use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method deletePassword.
public void deletePassword(PerunSession sess, User user, String loginNamespace) throws LoginNotExistsException, PasswordDeletionFailedException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, InvalidLoginException {"Deleting password for {} in login-namespace {}.", user, loginNamespace);
// Delete the password
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
try {
Attribute attr = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + AttributesManager.LOGIN_NAMESPACE + ":" + loginNamespace);
if (attr.getValue() == null) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException("Attribute containing login has empty value. Namespace: " + loginNamespace);
module.deletePassword(sess, attr.valueAsString());
} catch (PasswordDeletionFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordDeletionFailedException(e);
} catch (LoginNotExistsRuntimeException e) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordDeletionFailedException("Password deletion failed for " + loginNamespace + ": " + user + ".", ex);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method deleteUser.
private void deleteUser(PerunSession sess, User user, boolean forceDelete, boolean anonymizeInstead) throws RelationExistsException, MemberAlreadyRemovedException, UserAlreadyRemovedException, SpecificUserAlreadyRemovedException, AnonymizationNotSupportedException {
List<Member> members = getPerunBl().getMembersManagerBl().getMembersByUser(sess, user);
if (members != null && (members.size() > 0)) {
if (forceDelete) {
for (Member member : members) {
getPerunBl().getMembersManagerBl().deleteMember(sess, member);
} else {
throw new RelationExistsException("Members exist");
if (getPerunBl().getSecurityTeamsManagerBl().isUserBlacklisted(sess, user) && forceDelete) {
getPerunBl().getSecurityTeamsManagerBl().removeUserFromAllBlacklists(sess, user);
} else if (getPerunBl().getSecurityTeamsManagerBl().isUserBlacklisted(sess, user) && !forceDelete) {
throw new RelationExistsException("User is blacklisted by some security team. Deletion would cause loss of this information.");
// First delete all associated external sources to the user
removeAllUserExtSources(sess, user);
getPerunBl().getAuditer().log(sess, new AllUserExtSourcesDeletedForUser(user));
// delete all authorships of users publications
getUsersManagerImpl().removeAllAuthorships(sess, user);
// delete all mailchange request related to user
getUsersManagerImpl().removeAllPreferredEmailChangeRequests(sess, user);
// delete all pwdreset request related to user
getUsersManagerImpl().removeAllPasswordResetRequests(sess, user);
// get all reserved logins of user
List<Pair<String, String>> logins = getUsersManagerImpl().getUsersReservedLogins(user);
// delete them from KDC
for (Pair<String, String> login : logins) {
try {
// !! left = namespace / right = login
this.deletePassword(sess, login.getRight(), login.getLeft());
} catch (LoginNotExistsException e) {
// OK - User hasn't assigned any password with this login
} catch (InvalidLoginException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("We are deleting login of user, but its syntax is not allowed by namespace configuration.", e);
} catch (PasswordDeletionFailedException | PasswordOperationTimeoutException e) {
if (forceDelete) {
log.error("Error during deletion of an account at {} for user {} with login {}.", login.getLeft(), user, login.getRight());
} else {
throw new RelationExistsException("Error during deletion of an account at " + login.getLeft() + " for user " + user + " with login " + login.getRight() + ".");
// delete them from DB
// Remove all possible passwords associated with logins (stored in attributes)
for (Attribute loginAttribute : getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getLogins(sess, user)) {
try {
this.deletePassword(sess, (String) loginAttribute.getValue(), loginAttribute.getFriendlyNameParameter());
} catch (LoginNotExistsException e) {
// OK - User hasn't assigned any password with this login
} catch (InvalidLoginException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("We are deleting login of user, but its syntax is not allowed by namespace configuration.", e);
} catch (PasswordDeletionFailedException | PasswordOperationTimeoutException e) {
if (forceDelete) {
log.error("Error during deletion of the account at {} for user {} with login {}.", loginAttribute.getFriendlyNameParameter(), user, loginAttribute.getValue());
} else {
throw new RelationExistsException("Error during deletion of the account at " + loginAttribute.getFriendlyNameParameter() + " for user " + user + " with login " + loginAttribute.getValue() + ".");
// Delete, keep or anonymize assigned attributes
try {
// User-Facilities one
getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().removeAllUserFacilityAttributes(sess, user);
// Users one
if (anonymizeInstead) {
List<String> attributesToAnonymize = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getAttributesToAnonymize();
List<String> attributesToKeep = BeansUtils.getCoreConfig().getAttributesToKeep();
List<Attribute> userAttributes = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttributes(sess, user);
for (Attribute attribute : userAttributes) {
// Skip core and virtual attributes
if (getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().isCoreAttribute(sess, attribute) || getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().isVirtAttribute(sess, attribute)) {
// Skip attributes configured to keep untouched
if (attributesToKeep.contains(attribute.getName()) || // Attributes like 'login-namespace:mu' are configured as 'login-namespace:*'
(!attribute.getFriendlyNameParameter().isEmpty() && attributesToKeep.contains(attribute.getNamespace() + ":" + attribute.getBaseFriendlyName() + ":*"))) {
// Anonymize configured attributes
if (attributesToAnonymize.contains(attribute.getName()) || (!attribute.getFriendlyNameParameter().isEmpty() && attributesToAnonymize.contains(attribute.getNamespace() + ":" + attribute.getBaseFriendlyName() + ":*"))) {
Attribute anonymized = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAnonymizedValue(sess, user, attribute);
getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().setAttribute(sess, user, anonymized);
} else {
// Delete remaining attributes
getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().removeAttribute(sess, user, attribute);
} else {
getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().removeAllAttributes(sess, user);
} catch (WrongAttributeValueException | WrongReferenceAttributeValueException | WrongAttributeAssignmentException ex) {
// All members are deleted => there are no required attributes => all attributes can be removed
throw new ConsistencyErrorException(ex);
// Remove user authz
AuthzResolverBlImpl.removeAllUserAuthz(sess, user);
// delete even inactive links
usersManagerImpl.deleteSponsorLinks(sess, user);
// Remove all users bans
List<BanOnFacility> bansOnFacility = getPerunBl().getFacilitiesManagerBl().getBansForUser(sess, user.getId());
for (BanOnFacility banOnFacility : bansOnFacility) {
try {
getPerunBl().getFacilitiesManagerBl().removeBan(sess, banOnFacility.getId());
} catch (BanNotExistsException ex) {
// it is ok, we just want to remove it anyway
// Remove all sponsored user authz of his owners
if (user.isSponsoredUser())
AuthzResolverBlImpl.removeAllSponsoredUserAuthz(sess, user);
if (anonymizeInstead) {
getUsersManagerImpl().anonymizeUser(sess, user);
// delete all users applications and submitted data, this is needed only when 'anonymizeInstead'
// because applications are deleted on cascade when user's row is deleted in DB
} else {
// Finally delete the user
getUsersManagerImpl().deleteUser(sess, user);
getPerunBl().getAuditer().log(sess, new UserDeleted(user));
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method reservePassword.
public void reservePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, String loginNamespace, String password) throws PasswordCreationFailedException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, PasswordStrengthFailedException, InvalidLoginException, PasswordStrengthException {"Reserving password for {} in login-namespace {}.", userLogin, loginNamespace);
// Reserve the password
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
try {
module.reservePassword(sess, userLogin, password);
} catch (PasswordCreationFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (PasswordStrengthFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordStrengthFailedException(e);
} catch (InvalidLoginException | PasswordStrengthException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException("Password creation failed for " + loginNamespace + ":" + userLogin + ".", ex);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method changePassword.
public void changePassword(PerunSession sess, User user, String loginNamespace, String oldPassword, String newPassword, boolean checkOldPassword) throws LoginNotExistsException, PasswordDoesntMatchException, PasswordChangeFailedException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, PasswordStrengthFailedException, InvalidLoginException, PasswordStrengthException {"Changing password for {} in login-namespace {}.", user, loginNamespace);
// Get User login in loginNamespace
Attribute userLogin;
try {
userLogin = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":login-namespace:" + loginNamespace);
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException e) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException(e);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
// Check password if it was requested
if (checkOldPassword) {
try {
module.checkPassword(sess, userLogin.valueAsString(), oldPassword);
} catch (PasswordDoesntMatchRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordDoesntMatchException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordDoesntMatchException("Old password doesn't match for " + loginNamespace + ":" + userLogin + ".", ex);
// Change the password
try {
module.changePassword(sess, userLogin.valueAsString(), newPassword);
} catch (PasswordChangeFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordChangeFailedException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (PasswordStrengthFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordStrengthFailedException(e);
} catch (InvalidLoginException | PasswordStrengthException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordChangeFailedException("Password change failed for " + loginNamespace + ":" + userLogin + ".", ex);
// validate and set user ext sources
try {
this.validatePassword(sess, user, loginNamespace);
} catch (PasswordCreationFailedException ex) {
throw new PasswordChangeFailedException(ex);