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Example 1 with Tags

use of in project OneBlog by zhangyd-c.

the class BizTagsServiceImpl method getByPrimaryKey.

public Tags getByPrimaryKey(Long primaryKey) {
    Assert.notNull(primaryKey, "PrimaryKey不可为空!");
    BizTags entity = bizTagsMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(primaryKey);
    return null == entity ? null : new Tags(entity);
Also used : BizTags( BizArticleTags( BizTags( Tags(

Example 2 with Tags

use of in project OneBlog by zhangyd-c.

the class BizTagsServiceImpl method findPageBreakByCondition.

public PageInfo<Tags> findPageBreakByCondition(TagsConditionVO vo) {
    PageHelper.startPage(vo.getPageNumber(), vo.getPageSize());
    List<BizTags> list = bizTagsMapper.findPageBreakByCondition(vo);
    List<Tags> boList = getTags(list);
    if (boList == null)
        return null;
    PageInfo bean = new PageInfo<BizTags>(list);
    return bean;
Also used : PageInfo(com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo) BizTags( BizArticleTags( BizTags( Tags(

Example 3 with Tags

use of in project OneBlog by zhangyd-c.

the class BizTagsServiceImpl method getByName.

public Tags getByName(String name) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
        return null;
    BizTags tags = new BizTags();
    tags = bizTagsMapper.selectOne(tags);
    return null == tags ? null : new Tags(tags);
Also used : BizTags( BizArticleTags( BizTags( Tags(

Example 4 with Tags

use of in project OneBlog by zhangyd-c.

the class BizTagsServiceImpl method updateSelective.

@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
@RedisCache(flush = true)
public boolean updateSelective(Tags entity) {
    Assert.notNull(entity, "Tags不可为空!");
    Tags old = this.getByName(entity.getName());
    if (old != null && !old.getId().equals(entity.getId())) {
        throw new ZhydException("标签修改失败,标签已存在![" + entity.getName() + "]");
    entity.setUpdateTime(new Date());
    return bizTagsMapper.updateByPrimaryKeySelective(entity.getBizTags()) > 0;
Also used : ZhydException( BizArticleTags( BizTags( Tags( Date(java.util.Date) RedisCache( Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 5 with Tags

use of in project OneBlog by zhangyd-c.

the class RemoverServiceImpl method saveTags.

 * 保存文章的标签
 * @param writerUtil           writer
 * @param originalTags         原始的标签列表
 * @param article              以保存的文章
 * @param spiderVirtualArticle 爬虫抓取完成的虚拟文章
private void saveTags(HunterPrintWriter writerUtil, Map<String, Long> originalTags, Article article, VirtualArticle spiderVirtualArticle) {
    List<Long> tagIds = new ArrayList<>();
    Tags newTag;
    for (String tag : spiderVirtualArticle.getTags()) {
        if (originalTags.containsKey(tag.toUpperCase())) {
        newTag = new Tags();
        newTag = tagsService.insert(newTag);
        // 防止重复添加,将新添加的标签信息保存到临时map中
        originalTags.put(newTag.getName().toUpperCase(), newTag.getId());
    // 添加文章-标签关联信息
    articleTagsService.insertList(tagIds.toArray(new Long[0]), article.getId());
    writerUtil.print(String.format("[ sync tags ] Succeed! <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a>", spiderVirtualArticle.getSource(), article.getTitle()));
Also used : CopyOnWriteArrayList(java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList) Tags(


Tags ( BizArticleTags ( BizTags ( CopyOnWriteArrayList (java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList)2 Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)2 PageInfo (com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo)1 RedisCache ( Article ( User ( ArticleStatusEnum ( BizArticleService ( BizArticleTagsService ( BizTagsService ( RemoverService ( ImageDownloadUtil ( ZhydException ( SessionUtil ( PrintWriter ( java.util (java.util)1 Date (java.util.Date)1