use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.implApi.ExtSourceApi in project perun by CESNET.
the class MembersManagerBlImpl method createMember.
public Member createMember(PerunSession sess, Vo vo, ExtSource extSource, String login, List<Group> groups) throws InternalErrorException, WrongAttributeValueException, WrongReferenceAttributeValueException, AlreadyMemberException, ExtendMembershipException, GroupOperationsException {
//First of all get candidate from extSource directly
Candidate candidate = null;
try {
if (extSource instanceof ExtSourceApi) {
//get first subject, then create candidate
Map<String, String> subject = ((ExtSourceSimpleApi) extSource).getSubjectByLogin(login);
candidate = (getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, subject, extSource, login));
} else if (extSource instanceof ExtSourceSimpleApi) {
// get candidates from external source by login
candidate = (getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, extSource, login));
} catch (CandidateNotExistsException | SubjectNotExistsException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Can't find candidate for login " + login + " in extSource " + extSource, ex);
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Some operation is not allowed for extSource " + extSource, ex);
} catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException ex) {
throw new InternalErrorException("ExtSource " + extSource + " not exists.");
return this.createMember(sess, vo, candidate, groups);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.implApi.ExtSourceApi in project perun by CESNET.
the class VosManagerBlImpl method findCandidates.
public List<Candidate> findCandidates(PerunSession sess, Vo vo, String searchString, int maxNumOfResults) throws InternalErrorException {
List<Candidate> candidates = new ArrayList<Candidate>();
int numOfResults = 0;
try {
// Iterate through all registered extSources
for (ExtSource source : getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getVoExtSources(sess, vo)) {
// Info if this is only simple ext source, change behavior if not
boolean simpleExtSource = true;
// Get potential subjects from the extSource
List<Map<String, String>> subjects;
try {
if (source instanceof ExtSourceApi) {
// find subjects with all their properties
subjects = ((ExtSourceApi) source).findSubjects(searchString, maxNumOfResults);
simpleExtSource = false;
} else {
// find subjects only with logins - they then must be retrieved by login
subjects = ((ExtSourceSimpleApi) source).findSubjectsLogins(searchString, maxNumOfResults);
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e1) {
log.warn("ExtSource {} doesn't support findSubjects", source.getName());
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
log.error("Error occurred on ExtSource {}, Exception {}.", source.getName(), e);
} finally {
try {
((ExtSourceSimpleApi) source).close();
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e) {
// ExtSource doesn't support that functionality, so silently skip it.
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
log.error("Can't close extSource connection. Cause: {}", e);
Set<String> uniqueLogins = new HashSet<>();
for (Map<String, String> s : subjects) {
// Check if the user has unique identifier within extSource
if ((s.get("login") == null) || (s.get("login") != null && ((String) s.get("login")).isEmpty())) {
log.error("User '{}' cannot be added, because he/she doesn't have a unique identifier (login)", s);
// Skip to another user
String extLogin = (String) s.get("login");
// check uniqueness of every login in extSource
if (uniqueLogins.contains(extLogin)) {
throw new InternalErrorException("There are more than 1 login '" + extLogin + "' getting from extSource '" + source + "'");
} else {
// Get Candidate
Candidate candidate;
try {
if (simpleExtSource) {
// retrieve data about subjects from ext source based on ext. login
candidate = getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, source, extLogin);
} else {
// retrieve data about subjects from subjects we already have locally
candidate = getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, s, source, extLogin);
} catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException e) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("Getting candidate from non-existing extSource " + source, e);
} catch (CandidateNotExistsException e) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("findSubjects returned that candidate, but getCandidate cannot find him using login " + extLogin, e);
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("extSource supports findSubjects but not getCandidate???", e);
try {
getPerunBl().getMembersManagerBl().getMemberByUserExtSources(sess, vo, candidate.getUserExtSources());
// Candidate is already a member of the VO, so do not add him to the list of candidates
} catch (MemberNotExistsException e) {
// This is OK
// Add candidate to the list of candidates
log.debug("findCandidates: returning candidate: {}", candidate);
// Stop getting new members if the number of already retrieved members exceeded the maxNumOfResults
if (maxNumOfResults > 0 && numOfResults >= maxNumOfResults) {
// Stop walking through next sources if the number of already retrieved members exceeded the maxNumOfResults
if (maxNumOfResults > 0 && numOfResults >= maxNumOfResults) {
log.debug("Returning {} potential members for vo {}", candidates.size(), vo);
return candidates;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
use of cz.metacentrum.perun.core.implApi.ExtSourceApi in project perun by CESNET.
the class VosManagerBlImpl method findCandidates.
public List<Candidate> findCandidates(PerunSession sess, Group group, String searchString) throws InternalErrorException {
List<Candidate> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
try {
// Iterate through all registered extSources in the group
for (ExtSource source : getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getGroupExtSources(sess, group)) {
// Info if this is only simple ext source, change behavior if not
boolean simpleExtSource = true;
// Get potential subjects from the extSource
List<Map<String, String>> subjects;
try {
if (source instanceof ExtSourceApi) {
// find subjects with all their properties
subjects = ((ExtSourceApi) source).findSubjects(searchString);
simpleExtSource = false;
} else {
// find subjects only with logins - they then must be retrieved by login
subjects = ((ExtSourceSimpleApi) source).findSubjectsLogins(searchString);
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e1) {
log.warn("ExtSource {} doesn't support findSubjects", source.getName());
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
log.error("Error occurred on ExtSource {}, Exception {}.", source.getName(), e);
} finally {
try {
((ExtSourceSimpleApi) source).close();
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e) {
// ExtSource doesn't support that functionality, so silently skip it.
} catch (InternalErrorException e) {
log.error("Can't close extSource connection. Cause: {}", e);
Set<String> uniqueLogins = new HashSet<>();
for (Map<String, String> s : subjects) {
// Check if the user has unique identifier within extSource
if ((s.get("login") == null) || (s.get("login") != null && ((String) s.get("login")).isEmpty())) {
log.error("User '{}' cannot be added, because he/she doesn't have a unique identifier (login)", s);
// Skip to another user
String extLogin = (String) s.get("login");
// check uniqueness of every login in extSource
if (uniqueLogins.contains(extLogin)) {
throw new InternalErrorException("There are more than 1 login '" + extLogin + "' getting from extSource '" + source + "'");
} else {
// Get Candidate
Candidate candidate;
try {
if (simpleExtSource) {
// retrieve data about subjects from ext source based on ext. login
candidate = getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, source, extLogin);
} else {
// retrieve data about subjects from subjects we already have locally
candidate = getPerunBl().getExtSourcesManagerBl().getCandidate(sess, s, source, extLogin);
} catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException e) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("Getting candidate from non-existing extSource " + source, e);
} catch (CandidateNotExistsException e) {
throw new ConsistencyErrorException("findSubjects returned that candidate, but getCandidate cannot find him using login " + extLogin, e);
} catch (ExtSourceUnsupportedOperationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException("extSource supports findSubjects but not getCandidate???", e);
try {
Vo vo = getPerunBl().getVosManagerBl().getVoById(sess, group.getVoId());
getPerunBl().getMembersManagerBl().getMemberByUserExtSources(sess, vo, candidate.getUserExtSources());
// Candidate is already a member of the VO, so do not add him to the list of candidates
} catch (VoNotExistsException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);
} catch (MemberNotExistsException e) {
// This is OK
// Add candidate to the list of candidates
log.debug("findCandidates: returning candidate: {}", candidate);
log.debug("Returning {} potential members for group {}", candidates.size(), group);
return candidates;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new InternalErrorException(e);