use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method reserveRandomPassword.
public void reserveRandomPassword(PerunSession sess, User user, String loginNamespace) throws PasswordCreationFailedException, LoginNotExistsException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, PasswordStrengthFailedException, InvalidLoginException {"Reserving password for {} in login-namespace {}.", user, loginNamespace);
// Get login.
try {
Attribute attr = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + AttributesManager.LOGIN_NAMESPACE + ":" + loginNamespace);
if (attr.getValue() == null) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException("Attribute containing login has empty value. Namespace: " + loginNamespace);
// Create the password
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
try {
module.reserveRandomPassword(sess, attr.valueAsString());
} catch (PasswordCreationFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (PasswordStrengthFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordStrengthFailedException(e);
} catch (InvalidLoginException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException("Password creation failed for " + loginNamespace + ":" + attr.valueAsString() + ".", ex);
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException e) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException(e);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method reservePassword.
public void reservePassword(PerunSession sess, User user, String loginNamespace, String password) throws PasswordCreationFailedException, LoginNotExistsException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, PasswordStrengthFailedException, InvalidLoginException, PasswordStrengthException {"Reserving password for {} in login-namespace {}.", user, loginNamespace);
// Get login.
try {
Attribute attr = getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().getAttribute(sess, user, AttributesManager.NS_USER_ATTR_DEF + ":" + AttributesManager.LOGIN_NAMESPACE + ":" + loginNamespace);
if (attr.getValue() == null) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException("Attribute containing login has empty value. Namespace: " + loginNamespace);
// Create the password
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
try {
module.reservePassword(sess, attr.valueAsString(), password);
} catch (PasswordCreationFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (PasswordStrengthFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordStrengthFailedException(e);
} catch (InvalidLoginException | PasswordStrengthException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordCreationFailedException("Password creation failed for " + loginNamespace + ":" + attr.valueAsString() + ".", ex);
} catch (AttributeNotExistsException e) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException(e);
} catch (WrongAttributeAssignmentException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class GroupsManagerBlImpl method deleteAnyGroup.
* If forceDelete is false, delete only group which has no subgroup and no member.
* If forceDelete is true, delete group with all subgroups and members.
* @param sess
* @param group
* @param forceDelete if false, delete only empty group without subgroups. If true, delete group including subgroups and members.
* @throws InternalErrorException
* @throws RelationExistsException Raise only if forceDelete is false and the group has any subgroup or member.
* @throws GroupAlreadyRemovedException if there are 0 rows affected by deleting from DB
private void deleteAnyGroup(PerunSession sess, Group group, boolean forceDelete) throws RelationExistsException, GroupAlreadyRemovedException, GroupAlreadyRemovedFromResourceException, GroupNotExistsException, GroupRelationDoesNotExist, GroupRelationCannotBeRemoved {
Vo vo = this.getVo(sess, group);
if (getGroupsManagerImpl().getSubGroupsCount(sess, group) > 0) {
if (!forceDelete)
throw new RelationExistsException("Group group=" + group + " contains subgroups");
// get subgroups of this group
List<Group> subGroups = getSubGroups(sess, group);
for (Group subGroup : subGroups) {
deleteAnyGroup(sess, subGroup, true);
if ((this.getGroupMembersCount(sess, group) > 0) && !forceDelete) {
throw new RelationExistsException("Group group=" + group + " contains members");
List<AssignedResource> assignedResources = getPerunBl().getResourcesManagerBl().getResourceAssignments(sess, group, List.of());
try {
for (AssignedResource assignedResource : assignedResources) {
if (assignedResource.getSourceGroupId() == null) {
getPerunBl().getResourcesManagerBl().removeGroupFromResource(sess, group, assignedResource.getEnrichedResource().getResource());
} else {
getPerunBl().getResourcesManagerBl().removeAutomaticGroupFromResource(sess, group, assignedResource.getEnrichedResource().getResource(), assignedResource.getSourceGroupId());
// remove group's attributes
getPerunBl().getAttributesManagerBl().removeAllAttributes(sess, group);
} catch (GroupNotDefinedOnResourceException ex) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException(ex);
} catch (AttributeValueException ex) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("All resources was removed from this group, so no attributes should remain assigned.", ex);
// delete all Groups reserved logins from KDC
List<Integer> list = getGroupsManagerImpl().getGroupApplicationIds(sess, group);
for (Integer appId : list) {
// for each application
for (Pair<String, String> login : getGroupsManagerImpl().getApplicationReservedLogins(appId)) {
// for all reserved logins - delete them in ext. system (e.g. KDC)
try {
// left = namespace / right = login
getPerunBl().getUsersManagerBl().deletePassword(sess, login.getRight(), login.getLeft());
} catch (LoginNotExistsException ex) {
log.error("Login: {} not exists in namespace: {} while deleting passwords.", login.getRight(), login.getLeft());
} catch (InvalidLoginException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("We are deleting reserved login from group applications, but its syntax is not allowed by namespace configuration.", e);
} catch (PasswordDeletionFailedException | PasswordOperationTimeoutException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Failed to delete reserved login " + login.getRight() + " from KDC.", ex);
// delete all Groups reserved logins from DB
getGroupsManagerImpl().deleteGroupReservedLogins(sess, group);
// remove all assigned ExtSources to this group
List<ExtSource> assignedSources = getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getGroupExtSources(sess, group);
for (ExtSource source : assignedSources) {
try {
getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().removeExtSource(sess, group, source);
} catch (ExtSourceNotAssignedException | ExtSourceAlreadyRemovedException ex) {
// Just log this, because if method can't remove it, it is probably not assigned now
log.warn("Try to remove not existing extSource {} from group {} when deleting group.", source, group);
// 1. remove all relations with group g as an operand group.
// this removes all relations that depend on this group
List<Integer> relations = groupsManagerImpl.getResultGroupsIds(sess, group.getId());
for (Integer groupId : relations) {
removeGroupUnion(sess, groupsManagerImpl.getGroupById(sess, groupId), group, true);
// 2. remove all relations with group as a result group
// We can remove relations without recalculation (@see removeRelationMembers)
// because all dependencies of group were deleted in step 1.
groupsManagerImpl.removeResultGroupRelations(sess, group);
// Group applications, submitted data and app_form are deleted on cascade with "deleteGroup()"
List<Member> membersFromDeletedGroup = getGroupMembers(sess, group);
// delete all member-group attributes
for (Member member : membersFromDeletedGroup) {
try {
perunBl.getAttributesManagerBl().removeAllAttributes(sess, member, group);
} catch (AttributeValueException ex) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("All members were removed from this group. So all member-group attribute values can be removed.", ex);
} catch (MemberGroupMismatchException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Member we tried to remove all member-group attributes doesn't come from the same VO as group", e);
// remove admin roles of group
List<Facility> facilitiesWhereGroupIsAdmin = getGroupsManagerImpl().getFacilitiesWhereGroupIsAdmin(sess, group);
for (Facility facility : facilitiesWhereGroupIsAdmin) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, group, facility, Role.FACILITYADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of facility {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, facility, e);
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
List<Group> groupsWhereGroupIsAdmin = getGroupsManagerImpl().getGroupsWhereGroupIsAdmin(sess, group);
for (Group group1 : groupsWhereGroupIsAdmin) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, group, group1, Role.GROUPADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of group {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, group1, e);
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
List<Resource> resourcesWhereGroupIsAdmin = getGroupsManagerImpl().getResourcesWhereGroupIsAdmin(sess, group);
for (Resource resource : resourcesWhereGroupIsAdmin) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, group, resource, Role.RESOURCEADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of resource {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, resource, e);
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
List<Resource> resourcesWhereGroupIsResourceSelfService = getGroupsManagerImpl().getResourcesWhereGroupIsResourceSelfService(sess, group);
for (Resource resource : resourcesWhereGroupIsResourceSelfService) {
try {
perunBl.getResourcesManagerBl().removeResourceSelfServiceGroup(sess, resource, group);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of resource {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, resource, e);
List<SecurityTeam> securityTeamsWhereGroupIsAdmin = getGroupsManagerImpl().getSecurityTeamsWhereGroupIsAdmin(sess, group);
for (SecurityTeam securityTeam : securityTeamsWhereGroupIsAdmin) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, group, securityTeam, Role.SECURITYADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of security team {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, securityTeam, e);
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
List<Vo> vosWhereGroupIsAdmin = getGroupsManagerImpl().getVosWhereGroupIsAdmin(sess, group);
for (Vo vo1 : vosWhereGroupIsAdmin) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, group, vo1, Role.VOADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("Can't unset group {} as admin of facility {} due to group not admin exception {}.", group, vo1, e);
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
// remove admins of this group
List<Group> adminGroups = getGroupsManagerImpl().getGroupAdmins(sess, group);
for (Group adminGroup : adminGroups) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, adminGroup, group, Role.GROUPADMIN);
} catch (GroupNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("When trying to unsetRole GroupAdmin for group {} in the group {} the exception was thrown {}", adminGroup, group, e);
// skip and log as warning
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
List<User> adminUsers = getGroupsManagerImpl().getAdmins(sess, group);
for (User adminUser : adminUsers) {
try {
AuthzResolverBlImpl.unsetRole(sess, adminUser, group, Role.GROUPADMIN);
} catch (UserNotAdminException e) {
log.warn("When trying to unsetRole GroupAdmin for user {} in the group {} the exception was thrown {}", adminUser, group, e);
// skip and log as warning
} catch (RoleCannotBeManagedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
// Deletes also all direct and indirect members of the group
getGroupsManagerImpl().deleteGroup(sess, vo, group);
logTotallyRemovedMembers(sess, group.getParentGroupId(), membersFromDeletedGroup);
getPerunBl().getAuditer().log(sess, new GroupDeleted(group));
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class MembersManagerImpl method rejectAllMemberOpenApplications.
public void rejectAllMemberOpenApplications(PerunSession sess, Member member) {
try {
List<Integer> ids = jdbc.query("select id from application " + "where user_id=? and vo_id=? and state not in (?, ?)", new SingleColumnRowMapper<>(Integer.class), member.getUserId(), member.getVoId(), rejected, approved);
if (ids.isEmpty()) {
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("ids", ids);
parameters.addValue("userId", sess.getPerunPrincipal().getUserId());
parameters.addValue("state", rejected);
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("update application set state=:state, modified_at=" + Compatibility.getSysdate() + ", modified_by_uid=:userId " + "where id in (:ids)", parameters);
// get all reserved logins
List<Pair<String, String>> logins = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query("select namespace,login from application_reserved_logins " + "where app_id in (:ids)", parameters, (resultSet, arg1) -> new Pair<>(resultSet.getString("namespace"), resultSet.getString("login")));
// delete passwords for reserved logins
for (Pair<String, String> login : logins) {
try {
// left = namespace / right = login
((PerunBl) sess.getPerun()).getUsersManagerBl().deletePassword(sess, login.getRight(), login.getLeft());
} catch (LoginNotExistsException ex) {
log.error("Login: {} not exists while deleting passwords in rejected applications for member: {}", login.getLeft(), member);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutException | InvalidLoginException | PasswordDeletionFailedException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Unable to delete password for Login: " + login.getLeft() + " in rejected applications for member: " + member + ".", e);
// free any login from reservation when application is rejected
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("delete from application_reserved_logins " + "where app_id in (:ids)", parameters);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.api.exceptions.PasswordOperationTimeoutException in project perun by CESNET.
the class UsersManagerBlImpl method deletePassword.
public void deletePassword(PerunSession sess, String userLogin, String loginNamespace) throws LoginNotExistsException, PasswordDeletionFailedException, PasswordOperationTimeoutException, InvalidLoginException {"Deleting password for {} in login-namespace {}.", userLogin, loginNamespace);
// Delete the password
PasswordManagerModule module = getPasswordManagerModule(sess, loginNamespace);
try {
module.deletePassword(sess, userLogin);
} catch (PasswordDeletionFailedRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordDeletionFailedException(e);
} catch (LoginNotExistsRuntimeException e) {
throw new LoginNotExistsException(e);
} catch (PasswordOperationTimeoutRuntimeException e) {
throw new PasswordOperationTimeoutException(e);
} catch (InvalidLoginException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// fallback for exception compatibility
throw new PasswordDeletionFailedException("Password deletion failed for " + loginNamespace + ":" + userLogin + ".", ex);