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Example 41 with Mailbox

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DbMailItem method loadPop3Folder.

public static List<Pop3Message> loadPop3Folder(Set<Folder> folders, Date popSince) throws ServiceException {
    assert !folders.isEmpty() : folders;
    Mailbox mbox = Iterables.get(folders, 0).getMailbox();
    long popDate = popSince == null ? -1 : Math.max(popSince.getTime(), -1);
    List<Pop3Message> result = new ArrayList<Pop3Message>();
    DbConnection conn = mbox.getOperationConnection();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
        String dateConstraint = popDate < 0 ? "" : " AND date > ?";
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT, mi.size, mi.blob_digest FROM " + getMailItemTableName(mbox, " mi") + " WHERE " + IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND + DbUtil.whereIn("folder_id", folders.size()) + " AND type = " + MailItem.Type.MESSAGE.toByte() + " AND " + Db.getInstance().bitAND("flags", String.valueOf(Flag.BITMASK_DELETED | Flag.BITMASK_POPPED)) + " = 0" + dateConstraint);
        if (getTotalFolderSize(folders) > RESULTS_STREAMING_MIN_ROWS) {
            //TODO: Because of POPPED flag, the folder size no longer represent the count.
        int pos = 1;
        pos = setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos);
        for (Folder folder : folders) {
            stmt.setInt(pos++, folder.getId());
        if (popDate >= 0) {
            stmt.setInt(pos++, (int) (popDate / 1000L));
        rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            result.add(new Pop3Message(rs.getInt(1), rs.getLong(2), rs.getString(3)));
        return result;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("loading POP3 folder data: " + folders, e);
    } finally {
Also used : Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) Pop3Message(com.zimbra.cs.pop3.Pop3Message) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection)

Example 42 with Mailbox

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DbMailItem method reparentChildren.

public static void reparentChildren(MailItem oldParent, MailItem newParent) throws ServiceException {
    if (oldParent == newParent) {
    Mailbox mbox = oldParent.getMailbox();
    if (mbox != newParent.getMailbox()) {
        throw MailServiceException.WRONG_MAILBOX();
    DbConnection conn = mbox.getOperationConnection();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {
        String relation = (oldParent instanceof VirtualConversation ? "id = ?" : "parent_id = ?");
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getMailItemTableName(oldParent) + " SET parent_id = ?, mod_metadata = ?, change_date = ?" + " WHERE " + IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND + relation);
        int pos = 1;
        if (newParent instanceof VirtualConversation) {
            stmt.setNull(pos++, Types.INTEGER);
        } else {
            stmt.setInt(pos++, newParent.getId());
        stmt.setInt(pos++, mbox.getOperationChangeID());
        stmt.setInt(pos++, mbox.getOperationTimestamp());
        pos = setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos);
        stmt.setInt(pos++, oldParent instanceof VirtualConversation ? ((VirtualConversation) oldParent).getMessageId() : oldParent.getId());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("writing new parent for children of item " + oldParent.getId(), e);
    } finally {
Also used : Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection) VirtualConversation(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.VirtualConversation)

Example 43 with Mailbox

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DbMailItem method getByParent.

public static List<UnderlyingData> getByParent(MailItem parent, SortBy sort, int limit, boolean fromDumpster) throws ServiceException {
    Mailbox mbox = parent.getMailbox();
    List<UnderlyingData> result = new ArrayList<UnderlyingData>();
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT ").append(DB_FIELDS).append(" FROM ").append(getMailItemTableName(parent.getMailbox(), " mi", fromDumpster)).append(" WHERE ").append(IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND).append("parent_id = ? ").append(DbSearch.orderBy(sort, false));
    if (limit > 0) {
        sql.append(" LIMIT ?");
    DbConnection conn = mbox.getOperationConnection();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
        if (parent.getSize() > RESULTS_STREAMING_MIN_ROWS) {
        int pos = 1;
        pos = setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos);
        stmt.setInt(pos++, parent.getId());
        if (limit > 0) {
            stmt.setInt(pos++, limit);
        rs = stmt.executeQuery();
        while ( {
            UnderlyingData data = constructItem(rs, fromDumpster);
            if (Mailbox.isCachedType(MailItem.Type.of(data.type))) {
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("folders and tags must be retrieved from cache", null);
        return result;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("fetching children of item " + parent.getId(), e);
    } finally {
Also used : Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) UnderlyingData(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem.UnderlyingData) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection)

Example 44 with Mailbox

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DbMailItem method updateInCalendarItemTable.

public static void updateInCalendarItemTable(CalendarItem calItem) throws ServiceException {
    Mailbox mbox = calItem.getMailbox();
    long start = calItem.getStartTime();
    long end = calItem.getEndTime();
    Timestamp startTs = new Timestamp(start);
    Timestamp endTs = getEnd(start, end);
    DbConnection conn = mbox.getOperationConnection();
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {
        String command = Db.supports(Db.Capability.REPLACE_INTO) ? "REPLACE" : "INSERT";
        String mailbox_id = DebugConfig.disableMailboxGroups ? "" : "mailbox_id, ";
        stmt = conn.prepareStatement(command + " INTO " + getCalendarItemTableName(mbox) + " (" + mailbox_id + "uid, item_id, start_time, end_time)" + " VALUES (" + MAILBOX_ID_VALUE + "?, ?, ?, ?)");
        int pos = 1;
        pos = setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos);
        stmt.setString(pos++, calItem.getUid());
        stmt.setInt(pos++, calItem.getId());
        stmt.setTimestamp(pos++, startTs);
        stmt.setTimestamp(pos++, endTs);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        if (Db.errorMatches(e, Db.Error.DUPLICATE_ROW)) {
            try {
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + getCalendarItemTableName(mbox) + " SET item_id = ?, start_time = ?, end_time = ? WHERE " + IN_THIS_MAILBOX_AND + "uid = ?");
                int pos = 1;
                stmt.setInt(pos++, calItem.getId());
                stmt.setTimestamp(pos++, startTs);
                stmt.setTimestamp(pos++, endTs);
                pos = setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, pos);
                stmt.setString(pos++, calItem.getUid());
            } catch (SQLException nested) {
                throw ServiceException.FAILURE("updating data in calendar item table " + calItem.getUid(), nested);
        } else {
            throw ServiceException.FAILURE("writing invite to calendar item table " + calItem.getUid(), e);
    } finally {
Also used : Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection)

Example 45 with Mailbox

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DbDataSource method updateMapping.

public static void updateMapping(DataSource ds, DataSourceItem item, final boolean isBatch) throws ServiceException {
    Mailbox mbox = DataSourceManager.getInstance().getMailbox(ds);
    ZimbraLog.datasource.debug("Updating mapping for dataSource %s: itemId(%d), remoteId(%s)", ds.getName(), item.itemId, item.remoteId);
    DbConnection conn = null;
    PreparedStatement stmt = null;
    try {
        if (isBatch) {
            conn = mbox.getOperationConnection();
        } else {
            conn = DbPool.getConnection(mbox);
        if (!Db.supports(Db.Capability.ON_DUPLICATE_KEY) && !hasMapping(ds, item.itemId)) {
            // if we need to update due to unique remoteId then itemid
            // isn't going to be the same
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("UPDATE ");
            sb.append(" SET folder_id = ?, item_id = ?, metadata = ? WHERE ");
            sb.append(" remote_id = ?");
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sb.toString());
            int i = 1;
            stmt.setInt(i++, item.folderId);
            stmt.setInt(i++, item.itemId);
            stmt.setString(i++, DbMailItem.checkMetadataLength(( == null) ? null :;
            i = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, i);
            stmt.setString(i++, item.remoteId);
        } else {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("UPDATE ");
            sb.append(" SET folder_id = ?, remote_id = ?, metadata = ? WHERE ");
            sb.append(" item_id = ?");
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sb.toString());
            int i = 1;
            stmt.setInt(i++, item.folderId);
            stmt.setString(i++, item.remoteId);
            stmt.setString(i++, DbMailItem.checkMetadataLength(( == null) ? null :;
            i = DbMailItem.setMailboxId(stmt, mbox, i);
            stmt.setInt(i++, item.itemId);
        if (!isBatch) {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Unable to update mapping for dataSource " + ds.getName(), e);
    } finally {
        if (!isBatch) {
Also used : Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) DbConnection(com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection)


Mailbox (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox)817 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)389 Test (org.junit.Test)376 OperationContext (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext)365 ParsedMessage (com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage)306 Message (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message)303 DeliveryContext (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryContext)243 ItemId (com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId)243 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)138 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)127 MailServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)127 ZimbraSoapContext (com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext)106 MimeMessage (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage)104 Folder (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder)82 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)81 ZMailbox (com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox)73 DbConnection (com.zimbra.cs.db.DbPool.DbConnection)71 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)67 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)67 Header (javax.mail.Header)66