use of in project cwms-radar-api by USACE.
the class CatalogController method getOne.
@OpenApi(queryParams = { @OpenApiParam(name = "page", description = "This end point can return a lot of data, this identifies where in the request you are."), @OpenApiParam(name = "pageSize", type = Integer.class, description = "How many entires per page returned. Default 500."), @OpenApiParam(name = "unitSystem", type = UnitSystem.class, description = UnitSystem.DESCRIPTION), @OpenApiParam(name = "office", description = "3-4 letter office name representing the district you want to isolate data to."), @OpenApiParam(name = "like", description = "Posix regular expression matching against the id"), @OpenApiParam(name = "timeseriesCategoryLike", description = "Posix regular expression matching against the timeseries category id"), @OpenApiParam(name = "timeseriesGroupLike", description = "Posix regular expression matching against the timeseries group id"), @OpenApiParam(name = "locationCategoryLike", description = "Posix regular expression matching against the location category id"), @OpenApiParam(name = "locationGroupLike", description = "Posix regular expression matching against the location group id") }, pathParams = { @OpenApiParam(name = "dataSet", required = false, type = CatalogableEndpoint.class, description = "A list of what data? E.g. Timeseries, Locations, Ratings, etc") }, responses = { @OpenApiResponse(status = "200", description = "A list of elements the data set you've selected.", content = { @OpenApiContent(from = Catalog.class, type = Formats.JSONV2), @OpenApiContent(from = Catalog.class, type = Formats.XML) }) }, tags = { TAG })
public void getOne(Context ctx, String dataSet) {
try (final Timer.Context timeContext = getOneRequestTime.time();
DSLContext dsl = JooqDao.getDslContext(ctx)) {
String valDataSet = ((PolicyFactory) ctx.appAttribute("PolicyFactory")).sanitize(dataSet);
String cursor = ctx.queryParamAsClass("cursor", String.class).getOrDefault(ctx.queryParamAsClass("page", String.class).getOrDefault(""));
int pageSize = ctx.queryParamAsClass("pageSize", Integer.class).getOrDefault(ctx.queryParamAsClass("pagesize", Integer.class).getOrDefault(defaultPageSize));
String unitSystem = ctx.queryParamAsClass("unitSystem", String.class).getOrDefault(UnitSystem.SI.getValue());
Optional<String> office = Optional.ofNullable(ctx.queryParamAsClass("office", String.class).allowNullable().check(Office::validOfficeCanNull, "Invalid office provided").get());
String like = ctx.queryParamAsClass("like", String.class).getOrDefault(".*");
String tsCategoryLike = ctx.queryParamAsClass("timeseriesCategoryLike", String.class).getOrDefault(null);
String tsGroupLike = ctx.queryParamAsClass("timeseriesGroupLike", String.class).getOrDefault(null);
String locCategoryLike = ctx.queryParamAsClass("locationCategoryLike", String.class).getOrDefault(null);
String locGroupLike = ctx.queryParamAsClass("locationGroupLike", String.class).getOrDefault(null);
String acceptHeader = ctx.header("Accept");
ContentType contentType = Formats.parseHeaderAndQueryParm(acceptHeader, null);
Catalog cat = null;
if ("timeseries".equalsIgnoreCase(valDataSet)) {
TimeSeriesDao tsDao = new TimeSeriesDaoImpl(dsl);
cat = tsDao.getTimeSeriesCatalog(cursor, pageSize, office, like, locCategoryLike, locGroupLike, tsCategoryLike, tsGroupLike);
} else if ("locations".equalsIgnoreCase(valDataSet)) {
LocationsDao dao = new LocationsDaoImpl(dsl);
cat = dao.getLocationCatalog(cursor, pageSize, unitSystem, office, like, locCategoryLike, locGroupLike);
if (cat != null) {
String data = Formats.format(contentType, cat);
} else {
final RadarError re = new RadarError("Cannot create catalog of requested information"); -> re.toString() + "with url:" + ctx.fullUrl());