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Example 1 with TimeZoneDefinition

use of com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class DefaultTnefToICalendar method convert.

/* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.TnefToICalendar#convert(,
public boolean convert(MimeMessage mimeMsg, InputStream tnefInput, ContentHandler icalOutput) throws ServiceException {
    boolean conversionSuccessful = false;
    recurDef = null;
    TNEFInputStream tnefStream = null;
    SchedulingViewOfTnef schedView = null;
    Integer sequenceNum = 0;
    try {
        tnefStream = new TNEFInputStream(tnefInput);
        schedView = new SchedulingViewOfTnef(tnefStream);
        String msgClass = schedView.getMessageClass();
        if (msgClass == null) {
            sLog.debug("Unable to determine Class of TNEF - cannot generate ICALENDER equivalent");
            // throw TNEFtoIcalendarServiceException.NON_CALENDARING_CLASS(msgClass);
            return false;
        icalType = schedView.getIcalType();
        method = null;
        PartStat partstat = null;
        boolean replyWanted = schedView.getResponseRequested();
        Boolean isCounterProposal = schedView.isCounterProposal();
        if (msgClass != null) {
            // just in case.
            if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgReq")) {
                method = Method.REQUEST;
                partstat = PartStat.NEEDS_ACTION;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespP")) {
                method = Method.REPLY;
                partstat = PartStat.ACCEPTED;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespN")) {
                method = Method.REPLY;
                partstat = PartStat.DECLINED;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgRespA")) {
                if ((isCounterProposal != null) && isCounterProposal) {
                    method = Method.COUNTER;
                } else {
                    method = Method.REPLY;
                partstat = PartStat.TENTATIVE;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.Microsoft Schedule.MtgCncl")) {
                method = Method.CANCEL;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.TaskRequest.Accept")) {
                method = Method.REPLY;
                partstat = PartStat.ACCEPTED;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.TaskRequest.Decline")) {
                method = Method.REPLY;
                partstat = PartStat.DECLINED;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.TaskRequest.Update")) {
                method = Method.REPLY;
                // May be overridden?
                partstat = PartStat.IN_PROCESS;
                replyWanted = false;
            } else if (msgClass.startsWith("IPM.TaskRequest")) {
                method = Method.REQUEST;
                partstat = PartStat.NEEDS_ACTION;
                replyWanted = true;
        if (method == null) {
            sLog.debug("Unable to map class %s to ICALENDER", msgClass);
            return false;
        //                throw TNEFtoIcalendarServiceException.NON_CALENDARING_CLASS(msgClass);
        if (icalType == ICALENDAR_TYPE.VTODO) {
            List<?> attaches = (List<?>) schedView.getAttachments();
            if (attaches == null) {
                sLog.debug("Unable to map class %s to ICALENDER - no attachments", msgClass);
                return false;
            schedView = null;
            for (Object obj : attaches) {
                if (obj instanceof Attachment) {
                    Attachment currAttach = (Attachment) obj;
                    MAPIProps attachMPs = currAttach.getMAPIProps();
                    if (attachMPs != null) {
                        MAPIProp attachData = attachMPs.getProp(MAPIProp.PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ);
                        if (attachData != null) {
                            Object theVal = attachData.getValue();
                            if ((theVal != null) && (theVal instanceof TNEFInputStream)) {
                                TNEFInputStream tnefSubStream = (TNEFInputStream) theVal;
                                schedView = new SchedulingViewOfTnef(tnefSubStream);
            if (schedView == null) {
                sLog.debug("Unable to map class %s to ICALENDER - no properties found for sub-msg", msgClass);
                return false;
        uid = schedView.getIcalUID();
        sequenceNum = schedView.getSequenceNumber();
        boolean reminderSet = schedView.getReminderSet();
        String location = schedView.getLocation();
        Boolean isAllDayEvent = schedView.isAllDayEvent();
        Integer importance = schedView.getMapiImportance();
        Clazz icalClass = schedView.getIcalClass();
        Integer ownerApptId = schedView.getOwnerAppointmentId();
        EnumSet<MeetingTypeFlag> meetingTypeFlags = schedView.getMeetingTypeFlags();
        BusyStatus busyStatus = schedView.getBusyStatus();
        BusyStatus intendedBusyStatus = schedView.getIntendedBusyStatus();
        // For some ICAL properties like TRANSP and STATUS, intendedBusyStatus
        // seems closer to what is intended than straight busyStatus
        BusyStatus bestBusyStatus = intendedBusyStatus;
        if (bestBusyStatus == null) {
            bestBusyStatus = busyStatus;
        // An algorithm is used to choose the values for these
        // TimeZoneDefinitions  - they don't necessarily map to single
        // MAPI properties
        TimeZoneDefinition startTimeTZinfo = schedView.getStartDateTimezoneInfo();
        TimeZoneDefinition endTimeTZinfo = schedView.getEndDateTimezoneInfo();
        TimeZoneDefinition recurrenceTZinfo = schedView.getRecurrenceTimezoneInfo();
        recurDef = schedView.getRecurrenceDefinition(recurrenceTZinfo);
        DateTime icalStartDate = schedView.getStartTime();
        DateTime icalEndDate = schedView.getEndTime();
        DateTime icalDueDate = schedView.getDueDate();
        DateTime icalDateTaskCompleted = schedView.getDateTaskCompleted();
        DateTime icalCreateDate = MapiPropertyId.PidTagCreationTime.getDateTimeAsUTC(schedView);
        DateTime icalLastModDate = MapiPropertyId.PidTagLastModificationTime.getDateTimeAsUTC(schedView);
        DateTime recurrenceIdDateTime = schedView.getRecurrenceIdTime();
        DateTime attendeeCriticalChange = schedView.getAttendeeCriticalChange();
        DateTime ownerCriticalChange = schedView.getOwnerCriticalChange();
        int percentComplete = schedView.getPercentComplete();
        TaskStatus taskStatus = schedView.getTaskStatus();
        TaskMode taskMode = schedView.getTaskMode();
        String mileage = schedView.getMileage();
        String billingInfo = schedView.getBillingInfo();
        String companies = schedView.getCompanies();
        Integer actualEffort = schedView.getActualEffort();
        Integer estimatedEffort = schedView.getEstimatedEffort();
        List<String> categories = schedView.getCategories();
        String descriptionText = null;
        String summary = null;
        if (mimeMsg != null) {
            summary = mimeMsg.getSubject();
            PlainTextFinder finder = new PlainTextFinder();
            descriptionText = finder.getPlainText();
        // RTF might be useful as a basis for X-ALT-DESC if we can find a reliable
        // conversion to HTML
        // String rtfText = schedView.getRTF();
        // Results in a 2nd PRODID in iCalendar
        // IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.PRODID,
        //         "Zimbra-TNEF-iCalendar-Converter");
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, method);
        if (recurDef != null) {
            String MsCalScale = recurDef.xMicrosoftCalscale();
            if ((MsCalScale == null) || (MsCalScale.equals(""))) {
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, CalScale.GREGORIAN);
            } else {
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CALSCALE", MsCalScale);
        } else {
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, CalScale.GREGORIAN);
        String startTZname = null;
        String endTZname = null;
        String recurTZname = null;
        if (startTimeTZinfo != null) {
            startTZname = startTimeTZinfo.getTimezoneName();
        if (endTimeTZinfo != null) {
            endTZname = endTimeTZinfo.getTimezoneName();
            if ((startTZname == null) || (!endTZname.equals(startTZname))) {
        if (recurrenceTZinfo != null) {
            recurTZname = recurrenceTZinfo.getTimezoneName();
            boolean addName = true;
            if ((startTZname != null) && (recurTZname.equals(startTZname))) {
                addName = false;
            if ((endTZname != null) && (recurTZname.equals(endTZname))) {
                addName = false;
            if (addName) {
        if (uid == null) {
            sLog.debug("Unable to map class %s to ICALENDER - no suitable value found for UID", msgClass);
            return false;
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.UID, uid);
        if ((attendeeCriticalChange != null) && (method.equals(Method.REPLY) || method.equals(Method.COUNTER))) {
            dtstamp = new DtStamp(attendeeCriticalChange);
        } else if (ownerCriticalChange != null) {
            dtstamp = new DtStamp(ownerCriticalChange);
        } else {
            DateTime stampTime = new DateTime("20000101T000000Z");
            dtstamp = new DtStamp(stampTime);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, dtstamp);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.CREATED, icalCreateDate, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.LAST_MODIFIED, icalLastModDate, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.SEQUENCE, sequenceNum, false);
        if ((summary == null) || (summary.length() == 0)) {
            // TNEF_to_iCalendar.pdf Spec requires SUMMARY for certain method types
            if (this.icalType == ICALENDAR_TYPE.VTODO) {
                if (method.equals(Method.REQUEST)) {
                    summary = new String("Task Request");
                } else if (method.equals(Method.REPLY)) {
                    summary = new String("Task Response");
                } else {
                    summary = new String("Task");
            } else {
                if (method.equals(Method.REPLY)) {
                    summary = new String("Response");
                } else if (method.equals(Method.CANCEL)) {
                    summary = new String("Canceled");
                } else if (method.equals(Method.COUNTER)) {
                    summary = new String("Counter Proposal");
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.SUMMARY, summary, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.LOCATION, location, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.DESCRIPTION, descriptionText, false);
        if (method.equals(Method.COUNTER)) {
            IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.DTSTART, schedView.getProposedStartTime(), startTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
            IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.DTEND, schedView.getProposedEndTime(), endTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
            IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, "X-MS-OLK-ORIGINALSTART", icalStartDate, startTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
            IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, "X-MS-OLK-ORIGINALEND", icalEndDate, endTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
        } else {
            if (this.icalType == ICALENDAR_TYPE.VTODO) {
                IcalUtil.addFloatingDateProperty(icalOutput, Property.DTSTART, icalStartDate);
                IcalUtil.addFloatingDateProperty(icalOutput, Property.DUE, icalDueDate);
                Status icalStatus = null;
                if (method.equals(Method.CANCEL)) {
                    icalStatus = Status.VTODO_CANCELLED;
                } else if (taskStatus != null) {
                    if (taskStatus.equals(TaskStatus.COMPLETE)) {
                        icalStatus = Status.VTODO_COMPLETED;
                    } else if (taskStatus.equals(TaskStatus.IN_PROGRESS)) {
                        icalStatus = Status.VTODO_IN_PROCESS;
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, icalStatus);
                if (percentComplete != 0) {
                    IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, Property.PERCENT_COMPLETE, percentComplete, false);
                // COMPLETED must be a UTC DATE-TIME according to rfc5545
                IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.COMPLETED, icalDateTaskCompleted, null, false);
            } else {
                IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.DTSTART, icalStartDate, startTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
                IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.DTEND, icalEndDate, endTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
        // just the original start date.
        if (recurrenceIdDateTime != null) {
            IcalUtil.addPropertyFromUtcTimeAndZone(icalOutput, Property.RECURRENCE_ID, recurrenceIdDateTime, startTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
        } else {
            // Outlook messages related to a specific instance still include info on
            // the full recurrence but we don't want to include that.
            addRecurrenceRelatedProps(icalOutput, recurDef, startTimeTZinfo, isAllDayEvent);
        // VTODO REQUEST must have priority according to
        // No harm in always setting it
        Priority priority = Priority.MEDIUM;
        if (importance != null) {
            if (importance == 2) {
                priority = Priority.HIGH;
            } else if (importance == 1) {
                priority = Priority.MEDIUM;
            } else if (importance == 0) {
                priority = Priority.LOW;
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, priority);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, icalClass);
        addStatusProperty(icalOutput, bestBusyStatus, meetingTypeFlags);
        addTranspProperty(icalOutput, bestBusyStatus);
        addAttendees(icalOutput, mimeMsg, partstat, replyWanted);
        // Not done as Zimbra doesn't currently support "RESOURCES".
        if (categories != null) {
            CategoryList cl = new CategoryList();
            for (String category : categories) {
            if (cl.size() > 0) {
                Categories myCategories = new Categories(cl);
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, myCategories);
        if (taskStatus != null) {
            if (taskStatus.equals(TaskStatus.DEFERRED) || taskStatus.equals(TaskStatus.WAITING_ON_OTHER)) {
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-TASK-STATUS", taskStatus, false);
        if ((taskMode != null) && (!taskMode.equals(TaskMode.TASK_REQUEST))) {
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-TASK-MODE", taskMode, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-MILEAGE", mileage, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-BILLING-INFO", billingInfo, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-COMPANIES", companies, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-ACTUAL-WORK-MINS", actualEffort, false);
        IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-ZIMBRA-TOTAL-WORK-MINS", estimatedEffort, false);
        if (this.icalType == ICALENDAR_TYPE.VEVENT) {
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT", isAllDayEvent ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS", busyStatus, false);
            if (method.equals(Method.REQUEST)) {
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-INTENDEDSTATUS", intendedBusyStatus, false);
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNERAPPTID", ownerApptId, false);
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-REPLYTIME", schedView.getAppointmentReplyTime(), false);
            IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-OWNER-CRITICAL-CHANGE", ownerCriticalChange, false);
            Boolean disallowCounter = schedView.isDisallowCounter();
            if (disallowCounter != null) {
                IcalUtil.addProperty(icalOutput, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-DISALLOW-COUNTER", disallowCounter ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
        if (reminderSet) {
            addAlarmComponent(icalOutput, schedView.getReminderDelta());
        if (recurrenceIdDateTime == null) {
            // If this message primarily relates to a specific instance,
            // exception information is superfluous
            addExceptions(icalOutput, recurDef, recurrenceTZinfo, sequenceNum, ownerApptId, summary, location, isAllDayEvent);
        conversionSuccessful = true;"Calendaring TNEF message mapped to ICALENDAR with UID=%s", uid);
    } catch (ParserException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unexpected ParserException thrown", e);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unexpected URISyntaxException thrown", e);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unexpected ParseException thrown", e);
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unexpected MessagingException thrown", e);
    } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
        sLog.debug("Problem decoding TNEF for ICALENDAR", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unexpected IOException thrown", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedTnefCalendaringMsgException e) {
        sLog.debug("Unable to map this message to ICALENDAR", e);
    } catch (TNEFtoIcalendarServiceException e) {
        sLog.debug("Problem encountered mapping this message to ICALENDAR", e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (tnefStream != null) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            sLog.debug("Problem encountered closing TNEF stream", ioe);
    return conversionSuccessful;
Also used : MAPIProps(net.freeutils.tnef.MAPIProps) TimeZoneDefinition(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition) Attachment(net.freeutils.tnef.Attachment) BusyStatus(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.BusyStatus) URISyntaxException( TaskMode(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TaskMode) MAPIProp(net.freeutils.tnef.MAPIProp) DateTime(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime) DtStamp( MeetingTypeFlag(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.MeetingTypeFlag) List(java.util.List) ParameterList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList) CategoryList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.CategoryList) Clazz( UnsupportedTnefCalendaringMsgException(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.TNEFtoIcalendarServiceException.UnsupportedTnefCalendaringMsgException) Status( TaskStatus(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TaskStatus) BusyStatus(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.BusyStatus) ParserException( Categories( MessagingException(javax.mail.MessagingException) Priority( PartStat(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.PartStat) IOException( TNEFInputStream(net.freeutils.tnef.TNEFInputStream) TaskStatus(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TaskStatus) CategoryList(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.CategoryList) ParseException(java.text.ParseException)

Example 2 with TimeZoneDefinition

use of com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class TnefTimeZone method getTimeZone.

     * Ref: [MS-OXOCAL] - v20100729
     * Returns a time zone from the given index;
     * The default TimeZone ID is "tnefTimeZone"
     * @param index
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
public static TimeZone getTimeZone(int index, boolean observeDaylightSaving, String tzId) throws IOException {
    if (index < 0 || index > 59)
        return null;
    // UTC offset in minutes
    int bias = 0;
    // offset in minutes from bias during standard time.; has a value of 0 in most cases
    int standardBias = 0;
    // offset in minutes from bias during daylight saving time.
    int daylightBias = 0;
    SYSTEMTIME StandardDate = null;
    SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate = null;
    // 1 - January, 12 - December
    int startMonth = 0;
    // 0 - Sunday, 6 - Saturday
    int startDayOfWeek = 0;
    // day of the week within the month, 5 = last occurrence of that day
    int startDay = 0;
    int startHour = 0;
    int endMonth = 0;
    int endDayOfWeek = 0;
    int endDay = 0;
    int endHour = 0;
    // get the UTC+12 standard offset in minutes from MS_OXOCAL_STANDARD_OFFSET table!!
    int utcPlus12offset = MS_OXOCAL_STANDARD_OFFSET[index][0];
    int indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable = MS_OXOCAL_STANDARD_OFFSET[index][1];
    if (utcPlus12offset > 12 * 60)
        bias = (utcPlus12offset - 12 * 60) * -1;
    else if (utcPlus12offset < 12 * 60)
        bias = (12 * 60 - utcPlus12offset);
    if (indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable == -1 || !observeDaylightSaving) {
        int utcOffsetInMilliseconds = bias * 60 * 1000;
        return getNoDaylightSavingTimeZoneFromUtcOffset(utcOffsetInMilliseconds);
    // handle the daylight saving case here...
    // HACK!!
    // HACK!!
    // TZRule.getStandardUtcOffset() always multiply the offset by -1;
    // Hence, we are multiplying by -1 in reverse order.
    bias = bias * -1;
    // If daylight saving time is observed, during the daylight time period, 
    // an additional -60 offset is added to the standard offset.
    daylightBias = -60;
    startMonth = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][1][0];
    startDayOfWeek = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][1][1];
    startDay = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][1][2];
    startHour = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][1][3];
    endMonth = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][0][0];
    endDayOfWeek = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][0][1];
    endDay = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][0][2];
    endHour = MS_OXOCAL_STAN_DST_DATES[indexToDaytimeSavingDatesTable][0][3];
    StandardDate = new SYSTEMTIME(endMonth, endDayOfWeek, endDay, endHour);
    DaylightDate = new SYSTEMTIME(startMonth, startDayOfWeek, startDay, startHour);
    if (sLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder debugInfo = new StringBuilder();
        debugInfo.append(bias * -1 + " " + "{" + endMonth + "," + endDayOfWeek + "," + endDay + "," + endHour + "} " + "{" + startMonth + "," + startDayOfWeek + "," + startDay + "," + startHour + "}");
    String timeZoneId;
    if (tzId == null || tzId.length() == 0)
        timeZoneId = DEFAULT_TNEF_TIMEZONE_ID;
        timeZoneId = tzId;
    TimeZoneDefinition timeZoneDefinition = new TimeZoneDefinition(timeZoneId, bias, standardBias, daylightBias, StandardDate, DaylightDate);
    return timeZoneDefinition.getTimeZone();
Also used : TimeZoneDefinition(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition) SYSTEMTIME(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.SYSTEMTIME)

Example 3 with TimeZoneDefinition

use of com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class SchedulingViewOfTnef method getTimeZoneStructInfo.

     * PidLidTimeZoneStruct Specifies time zone information for a recurring meeting.
     * @param tzName
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
private TimeZoneDefinition getTimeZoneStructInfo(String tzName) throws IOException {
    RawInputStream tzRis = MapiPropertyId.PidLidTimeZoneStruct.getRawInputStreamValue(this);
    if (tzRis == null) {
        return null;
    TimeZoneDefinition tzDef = new TimeZoneDefinition(tzRis, tzName);
    if (tzDef == null) {
        if (sLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
            sLog.debug("Failed to load TimeZoneDefinition from PidLidTimeZoneStruct and " + tzName);
    return tzDef;
Also used : RawInputStream(net.freeutils.tnef.RawInputStream) TimeZoneDefinition(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition)

Example 4 with TimeZoneDefinition

use of com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class SchedulingViewOfTnef method initTZinfo.

     * Initialise timezone related fields.
     * Replies from Outlook 2007 related to a recurrence or an instance
     * of a recurrence had :
     *     PidLidTimeZoneDescription,PidLidTimeZoneStruct,
     *     PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay and
     *     PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay present but NOT
     *     PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur
     * further, the StartDisplay/EndDisplay properties were appropriate to the
     * Outlook client replying and were NOT related to the originally sent ICAL.
     * The Outlook originated TimeZone names associated with
     * StartDisplay/EndDisplay/Recur props seem "nicer" than the names
     * used in PidLidTimeZoneDescription - so, tend to prefer those.
     * @throws IOException
private void initTZinfo() {
    if (tzinfoInitialized) {
    try {
        RawInputStream tzRis;
        MapiPropertyId mpi;
        mpi = MapiPropertyId.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay;
        tzRis = mpi.getRawInputStreamValue(this);
        if (tzRis != null) {
            startTimeTZinfo = new TimeZoneDefinition(mpi, tzRis);
        mpi = MapiPropertyId.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay;
        tzRis = mpi.getRawInputStreamValue(this);
        if (tzRis != null) {
            endTimeTZinfo = new TimeZoneDefinition(mpi, tzRis);
        mpi = MapiPropertyId.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur;
        tzRis = mpi.getRawInputStreamValue(this);
        if (tzRis != null) {
            recurrenceTZinfo = new TimeZoneDefinition(mpi, tzRis);
        String tzDesc = this.getTimeZoneDescription();
        if (null != tzDesc) {
            TimeZoneDefinition tzStructInfo = this.getTimeZoneStructInfo(tzDesc);
            if (tzStructInfo != null) {
                // We know we have a recurrence related TZ definition.  Make
                // sure we have the most appropriate/nice definition for that.
                TZRule tzsRule = tzStructInfo.getEffectiveRule();
                if (recurrenceTZinfo == null) {
                    if ((startTimeTZinfo != null) && (tzsRule.equivalentRule(startTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule()))) {
                        recurrenceTZinfo = startTimeTZinfo;
                        sLog.debug("Using %s for TZ info", "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStart");
                    } else if ((endTimeTZinfo != null) && (tzsRule.equivalentRule(endTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule()))) {
                        recurrenceTZinfo = endTimeTZinfo;
                        sLog.debug("Using %s for TZ info", "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEnd");
                    } else {
                        recurrenceTZinfo = tzStructInfo;
                        sLog.debug("Using %s for TZ info", "PidLidTimeZoneStruct");
                } else if (!tzsRule.equivalentRule(recurrenceTZinfo.getEffectiveRule())) {
                    recurrenceTZinfo = tzStructInfo;
                    sLog.debug("Using %s for TZ info", "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        sLog.debug("Problem encountered initialising timezone information", e);
    if (recurrenceTZinfo != null) {
        // For recurrences, we want just one TZ for consistency
        if (endTimeTZinfo == null) {
            endTimeTZinfo = recurrenceTZinfo;
        } else if (recurrenceTZinfo.getEffectiveRule().equivalentRule(endTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule())) {
            endTimeTZinfo = recurrenceTZinfo;
        } else if (startTimeTZinfo != null) {
            // for cancel/request, even when related to an exception.
            if (startTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule().equivalentRule(endTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule())) {
                endTimeTZinfo = recurrenceTZinfo;
        startTimeTZinfo = recurrenceTZinfo;
    if (endTimeTZinfo == null) {
        endTimeTZinfo = startTimeTZinfo;
    } else if (startTimeTZinfo == null) {
        startTimeTZinfo = endTimeTZinfo;
    } else if (startTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule().equivalentRule(endTimeTZinfo.getEffectiveRule())) {
        endTimeTZinfo = startTimeTZinfo;
Also used : TZRule(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TZRule) RawInputStream(net.freeutils.tnef.RawInputStream) TimeZoneDefinition(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition) IOException( MapiPropertyId(com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.MapiPropertyId)


TimeZoneDefinition (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TimeZoneDefinition)4 IOException ( RawInputStream (net.freeutils.tnef.RawInputStream)2 UnsupportedTnefCalendaringMsgException (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.TNEFtoIcalendarServiceException.UnsupportedTnefCalendaringMsgException)1 BusyStatus (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.BusyStatus)1 MapiPropertyId (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.MapiPropertyId)1 MeetingTypeFlag (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.MeetingTypeFlag)1 SYSTEMTIME (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.SYSTEMTIME)1 TZRule (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TZRule)1 TaskMode (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TaskMode)1 TaskStatus (com.zimbra.cs.util.tnef.mapi.TaskStatus)1 URISyntaxException ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 List (java.util.List)1 MessagingException (javax.mail.MessagingException)1 ParserException ( CategoryList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.CategoryList)1 DateTime (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.DateTime)1 ParameterList (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.ParameterList)1 PartStat (net.fortuna.ical4j.model.parameter.PartStat)1