use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ImapSessionManager method cacheKey.
private String cacheKey(Folder folder, boolean active) {
Mailbox mbox = folder.getMailbox();
int modseq = folder instanceof SearchFolder ? mbox.getLastChangeID() : folder.getImapMODSEQ();
int uvv = folder instanceof SearchFolder ? mbox.getLastChangeID() : ImapFolder.getUIDValidity(folder);
if (active) {
// use '_' as separator
return String.format("%s_%d_%d_%d", mbox.getAccountId(), folder.getId(), modseq, uvv);
} else {
// use ':' as a separator
return String.format("%s:%d:%d:%d", mbox.getAccountId(), folder.getId(), modseq, uvv);
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ModifySearchFolder method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Mailbox mbox = getRequestedMailbox(zsc);
OperationContext octxt = getOperationContext(zsc, context);
ItemIdFormatter ifmt = new ItemIdFormatter(zsc);
Element t = request.getElement(MailConstants.E_SEARCH);
ItemId iid = new ItemId(t.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ID), zsc);
String query = t.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_QUERY);
String types = t.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SEARCH_TYPES, null);
String sort = t.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_SORTBY, null);
mbox.modifySearchFolder(octxt, iid.getId(), query, types, sort);
SearchFolder search = mbox.getSearchFolderById(octxt, iid.getId());
Element response = zsc.createElement(MailConstants.MODIFY_SEARCH_FOLDER_RESPONSE);
ToXML.encodeSearchFolder(response, ifmt, search);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ArchiveFormatter method saveItem.
private ArchiveOutputStream saveItem(UserServletContext context, MailItem mi, Map<Integer, String> fldrs, Map<Integer, Integer> cnts, boolean version, ArchiveOutputStream aos, CharsetEncoder charsetEncoder, Set<String> names) throws ServiceException {
String ext = null, name = null;
String extra = null;
Integer fid = mi.getFolderId();
String fldr;
InputStream is = null;
String metaParam = context.params.get(UserServlet.QP_META);
boolean meta = metaParam == null ? getDefaultMeta() : !metaParam.equals("0");
if (!version && mi.isTagged(Flag.FlagInfo.VERSIONED)) {
for (MailItem rev : context.targetMailbox.getAllRevisions(context.opContext, mi.getId(), mi.getType())) {
if (mi.getVersion() != rev.getVersion())
aos = saveItem(context, rev, fldrs, cnts, true, aos, charsetEncoder, names);
switch(mi.getType()) {
Appointment appt = (Appointment) mi;
if (!appt.isPublic() && !appt.allowPrivateAccess(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges())) {
return aos;
if (meta) {
name = appt.getSubject();
ext = "appt";
} else {
ext = "ics";
case CHAT:
ext = "chat";
Contact ct = (Contact) mi;
name = ct.getFileAsString();
if (!meta) {
ext = "vcf";
case FLAG:
return aos;
case FOLDER:
if (mi.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT) {
name = "ROOT";
} else if (mi.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT) {
name = "USER_ROOT";
} else {
name = mi.getName();
Message msg = (Message) mi;
if (msg.hasCalendarItemInfos()) {
Set<ItemId> calItems = Sets.newHashSet();
for (Iterator<CalendarItemInfo> it = msg.getCalendarItemInfoIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
ItemId iid =;
if (iid != null) {
for (ItemId i : calItems) {
if (extra == null) {
extra = "calendar=" + i.toString();
} else {
extra += ',' + i.toString();
ext = "eml";
case NOTE:
ext = "note";
case TASK:
Task task = (Task) mi;
if (!task.isPublic() && !task.allowPrivateAccess(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges())) {
return aos;
ext = "task";
return aos;
case WIKI:
ext = "wiki";
fldr = fldrs.get(fid);
if (fldr == null) {
Folder f = mi.getMailbox().getFolderById(context.opContext, fid);
cnts.put(fid, 1);
fldr = f.getPath();
if (fldr.startsWith("/")) {
fldr = fldr.substring(1);
fldr = sanitize(fldr, charsetEncoder);
fldr = ILLEGAL_FOLDER_CHARS.matcher(fldr).replaceAll("_");
fldrs.put(fid, fldr);
} else if (!(mi instanceof Folder)) {
final int BATCH = 500;
int cnt = cnts.get(fid) + 1;
cnts.put(fid, cnt);
cnt /= BATCH;
if (cnt > 0) {
fldr = fldr + '!' + cnt;
int targetBaseLength = 0;
if (context.noHierarchy()) {
// Parent hierarchy is not needed, so construct the folder names without parent hierarchy.
// e.g> represent "inbox/subfolder/target" as "target".
String targetPath = null;
if (context.itemPath.endsWith("/")) {
// inbox/subfolder/target/
targetPath = context.itemPath.substring(0, context.itemPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
} else {
// inbox/subfolder/target
targetPath = context.itemPath;
// "inbox/subfolder".length()
targetBaseLength = targetPath.lastIndexOf('/');
if (targetBaseLength >= fldr.length()) {
// fldr is "inbox/subfolder"
fldr = "";
} else if (targetBaseLength > 0) {
// fldr is "inbox/subfolder/target"
fldr = fldr.substring(targetBaseLength + 1);
try {
ArchiveOutputEntry aoe;
byte[] data = null;
String path = mi instanceof Contact ? getEntryName(mi, fldr, name, ext, charsetEncoder, names) : getEntryName(mi, fldr, name, ext, charsetEncoder, !(mi instanceof Document));
long miSize = mi.getSize();
if (miSize == 0 && mi.getDigest() != null) {
ZimbraLog.misc.debug("blob db size 0 for item %d", mi.getId());
return aos;
try {
is = mi.getContentStream();
} catch (Exception e) {
ZimbraLog.misc.error("missing blob for item %d: expected %d", mi.getId(), miSize);
return aos;
if (aos == null) {
aos = getOutputStream(context, charsetEncoder.charset().name());
if ((mi instanceof CalendarItem) && (context.getStartTime() != TIME_UNSPECIFIED || context.getEndTime() != TIME_UNSPECIFIED)) {
Collection<Instance> instances = ((CalendarItem) mi).expandInstances(context.getStartTime(), context.getEndTime(), false);
if (instances.isEmpty()) {
return aos;
aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path + ".meta", mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
if (mi instanceof Message && (mi.getFlagBitmask() & Flag.ID_UNREAD) != 0) {
if (meta) {
ItemData itemData = new ItemData(mi, extra);
if (context.noHierarchy()) {
// itemData.path is of the form /Inbox/subfolder/target and after this step it becomes /target.
if (targetBaseLength > 0 && ((targetBaseLength + 1) < itemData.path.length())) {
itemData.path = itemData.path.substring(targetBaseLength + 1);
byte[] metaData = itemData.encode();
} else if (mi instanceof CalendarItem) {
Browser browser = HttpUtil.guessBrowser(context.req);
List<CalendarItem> calItems = new ArrayList<CalendarItem>();
boolean needAppleICalHacks = Browser.APPLE_ICAL.equals(browser);
boolean useOutlookCompatMode = Browser.IE.equals(browser);
OperationContext octxt = new OperationContext(context.getAuthAccount(), context.isUsingAdminPrivileges());
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
calItems.add((CalendarItem) mi);
context.targetMailbox.writeICalendarForCalendarItems(writer, octxt, calItems, useOutlookCompatMode, true, needAppleICalHacks, true);
data = writer.toString().getBytes(charsetEncoder.charset());
} else if (mi instanceof Contact) {
VCard vcf = VCard.formatContact((Contact) mi);
data = vcf.getFormatted().getBytes(charsetEncoder.charset());
} else if (mi instanceof Message) {
if (context.hasPart()) {
MimeMessage mm = ((Message) mi).getMimeMessage();
Set<String> attachmentNames = new HashSet<String>();
for (String part : context.getPart().split(",")) {
BufferStream bs;
MimePart mp = Mime.getMimePart(mm, part);
long sz;
if (mp == null) {
throw MailServiceException.NO_SUCH_PART(part);
name = Mime.getFilename(mp);
if (!Normalizer.isNormalized(name, Normalizer.Form.NFC)) {
name = Normalizer.normalize(name, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
ext = null;
sz = mp.getSize();
if (sz == -1) {
sz = miSize;
if (name == null) {
name = "attachment";
} else {
int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot != -1 && dot < name.length() - 1) {
ext = name.substring(dot + 1);
name = name.substring(0, dot);
bs = new BufferStream(sz, 1024 * 1024);
InputStream stream = mp.getInputStream();
try {
} finally {
// close the stream, it could be an instance of PipedInputStream.
aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(getEntryName(mi, "", name, ext, charsetEncoder, attachmentNames), mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
sz = bs.getSize();
return aos;
aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path, mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
if (data != null) {
} else if (is != null) {
if (context.shouldReturnBody()) {
byte[] buf = new byte[aos.getRecordSize() * 20];
int in;
long remain = miSize;
while (remain > 0 && (in = >= 0) {
aos.write(buf, 0, remain < in ? (int) remain : in);
remain -= in;
if (remain != 0) {
ZimbraLog.misc.error("mismatched blob size for item %d: expected %d", mi.getId(), miSize);
if (remain > 0) {
Arrays.fill(buf, (byte) ' ');
while (remain > 0) {
aos.write(buf, 0, remain < buf.length ? (int) remain : buf.length);
remain -= buf.length;
aoe = aos.newOutputEntry(path + ".err", mi.getType().toString(), mi.getType().toByte(), mi.getDate());
} else {
// Read headers into memory to compute size
byte[] headerData = HeadersOnlyInputStream.getHeaders(is);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("archive error", e);
} finally {
return aos;
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ArchiveFormatter method addItem.
private void addItem(UserServletContext context, Folder fldr, Map<Object, Folder> fmap, FolderDigestInfo digestInfo, Map<Integer, Integer> idMap, int[] ids, Set<MailItem.Type> types, Resolve r, ItemData id, ArchiveInputStream ais, ArchiveInputEntry aie, List<ServiceException> errs) throws ServiceException {
try {
Mailbox mbox = fldr.getMailbox();
MailItem mi = MailItem.constructItem(mbox, id.ud);
MailItem newItem = null, oldItem = null;
OperationContext octxt = context.opContext;
String path;
ParsedMessage pm;
boolean root = fldr.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_ROOT || fldr.getId() == Mailbox.ID_FOLDER_USER_ROOT || id.path.startsWith(fldr.getPath() + '/');
if ((ids != null && Arrays.binarySearch(ids, < 0) || (types != null && !types.contains(MailItem.Type.of(id.ud.type))))
if (id.ud.getBlobDigest() != null && aie == null) {
addError(errs, FormatterServiceException.MISSING_BLOB(id.path));
if (root) {
path = id.path;
} else {
path = fldr.getPath() + id.path;
if (path.endsWith("/") && !path.equals("/")) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
if (mbox.isImmutableSystemFolder(id.ud.folderId))
switch(mi.getType()) {
case TASK:
CalendarItem ci = (CalendarItem) mi;
fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, ci.getType() == MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT ? MailItem.Type.APPOINTMENT : MailItem.Type.TASK);
if (!root || r != Resolve.Reset) {
CalendarItem oldCI = null;
try {
oldCI = mbox.getCalendarItemByUid(octxt, ci.getUid());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldCI != null && r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldCI.getId(), oldCI.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldCI;
if (oldItem == null || r != Resolve.Skip) {
CalendarItem.AlarmData ad = ci.getAlarmData();
byte[] data = readArchiveEntry(ais, aie);
Map<Integer, MimeMessage> blobMimeMsgMap = data == null ? null : CalendarItem.decomposeBlob(data);
SetCalendarItemData defScid = new SetCalendarItemData();
SetCalendarItemData[] exceptionScids = null;
Invite[] invs = ci.getInvites();
MimeMessage mm;
if (invs != null && invs.length > 0) {
defScid.invite = invs[0];
if (blobMimeMsgMap != null && (mm = blobMimeMsgMap.get(defScid.invite.getMailItemId())) != null) {
defScid.message = new ParsedMessage(mm, mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
if (invs.length > 1) {
exceptionScids = new SetCalendarItemData[invs.length - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < invs.length; i++) {
SetCalendarItemData scid = new SetCalendarItemData();
scid.invite = invs[i];
if (blobMimeMsgMap != null && (mm = blobMimeMsgMap.get(defScid.invite.getMailItemId())) != null) {
scid.message = new ParsedMessage(mm, mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
exceptionScids[i - 1] = scid;
newItem = mbox.setCalendarItem(octxt, oldItem != null && r == Resolve.Modify ? oldItem.getFolderId() : fldr.getId(), ci.getFlagBitmask(), ci.getTags(), defScid, exceptionScids, ci.getAllReplies(), ad == null ? CalendarItem.NEXT_ALARM_KEEP_CURRENT : ad.getNextAt());
case CHAT:
Chat chat = (Chat) mi;
byte[] content = readArchiveEntry(ais, aie);
pm = new ParsedMessage(content, mi.getDate(), mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());
fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.CHAT);
if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
Chat oldChat = null;
try {
oldChat = mbox.getChatById(octxt, chat.getId());
if (oldChat.getFolderId() != fldr.getId()) {
oldChat = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldChat != null && chat.getSender().equals(oldChat.getSender()) && chat.getSubject().equals(oldChat.getSubject())) {
if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldChat.getId(), oldChat.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldChat;
if (r == Resolve.Modify)
newItem = mbox.updateChat(octxt, pm, oldItem.getId());
if (oldItem == null)
newItem = mbox.createChat(octxt, pm, fldr.getId(), chat.getFlagBitmask(), chat.getTags());
Conversation cv = (Conversation) mi;
if (r != Resolve.Reset && r != Resolve.Skip) {
try {
oldItem = mbox.getConversationByHash(octxt, Mailbox.getHash(cv.getSubject()));
} catch (Exception e) {
Contact ct = (Contact) mi;
fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.CONTACT);
if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
Contact oldContact = null;
oldContact = findContact(octxt, mbox, ct, fldr);
if (oldContact != null) {
String email = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_email));
String first = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_firstName));
String name = string(ct.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName));
String oldemail = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_email));
String oldfirst = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_firstName));
String oldname = string(oldContact.get(ContactConstants.A_fullName));
if (email.equals(oldemail) && first.equals(oldfirst) && name.equals(oldname)) {
if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldContact.getId(), oldContact.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldContact;
if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
mbox.modifyContact(octxt, oldItem.getId(), new ParsedContact(ct.getFields(), readArchiveEntry(ais, aie)));
if (oldItem == null) {
newItem = mbox.createContact(octxt, new ParsedContact(ct.getFields(), readArchiveEntry(ais, aie)), fldr.getId(), ct.getTags());
case WIKI:
Document doc = (Document) mi;
Document oldDoc = null;
Integer oldId = idMap.get(mi.getId());
fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, doc.getType() == MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT ? MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT : MailItem.Type.WIKI);
if (oldId == null) {
try {
for (Document listDoc : mbox.getDocumentList(octxt, fldr.getId())) {
if (doc.getName().equals(listDoc.getName())) {
oldDoc = listDoc;
idMap.put(doc.getId(), oldDoc.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
oldDoc = mbox.getDocumentById(octxt, oldId);
if (oldDoc != null) {
if (r == Resolve.Replace && oldId == null) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), oldDoc.getType());
} else if (doc.getVersion() < oldDoc.getVersion()) {
} else {
oldItem = oldDoc;
if (doc.getVersion() > oldDoc.getVersion()) {
newItem = mbox.addDocumentRevision(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), doc.getCreator(), doc.getName(), doc.getDescription(), doc.isDescriptionEnabled(), ais.getInputStream());
if (r != Resolve.Skip) {
mbox.setDate(octxt, oldDoc.getId(), doc.getType(), doc.getDate());
if (oldItem == null) {
if (mi.getType() == MailItem.Type.DOCUMENT) {
newItem = mbox.createDocument(octxt, fldr.getId(), doc.getName(), doc.getContentType(), doc.getCreator(), doc.getDescription(), ais.getInputStream());
} else {
WikiItem wi = (WikiItem) mi;
newItem = mbox.createWiki(octxt, fldr.getId(), wi.getWikiWord(), wi.getCreator(), wi.getDescription(), ais.getInputStream());
mbox.setDate(octxt, newItem.getId(), doc.getType(), doc.getDate());
idMap.put(doc.getId(), newItem.getId());
case FLAG:
case FOLDER:
String aclParam = context.params.get("acl");
boolean doACL = aclParam == null || !aclParam.equals("0");
Folder f = (Folder) mi;
ACL acl = f.getACL();
Folder oldF = null;
MailItem.Type view = f.getDefaultView();
if (view == MailItem.Type.CONVERSATION || view == MailItem.Type.FLAG || view == MailItem.Type.TAG)
try {
oldF = mbox.getFolderByPath(octxt, path);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldF != null) {
oldItem = oldF;
if (r != Resolve.Skip) {
if (!f.getUrl().equals(oldF.getUrl())) {
mbox.setFolderUrl(octxt, oldF.getId(), f.getUrl());
if (doACL) {
ACL oldACL = oldF.getACL();
if ((acl == null && oldACL != null) || (acl != null && (oldACL == null || !acl.equals(oldACL)))) {
mbox.setPermissions(octxt, oldF.getId(), acl);
if (oldItem == null) {
fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.UNKNOWN);
Folder.FolderOptions fopt = new Folder.FolderOptions();
newItem = fldr = mbox.createFolder(octxt, f.getName(), fldr.getId(), fopt);
if (doACL && acl != null) {
mbox.setPermissions(octxt, fldr.getId(), acl);
fmap.put(fldr.getId(), fldr);
fmap.put(fldr.getPath(), fldr);
Message msg = (Message) mi;
Message oldMsg = null;
fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.MESSAGE);
if (root && r != Resolve.Reset) {
try {
oldMsg = mbox.getMessageById(octxt, msg.getId());
if (!msg.getDigest().equals(oldMsg.getDigest()) || oldMsg.getFolderId() != fldr.getId()) {
oldMsg = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldMsg == null) {
Integer digestId = digestInfo.getIdForDigest(fldr, mi.getDigest());
if (digestId != null) {
oldMsg = mbox.getMessageById(octxt, digestId);
if (!msg.getDigest().equals(oldMsg.getDigest())) {
oldMsg = null;
if (oldMsg != null) {
if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
ZimbraLog.misc.debug("Deleting old msg with id=%s as has same digest='%s'", oldMsg.getId(), mi.getDigest());
mbox.delete(octxt, oldMsg.getId(), oldMsg.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldMsg;
if (oldItem != null) {
ZimbraLog.misc.debug("Message with id=%s has same digest='%s' - not re-adding", oldItem.getId(), mi.getDigest());
} else {
DeliveryOptions opt = new DeliveryOptions().setFolderId(fldr.getId()).setNoICal(true).setFlags(msg.getFlagBitmask()).setTags(msg.getTags());
newItem = mbox.addMessage(octxt, ais.getInputStream(), (int) aie.getSize(), msg.getDate(), opt, null, id);
Mountpoint mp = (Mountpoint) mi;
MailItem oldMP = null;
try {
oldMP = mbox.getItemByPath(octxt, path);
if (oldMP.getType() == mi.getType()) {
oldMP = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldMP != null) {
if (r == Resolve.Modify || r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldMP.getId(), oldMP.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldMP;
if (oldItem == null) {
fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, Folder.Type.UNKNOWN);
newItem = mbox.createMountpoint(context.opContext, fldr.getId(), mp.getName(), mp.getOwnerId(), mp.getRemoteId(), mp.getRemoteUuid(), mp.getDefaultView(), mp.getFlagBitmask(), mp.getColor(), mp.isReminderEnabled());
case NOTE:
Note note = (Note) mi;
Note oldNote = null;
fldr = createPath(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.NOTE);
try {
for (Note listNote : mbox.getNoteList(octxt, fldr.getId())) {
if (note.getSubject().equals(listNote.getSubject())) {
oldNote = listNote;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldNote != null) {
if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldNote.getId(), oldNote.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldNote;
if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
mbox.editNote(octxt, oldItem.getId(), new String(readArchiveEntry(ais, aie), UTF8));
if (oldItem == null) {
newItem = mbox.createNote(octxt, new String(readArchiveEntry(ais, aie), UTF8), note.getBounds(), note.getColor(), fldr.getId());
SearchFolder sf = (SearchFolder) mi;
MailItem oldSF = null;
try {
oldSF = mbox.getItemByPath(octxt, path);
if (oldSF.getType() == mi.getType()) {
oldSF = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldSF != null) {
if (r == Resolve.Modify) {
mbox.modifySearchFolder(octxt, oldSF.getId(), sf.getQuery(), sf.getReturnTypes(), sf.getSortField());
} else if (r == Resolve.Replace) {
mbox.delete(octxt, oldSF.getId(), oldSF.getType());
} else {
oldItem = oldSF;
if (oldItem == null) {
fldr = createParent(context, fmap, path, MailItem.Type.UNKNOWN);
newItem = mbox.createSearchFolder(octxt, fldr.getId(), sf.getName(), sf.getQuery(), sf.getReturnTypes(), sf.getSortField(), sf.getFlagBitmask(), sf.getColor());
case TAG:
Tag tag = (Tag) mi;
try {
Tag oldTag = mbox.getTagByName(octxt, tag.getName());
oldItem = oldTag;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (oldItem == null) {
newItem = mbox.createTag(octxt, tag.getName(), tag.getColor());
if (newItem != null) {
if (mi.getColor() != newItem.getColor()) {
mbox.setColor(octxt, newItem.getId(), newItem.getType(), mi.getColor());
if (!id.flags.equals(newItem.getFlagString()) || !id.tagsEqual(newItem)) {
mbox.setTags(octxt, newItem.getId(), newItem.getType(), Flag.toBitmask(id.flags), getTagNames(id), null);
} else if (oldItem != null && r == Resolve.Modify) {
if (mi.getColor() != oldItem.getColor()) {
mbox.setColor(octxt, oldItem.getId(), oldItem.getType(), mi.getColor());
if (!id.flags.equals(oldItem.getFlagString()) || !id.tagsEqual(oldItem)) {
mbox.setTags(octxt, oldItem.getId(), oldItem.getType(), Flag.toBitmask(id.flags), getTagNames(id), null);
} catch (MailServiceException e) {
if (e.getCode() == MailServiceException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED) {
throw e;
} else if (r != Resolve.Skip || e.getCode() != MailServiceException.ALREADY_EXISTS) {
addError(errs, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
String path = id.path;
// When importing items into, e.g. the Inbox, often path is just "/Inbox" which isn't that useful
if ((aie != null) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(aie.getName())) {
path = aie.getName();
addError(errs, FormatterServiceException.UNKNOWN_ERROR(path, e));
use of com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.SearchFolder in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ToXML method encodeFolder.
public static Element encodeFolder(Element parent, ItemIdFormatter ifmt, OperationContext octxt, Folder folder, int fields, boolean exposeAclAccessKey) throws ServiceException {
if (folder instanceof SearchFolder) {
return encodeSearchFolder(parent, ifmt, (SearchFolder) folder, fields);
} else if (folder instanceof Mountpoint) {
return encodeMountpoint(parent, ifmt, octxt, (Mountpoint) folder, fields);
Element elem = parent.addNonUniqueElement(MailConstants.E_FOLDER);
encodeFolderCommon(elem, ifmt, folder, fields);
if (needToOutput(fields, Change.SIZE)) {
int deleted = folder.getDeletedCount();
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_NUM, folder.getItemCount() - deleted);
if (deleted > 0) {
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IMAP_NUM, folder.getItemCount());
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_SIZE, folder.getTotalSize());
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IMAP_MODSEQ, folder.getImapMODSEQ());
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_IMAP_UIDNEXT, folder.getImapUIDNEXT());
if (needToOutput(fields, Change.URL)) {
String url = folder.getUrl();
if (!url.isEmpty() || fields != NOTIFY_FIELDS) {
// Note: in this case, a url on a folder object
// is not a url to the folder, but the url to another item that's
// external of the mail system. In most cases this is a 'synced' folder
// that is either RSS or a remote calendar object
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_URL, HttpUtil.sanitizeURL(url));
Mailbox mbox = folder.getMailbox();
boolean remote = octxt != null && octxt.isDelegatedRequest(mbox);
boolean canAdminister = !remote;
boolean canDelete = canAdminister;
if (remote) {
// return effective permissions only for remote folders
String perms = encodeEffectivePermissions(folder, octxt);
elem.addAttribute(MailConstants.A_RIGHTS, perms);
canAdminister = perms != null && perms.indexOf(ACL.ABBR_ADMIN) != -1;
// Need to know retention policy if grantees can delete from a folder so clients can warn
// them when they try to delete something within the retention period
canDelete = canAdminister || (perms != null && perms.indexOf(ACL.ABBR_DELETE) != -1);
if (canAdminister) {
// return full ACLs for folders we have admin rights on
if (needToOutput(fields, Change.ACL)) {
if (fields != NOTIFY_FIELDS || folder.isTagged(Flag.FlagInfo.NO_INHERIT)) {
encodeACL(octxt, elem, folder.getEffectiveACL(), exposeAclAccessKey);
if (canDelete) {
if (needToOutput(fields, Change.RETENTION_POLICY)) {
RetentionPolicy rp = folder.getRetentionPolicy();
if (fields != NOTIFY_FIELDS || rp.isSet()) {
// Only output retention policy if it's being modified, or if we're returning all
// folder data and policy is set.
encodeRetentionPolicy(elem, RetentionPolicyManager.getInstance().getCompleteRetentionPolicy(folder.getAccount(), rp));
return elem;