use of com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class RenameCos method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext lc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
String id = request.getElement(AdminConstants.E_ID).getText();
String newName = request.getElement(AdminConstants.E_NEW_NAME).getText();
Cos cos = prov.get(, id);
if (cos == null)
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_COS(id);
// check if the admin can rename the cos
checkRight(lc, context, cos, Admin.R_renameCos);
String oldName = cos.getName();
prov.renameCos(id, newName); String[] { "cmd", "RenameCos", "name", oldName, "newName", newName }));
// get again with new name...
cos = prov.get(, id);
if (cos == null)
throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unabled to get renamed cos: " + id, null);
Element response = lc.createElement(AdminConstants.RENAME_COS_RESPONSE);
GetCos.encodeCos(response, cos);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class ResetAllLoggers method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.RESET_ALL_LOGGERS_RESPONSE);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class RemoveDistributionListAlias method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
RemoveDistributionListAliasRequest req = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(request);
String id = req.getId();
String alias = req.getAlias();
Group group = getGroupFromContext(context);
String dlName = "";
try {
defendAgainstGroupHarvesting(group,, id, zsc, Admin.R_removeGroupAlias, Admin.R_removeDistributionListAlias);
} catch (AccountServiceException ase) {
// still may want to remove the alias, even if it doesn't point at anything
// note: if we got a permission denied instead of AccountServiceException,
// means we don't have the rights so shouldn't get any further
if (group != null) {
dlName = group.getName();
// if the admin can remove an alias in the domain
checkDomainRightByEmail(zsc, alias, Admin.R_deleteAlias);
// even if dl is null, we still invoke removeAlias and throw an exception afterwards.
// this is so dangling aliases can be cleaned up as much as possible
prov.removeGroupAlias(group, alias); String[] { "cmd", "RemoveDistributionListAlias", "name", dlName, "alias", alias }));
if (group == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DISTRIBUTION_LIST(id);
return zsc.jaxbToElement(new RemoveDistributionListAliasResponse());
use of com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class CreateCos method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
String name = request.getElement(AdminConstants.E_NAME).getText().toLowerCase();
Map<String, Object> attrs = AdminService.getAttrs(request);
checkRight(zsc, context, null, Admin.R_createCos);
checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.cos, name, attrs);
Cos cos = prov.createCos(name, attrs); String[] { "cmd", "CreateCos", "name", name }, attrs));
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.CREATE_COS_RESPONSE);
GetCos.encodeCos(response, cos);
return response;
use of com.zimbra.soap.ZimbraSoapContext in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.
the class CreateGalSyncAccount method handle.
public Element handle(Element request, Map<String, Object> context) throws ServiceException {
ZimbraSoapContext zsc = getZimbraSoapContext(context);
Provisioning prov = Provisioning.getInstance();
CreateGalSyncAccountRequest cgaRequest = JaxbUtil.elementToJaxb(request);
String name = cgaRequest.getName();
String domainStr = cgaRequest.getDomain();
GalMode type = cgaRequest.getType();
AccountSelector acctSelector = cgaRequest.getAccount();
AccountBy acctBy = acctSelector.getBy();
String acctValue = acctSelector.getKey();
String password = cgaRequest.getPassword();
String folder = cgaRequest.getFolder();
String mailHost = cgaRequest.getMailHost();
Domain domain = prov.getDomainByName(domainStr);
if (domain == null) {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN(domainStr);
Account account = null;
try {
account = prov.get(acctBy.toKeyAccountBy(), acctValue, zsc.getAuthToken());
} catch (ServiceException se) {"error checking GalSyncAccount", se);
// create the system account if not already exists.
if (account == null) {
if (acctBy != {
throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT(acctValue);
// there should be one gal sync account per domain per mailhost
for (String acctId : domain.getGalAccountId()) {
Account acct = prov.getAccountById(acctId);
if ((acct != null) && (acct.getMailHost().equals(mailHost))) {
throw AccountServiceException.ACCOUNT_EXISTS(acct.getName());
// XXX revisit
checkDomainRightByEmail(zsc, acctValue, Admin.R_createAccount);
Map<String, Object> accountAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zimbraIsSystemResource, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE);
StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zimbraIsSystemAccount, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE);
StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zimbraHideInGal, LdapConstants.LDAP_TRUE);
StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zimbraContactMaxNumEntries, "0");
StringUtil.addToMultiMap(accountAttrs, Provisioning.A_zimbraMailHost, mailHost);
checkSetAttrsOnCreate(zsc, TargetType.account, acctValue, accountAttrs);
account = prov.createAccount(acctValue, password, accountAttrs);
if (!Provisioning.onLocalServer(account)) {
String host = account.getMailHost();
Server server = prov.getServerByName(host);
return proxyRequest(request, context, server);
addDataSource(request, zsc, account, domain, folder, name, type);
Element response = zsc.createElement(AdminConstants.CREATE_GAL_SYNC_ACCOUNT_RESPONSE);
ToXML.encodeAccount(response, account, false, emptySet, null);
return response;