use of com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class AutoProvision method getExternalAttrsByName.
protected ExternalEntry getExternalAttrsByName(String loginName) throws ServiceException {
String url = domain.getAutoProvLdapURL();
boolean wantStartTLS = domain.isAutoProvLdapStartTlsEnabled();
String adminDN = domain.getAutoProvLdapAdminBindDn();
String adminPassword = domain.getAutoProvLdapAdminBindPassword();
String[] attrs = getAttrsToFetch();
// always use the admin bind DN/password, not the user's bind DN/password
ExternalLdapConfig config = new ExternalLdapConfig(url, wantStartTLS, null, adminDN, adminPassword, null, "auto provision account");
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
try {
zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(config, LdapUsage.AUTO_PROVISION);
String searchFilterTemplate = domain.getAutoProvLdapSearchFilter();
if (searchFilterTemplate != null) {
// get attrs by search
String searchBase = domain.getAutoProvLdapSearchBase();
if (searchBase == null) {
searchBase = LdapConstants.DN_ROOT_DSE;
String searchFilter = LdapUtil.computeDn(loginName, searchFilterTemplate);
ZimbraLog.autoprov.debug("AutoProvision: computed search filter" + searchFilter);
ZSearchResultEntry entry = prov.getHelper().searchForEntry(searchBase, ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().fromFilterString(FilterId.AUTO_PROVISION_SEARCH, searchFilter), zlc, attrs);
if (entry == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_EXTERNAL_ENTRY(loginName);
return new ExternalEntry(entry.getDN(), entry.getAttributes());
String bindDNTemplate = domain.getAutoProvLdapBindDn();
if (bindDNTemplate != null) {
// get attrs by external DN template
String dn = LdapUtil.computeDn(loginName, bindDNTemplate);
ZimbraLog.autoprov.debug("AutoProvision: computed external DN" + dn);
return new ExternalEntry(dn, prov.getHelper().getAttributes(zlc, dn, attrs));
} finally {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("One of " + Provisioning.A_zimbraAutoProvLdapBindDn + " or " + Provisioning.A_zimbraAutoProvLdapSearchFilter + " must be set", null);
use of com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class AutoProvision method searchAutoProvDirectory.
* Search the external auto provision LDAP source
* Only one of filter or name can be provided.
* - if name is provided, the search filter will be zimbraAutoProvLdapSearchFilter
* with place holders filled with the name.
* - if filter is provided, the provided filter will be the search filter.
* - if neither is provided, the search filter will be zimbraAutoProvLdapSearchFilter
* with place holders filled with "*". If createTimestampLaterThan
* is provided, the search filter will be ANDed with (createTimestamp >= {timestamp})
* @param prov
* @param domain
* @param filter
* @param name
* @param createTimestampLaterThan
* @param returnAttrs
* @param maxResults
* @param ldapVisitor
* @param wantPartialResult whether TOO_MANY_SEARCH_RESULTS should be thrown if the
* ldap search encountered LdapSizeLimitExceededException
* Note: regardless of this parameter, the ldapVisitor.visit
* is called for each entry returned from LDAP.
* This behavior is currently hardcoded in
* UBIDLdapContext.searchPaged and has been the legacy behavior.
* We can probably change it into a parameter in SearchLdapOptions.
* @throws ServiceException
* @return whether LdapSizeLimitExceededException was hit
static boolean searchAutoProvDirectory(LdapProv prov, Domain domain, String filter, String name, String createTimestampLaterThan, String[] returnAttrs, int maxResults, SearchLdapVisitor ldapVisitor, boolean wantPartialResult) throws ServiceException {
// use either filter or name, make sure only one is provided
if ((filter != null) && (name != null)) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("only one of filter or name can be provided", null);
String url = domain.getAutoProvLdapURL();
boolean wantStartTLS = domain.isAutoProvLdapStartTlsEnabled();
String adminDN = domain.getAutoProvLdapAdminBindDn();
String adminPassword = domain.getAutoProvLdapAdminBindPassword();
String searchBase = domain.getAutoProvLdapSearchBase();
String searchFilterTemplate = domain.getAutoProvLdapSearchFilter();
FilterId filterId = FilterId.AUTO_PROVISION_SEARCH;
if (url == null) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE(String.format("missing %s on domain %s", Provisioning.A_zimbraAutoProvLdapURL, domain.getName()), null);
if (searchBase == null) {
searchBase = LdapConstants.DN_ROOT_DSE;
ExternalLdapConfig config = new ExternalLdapConfig(url, wantStartTLS, null, adminDN, adminPassword, null, "search auto provision directory");
boolean hitSizeLimitExceededException = false;
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
ZLdapFilter zFilter = null;
try {
zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(config, LdapUsage.AUTO_PROVISION_ADMIN_SEARCH);
String searchFilter = null;
String searchFilterWithoutLastPolling = null;
if (name != null) {
if (searchFilterTemplate == null) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("search filter template is not set on domain " + domain.getName(), null);
searchFilter = LdapUtil.computeDn(name, searchFilterTemplate);
} else if (filter != null) {
searchFilter = filter;
} else {
if (searchFilterTemplate == null) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("search filter template is not set on domain " + domain.getName(), null);
searchFilter = LdapUtil.computeDn("*", searchFilterTemplate);
if (createTimestampLaterThan != null) {
searchFilterWithoutLastPolling = searchFilter;
// searchFilter = "(&" + searchFilter + "(createTimestamp>=" + createTimestampLaterThan + "))";
searchFilter = "(&" + searchFilter + ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().createdLaterOrEqual(createTimestampLaterThan).toFilterString() + ")";
zFilter = ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().fromFilterString(filterId, searchFilter);
SearchLdapOptions searchOptions;
try {
searchOptions = new SearchLdapOptions(searchBase, zFilter, returnAttrs, maxResults, null, ZSearchScope.SEARCH_SCOPE_SUBTREE, ldapVisitor);
} catch (LdapInvalidAttrValueException eav) {"Retrying ldap search query with createTimestamp in seconds.");
if (searchFilterWithoutLastPolling != null && createTimestampLaterThan != null) {
createTimestampLaterThan = createTimestampLaterThan.replaceAll("\\..*Z$", "Z");
// searchFilter = "(&" + searchFilter + "(createTimestamp>=" + createTimestampLaterThan + "))";
searchFilter = "(&" + searchFilterWithoutLastPolling + ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().createdLaterOrEqual(createTimestampLaterThan).toFilterString() + ")";"new searchFilter = %s", searchFilter);
zFilter = ZLdapFilterFactory.getInstance().fromFilterString(filterId, searchFilter);
searchOptions = new SearchLdapOptions(searchBase, zFilter, returnAttrs, maxResults, null, ZSearchScope.SEARCH_SCOPE_SUBTREE, ldapVisitor);
} catch (LdapSizeLimitExceededException e) {
hitSizeLimitExceededException = true;
if (wantPartialResult) {
// log at debug level
ZimbraLog.autoprov.debug(String.format("searchAutoProvDirectory encountered LdapSizeLimitExceededException: " + "base=%s, filter=%s", searchBase, zFilter == null ? "" : zFilter.toFilterString()), e);
} else {
throw AccountServiceException.TOO_MANY_SEARCH_RESULTS("too many search results returned", e);
} finally {
return hitSizeLimitExceededException;
use of com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapGalSearch method searchLdapGal.
private static void searchLdapGal(GalParams.ExternalGalParams galParams, GalOp galOp, String query, int maxResults, LdapGalMapRules rules, String token, SearchGalResult result) throws ServiceException {
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
try {
LdapGalCredential credential = galParams.credential();
ExternalLdapConfig ldapConfig = new ExternalLdapConfig(galParams.url(), galParams.requireStartTLS(), credential.getAuthMech(), credential.getBindDn(), credential.getBindPassword(), rules.getBinaryLdapAttrs(), "external GAL");
zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(ldapConfig, LdapUsage.fromGalOpLegacy(galOp));
searchGal(zlc, GalSearchConfig.GalType.ldap, galParams.pageSize(), galParams.searchBase(), query, maxResults, rules, token, result);
} finally {
use of com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class LdapGalSearch method doGalSearch.
private static void doGalSearch(GalSearchParams params) throws ServiceException {
ZLdapContext zlc = null;
try {
GalSearchConfig cfg = params.getConfig();
GalSearchConfig.GalType galType = params.getConfig().getGalType();
if (galType == GalSearchConfig.GalType.zimbra) {
zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapUsage.fromGalOp(params.getOp()));
} else {
ExternalLdapConfig ldapConfig = new ExternalLdapConfig(cfg.getUrl(), cfg.getStartTlsEnabled(), cfg.getAuthMech(), cfg.getBindDn(), cfg.getBindPassword(), cfg.getRules().getBinaryLdapAttrs(), "external GAL");
zlc = LdapClient.getExternalContext(ldapConfig, LdapUsage.fromGalOp(params.getOp()));
String fetchEntryByDn = params.getSearchEntryByDn();
if (fetchEntryByDn == null) {
SearchGalResult sgr = params.getResult();
if (sgr != null && GalOp.sync.equals(params.getOp())) {
searchGal(zlc, galType, cfg.getPageSize(), cfg.getSearchBase(), params.generateLdapQuery(), params.getLimit(), cfg.getRules(), params.getSyncToken(), params.getResult(), params.getOp());
} else {
getGalEntryByDn(zlc, galType, fetchEntryByDn, cfg.getRules(), params.getResult());
} finally {
use of com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class GroupHandler method getExternalDelegatedAdminGroupsLdapContext.
* callsite is responsible for closing the context after done.
* External group for delegated admin uses the external AD auth
* settings. The diff is, when looking for the account anywhere
* other than authenticating the account, we have to use the
* admin bindDN/password, because:
* - we no longer have the user's external LDAP password
* - it makes sense to do this task using the admin's credentials.
public ZLdapContext getExternalDelegatedAdminGroupsLdapContext(Domain domain, boolean asAdmin) throws ServiceException {
String[] ldapUrl = domain.getAuthLdapURL();
if (ldapUrl == null || ldapUrl.length == 0) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("ubable to search external group, " + "missing " + Provisioning.A_zimbraAuthLdapURL, null);
boolean startTLSEnabled = domain.isAuthLdapStartTlsEnabled();
String bindDN = domain.getAuthLdapSearchBindDn();
String bindPassword = domain.getAuthLdapSearchBindPassword();
ExternalLdapConfig ldapConfig = new ExternalLdapConfig(ldapUrl, startTLSEnabled, null, bindDN, bindPassword, null, "search external group");
return LdapClient.getExternalContext(ldapConfig, LdapUsage.EXTERNAL_GROUP);