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Example 1 with AppType

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method getFormItemById.

public ApplicationFormItem getFormItemById(int id) {
    ApplicationFormItem item;
    item = jdbc.queryForObject(FORM_ITEM_SELECT + " where id=?", ITEM_MAPPER, id);
    if (item != null) {
        List<ItemTexts> texts = jdbc.query(FORM_ITEM_TEXTS_SELECT + " where item_id=?", ITEM_TEXTS_MAPPER, item.getId());
        for (ItemTexts itemTexts : texts) {
            item.getI18n().put(itemTexts.getLocale(), itemTexts);
        List<AppType> appTypes = jdbc.query(APP_TYPE_SELECT + " where item_id=?", APP_TYPE_MAPPER, item.getId());
    return item;
Also used : ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) ItemTexts(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.ItemTexts) AppType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType)

Example 2 with AppType

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method tryToAutoApproveApplication.

	 * Try to approve application if auto-approve is possible
	 * @param sess user who try to approves application
	 * @param app application to approve
	 * @throws InternalErrorException
private void tryToAutoApproveApplication(PerunSession sess, Application app) throws PerunException {
    ApplicationForm form;
    if (app.getGroup() != null) {
        // group application
        form = getFormForGroup(app.getGroup());
    } else {
        // vo application
        form = getFormForVo(app.getVo());
    AppType type = app.getType();
    if (AppType.INITIAL.equals(type) && !form.isAutomaticApproval())
    if (AppType.EXTENSION.equals(type) && !form.isAutomaticApprovalExtension())
    // do not auto-approve Group applications, if user is not member of VO
    if (app.getGroup() != null && app.getVo() != null) {
        try {
            User u = null;
            if (app.getUser() == null) {
                u = usersManager.getUserByExtSourceNameAndExtLogin(registrarSession, app.getExtSourceName(), app.getCreatedBy());
                if (u != null) {
                    membersManager.getMemberByUser(registrarSession, app.getVo(), u);
                } else {
                    // user not found or null, hence can't be member of VO -> do not approve.
            } else {
                // user known, but maybe not member of a vo
                membersManager.getMemberByUser(registrarSession, app.getVo(), app.getUser());
        } catch (MemberNotExistsException ex) {
        } catch (UserNotExistsException ex) {
        } catch (UserExtSourceNotExistsException ex) {
        } catch (ExtSourceNotExistsException ex) {
    try {
        if (AppState.VERIFIED.equals(app.getState())) {
            // with registrar session, since only VO admin can approve application
            // check if can be approved (we normally call this manually from GUI before calling approve)
            canBeApproved(registrarSession, app);

				FIXME - temporarily disabled checking

				if (app.getUser() == null && !app.getExtSourceName().equalsIgnoreCase("LOCAL")) {
					List<RichUser> list = checkForSimilarUsers(registrarSession, app.getId());
					if (!list.isEmpty()) {
						// found similar
						throw new RegistrarException("Similar users are already registered in system. Automatic approval of application was canceled to prevent creation of duplicate user entry. Please check and approve application manually.");
					} else {
						// similar NOT found - continue
						approveApplication(registrarSession, app.getId());
				} else { }

            // other types of application doesn't create new user - continue
            approveApplication(registrarSession, app.getId());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        ArrayList<Exception> list = new ArrayList<Exception>();
        getMailManager().sendMessage(app, MailType.APP_ERROR_VO_ADMIN, null, list);
        throw ex;
Also used : ApplicationForm(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationForm) AppType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) DuplicateKeyException(org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException)

Example 3 with AppType

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method getFormItems.

public List<ApplicationFormItem> getFormItems(PerunSession sess, ApplicationForm form, AppType appType) throws PerunException {
    // authz
    if (form.getGroup() == null) {
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, form.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOOBSERVER, form.getVo())) {
            throw new PrivilegeException("getFormItems");
    } else {
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, form.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOOBSERVER, form.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.TOPGROUPCREATOR, form.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.GROUPADMIN, form.getGroup())) {
            throw new PrivilegeException("getFormItems");
    List<ApplicationFormItem> items;
    if (appType == null) {
        items = jdbc.query(FORM_ITEM_SELECT + " where form_id=? order by ordnum asc", ITEM_MAPPER, form.getId());
    } else {
        items = jdbc.query(FORM_ITEM_SELECT + " i,application_form_item_apptypes t where form_id=? and and t.apptype=? order by ordnum asc", ITEM_MAPPER, form.getId(), appType.toString());
    for (ApplicationFormItem item : items) {
        List<ItemTexts> texts = jdbc.query(FORM_ITEM_TEXTS_SELECT + " where item_id=?", ITEM_TEXTS_MAPPER, item.getId());
        for (ItemTexts itemTexts : texts) {
            item.getI18n().put(itemTexts.getLocale(), itemTexts);
        List<AppType> appTypes = jdbc.query(APP_TYPE_SELECT + " where item_id=?", APP_TYPE_MAPPER, item.getId());
    return items;
Also used : ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) ItemTexts(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.ItemTexts) AppType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType)

Example 4 with AppType

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method updateFormItems.

@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public int updateFormItems(PerunSession sess, ApplicationForm form, List<ApplicationFormItem> items) throws PrivilegeException, InternalErrorException {
    if (form.getGroup() == null) {
        // VO application
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, form.getVo())) {
            throw new PrivilegeException(sess, "updateFormItems");
    } else {
        if (!AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.VOADMIN, form.getVo()) && !AuthzResolver.isAuthorized(sess, Role.GROUPADMIN, form.getGroup())) {
            throw new PrivilegeException(sess, "updateFormItems");
    if (items == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("ApplicationFormItems to update can't be null");
    int finalResult = 0;
    for (ApplicationFormItem item : items) {
        // is item to create ? => create
        if (item.getId() == 0 && !item.isForDelete()) {
            if (addFormItem(sess, form, item) != null) {
        // is item for deletion ? => delete on cascade
        if (item.isForDelete()) {
            finalResult += jdbc.update("delete from application_form_items where id=?", item.getId());
            // continue to next item
        // else update form item
        int result = jdbc.update("update application_form_items set ordnum=?,shortname=?,required=?,type=?,fed_attr=?,dst_attr=?,regex=? where id=?", item.getOrdnum(), item.getShortname(), item.isRequired() ? "1" : "0", item.getType().toString(), item.getFederationAttribute(), item.getPerunDestinationAttribute(), item.getRegex(), item.getId());
        finalResult += result;
        if (result == 0) {
            // skip whole set if not found for update
        // update form item texts (easy way = delete and new insert)
        // delete
        jdbc.update("delete from application_form_item_texts where item_id=?", item.getId());
        // insert new
        for (Locale locale : item.getI18n().keySet()) {
            ItemTexts itemTexts = item.getTexts(locale);
            jdbc.update("insert into application_form_item_texts(item_id,locale,label,options,help,error_message) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", item.getId(), locale.getLanguage(), itemTexts.getLabel(), itemTexts.getOptions(), itemTexts.getHelp(), itemTexts.getErrorMessage());
        // update form item app types (easy way = delete and new insert)
        // delete
        jdbc.update("delete from application_form_item_apptypes where item_id=?", item.getId());
        // insert new
        for (AppType appType : item.getApplicationTypes()) {
            jdbc.update("insert into application_form_item_apptypes (item_id,apptype) values (?,?)", item.getId(), appType.toString());
    perun.getAuditer().log(sess, "Application form ID=" + form.getId() + " voID=" + form.getVo().getId() + ((form.getGroup() != null) ? (" groupID=" + form.getGroup().getId()) : "") + " has had its items updated.");
    // return number of updated rows
    return finalResult;
Also used : ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) ItemTexts(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.ItemTexts) AppType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType) Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 5 with AppType

use of cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType in project perun by CESNET.

the class RegistrarManagerImpl method createApplicationInternal.

@Transactional(rollbackFor = ApplicationNotCreatedException.class)
public Application createApplicationInternal(PerunSession session, Application application, List<ApplicationFormItemData> data) throws PerunException {
    // exceptions to send to vo admin with new app created email
    List<Exception> exceptions = new ArrayList<Exception>();
    boolean applicationNotCreated = false;
    try {
        // 1) create application
        int appId = Utils.getNewId(jdbc, "APPLICATION_ID_SEQ");
        // optional group
        Integer groupId = null;
        Integer userId = null;
        if (application.getGroup() != null) {
            groupId = application.getGroup().getId();
        if (application.getUser() != null) {
            userId = application.getUser().getId();
        jdbc.update("insert into application(id,vo_id,group_id,user_id,apptype,fed_info,extSourceName,extSourceType,extSourceLoa,state,created_by,modified_by) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", appId, application.getVo().getId(), groupId, userId, application.getType().toString(), application.getFedInfo(), application.getExtSourceName(), application.getExtSourceType(), application.getExtSourceLoa(), application.getState().toString(), application.getCreatedBy(), application.getCreatedBy());
        // 2) process & store app data
        for (ApplicationFormItemData itemData : data) {
            Type itemType = itemData.getFormItem().getType();
            if (itemType == HTML_COMMENT || itemType == SUBMIT_BUTTON || itemType == AUTO_SUBMIT_BUTTON || itemType == PASSWORD || itemType == HEADING)
            // Check if mails needs to be validated
            if (itemType == VALIDATED_EMAIL) {
                // default = mail not same as pre-filled
                // We must use contains, because IdP can send more than one email, emails are separated by semi-colon
                if (itemData.getPrefilledValue() != null && itemData.getValue() != null && !itemData.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    if (itemData.getPrefilledValue().toLowerCase().contains(itemData.getValue().toLowerCase())) {
                // it's save, empty attributes are not set to DB nor any notification is sent
                if (!itemData.getFormItem().isRequired() && (itemData.getValue() == null || itemData.getValue().isEmpty())) {
            try {
                itemData.setId(Utils.getNewId(jdbc, "APPLICATION_DATA_ID_SEQ"));
                jdbc.update("insert into application_data(id,app_id,item_id,shortname,value,assurance_level) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", itemData.getId(), appId, itemData.getFormItem().getId(), itemData.getFormItem().getShortname(), itemData.getValue(), itemData.getAssuranceLevel());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // log and store exception so vo manager could see error in notification.
                log.error("[REGISTRAR] Storing form item {} caused exception {}", itemData, ex);
        // 3) process all logins and passwords
        // create list of logins and passwords to process
        List<ApplicationFormItemData> logins = new ArrayList<ApplicationFormItemData>();
        for (ApplicationFormItemData itemData : data) {
            Type itemType = itemData.getFormItem().getType();
            if (itemType == USERNAME || itemType == PASSWORD) {
                // skip unchanged pre-filled logins, since they must have been handled last time
                if (itemData.getValue().equals(itemData.getPrefilledValue()) && itemType != PASSWORD)
        for (ApplicationFormItemData loginItem : logins) {
            if (loginItem.getFormItem().getType() == USERNAME) {
                // values to store
                String login = loginItem.getValue();
                // filled later
                String pass = "";
                // Get login namespace
                String dstAttr = loginItem.getFormItem().getPerunDestinationAttribute();
                AttributeDefinition loginAttribute = attrManager.getAttributeDefinition(registrarSession, dstAttr);
                String loginNamespace = loginAttribute.getFriendlyNameParameter();
                // try to book new login in namespace if the application hasn't been approved yet
                if (perun.getUsersManagerBl().isLoginAvailable(registrarSession, loginNamespace, login)) {
                    try {
                        // Reserve login
                        jdbc.update("insert into application_reserved_logins(login,namespace,app_id,created_by,created_at) values(?,?,?,?,?)", login, loginNamespace, appId, application.getCreatedBy(), new Date());
                        log.debug("[REGISTRAR] Added login reservation for login: {} in namespace: {}.", login, loginNamespace);
                        // process password for this login
                        for (ApplicationFormItemData passItem : logins) {
                            ApplicationFormItem item = passItem.getFormItem();
                            if (item.getType() == PASSWORD && item.getPerunDestinationAttribute() != null) {
                                if (item.getPerunDestinationAttribute().equals(dstAttr)) {
                                    pass = passItem.getValue();
                                    try {
                                        // reserve password
                                        perun.getUsersManagerBl().reservePassword(registrarSession, login, loginNamespace, pass);
                                        log.debug("[REGISTRAR] Password for login: {} in namespace: {} successfully reserved in external system.", login, loginNamespace);
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        // login reservation fail must cause rollback !!
                                        log.error("[REGISTRAR] Unable to reserve password for login: {} in namespace: {} in external system. Exception: " + ex, login, loginNamespace);
                                        throw new ApplicationNotCreatedException("Application was not created. Reason: Unable to reserve password for login: " + login + " in namespace: " + loginNamespace + " in external system. Please contact support to fix this issue before new application submission.", login, loginNamespace);
                                    // use first pass with correct namespace
                    } catch (ApplicationNotCreatedException ex) {
                        // re-throw
                        throw ex;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // unable to book login
                        log.error("[REGISTRAR] Unable to reserve login: {} in namespace: {}. Exception: " + ex, login, loginNamespace);
                } else {
                    // login is not available
                    log.error("[REGISTRAR] Login: " + login + " in namespace: " + loginNamespace + " is already occupied but it shouldn't (race condition).");
                    exceptions.add(new InternalErrorException("Login: " + login + " in namespace: " + loginNamespace + " is already occupied but it shouldn't."));
        // call registrar module before auto validation so createAction is trigerred first
        RegistrarModule module;
        if (application.getGroup() != null) {
            module = getRegistrarModule(getFormForGroup(application.getGroup()));
        } else {
            module = getRegistrarModule(getFormForVo(application.getVo()));
        if (module != null) {
            module.createApplication(session, application, data);
    } catch (ApplicationNotCreatedException ex) {
        // prevent action in finally block
        applicationNotCreated = true;
        // re-throw
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        // any exception during app creation process => add it to list
        // exceptions when handling logins are catched before
        log.error("{}", ex);
    } finally {
        // process rest only if it was not exception related to PASSWORDS creation
        if (!applicationNotCreated) {
            getMailManager().sendMessage(application, MailType.APP_CREATED_USER, null, null);
            getMailManager().sendMessage(application, MailType.APP_CREATED_VO_ADMIN, null, exceptions);
            // if there were exceptions, throw some to let know GUI about it
            if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
                RegistrarException ex = new RegistrarException("Your application (ID=" + application.getId() + ") has been created with errors. Administrator of " + application.getVo().getName() + " has been notified. If you want, you can use \"Send report to RT\" button to send this information to administrators directly.");
                log.error("[REGISTRAR] New application {} created with errors {}. This is case of PerunException {}", new Object[] { application, exceptions, ex.getErrorId() });
                throw ex;
  "New application {} created.", application);
            perun.getAuditer().log(session, "New {} created.", application);
    // return stored data
    return application;
Also used : ApplicationFormItemData(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) EmptyResultDataAccessException(org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException) DuplicateKeyException(org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException) ApplicationFormItem(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem) MailType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationMail.MailType) Type(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.Type) AppType(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType) RegistrarModule(cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.RegistrarModule) Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)


AppType (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.Application.AppType)6 ApplicationFormItem (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem)4 ItemTexts (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.ItemTexts)4 Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)3 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 DuplicateKeyException (org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException)2 EmptyResultDataAccessException (org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException)2 RegistrarModule (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.RegistrarModule)1 ApplicationForm (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationForm)1 Type (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItem.Type)1 ApplicationFormItemData (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationFormItemData)1 MailType (cz.metacentrum.perun.registrar.model.ApplicationMail.MailType)1