use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class RegistrarBaseIntegrationTest method setupTest.
public void setupTest() throws Exception {
if (vo == null || session == null) {
session = perun.getPerunSession(new PerunPrincipal("perunTests", ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_NAME_INTERNAL, ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_INTERNAL), new PerunClient());
// create test VO
vo = new Vo(0, "registrarTestVO", "regTestVO");
vo = perun.getVosManagerBl().createVo(session, vo);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class Api method setupPerunPrincipal.
private static PerunPrincipal setupPerunPrincipal(HttpServletRequest req, Deserializer des) throws UserNotExistsException {
String extSourceLoaString = null;
String extLogin = null;
String extSourceName = null;
String extSourceType = null;
int extSourceLoa;
Map<String, String> additionalInformations = new HashMap<>();
String shibIdentityProvider = getStringAttribute(req, SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER);
String sourceIdpEntityId = getStringAttribute(req, SOURCE_IDP_ENTITY_ID);
String remoteUser = req.getRemoteUser();
CoreConfig config = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig();
// If we have header Shib-Identity-Provider, then the user uses identity federation to authenticate
if (isNotEmpty(shibIdentityProvider)) {
extSourceName = getOriginalIdP(shibIdentityProvider, sourceIdpEntityId);
extSourceType = ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_IDP;
extSourceLoaString = getStringAttribute(req, LOA);
if (isEmpty(extSourceLoaString))
extSourceLoaString = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getDefaultLoaIdP();
// FIXME: find better place where do the operation with attributes from federation
String eppn = getStringAttribute(req, "eppn");
if (isNotEmpty(eppn)) {
// Remove scope from the eppn attribute
additionalInformations.put("eppnwoscope", StringUtils.substringBefore(eppn, "@"));
// Store IdP used by user to session, since for IdentityConsolidator and Registrar we need to know,
// if user logged in through proxy or not - we provide different links etc.
additionalInformations.put(UsersManagerBl.ORIGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_KEY, shibIdentityProvider);
if (isNotEmpty(remoteUser)) {
extLogin = remoteUser;
} else // If OIDC_CLAIM_sub header is present, it means user authenticated via OAuth2 with MITRE.
if (isNotEmpty(req.getHeader(OIDC_CLAIM_SUB))) {
extLogin = req.getHeader(OIDC_CLAIM_SUB);
// this is configurable, as the OIDC server has the source of sub claim also configurable
String iss = req.getHeader(OIDC_CLAIM_ISS);
if (iss != null) {
extSourceName = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getOidcIssuersExtsourceNames().get(iss);
extSourceType = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getOidcIssuersExtsourceTypes().get(iss);
if (extSourceName == null || extSourceType == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("OIDC issuer " + iss + " not configured");
} else {
throw new InternalErrorException("OIDC issuer not send by Authorization Server");
extSourceLoaString = "-1";
log.debug("detected OIDC/OAuth2 client for sub={},iss={}", extLogin, iss);
} else // EXT_SOURCE was defined in Apache configuration (e.g. Kerberos or Local)
if (req.getAttribute(EXTSOURCE) != null) {
extSourceName = getStringAttribute(req, EXTSOURCE);
extSourceType = getStringAttribute(req, EXTSOURCETYPE);
extSourceLoaString = getStringAttribute(req, EXTSOURCELOA);
extLogin = getExtLogin(req, extSourceName, remoteUser);
} else // Cert must be last since Apache asks for certificate everytime and fills cert properties even when Kerberos is in place.
if (Objects.equals(req.getAttribute(SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY), SUCCESS)) {
String certDN = getStringAttribute(req, SSL_CLIENT_SUBJECT_DN);
String caDN = getStringAttribute(req, SSL_CLIENT_ISSUER_DN);
String wholeCert = getStringAttribute(req, SSL_CLIENT_CERT);
extSourceName = caDN;
extSourceType = ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_X509;
extSourceLoaString = getStringAttribute(req, EXTSOURCELOA);
extLogin = certDN;
// Store X509 certificate in the additionalInformations structure
// FIXME: duplicit
additionalInformations.put("userCertificates", AttributesManagerBlImpl.escapeMapAttributeValue(certDN) + AttributesManagerImpl.KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER + AttributesManagerBlImpl.escapeMapAttributeValue(wholeCert));
additionalInformations.put("userCertDNs", AttributesManagerBlImpl.escapeMapAttributeValue(certDN) + AttributesManagerImpl.KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER + AttributesManagerBlImpl.escapeMapAttributeValue(caDN));
additionalInformations.put(SSL_CLIENT_SUBJECT_DN, certDN);
// Store X509
additionalInformations.put("dn", certDN);
additionalInformations.put("cadn", caDN);
additionalInformations.put("certificate", wholeCert);
// Get organization from the certificate
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[oO]\\s*=\\s*([^/]*)");
Matcher m = p.matcher(certDN);
if (m.find()) {
// Get CN from the certificate
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("CN=([^/]*)");
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(certDN);
if (m2.find()) {
// Get the X.509 certificate object
X509Certificate[] certs = (X509Certificate[]) req.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate");
// Get the emails
if (certs != null && certs.length > 0 && certs[0] != null) {
String emails = "";
Collection<List<?>> altNames;
try {
altNames = certs[0].getSubjectAlternativeNames();
if (altNames != null) {
for (List<?> entry : altNames) {
if (((Integer) entry.get(0)) == 1) {
emails = (String) entry.get(1);
} catch (CertificateParsingException e) {
log.error("Error during parsing certificate {}", Arrays.asList(certs));
additionalInformations.put("mail", emails);
// store selected attributes for update
for (AttributeDefinition attr : config.getAttributesForUpdate().getOrDefault(extSourceType, Collections.emptyList())) {
String attrValue = (String) req.getAttribute(attr.getFriendlyName());
if (attrValue != null) {
// fix shibboleth encoding
if (ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_IDP.equals(extSourceType)) {
attrValue = new String(attrValue.getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
log.debug("storing {}={} to additionalInformations", attr.getFriendlyName(), attrValue);
additionalInformations.put(attr.getFriendlyName(), attrValue);
// If the RPC was called by the user who can do delegation and delegatedLogin is set, set the values sent in the request
if (des != null && extLogin != null) {
List<String> powerUsers = config.getRpcPowerusers();
if (powerUsers.contains(extLogin) && des.contains(DELEGATED_LOGIN)) {
// Rewrite the remoteUser and extSource
extLogin = des.readString(DELEGATED_LOGIN);
extSourceName = des.readString(DELEGATED_EXTSOURCE_NAME);
extSourceType = des.readString(DELEGATED_EXTSOURCE_TYPE);
// Clear additionalInformations because they were valid only to the user who can do delegation
// extSourceLoa must be number, if any specified then set to 0
if (isEmpty(extSourceLoaString)) {
extSourceLoa = 0;
} else {
try {
extSourceLoa = Integer.parseInt(extSourceLoaString);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
extSourceLoa = 0;
// Check if any of authentication system returns extLogin and extSourceName
if (isEmpty(extLogin) || isEmpty(extSourceName)) {
throw new UserNotExistsException("extLogin or extSourceName is empty");
log.trace("creating PerunPrincipal(actor={},extSourceName={},extSourceType={},extSourceLoa={},additionalInformations={})", extLogin, extSourceName, extSourceType, extSourceLoa, additionalInformations);
return new PerunPrincipal(extLogin, extSourceName, extSourceType, extSourceLoa, additionalInformations);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class Api method doGet.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
checkOriginHeader(req, resp);
if (req.getPathInfo() == null || req.getPathInfo().equals("/")) {
resp.setContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
Writer wrt = resp.getWriter();
PerunPrincipal perunPrincipal;
try {
perunPrincipal = setupPerunPrincipal(req, null);
wrt.write("OK! Version: " + getPerunRpcVersion() + ", User: " + perunPrincipal.getActor() + ", extSource: " + perunPrincipal.getExtSourceName());
} catch (InternalErrorException | UserNotExistsException e) {
wrt.write("ERROR! Exception " + e.getMessage());
} else {
serve(req, resp, true, false);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class PerunBlImpl method getPerunSession.
* This method is used only internally.
private PerunSession getPerunSession() {
PerunPrincipal principal = new PerunPrincipal(INTERNALPRINCIPAL, ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_NAME_INTERNAL, ExtSourcesManager.EXTSOURCE_INTERNAL);
PerunClient client = new PerunClient();
return new PerunSessionImpl(this, principal, client);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.PerunPrincipal in project perun by CESNET.
the class EventProcessor method createTaskFromEvent.
* Creates Task from Event data. Tries to resolve Service and Facility pairs from Event.
* Events for non existing entities are discarded.
* @param event Event to parse
* @throws ServiceNotExistsException When Service from Event doesn't exists anymore
* @throws InvalidEventMessageException When Message has invalid format.
* @throws InternalErrorException When implementation fails
* @throws PrivilegeException When dispatcher lack privileges to call core methods
private void createTaskFromEvent(Event event) throws ServiceNotExistsException, InvalidEventMessageException, PrivilegeException {
Map<Facility, Set<Service>> resolvedServices = eventServiceResolver.resolveEvent(event.getData());
for (Entry<Facility, Set<Service>> map : resolvedServices.entrySet()) {
Facility facility = map.getKey();
for (Service service : map.getValue()) {
if (!service.isEnabled()) {
log.debug("Service not enabled: {}.", service);
if (((PerunBl) perun).getServicesManagerBl().isServiceBlockedOnFacility(service, facility)) {
log.debug("Service blocked on Facility: {} , {}.", service, facility);
// Check if all destinations are not blocked
try {
// init session
try {
if (sess == null) {
sess = perun.getPerunSession(new PerunPrincipal(dispatcherProperties.getProperty(""), dispatcherProperties.getProperty("perun.principal.extSourceName"), dispatcherProperties.getProperty("perun.principal.extSourceType")), new PerunClient());
} catch (InternalErrorException e1) {
log.error("Error establishing perun session to create Task from Event: ", e1);
List<Destination> destinations = perun.getServicesManager().getDestinations(sess, service, facility);
if (destinations != null && !destinations.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<Destination> iter = destinations.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Destination dest =;
if (((PerunBl) perun).getServicesManagerBl().isServiceBlockedOnDestination(service, dest.getId())) {
if (destinations.isEmpty()) {
// All service destinations were blocked -> Task is denied to be sent to engine just like
// when service is blocked globally in Perun or on facility as a whole.
log.debug("{} blocked on all destinations on {}.", service, facility);
} catch (ServiceNotExistsException e) {
log.error("Service not exist: {}.", service);
} catch (FacilityNotExistsException e) {
log.error("Facility not exist: {}.", facility);
} catch (InternalErrorException | PrivilegeException e) {
log.error("{}", e);
// check for presence of task for this <Service, Facility> pair
// NOTE: this must be atomic enough to not create duplicate
// tasks in schedulingPool (are we running in parallel
// here?)
boolean isForced = determineForcedPropagation(event);
Task task = schedulingPool.getTask(facility, service);
if (task != null) {
// there already is a task in schedulingPool
// signal that task needs to regenerate data and be forced next time
if (isForced)
log.debug("[{}] Task is already in pool. Re-setting source updated and forced flags, {}.", task.getId(), task);
} else {
// no such task yet, create one
task = new Task();
try {
log.debug("[{}] New Task added to pool. {}.", task.getId(), task);
} catch (TaskStoreException e) {
log.error("[{}] Could not add Task to pool. Task {} will be lost: {}", task.getId(), task, e);
schedulingPool.scheduleTask(task, -1);