use of com.zimbra.cs.session.AdminSession in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class GetMailboxStats method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Server localServer = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer();
checkRight(zsc, context, localServer, Admin.R_getMailboxStats);
MailboxStats stats = null;
AdminSession session = (AdminSession) getSession(zsc, Session.Type.ADMIN);
if (session != null) {
MailboxStats cachedStats = (MailboxStats) session.getData(GET_MAILBOX_STATS_CACHE_KEY);
if (cachedStats == null) {
stats = doStats();
session.setData(GET_MAILBOX_STATS_CACHE_KEY, stats);
} else {
stats = cachedStats;
} else {
stats = doStats();
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.GET_MAILBOX_STATS_RESPONSE);
Element statsElem = response.addElement(AdminConstants.E_STATS);
statsElem.addAttribute(AdminConstants.A_NUM_MBOXES, stats.mNumMboxes);
statsElem.addAttribute(AdminConstants.A_TOTAL_SIZE, stats.mTotalSize);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.cs.session.AdminSession in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class DocumentHandler method getSession.
/** Fetches a {@link Session} object to persist and manage state between
* SOAP requests. If no appropriate session already exists, a new one
* is created if possible.
* @param zsc The encapsulation of the SOAP request's <tt><context</tt>
* element.
* @param stype The type of session needed.
* @return An in-memory {@link Session} object of the specified type,
* referenced by the request's {@link ZimbraSoapContext} object,
* or <tt>null</tt>.
* @see SessionCache#SESSION_SOAP
* @see SessionCache#SESSION_ADMIN */
protected Session getSession(ZimbraSoapContext zsc, Session.Type stype) {
if (zsc == null || stype == null || !zsc.isNotificationEnabled()) {
return null;
String authAccountId = zsc.getAuthtokenAccountId();
if (authAccountId == null) {
return null;
// if they asked for a SOAP session on a remote host and it's a non-proxied request, we don't notify
boolean isLocal = zsc.isAuthUserOnLocalhost();
if (stype == Session.Type.SOAP && !isLocal && !zsc.isSessionProxied()) {
return null;
Session s = null;
// if the caller referenced a session of this type, fetch it from the session cache
SessionInfo sinfo = zsc.getSessionInfo();
if (sinfo != null) {
s = SessionCache.lookup(sinfo.sessionId, authAccountId);
if (s == null) {
// purge dangling references from the context's list of referenced sessions"requested session no longer exists: " + sinfo.sessionId);
} else if (s.getSessionType() != stype) {
// only want a session of the appropriate type
s = null;
// if there's no valid referenced session, create a new session of the requested type
if (s == null) {
try {
if (stype == Session.Type.SOAP) {
s = SoapSessionFactory.getInstance().getSoapSession(zsc).register();
} else if (stype == Session.Type.ADMIN) {
s = new AdminSession(authAccountId).register();
} catch (ServiceException e) {"exception while creating session", e);
if (s != null) {
// (note that if the requested account is remote, getDelegateSession returns null)
if (s instanceof SoapSession && zsc.isDelegatedRequest()) {
Session delegate = ((SoapSession) s).getDelegateSession(zsc.getRequestedAccountId());
if (delegate != null) {
s = delegate;
return s;
use of com.zimbra.cs.session.AdminSession in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class SearchAutoProvDirectory method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
String query = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.E_QUERY, null);
String name = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.E_NAME, null);
if ((query != null) && (name != null)) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("only one of filter or name can be provided", null);
int maxResults = (int) request.getAttributeLong(AdminConstants.A_MAX_RESULTS, SearchDirectory.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS);
int limit = (int) request.getAttributeLong(AdminConstants.A_LIMIT, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (limit == 0) {
limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int offset = (int) request.getAttributeLong(AdminConstants.A_OFFSET, 0);
boolean refresh = request.getAttributeBool(AdminConstants.A_REFRESH, false);
String keyAttr = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_KEYATTR);
String attrsStr = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_ATTRS, null);
String[] returnAttrs = null;
if (attrsStr != null) {
Set<String> attrs = new HashSet<String>();
for (String attr : Splitter.on(',').trimResults().split(attrsStr)) {
if (!attrs.contains(keyAttr)) {
returnAttrs = attrs.toArray(new String[attrs.size()]);
Element eDomain = request.getElement(AdminConstants.E_DOMAIN);
DomainBy domainBy = DomainBy.fromString(eDomain.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_BY));
String domainValue = eDomain.getText();
Domain domain = prov.get(domainBy, domainValue);
if (domain == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(domainValue);
checkRight(zsc, context, domain, Admin.R_autoProvisionAccount);
AdminSession session = (AdminSession) getSession(zsc, Session.Type.ADMIN);
List<Entry> entryList = null;
if (session != null) {
Cache.Params params = new Cache.Params(domain, query, name, keyAttr, returnAttrs, maxResults);
if (!refresh) {
entryList = Cache.getFromCache(session, params);
if (entryList == null) {
entryList = search(domain, query, name, keyAttr, returnAttrs, maxResults);
Cache.putInCache(session, params, entryList);
} else {
entryList = search(domain, query, name, keyAttr, returnAttrs, maxResults);
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.SEARCH_AUTO_PROV_DIRECTORY_RESPONSE);
encodeEntries(response, entryList, keyAttr, offset, limit);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.cs.session.AdminSession in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class SearchCalendarResources method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
int limit = (int) request.getAttributeLong(AdminConstants.A_LIMIT, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (limit == 0)
limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int offset = (int) request.getAttributeLong(AdminConstants.A_OFFSET, 0);
String domain = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_DOMAIN, null);
boolean applyCos = request.getAttributeBool(AdminConstants.A_APPLY_COS, true);
String sortBy = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_SORT_BY, null);
boolean sortAscending = request.getAttributeBool(AdminConstants.A_SORT_ASCENDING, true);
String attrsStr = request.getAttribute(AdminConstants.A_ATTRS, null);
String[] attrs = attrsStr == null ? null : attrsStr.split(",");
EntrySearchFilter filter = GalExtraSearchFilter.parseSearchFilter(request);
// Note: isDomainAdminOnly *always* returns false for pure ACL based AccessManager
if (isDomainAdminOnly(zsc)) {
if (domain == null) {
domain = getAuthTokenAccountDomain(zsc).getName();
} else {
checkDomainRight(zsc, domain, AdminRight.PR_ALWAYS_ALLOW);
Domain d = null;
if (domain != null) {
d = prov.get(, domain);
if (d == null)
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(domain);
AdminAccessControl aac = AdminAccessControl.getAdminAccessControl(zsc);
AdminAccessControl.SearchDirectoryRightChecker rightChecker = new AdminAccessControl.SearchDirectoryRightChecker(aac, prov, null);
// filter is not RFC 2254 escaped
// query is RFC 2254 escaped
String query = LdapEntrySearchFilter.toLdapCalendarResourcesFilter(filter);
SearchDirectoryOptions options = new SearchDirectoryOptions();
options.setFilterString(FilterId.ADMIN_SEARCH, query);
options.setSortOpt(sortAscending ? SortOpt.SORT_ASCENDING : SortOpt.SORT_DESCENDING);
List<NamedEntry> resources;
int limitMax = offset + limit;
AdminSession session = (AdminSession) getSession(zsc, Session.Type.ADMIN);
if (session != null) {
resources = session.searchDirectory(options, offset, rightChecker);
} else {
resources = prov.searchDirectory(options);
resources = rightChecker.getAllowed(resources, limitMax);
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.SEARCH_CALENDAR_RESOURCES_RESPONSE);
int numEntries;
for (numEntries = offset; numEntries < limitMax && numEntries < resources.size(); numEntries++) {
NamedEntry entry = resources.get(numEntries);
ToXML.encodeCalendarResource(response, (CalendarResource) entry, applyCos, null, aac.getAttrRightChecker(entry));
response.addAttribute(AdminConstants.A_MORE, numEntries < resources.size());
response.addAttribute(AdminConstants.A_SEARCH_TOTAL, resources.size());
return response;
use of com.zimbra.cs.session.AdminSession in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ModifyAccount method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
ModifyAccountRequest req = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(request);
AuthToken authToken = zsc.getAuthToken();
String id = req.getId();
if (null == id) {
throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("missing required attribute: " + AdminConstants.E_ID, null);
Account account = prov.get(, id, authToken);
Map<String, Object> attrs = req.getAttrsAsOldMultimap();
defendAgainstAccountHarvesting(account,, id, zsc, attrs);
// check to see if quota is being changed
long curQuota = account.getLongAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailQuota, 0);
* // Note: isDomainAdminOnly *always* returns false for pure ACL based AccessManager // checkQuota is called
* only for domain based access manager, remove when we // can totally deprecate domain based access manager if
* (isDomainAdminOnly(zsc)) checkQuota(zsc, account, attrs);
* for bug 42896, the above is no longer true.
* For quota, we have to support the per admin limitation zimbraDomainAdminMaxMailQuota, until we come up with a
* framework to support constraints on a per admin basis.
* for now, always call checkQuota, which will check zimbraDomainAdminMaxMailQuota.
* If the access manager, and if we have come here, it has already passed the constraint checking, in the
* checkAccountRight call. If it had violated any constraint, it would have errored out. i.e. for
* zimbraMailQuota, both zimbraConstraint and zimbraDomainAdminMaxMailQuota are enforced.
checkQuota(zsc, account, attrs);
// check to see if cos is being changed, need right on new cos
checkCos(zsc, account, attrs);
Server newServer = null;
String newServerName = getStringAttrNewValue(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailHost, attrs);
if (newServerName != null) {
newServer = Provisioning.getInstance().getServerByName(newServerName);
defendAgainstServerNameHarvesting(newServer,, newServerName, zsc, Admin.R_listServer);
// pass in true to checkImmutable
prov.modifyAttrs(account, attrs, true);
// get account again, in the case when zimbraCOSId or zimbraForeignPrincipal
// is changed, the cache object(he one we are holding on to) would'd been
// flushed out from cache. Get the account again to get the fresh one.
account = prov.get(, id, zsc.getAuthToken()); String[] { "cmd", "ModifyAccount", "name", account.getName() }, attrs));
if (newServer != null) {
checkNewServer(zsc, context, account, newServer);
long newQuota = account.getLongAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailQuota, 0);
if (newQuota != curQuota) {
// clear the quota cache
AdminSession session = (AdminSession) getSession(zsc, Session.Type.ADMIN);
if (session != null) {
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.MODIFY_ACCOUNT_RESPONSE);
ToXML.encodeAccount(response, account);
return response;