use of in project cwms-radar-api by USACE.
the class ClobController method getAll.
@OpenApi(queryParams = { @OpenApiParam(name = "office", required = false, description = "Specifies the owning office. If this field is not specified, matching information from all offices shall be returned."), @OpenApiParam(name = "page", required = false, description = "This end point can return a lot of data, this identifies where in the request you are. This is an opaque value, and can be obtained from the 'next-page' value in the response."), @OpenApiParam(name = "pageSize", required = false, type = Integer.class, description = "How many entries per page returned. Default " + defaultPageSize + "."), @OpenApiParam(name = "includeValues", required = false, type = Boolean.class, description = "Do you want the value associated with this particular clob (default: false)"), @OpenApiParam(name = "like", required = false, type = String.class, description = "Posix regular expression matching against the id") }, responses = { @OpenApiResponse(status = "200", description = "A list of clobs.", content = { @OpenApiContent(type = Formats.JSONV2, from = Clobs.class), @OpenApiContent(type = Formats.XMLV2, from = Clobs.class) }) }, tags = { "Clob" })
public void getAll(Context ctx) {
try (final Timer.Context timeContext = getAllRequestsTime.time();
DSLContext dsl = getDslContext(ctx)) {
String office = ctx.queryParam("office");
Optional<String> officeOpt = Optional.ofNullable(office);
String formatParm = ctx.queryParamAsClass("format", String.class).getOrDefault("");
String formatHeader = ctx.header(Header.ACCEPT);
ContentType contentType = Formats.parseHeaderAndQueryParm(formatHeader, formatParm);
String cursor = ctx.queryParamAsClass("cursor", String.class).allowNullable().get();
cursor = cursor != null ? cursor : ctx.queryParamAsClass("page", String.class).getOrDefault("");
if (!CwmsDTOPaginated.CURSOR_CHECK.invoke(cursor)) {
ctx.json(new RadarError("cursor or page passed in but failed validation")).status(HttpCode.BAD_REQUEST);
int pageSize = ctx.queryParamAsClass("pageSize", Integer.class).getOrDefault(ctx.queryParamAsClass("pagesize", Integer.class).getOrDefault(defaultPageSize));
boolean includeValues = ctx.queryParamAsClass("includeValues", Boolean.class).getOrDefault(false);
String like = ctx.queryParamAsClass("like", String.class).getOrDefault(".*");
ClobDao dao = new ClobDao(dsl);
Clobs clobs = dao.getClobs(cursor, pageSize, officeOpt, includeValues, like);
String result = Formats.format(contentType, clobs);
use of in project cwms-radar-api by USACE.
the class ClobController method getOne.
@OpenApi(queryParams = { @OpenApiParam(name = "office", description = "Specifies the owning office.") }, responses = { @OpenApiResponse(status = "200", description = "Returns requested clob.", content = { @OpenApiContent(type = Formats.JSON, from = Clob.class) }) }, tags = { "Clob" })
public void getOne(Context ctx, String clobId) {
try (final Timer.Context timeContext = getOneRequestTime.time();
DSLContext dsl = getDslContext(ctx)) {
ClobDao dao = new ClobDao(dsl);
Optional<String> office = Optional.ofNullable(ctx.queryParam("office"));
Optional<Clob> optAc = dao.getByUniqueName(clobId, office);
if (optAc.isPresent()) {
String formatHeader = ctx.header(Header.ACCEPT);
ContentType contentType = Formats.parseHeaderAndQueryParm(formatHeader, "");
String result = Formats.format(contentType, optAc.get());
} else {
ctx.status(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND).json(new RadarError("Unable to find clob based on given parameters"));