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Example 96 with Message

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ZimbraLmtpBackend method deliverMessageToLocalMailboxes.

private void deliverMessageToLocalMailboxes(Blob blob, BlobInputStream bis, byte[] data, MimeMessage mm, LmtpEnvelope env) throws ServiceException, IOException {
    List<LmtpAddress> recipients = env.getLocalRecipients();
    String envSender = env.getSender().getEmailAddress();
    boolean shared = recipients.size() > 1;
    List<Integer> targetMailboxIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(recipients.size());
    Map<LmtpAddress, RecipientDetail> rcptMap = new HashMap<LmtpAddress, RecipientDetail>(recipients.size());
    try {
        // Examine attachments indexing option for all recipients and
        // prepare ParsedMessage versions needed.  Parsing is done before
        // attempting delivery to any recipient.  Therefore, parse error
        // will result in non-delivery to all recipients.
        // ParsedMessage for users with attachments indexing
        ParsedMessage pmAttachIndex = null;
        // ParsedMessage for users without attachments indexing
        ParsedMessage pmNoAttachIndex = null;
        // message id for logging
        String msgId = null;
        for (LmtpAddress recipient : recipients) {
            String rcptEmail = recipient.getEmailAddress();
            Account account;
            Mailbox mbox;
            boolean attachmentsIndexingEnabled;
            try {
                account = Provisioning.getInstance().get(, rcptEmail);
                if (account == null) {
                    ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("No account found delivering mail to " + rcptEmail);
                mbox = MailboxManager.getInstance().getMailboxByAccount(account);
                if (mbox == null) {
                    ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("No mailbox found delivering mail to " + rcptEmail);
                attachmentsIndexingEnabled = mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled();
            } catch (ServiceException se) {
                if (se.isReceiversFault()) {
          "Recoverable exception getting mailbox for " + rcptEmail, se);
                    rcptMap.put(recipient, new RecipientDetail(null, null, null, false, DeliveryAction.defer));
                } else {
                    ZimbraLog.mailbox.warn("Unrecoverable exception getting mailbox for " + rcptEmail, se);
            if (account != null && mbox != null) {
                ParsedMessageOptions pmo;
                if (mm != null) {
                    pmo = new ParsedMessageOptions().setContent(mm).setDigest(blob.getDigest()).setSize(blob.getRawSize());
                } else {
                    pmo = new ParsedMessageOptions(blob, data);
                ParsedMessage pm;
                if (attachmentsIndexingEnabled) {
                    if (pmAttachIndex == null) {
                        ZimbraLog.lmtp.debug("Creating ParsedMessage from %s with attachment indexing enabled", data == null ? "file" : "memory");
                        pmAttachIndex = new ParsedMessage(pmo);
                    pm = pmAttachIndex;
                } else {
                    if (pmNoAttachIndex == null) {
                        ZimbraLog.lmtp.debug("Creating ParsedMessage from %s with attachment indexing disabled", data == null ? "file" : "memory");
                        pmNoAttachIndex = new ParsedMessage(pmo);
                    pm = pmNoAttachIndex;
                msgId = pm.getMessageID();
                if (account.isPrefMailLocalDeliveryDisabled()) {
                    ZimbraLog.lmtp.debug("Local delivery disabled for account %s", rcptEmail);
                    rcptMap.put(recipient, new RecipientDetail(account, mbox, pm, false, DeliveryAction.discard));
                // For non-shared delivery (i.e. only one recipient),
                // always deliver regardless of backup mode.
                DeliveryAction da = DeliveryAction.deliver;
                boolean endSharedDelivery = false;
                if (shared) {
                    if (mbox.beginSharedDelivery()) {
                        endSharedDelivery = true;
                    } else {
                        // Skip delivery to mailboxes in backup mode.
                        da = DeliveryAction.defer;
                rcptMap.put(recipient, new RecipientDetail(account, mbox, pm, endSharedDelivery, da));
                if (da == DeliveryAction.deliver) {
        if (ZimbraLog.lmtp.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "Delivering message: size=%s, nrcpts=%d, sender=%s, msgid=%s", env.getSize() == 0 ? "unspecified" : Integer.toString(env.getSize()) + " bytes", recipients.size(), env.getSender(), msgId == null ? "" : msgId);
        DeliveryContext sharedDeliveryCtxt = new DeliveryContext(shared, targetMailboxIds);
        // version each recipient needs.  Deliver!
        for (LmtpAddress recipient : recipients) {
            String rcptEmail = recipient.getEmailAddress();
            LmtpReply reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE;
            RecipientDetail rd = rcptMap.get(recipient);
            if (rd == null) {
                // Account or mailbox not found.
      "rejecting message from=%s,to=%s: account or mailbox not found", envSender, rcptEmail);
            if (rd.account != null) {
            if (rd.mbox != null) {
            boolean success = false;
            try {
                switch(rd.action) {
                    case discard:
              "accepted and discarded message from=%s,to=%s: local delivery is disabled", envSender, rcptEmail);
                        if (rd.account.getPrefMailForwardingAddress() != null) {
                            // mail forwarding is set up
                            for (LmtpCallback callback : callbacks) {
                                ZimbraLog.lmtp.debug("Executing callback %s", callback.getClass().getName());
                                callback.forwardWithoutDelivery(rd.account, rd.mbox, envSender, rcptEmail,;
                        reply = LmtpReply.DELIVERY_OK;
                    case deliver:
                        Account account = rd.account;
                        Mailbox mbox = rd.mbox;
                        ParsedMessage pm =;
                        List<ItemId> addedMessageIds = null;
                        ReentrantLock lock = mailboxDeliveryLocks.get(mbox.getId());
                        boolean acquiredLock;
                        try {
                            // Wait for the lock, up to the timeout
                            acquiredLock = lock.tryLock(LC.zimbra_mailbox_lock_timeout.intValue(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            acquiredLock = false;
                        if (!acquiredLock) {
                  "try again for message from=%s,to=%s: another mail delivery in progress.", envSender, rcptEmail);
                            reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE;
                        try {
                            if (dedupe(pm, mbox)) {
                                // message was already delivered to this mailbox
                      "Not delivering message with duplicate Message-ID %s", pm.getMessageID());
                            } else if (mbox.dedupeForSelfMsg(pm)) {
                      "not delivering message, because it is a duplicate of sent message %s", pm.getMessageID());
                            } else if (recipient.getSkipFilters()) {
                                msgId = pm.getMessageID();
                                int folderId = Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_INBOX;
                                if (recipient.getFolder() != null) {
                                    try {
                                        Folder folder = mbox.getFolderByPath(null, recipient.getFolder());
                                        folderId = folder.getId();
                                    } catch (ServiceException se) {
                                        if (se.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_FOLDER)) {
                                            Folder folder = mbox.createFolder(null, recipient.getFolder(), new Folder.FolderOptions().setDefaultView(MailItem.Type.MESSAGE));
                                            folderId = folder.getId();
                                        } else {
                                            throw se;
                                int flags = Flag.BITMASK_UNREAD;
                                if (recipient.getFlags() != null) {
                                    flags = Flag.toBitmask(recipient.getFlags());
                                DeliveryOptions dopt = new DeliveryOptions().setFolderId(folderId);
                                Message msg = mbox.addMessage(null, pm, dopt, sharedDeliveryCtxt);
                                addedMessageIds = Lists.newArrayList(new ItemId(msg));
                            } else if (!DebugConfig.disableIncomingFilter) {
                                // Get msgid first, to avoid having to reopen and reparse the blob
                                // file if Mailbox.addMessageInternal() closes it.
                                addedMessageIds = RuleManager.applyRulesToIncomingMessage(null, mbox, pm, (int) blob.getRawSize(), rcptEmail, env, sharedDeliveryCtxt, Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_INBOX, false, true);
                            } else {
                                DeliveryOptions dopt = new DeliveryOptions().setFolderId(Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_INBOX);
                                Message msg = mbox.addMessage(null, pm, dopt, sharedDeliveryCtxt);
                                addedMessageIds = Lists.newArrayList(new ItemId(msg));
                            success = true;
                            if (addedMessageIds != null && addedMessageIds.size() > 0) {
                                addToDedupeCache(pm, mbox);
                        } finally {
                        if (addedMessageIds != null && addedMessageIds.size() > 0) {
                            // Execute callbacks
                            for (LmtpCallback callback : callbacks) {
                                for (ItemId id : addedMessageIds) {
                                    if (id.belongsTo(mbox)) {
                                        // Message was added to the local mailbox, as opposed to a mountpoint.
                                        ZimbraLog.lmtp.debug("Executing callback %s", callback.getClass().getName());
                                        try {
                                            Message msg = mbox.getMessageById(null, id.getId());
                                            callback.afterDelivery(account, mbox, envSender, rcptEmail, msg);
                                        } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
                                            Zimbra.halt("LMTP callback failed", oome);
                                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                                            ZimbraLog.lmtp.warn("LMTP callback threw an exception", t);
                        reply = LmtpReply.DELIVERY_OK;
                    case defer:
                        // Delivery to mailbox skipped.  Let MTA retry again later.
                        // This case happens for shared delivery to a mailbox in
                        // backup mode.
              "try again for message from=%s,to=%s: mailbox skipped", envSender, rcptEmail);
                        reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE;
            } catch (DeliveryServiceException e) {
      "rejecting message from=%s,to=%s: sieve filter rule", envSender, rcptEmail);
                reply = LmtpReply.PERMANENT_MESSAGE_REFUSED;
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                if (e.getCode().equals(MailServiceException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED)) {
          "rejecting message from=%s,to=%s: overquota", envSender, rcptEmail);
                    if (config.isPermanentFailureWhenOverQuota()) {
                        reply = LmtpReply.PERMANENT_FAILURE_OVER_QUOTA;
                    } else {
                        reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE_OVER_QUOTA;
                } else if (e.isReceiversFault()) {
          "try again for message from=%s,to=%s", envSender, rcptEmail, e);
                    reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE;
                } else {
          "rejecting message from=%s,to=%s", envSender, rcptEmail, e);
                    reply = LmtpReply.PERMANENT_FAILURE;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                reply = LmtpReply.TEMPORARY_FAILURE;
                ZimbraLog.lmtp.warn("try again for message from=%s,to=%s", envSender, rcptEmail, e);
            } finally {
                if (rd.action == DeliveryAction.deliver && !success) {
                    // Message was not delivered.  Remove it from the dedupe
                    // cache so we don't dedupe it on LMTP retry.
                    removeFromDedupeCache(msgId, rd.mbox);
                if (shared && rd != null && rd.esd) {
                    rd.esd = false;
        // If this message is being streamed from disk, cache it
        ParsedMessage mimeSource = pmAttachIndex != null ? pmAttachIndex : pmNoAttachIndex;
        MailboxBlob mblob = sharedDeliveryCtxt.getMailboxBlob();
        if (mblob != null && mimeSource != null) {
            if (bis == null) {
                bis = mimeSource.getBlobInputStream();
            if (bis != null) {
                try {
                    // Update the MimeMessage with the blob that's stored inside the mailbox,
                    // since the incoming blob will be deleted.
                    Blob storedBlob = mblob.getLocalBlob();
                    MessageCache.cacheMessage(mblob.getDigest(), mimeSource.getOriginalMessage(), mimeSource.getMimeMessage());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    ZimbraLog.lmtp.warn("Unable to cache message for " + mblob, e);
    } finally {
        // called, we check and fix those here.
        if (shared) {
            for (RecipientDetail rd : rcptMap.values()) {
                if (rd.esd && rd.mbox != null)
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) DeliveryServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.DeliveryServiceException) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) DeliveryContext(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryContext) DeliveryOptions(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryOptions) ReentrantLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock) Blob( MailboxBlob( ParsedMessageOptions(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessageOptions) MailboxBlob( ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) IOException( MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) LmtpProtocolException(com.zimbra.common.lmtp.LmtpProtocolException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) IOException( DeliveryServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.DeliveryServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) DeliveryServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.DeliveryServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)

Example 97 with Message

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ArchiveFormatter method addItem.

private void addItem(UserServletContext context, Folder fldr, Map<Object, Folder> fmap, FolderDigestInfo digestInfo, Map<Integer, Integer> idMap, int[] ids, Set<MailItem.Type> types, Resolve r, ItemData id, ArchiveInputStream ais, ArchiveInputEntry aie, List<ServiceException> errs) throws ServiceException {
    try {
        Mailbox mbox = fldr.getMailbox();
        MailItem mi = MailItem.constructItem(mbox, id.ud);
        MailItem newItem = null, oldItem = null;
        OperationContext octxt = context.opContext;
        String path;
        ParsedMessage pm;
        boolean root = fldr.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT || fldr.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT || id.path.startsWith(fldr.getPath() + '/');
        if ((ids != null && Arrays.binarySearch(ids, < 0) || (types != null && !types.contains(MailItem.Type.of(id.ud.type))))
        if (id.ud.getBlobDigest() != null && aie == null) {
            addError(errs, FormatterServiceException.MISSING_BLOB(id.path));
        if (root) {
            path = id.path;
        } else {
            path = fldr.getPath() + id.path;
        if (path.endsWith("/") && !path.equals("/")) {
            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
        if (mbox.isImmutableSystemFolder(id.ud.folderId))
        switch(mi.getType()) {
            case APPOINTMENT:
            case TASK:
                CalendarItem ci = (CalendarItem) mi;
                fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, ci.getType() == MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT ? MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT : MailItem.Type.TASK);
                if (!root || r != Resolve.Reset) {
                    CalendarItem oldCI = null;
                    try {
                        oldCI = mbox.getCalendarItemByUid(octxt, ci.getUid());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (oldCI != null && r == Resolve.Replace) {
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldCI.getId(), oldCI.getType());
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldCI;
                if (oldItem == null || r != Resolve.Skip) {
                    CalendarItem.AlarmData ad = ci.getAlarmData();
                    byte[] data = readArchiveEntry(ais, aie);
                    Map<Integer, MimeMessage> blobMimeMsgMap = data == null ? null : CalendarItem.decomposeBlob(data);
                    SetCalendarItemData defScid = new SetCalendarItemData();
                    SetCalendarItemData[] exceptionScids = null;
                    Invite[] invs = ci.getInvites();
                    MimeMessage mm;
                    if (invs != null && invs.length > 0) {
                        defScid.invite = invs[0];
                        if (blobMimeMsgMap != null && (mm = blobMimeMsgMap.get(defScid.invite.getMailItemId())) != null) {
                            defScid.message = new ParsedMessage(mm, mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
                        if (invs.length > 1) {
                            exceptionScids = new SetCalendarItemData[invs.length - 1];
                            for (int i = 1; i < invs.length; i++) {
                                SetCalendarItemData scid = new SetCalendarItemData();
                                scid.invite = invs[i];
                                if (blobMimeMsgMap != null && (mm = blobMimeMsgMap.get(defScid.invite.getMailItemId())) != null) {
                                    scid.message = new ParsedMessage(mm, mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
                                exceptionScids[i - 1] = scid;
                        newItem = mbox.setCalendarItem(octxt, oldItem != null && r == Resolve.Modify ? oldItem.getFolderId() : fldr.getId(), ci.getFlagBitmask(), ci.getTags(), defScid, exceptionScids, ci.getAllReplies(), ad == null ? CalendarItem.NEXT_ALARM_KEEP_CURRENT : ad.getNextAt());
            case CHAT:
                Chat chat = (Chat) mi;
                byte[] content = readArchiveEntry(ais, aie);
                pm = new ParsedMessage(content, mi.getDate(), mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
                fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.CHAT);
                if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
                    Chat oldChat = null;
                    try {
                        oldChat = mbox.getChatById(octxt, chat.getId());
                        if (oldChat.getFolderId() != fldr.getId()) {
                            oldChat = null;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (oldChat != null && chat.getSender().equals(oldChat.getSender()) && chat.getSubject().equals(oldChat.getSubject())) {
                        if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
                            mbox.delete(octxt, oldChat.getId(), oldChat.getType());
                        } else {
                            oldItem = oldChat;
                            if (r == Resolve.Modify)
                                newItem = mbox.updateChat(octxt, pm, oldItem.getId());
                if (oldItem == null)
                    newItem = mbox.createChat(octxt, pm, fldr.getId(), chat.getFlagBitmask(), chat.getTags());
            case CONVERSATION:
                Conversation cv = (Conversation) mi;
                if (r != Resolve.Reset && r != Resolve.Skip) {
                    try {
                        oldItem = mbox.getConversationByHash(octxt, Mailbox.getHash(cv.getSubject()));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            case CONTACT:
                Contact ct = (Contact) mi;
                fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.CONTACT);
                if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
                    Contact oldContact = null;
                    oldContact = findContact(octxt, mbox, ct, fldr);
                    if (oldContact != null) {
                        String email = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_email));
                        String first = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_firstName));
                        String name = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName));
                        String oldemail = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_email));
                        String oldfirst = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_firstName));
                        String oldname = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName));
                        if (email.equals(oldemail) && first.equals(oldfirst) && name.equals(oldname)) {
                            if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
                                mbox.delete(octxt, oldContact.getId(), oldContact.getType());
                            } else {
                                oldItem = oldContact;
                                if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
                                    mbox.modifyContact(octxt, oldItem.getId(), new ParsedContact(ct.getFields(), readArchiveEntry(ais, aie)));
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    newItem = mbox.createContact(octxt, new ParsedContact(ct.getFields(), readArchiveEntry(ais, aie)), fldr.getId(), ct.getTags());
            case DOCUMENT:
            case WIKI:
                Document doc = (Document) mi;
                Document oldDoc = null;
                Integer oldId = idMap.get(mi.getId());
                fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, doc.getType() == MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT ? MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT : MailItem.Type.WIKI);
                if (oldId == null) {
                    try {
                        for (Document listDoc : mbox.getDocumentList(octxt, fldr.getId())) {
                            if (doc.getName().equals(listDoc.getName())) {
                                oldDoc = listDoc;
                                idMap.put(doc.getId(), oldDoc.getId());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                } else {
                    oldDoc = mbox.getDocumentById(octxt, oldId);
                if (oldDoc != null) {
                    if (r == Resolve.Replace && oldId == null) {
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), oldDoc.getType());
                    } else if (doc.getVersion() < oldDoc.getVersion()) {
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldDoc;
                        if (doc.getVersion() > oldDoc.getVersion()) {
                            newItem = mbox.addDocumentRevision(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), doc.getCreator(), doc.getName(), doc.getDescription(), doc.isDescriptionEnabled(), ais.getInputStream());
                        if (r != Resolve.Skip) {
                            mbox.setDate(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), doc.getType(), doc.getDate());
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    if (mi.getType() == MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT) {
                        newItem = mbox.createDocument(octxt, fldr.getId(), doc.getName(), doc.getContentType(), doc.getCreator(), doc.getDescription(), ais.getInputStream());
                    } else {
                        WikiItem wi = (WikiItem) mi;
                        newItem = mbox.createWiki(octxt, fldr.getId(), wi.getWikiWord(), wi.getCreator(), wi.getDescription(), ais.getInputStream());
                    mbox.setDate(octxt, newItem.getId(), doc.getType(), doc.getDate());
                    idMap.put(doc.getId(), newItem.getId());
            case FLAG:
            case FOLDER:
                String aclParam = context.params.get("acl");
                boolean doACL = aclParam == null || !aclParam.equals("0");
                Folder f = (Folder) mi;
                ACL acl = f.getACL();
                Folder oldF = null;
                MailItem.Type view = f.getDefaultView();
                if (view == MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION || view == MailItem.Type.FLAG || view == MailItem.Type.TAG)
                try {
                    oldF = mbox.getFolderByPath(octxt, path);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldF != null) {
                    oldItem = oldF;
                    if (r != Resolve.Skip) {
                        if (!f.getUrl().equals(oldF.getUrl())) {
                            mbox.setFolderUrl(octxt, oldF.getId(), f.getUrl());
                        if (doACL) {
                            ACL oldACL = oldF.getACL();
                            if ((acl == null && oldACL != null) || (acl != null && (oldACL == null || !acl.equals(oldACL)))) {
                                mbox.setPermissions(octxt, oldF.getId(), acl);
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.UNKNOWN);
                    Folder.FolderOptions fopt = new Folder.FolderOptions();
                    newItem = fldr = mbox.createFolder(octxt, f.getName(), fldr.getId(), fopt);
                    if (doACL && acl != null) {
                        mbox.setPermissions(octxt, fldr.getId(), acl);
                    fmap.put(fldr.getId(), fldr);
                    fmap.put(fldr.getPath(), fldr);
            case MESSAGE:
                Message msg = (Message) mi;
                Message oldMsg = null;
                fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.MESSAGE);
                if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
                    try {
                        oldMsg = mbox.getMessageById(octxt, msg.getId());
                        if (!msg.getDigest().equals(oldMsg.getDigest()) || oldMsg.getFolderId() != fldr.getId()) {
                            oldMsg = null;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldMsg == null) {
                    Integer digestId = digestInfo.getIdForDigest(fldr, mi.getDigest());
                    if (digestId != null) {
                        oldMsg = mbox.getMessageById(octxt, digestId);
                        if (!msg.getDigest().equals(oldMsg.getDigest())) {
                            oldMsg = null;
                if (oldMsg != null) {
                    if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
                        ZimbraLog.misc.debug("Deleting old msg with id=%s as has same digest='%s'", oldMsg.getId(), mi.getDigest());
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldMsg.getId(), oldMsg.getType());
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldMsg;
                if (oldItem != null) {
                    ZimbraLog.misc.debug("Message with id=%s has same digest='%s' - not re-adding", oldItem.getId(), mi.getDigest());
                } else {
                    DeliveryOptions opt = new DeliveryOptions().setFolderId(fldr.getId()).setNoICal(true).setFlags(msg.getFlagBitmask()).setTags(msg.getTags());
                    newItem = mbox.addMessage(octxt, ais.getInputStream(), (int) aie.getSize(), msg.getDate(), opt, null, id);
            case MOUNTPOINT:
                Mountpoint mp = (Mountpoint) mi;
                MailItem oldMP = null;
                try {
                    oldMP = mbox.getItemByPath(octxt, path);
                    if (oldMP.getType() == mi.getType()) {
                        oldMP = null;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldMP != null) {
                    if (r == Resolve.Modify || r == Resolve.Replace) {
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldMP.getId(), oldMP.getType());
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldMP;
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.UNKNOWN);
                    newItem = mbox.createMountpoint(context.opContext, fldr.getId(), mp.getName(), mp.getOwnerId(), mp.getRemoteId(), mp.getRemoteUuid(), mp.getDefaultView(), mp.getFlagBitmask(), mp.getColor(), mp.isReminderEnabled());
            case NOTE:
                Note note = (Note) mi;
                Note oldNote = null;
                fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.NOTE);
                try {
                    for (Note listNote : mbox.getNoteList(octxt, fldr.getId())) {
                        if (note.getSubject().equals(listNote.getSubject())) {
                            oldNote = listNote;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldNote != null) {
                    if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldNote.getId(), oldNote.getType());
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldNote;
                        if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
                            mbox.editNote(octxt, oldItem.getId(), new String(readArchiveEntry(ais, aie), UTF8));
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    newItem = mbox.createNote(octxt, new String(readArchiveEntry(ais, aie), UTF8), note.getBounds(), note.getColor(), fldr.getId());
            case SEARCHFOLDER:
                SearchFolder sf = (SearchFolder) mi;
                MailItem oldSF = null;
                try {
                    oldSF = mbox.getItemByPath(octxt, path);
                    if (oldSF.getType() == mi.getType()) {
                        oldSF = null;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldSF != null) {
                    if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
                        mbox.modifySearchFolder(octxt, oldSF.getId(), sf.getQuery(), sf.getReturnTypes(), sf.getSortField());
                    } else if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
                        mbox.delete(octxt, oldSF.getId(), oldSF.getType());
                    } else {
                        oldItem = oldSF;
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN);
                    newItem = mbox.createSearchFolder(octxt, fldr.getId(), sf.getName(), sf.getQuery(), sf.getReturnTypes(), sf.getSortField(), sf.getFlagBitmask(), sf.getColor());
            case TAG:
                Tag tag = (Tag) mi;
                try {
                    Tag oldTag = mbox.getTagByName(octxt, tag.getName());
                    oldItem = oldTag;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                if (oldItem == null) {
                    newItem = mbox.createTag(octxt, tag.getName(), tag.getColor());
            case VIRTUAL_CONVERSATION:
        if (newItem != null) {
            if (mi.getColor() != newItem.getColor()) {
                mbox.setColor(octxt, newItem.getId(), newItem.getType(), mi.getColor());
            if (!id.flags.equals(newItem.getFlagString()) || !id.tagsEqual(newItem)) {
                mbox.setTags(octxt, newItem.getId(), newItem.getType(), Flag.toBitmask(id.flags), getTagNames(id), null);
        } else if (oldItem != null && r == Resolve.Modify) {
            if (mi.getColor() != oldItem.getColor()) {
                mbox.setColor(octxt, oldItem.getId(), oldItem.getType(), mi.getColor());
            if (!id.flags.equals(oldItem.getFlagString()) || !id.tagsEqual(oldItem)) {
                mbox.setTags(octxt, oldItem.getId(), oldItem.getType(), Flag.toBitmask(id.flags), getTagNames(id), null);
    } catch (MailServiceException e) {
        if (e.getCode() == MailServiceException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED) {
            throw e;
        } else if (r != Resolve.Skip || e.getCode() != MailServiceException.ALREADY_EXISTS) {
            addError(errs, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String path = id.path;
        // When importing items into, e.g. the Inbox, often path is just "/Inbox" which isn't that useful
        if ((aie != null) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(aie.getName())) {
            path = aie.getName();
        addError(errs, FormatterServiceException.UNKNOWN_ERROR(path, e));
Also used : MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) Conversation(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Conversation) Document(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Document) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) SetCalendarItemData(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox.SetCalendarItemData) CalendarItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem) ParsedContact(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedContact) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) Chat(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Chat) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) DeliveryOptions(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryOptions) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) OperationContext(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext) ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) ACL(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.ACL) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) ExportPeriodNotSpecifiedException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.ExportPeriodNotSpecifiedException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) ExportPeriodTooLongException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.ExportPeriodTooLongException) UserServletException(com.zimbra.cs.service.UserServletException) Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) ParsedContact(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedContact) Contact(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Contact) MailItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem) WikiItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.WikiItem) Note(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Note) Tag(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Tag) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)

Example 98 with Message

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ArchiveFormatter method saveItem.

private ArchiveOutputStream saveItem(UserServletContext context, MailItem mi, Map<Integer, String> fldrs, Map<Integer, Integer> cnts, boolean version, ArchiveOutputStream aos, CharsetEncoder charsetEncoder, Set<String> names) throws ServiceException {
    String ext = null, name = null;
    String extra = null;
    Integer fid = mi.getFolderId();
    String fldr;
    InputStream is = null;
    String metaParam = context.params.get(UserServlet.QP_META);
    boolean meta = metaParam == null ? getDefaultMeta() : !metaParam.equals("0");
    if (!version && mi.isTagged(Flag.FlagInfo.VERSIONED)) {
        for (MailItem rev : context.targetMailbox.getAllRevisions(context.opContext, mi.getId(), mi.getType())) {
            if (mi.getVersion() != rev.getVersion())
                aos = saveItem(context, rev, fldrs, cnts, true, aos, charsetEncoder, names);
    switch(mi.getType()) {
        case APPOINTMENT:
            Appointment appt = (Appointment) mi;
            if (!appt.isPublic() && !appt.allowPrivateAccess(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges())) {
                return aos;
            if (meta) {
                name = appt.getSubject();
                ext = "appt";
            } else {
                ext = "ics";
        case CHAT:
            ext = "chat";
        case CONTACT:
            Contact ct = (Contact) mi;
            name = ct.getFileAsString();
            if (!meta) {
                ext = "vcf";
        case FLAG:
            return aos;
        case FOLDER:
        case MOUNTPOINT:
        case SEARCHFOLDER:
            if (mi.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT) {
                name = "ROOT";
            } else if (mi.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT) {
                name = "USER_ROOT";
            } else {
                name = mi.getName();
        case MESSAGE:
            Message msg = (Message) mi;
            if (msg.hasCalendarItemInfos()) {
                Set<ItemId> calItems = Sets.newHashSet();
                for (Iterator<CalendarItemInfo> it = msg.getCalendarItemInfoIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    ItemId iid =;
                    if (iid != null) {
                for (ItemId i : calItems) {
                    if (extra == null) {
                        extra = "calendar=" + i.toString();
                    } else {
                        extra += ',' + i.toString();
            ext = "eml";
        case NOTE:
            ext = "note";
        case TASK:
            Task task = (Task) mi;
            if (!task.isPublic() && !task.allowPrivateAccess(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges())) {
                return aos;
            ext = "task";
            return aos;
        case WIKI:
            ext = "wiki";
    fldr = fldrs.get(fid);
    if (fldr == null) {
        Folder f = mi.getMailbox().getFolderById(context.opContext, fid);
        cnts.put(fid, 1);
        fldr = f.getPath();
        if (fldr.startsWith("/")) {
            fldr = fldr.substring(1);
        fldr = sanitize(fldr, charsetEncoder);
        fldr = ILLEGAL_FOLDER_CHARS.matcher(fldr).replaceAll("_");
        fldrs.put(fid, fldr);
    } else if (!(mi instanceof Folder)) {
        final int BATCH = 500;
        int cnt = cnts.get(fid) + 1;
        cnts.put(fid, cnt);
        cnt /= BATCH;
        if (cnt > 0) {
            fldr = fldr + '!' + cnt;
    int targetBaseLength = 0;
    if (context.noHierarchy()) {
        // Parent hierarchy is not needed, so construct the folder names without parent hierarchy.
        // e.g> represent "inbox/subfolder/target" as "target".
        String targetPath = null;
        if (context.itemPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // inbox/subfolder/target/
            targetPath = context.itemPath.substring(0, context.itemPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
        } else {
            // inbox/subfolder/target
            targetPath = context.itemPath;
        // "inbox/subfolder".length()
        targetBaseLength = targetPath.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (targetBaseLength >= fldr.length()) {
            // fldr is "inbox/subfolder"
            fldr = "";
        } else if (targetBaseLength > 0) {
            // fldr is "inbox/subfolder/target"
            fldr = fldr.substring(targetBaseLength + 1);
    try {
        ArchiveOutputEntry aoe;
        byte[] data = null;
        String path = mi instanceof Contact ? getEntryName(mi, fldr, name, ext, charsetEncoder, names) : getEntryName(mi, fldr, name, ext, charsetEncoder, !(mi instanceof Document));
        long miSize = mi.getSize();
        if (miSize == 0 && mi.getDigest() != null) {
            ZimbraLog.misc.debug("blob db size 0 for item %d", mi.getId());
            return aos;
        try {
            is = mi.getContentStream();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ZimbraLog.misc.error("missing blob for item %d: expected %d", mi.getId(), miSize);
            return aos;
        if (aos == null) {
            aos = getOutputStream(context, charsetEncoder.charset().name());
        if ((mi instanceof CalendarItem) && (context.getStartTime() != TIME_UNSPECIFIED || context.getEndTime() != TIME_UNSPECIFIED)) {
            Collection<Instance> instances = ((CalendarItem) mi).expandInstances(context.getStartTime(), context.getEndTime(), false);
            if (instances.isEmpty()) {
                return aos;
        aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path + ".meta", mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
        if (mi instanceof Message && (mi.getFlagBitmask() & Flag.ID_UNREAD) != 0) {
        if (meta) {
            ItemData itemData = new ItemData(mi, extra);
            if (context.noHierarchy()) {
                // itemData.path is of the form /Inbox/subfolder/target and after this step it becomes /target.
                if (targetBaseLength > 0 && ((targetBaseLength + 1) < itemData.path.length())) {
                    itemData.path = itemData.path.substring(targetBaseLength + 1);
            byte[] metaData = itemData.encode();
        } else if (mi instanceof CalendarItem) {
            Browser browser = HttpUtil.guessBrowser(context.req);
            List<CalendarItem> calItems = new ArrayList<CalendarItem>();
            boolean needAppleICalHacks = Browser.APPLE_ICAL.equals(browser);
            boolean useOutlookCompatMode = Browser.IE.equals(browser);
            OperationContext octxt = new OperationContext(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges());
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            calItems.add((CalendarItem) mi);
            context.targetMailbox.writeICalendarForCalendarItems(writer, octxt, calItems, useOutlookCompatMode, true, needAppleICalHacks, true);
            data = writer.toString().getBytes(charsetEncoder.charset());
        } else if (mi instanceof Contact) {
            VCard vcf = VCard.formatContact((Contact) mi);
            data = vcf.getFormatted().getBytes(charsetEncoder.charset());
        } else if (mi instanceof Message) {
            if (context.hasPart()) {
                MimeMessage mm = ((Message) mi).getMimeMessage();
                Set<String> attachmentNames = new HashSet<String>();
                for (String part : context.getPart().split(",")) {
                    BufferStream bs;
                    MimePart mp = Mime.getMimePart(mm, part);
                    long sz;
                    if (mp == null) {
                        throw MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_PART(part);
                    name = Mime.getFilename(mp);
                    if (!Normalizer.isNormalized(name, Normalizer.Form.NFC)) {
                        name = Normalizer.normalize(name, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
                    ext = null;
                    sz = mp.getSize();
                    if (sz == -1) {
                        sz = miSize;
                    if (name == null) {
                        name = "attachment";
                    } else {
                        int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
                        if (dot != -1 && dot < name.length() - 1) {
                            ext = name.substring(dot + 1);
                            name = name.substring(0, dot);
                    bs = new BufferStream(sz, 1024 * 1024);
                    InputStream stream = mp.getInputStream();
                    try {
                    } finally {
                        // close the stream, it could be an instance of PipedInputStream.
                    aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(getEntryName(mi, "", name, ext, charsetEncoder, attachmentNames), mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
                    sz = bs.getSize();
                return aos;
        aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path, mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
        if (data != null) {
        } else if (is != null) {
            if (context.shouldReturnBody()) {
                byte[] buf = new byte[aos.getRecordSize() * 20];
                int in;
                long remain = miSize;
                while (remain > 0 && (in = >= 0) {
                    aos.write(buf, 0, remain < in ? (int) remain : in);
                    remain -= in;
                if (remain != 0) {
                    ZimbraLog.misc.error("mismatched blob size for item %d: expected %d", mi.getId(), miSize);
                    if (remain > 0) {
                        Arrays.fill(buf, (byte) ' ');
                        while (remain > 0) {
                            aos.write(buf, 0, remain < buf.length ? (int) remain : buf.length);
                            remain -= buf.length;
                    aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path + ".err", mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
            } else {
                // Read headers into memory to compute size
                byte[] headerData = HeadersOnlyInputStream.getHeaders(is);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("archive error", e);
    } finally {
    return aos;
Also used : Appointment(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Appointment) Task(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Task) EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) ParsedMessage(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) Instance(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem.Instance) SearchFolder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder) Folder(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder) Document(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Document) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) CalendarItemInfo(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message.CalendarItemInfo) CalendarItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem) StringWriter( MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) OperationContext(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext) InputStream( Mountpoint(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mountpoint) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) ExportPeriodNotSpecifiedException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.ExportPeriodNotSpecifiedException) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) ExportPeriodTooLongException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.ExportPeriodTooLongException) UserServletException(com.zimbra.cs.service.UserServletException) ParsedContact(com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedContact) Contact(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Contact) BufferStream(com.zimbra.common.util.BufferStream) MailItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem) MimePart(javax.mail.internet.MimePart) SetCalendarItemData(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox.SetCalendarItemData) ItemData(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemData) Browser(com.zimbra.common.util.HttpUtil.Browser)

Example 99 with Message

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class AtomFormatter method formatCallback.

public void formatCallback(UserServletContext context) throws IOException, ServiceException {
    Iterator<? extends MailItem> iterator = null;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Element.XMLElement feed = new Element.XMLElement("feed");
    int offset = context.getOffset();
    int limit = context.getLimit();
    try {
        iterator = getMailItems(context, context.getStartTime(), context.getEndTime(), limit - offset);
        sb.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");
        feed.addAttribute("xmlns", "");
        feed.addElement("title").setText("Zimbra " + context.itemPath);
        feed.addElement("generator").setText("Zimbra Atom Feed Servlet");
        feed.addElement("updated").setText(DateUtil.toISO8601(new Date(context.targetMailbox.getLastChangeDate())));
        int curHit = 0;
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            MailItem itItem =;
            if (curHit > limit)
            if (curHit >= offset) {
                if (itItem instanceof CalendarItem) {
                    // Don't return private appointments/tasks if the requester is not the mailbox owner.
                    CalendarItem calItem = (CalendarItem) itItem;
                    if (calItem.isPublic() || calItem.allowPrivateAccess(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges())) {
                        addCalendarItem(calItem, feed, context);
                } else if (itItem instanceof Message) {
                    addMessage((Message) itItem, feed);
    } finally {
        if (iterator instanceof QueryResultIterator)
            ((QueryResultIterator) iterator).finished();
Also used : CalendarItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem) MailItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailItem) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) Element(com.zimbra.common.soap.Element) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 100 with Message

use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ToXML method encodeInvitesForMessage.

private static Element encodeInvitesForMessage(Element parent, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, OperationContext octxt, Message msg, int fields, boolean neuter) throws ServiceException {
    if (fields != NOTIFY_FIELDS && !needToOutput(fields, Change.INVITE)) {
        return parent;
    Element ie = parent.addNonUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE);
    Mailbox mbox = msg.getMailbox();
    for (Iterator<Message.CalendarItemInfo> iter = msg.getCalendarItemInfoIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Message.CalendarItemInfo info =;
        CalendarItem calItem = null;
        ICalTok method = ICalTok.REQUEST;
        Invite invCi = info.getInvite();
        if (invCi != null) {
            method = Invite.lookupMethod(invCi.getMethod());
        Invite invite = invCi;
        ItemId calendarItemId = info.getCalendarItemId();
        if (info.calItemCreated()) {
            try {
                calItem = mbox.getCalendarItemById(octxt, calendarItemId);
            } catch (MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException e) {
                // Calendar item has been deleted. Bug 84877 - don't include stale references to it in SOAP response
                calendarItemId = null;
            } catch (ServiceException e) {
                // eat PERM_DENIED
                if (e.getCode() != ServiceException.PERM_DENIED) {
                    throw e;
                // If we can't access it.  Don't include a reference to it.
                calendarItemId = null;
            // Do staleness check for invitation messages.
            if (ICalTok.REQUEST.equals(method) || ICalTok.PUBLISH.equals(method)) {
                if (calItem != null && calItem.getFolderId() != Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_TRASH) {
                    if (invCi != null) {
                        // See if the messsage's invite is outdated.
                        Invite invCurr = calItem.getInvite(invCi.getRecurId());
                        if (invCurr != null) {
                            if (invCi.getSeqNo() >= invCurr.getSeqNo()) {
                                // Invite is new or same as what's in the appointment.  Show it.
                                invite = invCi;
                            } else {
                                // Outdated.  Don't show it.
                                invite = null;
                        } else {
                            // New invite.  Show it.
                            invite = invCi;
                    } else {
                        // legacy case
                        invite = calItem.getInvite(msg.getId(), info.getComponentNo());
                    // invite == null if the invite was outdated by a newer update
        } else {
            // We have an invite that wasn't auto-added.
            if (invCi != null) {
                if (!Invite.isOrganizerMethod(invCi.getMethod()) || ICalTok.DECLINECOUNTER.equals(method)) {
                    invite = invCi;
                } else {
                    try {
                        calItem = mbox.getCalendarItemByUid(octxt, invCi.getUid());
                    } catch (MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException e) {
                    // ignore
                    } catch (ServiceException e) {
                        // eat PERM_DENIED
                        if (e.getCode() != ServiceException.PERM_DENIED) {
                            throw e;
                    if (calItem != null) {
                        // See if the messsage's invite is outdated.
                        Invite invCurr = calItem.getInvite(invCi.getRecurId());
                        if (invCurr != null) {
                            if (invCi.getSeqNo() >= invCurr.getSeqNo()) {
                                // Invite is new or same as what's in the appointment.  Show it.
                                invite = invCi;
                            } else {
                                // Outdated.  Don't show it.
                                invite = null;
                        } else {
                            // New invite.  Show it.
                            invite = invCi;
                    } else {
                        // Appointment doesn't exist.  The invite in the message should be displayed and the
                        // user can manually add the appointment.
                        invite = invCi;
        if (invite != null) {
            setCalendarItemType(ie, invite.getItemType());
            encodeTimeZoneMap(ie, invite.getTimeZoneMap());
            com.zimbra.soap.mail.type.CalendarItemInfo remoteCalendarItem = null;
            if (calItem == null) {
                remoteCalendarItem = msg.getRemoteCalendarItem(invite);
                if (remoteCalendarItem != null) {
                    calendarItemId = new ItemId(remoteCalendarItem.getId(), (String) null);
            encodeInviteComponent(ie, ifmt, octxt, calItem, calendarItemId, invite, fields, neuter);
            ICalTok invMethod = Invite.lookupMethod(invite.getMethod());
            if (ICalTok.REQUEST.equals(invMethod) || ICalTok.PUBLISH.equals(invMethod)) {
                InviteChanges invChanges = info.getInviteChanges();
                if (invChanges != null && !invChanges.noChange()) {
                    Element comp = ie.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE_COMPONENT);
                    if (comp != null) {
                        comp.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_CHANGES, invChanges.toString());
                if (calItem != null) {
                    boolean showAll = invite.isPublic() || allowPrivateAccess(octxt, calItem);
                    if (showAll) {
                        RecurId rid = invite.getRecurId();
                        encodeCalendarReplies(ie, calItem, invite, rid != null ? rid.getDtZ() : null);
                } else if (null != remoteCalendarItem) {
                    CalendarReply.encodeCalendarReplyList(ie, remoteCalendarItem.getCalendarReplies());
    return ie;
Also used : InviteChanges(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.InviteChanges) MimeMessage(javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) Message(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message) Element(com.zimbra.common.soap.Element) RecurId(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.RecurId) ItemId(com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId) ICalTok(com.zimbra.common.calendar.ZCalendar.ICalTok) CalendarItem(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.CalendarItem) NoSuchItemException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException.NoSuchItemException) Mailbox(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox) ServiceException(com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) MailServiceException(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException) Invite(com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.calendar.Invite)


Message (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Message)442 Mailbox (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Mailbox)375 ParsedMessage (com.zimbra.cs.mime.ParsedMessage)358 Test (org.junit.Test)335 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)315 OperationContext (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.OperationContext)302 DeliveryContext (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryContext)281 ItemId (com.zimbra.cs.service.util.ItemId)211 MimeMessage (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage)123 SyntaxException (org.apache.jsieve.exception.SyntaxException)87 Header (javax.mail.Header)83 MailServiceException (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException)63 DeliveryOptions (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.DeliveryOptions)53 LmtpEnvelope (com.zimbra.cs.lmtpserver.LmtpEnvelope)46 LmtpAddress (com.zimbra.cs.lmtpserver.LmtpAddress)43 ServiceException (com.zimbra.common.service.ServiceException)41 Element (com.zimbra.common.soap.Element)41 ZMimeMessage (com.zimbra.common.zmime.ZMimeMessage)36 Folder (com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.Folder)32 ZMailbox (com.zimbra.client.ZMailbox)26