use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class CalendarCollection method getAppointmentsByUids.
public java.util.Collection<DavResource> getAppointmentsByUids(DavContext ctxt, List<String> hrefs) throws ServiceException, DavException {
Map<String, String> uidmap = getUidToHrefMap(hrefs);
Mailbox mbox = getCalendarMailbox(ctxt);
ArrayList<DavResource> appts = new ArrayList<DavResource>();
Map<String, CalendarItem> calItems = mbox.getCalendarItemsByUid(ctxt.getOperationContext(), new ArrayList<String>(uidmap.keySet()));
for (String uid : calItems.keySet()) {
CalendarItem calItem = calItems.get(uid);
if (calItem == null)
appts.add(new DavResource.InvalidResource(uidmap.get(uid), getOwner()));
appts.add(new CalendarObject.LocalCalendarObject(ctxt, calItem));
return appts;
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class Collection method createItem.
// create Document at the URI
public DavResource createItem(DavContext ctxt, String name) throws DavException, IOException {
Mailbox mbox = null;
try {
mbox = getMailbox(ctxt);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
throw new DavException("cannot get mailbox", HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null);
FileUploadServlet.Upload upload = ctxt.getUpload();
String ctype = upload.getContentType();
if (ctype != null && (ctype.startsWith(DavProtocol.VCARD_CONTENT_TYPE) || ctype.startsWith(MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_VCARD_LEGACY) || ctype.startsWith(MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_VCARD_LEGACY2))) {
// vCard MIME types such as text/x-vcard or text/directory.
return createVCard(ctxt, name);
String author = ctxt.getAuthAccount().getName();
try {
// add a revision if the resource already exists
MailItem item = mbox.getItemByPath(ctxt.getOperationContext(), ctxt.getPath());
if (item.getType() != MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT && item.getType() != MailItem.Type.WIKI) {
throw new DavException("no DAV resource for " + item.getType(), HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, null);
Document doc = mbox.addDocumentRevision(ctxt.getOperationContext(), item.getId(), author, name, null, upload.getInputStream());
return new Notebook(ctxt, doc);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
if (!(e instanceof NoSuchItemException))
throw new DavException("cannot get item ", HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null);
// create
try {
Document doc = mbox.createDocument(ctxt.getOperationContext(), mId, name, ctype, author, null, upload.getInputStream());
Notebook notebook = new Notebook(ctxt, doc);
notebook.mNewlyCreated = true;
return notebook;
} catch (ServiceException se) {
throw new DavException("cannot create ", HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, se);
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ScheduleOutbox method adjustOrganizer.
* For Vanilla CalDAV access where Apple style delegation has not been enabled, attempts by the delegate
* to use a shared calendar acting as themselves are translated to appear as if acting as a delegate,
* otherwise the experience can be very poor.
* @throws ServiceException
private void adjustOrganizer(DavContext ctxt, ZCalendar.ZVCalendar cal, ZComponent req, DelegationInfo delegationInfo) throws ServiceException {
// BusyCal 2.5.3 seems to post with the wrong organizer even if ical delegation is switched on - even though
// it uses the right ORGANIZER in the calendar entry.
// if (ctxt.useIcalDelegation()) { return; }
Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(ctxt.getAuthAccount());
String uid = req.getPropVal(ICalTok.UID, null);
CalendarItem matchingCalendarEntry = mbox.getCalendarItemByUid(ctxt.getOperationContext(), uid);
if (matchingCalendarEntry == null) {
List<com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint> sharedCalendars = mbox.getCalendarMountpoints(ctxt.getOperationContext(), SortBy.NONE);
if (sharedCalendars == null) {
// Can't work out anything useful
Set<Account> accts = Sets.newHashSet();
for (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint sharedCalendar : sharedCalendars) {
accts.add(Provisioning.getInstance().get(, sharedCalendar.getOwnerId()));
for (Account acct : accts) {
Mailbox sbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(acct);
matchingCalendarEntry = sbox.getCalendarItemByUid(ctxt.getOperationContext(), uid);
if (matchingCalendarEntry != null) {
if (matchingCalendarEntry == null) {
Invite[] invites = matchingCalendarEntry.getInvites();
if (invites == null) {
for (Invite inv : invites) {
ZOrganizer org = inv.getOrganizer();
if (org != null) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(org.getCn())) {
Account ownerAcct = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, org.getAddress());
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ownerAcct.getDisplayName())) {
} else {
if (delegationInfo.getOwner() == null) {
AccountAddressMatcher acctMatcher = new AccountAddressMatcher(ctxt.getAuthAccount());
boolean originatorIsCalEntryOrganizer = acctMatcher.matches(delegationInfo.getOwnerEmail());
if (originatorIsCalEntryOrganizer) {
for (ZComponent component : cal.getComponents()) {
ZProperty organizerProp = component.getProperty(ICalTok.ORGANIZER);
if (organizerProp != null) {
ZParameter cn = organizerProp.getParameter(ICalTok.CN);
if (cn == null) {
organizerProp.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.CN, delegationInfo.getOwnerCn()));
} else {
ZParameter sentBy = organizerProp.getParameter(ICalTok.SENT_BY);
if (sentBy == null) {
organizerProp.addParameter(new ZParameter(ICalTok.SENT_BY, delegationInfo.getOriginator()));
} else {
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class SearchWrapper method getChildren.
public Collection<DavResource> getChildren(DavContext ctxt) {
ArrayList<DavResource> children = new ArrayList<DavResource>();
String user = ctxt.getUser();
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
ZimbraQueryResults zqr = null;
try {
Account account = prov.get(, user);
Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(account);
SearchParams params = new SearchParams();
zqr =, ctxt.getOperationContext(), params);
while (zqr.hasNext()) {
ZimbraHit hit = zqr.getNext();
if (hit instanceof MessageHit)
addAttachmentResources((MessageHit) hit, children);
} catch (Exception e) {
ZimbraLog.dav.error("can't search: uri=" + getUri(), e);
} finally {
return children;
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class UrlNamespace method getMailItemById.
private static MailItem getMailItemById(DavContext ctxt, String user, int id) throws DavException, ServiceException {
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
Account account = prov.get(, user);
if (account == null) {
// Anti-account name harvesting."Failing GET of mail item - no such account '%s' id=%d", user, id);
throw new DavException("Request denied", HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, null);
Mailbox mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(account);
return mbox.getItemById(ctxt.getOperationContext(), id, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN);