use of com.zx.sms.codec.smpp.msg.SubmitSm in project SMSGate by Lihuanghe.
the class TestBaseSmCodec method testLongmSubmitSm.
public void testLongmSubmitSm() {
SubmitSm pdu = new SubmitSm();
pdu.setDestAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "1111"));
pdu.setSourceAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "2222"));
pdu.setSmsMsg("尊敬的客户,您好!您于2016-03-23 14:51:36通过中国移动10085销售专线订购的【一加手机高清防刮保护膜】,请点击支付 完成下单。请在60分钟内完成支付,如有疑问,请致电10085咨询,谢谢!中国移动10085");
use of com.zx.sms.codec.smpp.msg.SubmitSm in project SMSGate by Lihuanghe.
the class SMPPMessageReceiveHandler method reponse.
protected ChannelFuture reponse(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
if (msg instanceof DeliverSmReceipt) {
DeliverSmResp res = ((DeliverSm) msg).createResponse();
return ctx.writeAndFlush(res);
} else if (msg instanceof DeliverSm) {
DeliverSmResp res = ((DeliverSm) msg).createResponse();
String msgcontent = ((DeliverSm) msg).getMsgContent();
return ctx.writeAndFlush(res);
} else if (msg instanceof SubmitSm) {
SubmitSmResp res = ((SubmitSm) msg).createResponse();
String msgcontent = ((SubmitSm) msg).getMsgContent();
byte[] receive = msgcontent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
ChannelFuture future = ctx.writeAndFlush(res);
List<SubmitSm> frags = ((SubmitSm) msg).getFragments();
if (frags != null && !frags.isEmpty()) {
for (SubmitSm fragment : frags) {
SubmitSmResp fragres = ((SubmitSm) fragment).createResponse();
if (((SubmitSm) msg).getRegisteredDelivery() == 1) {
DeliverSmReceipt report = new DeliverSmReceipt();
report.setSourceAddress(((SubmitSm) msg).getDestAddress());
report.setDestAddress(((SubmitSm) msg).getSourceAddress());
report.setSubmit_date(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyMMddHHmm"));
report.setDone_date(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyMMddHHmm"));
if (((SubmitSm) msg).getRegisteredDelivery() == 1) {
DeliverSmReceipt report = new DeliverSmReceipt();
report.setSourceAddress(((SubmitSm) msg).getDestAddress());
report.setDestAddress(((SubmitSm) msg).getSourceAddress());
report.setText(((SubmitSm) msg).getMsgContent());
report.setSubmit_date(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyMMddHHmm"));
report.setDone_date(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyMMddHHmm"));
try {
ChannelUtil.syncWriteLongMsgToEntity(getEndpointEntity(), report);
} catch (Exception e) {
return future;
return null;
use of com.zx.sms.codec.smpp.msg.SubmitSm in project SMSGate by Lihuanghe.
the class SMPPSessionConnectedHandler method createTestReq.
protected BaseMessage createTestReq(String str) {
final EndpointEntity finalentity = getEndpointEntity();
// String content = "£$¥èéùì@";
if (finalentity instanceof ServerEndpoint) {
DeliverSm pdu = new DeliverSm();
pdu.setSourceAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "13800138000"));
pdu.setDestAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "10086"));
// pdu.setSmsMsg(new SmsTextMessage(content,SmsDcs.getGeneralDataCodingDcs(SmsAlphabet.GSM,SmsMsgClass.CLASS_UNKNOWN)));
return pdu;
} else {
SubmitSm pdu = new SubmitSm();
pdu.setRegisteredDelivery((byte) 0);
pdu.setSourceAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "10086"));
pdu.setDestAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "13800138000"));
// pdu.setSmsMsg(new SmsTextMessage(content,SmsDcs.getGeneralDataCodingDcs(SmsAlphabet.GSM,SmsMsgClass.CLASS_UNKNOWN)));
return pdu;
use of com.zx.sms.codec.smpp.msg.SubmitSm in project SMSGate by Lihuanghe.
the class DefaultPduTranscoder method doDecode.
protected Pdu doDecode(int commandLength, ByteBuf buffer) throws UnrecoverablePduException, RecoverablePduException {
// skip the length field because we already parsed it
// read the remaining portion of the PDU header
int commandId = buffer.readInt();
int commandStatus = buffer.readInt();
int sequenceNumber = buffer.readInt();
Pdu pdu = null;
// any command id with its 31st bit set to true is a response
if (PduUtil.isRequestCommandId(commandId)) {
if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_ENQUIRE_LINK) {
pdu = new EnquireLink();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_DELIVER_SM) {
pdu = new DeliverSm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_SUBMIT_SM) {
pdu = new SubmitSm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_DATA_SM) {
pdu = new DataSm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_CANCEL_SM) {
pdu = new CancelSm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_QUERY_SM) {
pdu = new QuerySm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_REPLACE_SM) {
pdu = new ReplaceSm();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_TRANSCEIVER) {
pdu = new BindTransceiver();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_TRANSMITTER) {
pdu = new BindTransmitter();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_RECEIVER) {
pdu = new BindReceiver();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_UNBIND) {
pdu = new Unbind();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_ALERT_NOTIFICATION) {
pdu = new AlertNotification();
} else {
pdu = new PartialPdu(commandId);
} else {
if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_SUBMIT_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new SubmitSmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_DELIVER_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new DeliverSmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_DATA_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new DataSmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_CANCEL_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new CancelSmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_QUERY_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new QuerySmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_REPLACE_SM_RESP) {
pdu = new ReplaceSmResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP) {
pdu = new EnquireLinkResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_TRANSCEIVER_RESP) {
pdu = new BindTransceiverResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_RECEIVER_RESP) {
pdu = new BindReceiverResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_BIND_TRANSMITTER_RESP) {
pdu = new BindTransmitterResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_UNBIND_RESP) {
pdu = new UnbindResp();
} else if (commandId == SmppConstants.CMD_ID_GENERIC_NACK) {
pdu = new GenericNack();
} else {
pdu = new PartialPduResp(commandId);
// set pdu header values
// check if we need to throw an exception
if (pdu instanceof PartialPdu) {
throw new UnknownCommandIdException(pdu, "Unsupported or unknown PDU request commandId [0x" + HexUtil.toHexString(commandId) + "]");
} else if (pdu instanceof PartialPduResp) {
throw new UnknownCommandIdException(pdu, "Unsupported or unknown PDU response commandId [0x" + HexUtil.toHexString(commandId) + "]");
// see if we can map the command status into a message
if (pdu instanceof PduResponse) {
PduResponse response = (PduResponse) pdu;
try {
// parse pdu body parameters (may throw exception)
// parse pdu optional parameters (may throw exception)
pdu.readOptionalParameters(buffer, context);
} catch (RecoverablePduException e) {
// check if we should add the partial pdu to the exception
if (e.getPartialPdu() == null) {
// rethrow it
throw e;
return pdu;
use of com.zx.sms.codec.smpp.msg.SubmitSm in project SMSGate by Lihuanghe.
the class TestBaseSmCodec method testASCIIcode.
public void testASCIIcode() {
SubmitSm pdu = new SubmitSm();
pdu.setDestAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "1111"));
pdu.setSourceAddress(new Address((byte) 0, (byte) 0, "2222"));
pdu.setSmsMsg(new SmsTextMessage("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890", SmppSmsDcs.getGeneralDataCodingDcs(SmsAlphabet.GSM, SmsMsgClass.CLASS_UNKNOWN)));