(com.zimbra.common.soap.Element) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint)

Example 4 with ExpandResults

use of com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class SearchConv method putHits.

 * This will only work for messages. That's OK since we force
 * @param octxt operation context
 * @param el SOAP container to put response data in
 * @param msgs list of messages in this conversation
 * @param results set of HITS for messages in this conversation which
 *  matches the search
 * @param offset offset in conversation to start at
 * @param limit number to return
 * @return whether there are more messages in the conversation past
 *  the specified limit
 * @throws ServiceException
private boolean putHits(OperationContext octxt, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, SearchResponse resp, List<Message> msgs, ZimbraQueryResults results, SearchParams params, Conversation conv) throws ServiceException {
    int offset = params.getOffset();
    int limit = params.getLimit();
    int size = msgs.size() <= limit + offset ? msgs.size() - offset : limit;
    if (size > 0) {
        // Array of ZimbraHit ptrs for matches, 1 entry for every message
        // we might return from conv. NULL means no ZimbraHit presumably b/c the message didn't match the search.
        // Note that the match for msgs[i] is matched[i-offset]!!!!
        ZimbraHit[] matched = new ZimbraHit[size];
        // For each hit, see if the hit message is in this conv (msgs).
        while (results.hasNext()) {
            ZimbraHit hit = results.getNext();
            // since only they are getting returned.
            for (int i = offset; i < offset + size; i++) {
                if (hit.getParsedItemID().equals(new ItemId(msgs.get(i)))) {
                    matched[i - offset] = hit;
        ExpandResults expand = params.getInlineRule();
        /* Build a boolean array of which messages should be expanded.
             * This consolidates logic from SearchParams.isInlineExpand and the main message loop below
        // Okay, we've built the matched[] array. Now iterate through all the messages, and put the message or
        // the MATCHED entry into the result
        boolean[] expandMsgs = determineExpandedMessages(expand, matched, msgs, conv, offset, size);
        for (int i = offset; i < offset + size; i++) {
            boolean expandMsg = expandMsgs[i];
            if (matched[i - offset] != null) {
                resp.add(matched[i - offset], expandMsg);
            } else {
                Message msg = msgs.get(i);
                // boolean inline = expand == ExpandResults.ALL || expand.matches(msg);
                addMessageMiss(msg, resp.toElement(), octxt, ifmt, expandMsg, params);
    return offset + size < msgs.size();
Also used : ZimbraHit(com.zimbra.cs.index.ZimbraHit) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) ExpandResults(com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId)


ExpandResults (com.zimbra.cs.index.SearchParams.ExpandResults)4 ZimbraHit (com.zimbra.cs.index.ZimbraHit)3 MessageHit (com.zimbra.cs.index.MessageHit)2 ResultsPager (com.zimbra.cs.index.ResultsPager)2 Message (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message)2 ItemId (com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId)2 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)1 Mountpoint (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint)1 MimeMessage (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage)1