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Example 1 with DexFile

use of dalvik.system.DexFile in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class MainActivity method onCreate.

     * Called when the activity is first created.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Restoring selections in onCreate: " + "position: " + savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTED_LIST_POSITION, 0) + "class: " + savedInstanceState.getString(SELECTED_APP_CLASS));
        currentPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTED_LIST_POSITION, 0);
        currentSelection = savedInstanceState.getString(SELECTED_APP_CLASS);
        enableMouseEvents = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ENABLE_MOUSE_EVENTS, true);
        enableJoystickEvents = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ENABLE_JOYSTICK_EVENTS, false);
        enableKeyEvents = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ENABLE_KEY_EVENTS, true);
        verboseLogging = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(VERBOSE_LOGGING, true);
    /* Set content view and register views */
    btnOK = (Button) findViewById(;
    btnCancel = (Button) findViewById(;
    listClasses = (ListView) findViewById(;
    editFilterText = (EditText) findViewById(;
    /* Define the root package to start with */
    rootPackage = "jme3test";
    /* Create an array of Strings to define which classes to exclude */
    // inner classes
    // Desktop test chooser class
    // Desktop test chooser class
    //        mExclusions.add("");
         * Read the class names from the dex file and filter based on
         * name and super class.
    Log.d(TAG, "Composing Test list...");
    ApplicationInfo ai = this.getApplicationInfo();
    String classPath = ai.sourceDir;
    DexFile dex = null;
    Enumeration<String> apkClassNames = null;
    try {
        dex = new DexFile(classPath);
        apkClassNames = dex.entries();
        while (apkClassNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            String className = apkClassNames.nextElement();
            if (checkClassName(className) && checkClassType(className)) {
        //            	classNames.add(className);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
         * Create a backing Adapter for the List View from a list of the
         * classes. The list is defined by array of class names.
    arrayAdapter = new CustomArrayAdapter(this, // text view to display selection
    R.layout.test_chooser_row, // array of strings to display
    /* Set the resource id for selected and non selected backgrounds */
    Log.d(TAG, "Setting Adapter Background Resource IDs");
    /* Attach the Adapter to the spinner */
    Log.d(TAG, "Setting ListView Adapter");
    /* Set initial selection for the list */
    /* Set Click and Text Changed listeners */
Also used : ApplicationInfo( IOException( DexFile(dalvik.system.DexFile)

Example 2 with DexFile

use of dalvik.system.DexFile in project tinker by Tencent.

the class TinkerParallelDexOptimizer method optimizeAllLocked.

private static boolean optimizeAllLocked(Collection<File> dexFiles, File optimizedDir, AtomicInteger successCount, ResultCallback cb) {
    final CountDownLatch lauch = new CountDownLatch(dexFiles.size());
    final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    long startTick = System.nanoTime();
    for (File dexFile : dexFiles) {
        OptimizeWorker worker = new OptimizeWorker(dexFile, optimizedDir, successCount, lauch, cb);
    try {
        long timeCost = (System.nanoTime() - startTick) / 1000000;
        if (successCount.get() == dexFiles.size()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "All dexes are optimized successfully, cost: " + timeCost + " ms.");
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "Dexes optimizing failed, some dexes are not optimized.");
            return false;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Dex optimizing was interrupted.", e);
        return false;
    } finally {
Also used : ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) DexFile(dalvik.system.DexFile) File(

Example 3 with DexFile

use of dalvik.system.DexFile in project tinker by Tencent.

the class DexDiffPatchInternal method patchDexExtractViaDexDiff.

private static boolean patchDexExtractViaDexDiff(Context context, String patchVersionDirectory, String meta, final File patchFile) {
    String dir = patchVersionDirectory + "/" + DEX_PATH + "/";
    if (!extractDexDiffInternals(context, dir, meta, patchFile, TYPE_DEX)) {
        TinkerLog.w(TAG, "patch recover, extractDiffInternals fail");
        return false;
    final Tinker manager = Tinker.with(context);
    File dexFiles = new File(dir);
    File[] files = dexFiles.listFiles();
    if (files != null) {
        final String optimizeDexDirectory = patchVersionDirectory + "/" + DEX_OPTIMIZE_PATH + "/";
        File optimizeDexDirectoryFile = new File(optimizeDexDirectory);
        if (!optimizeDexDirectoryFile.exists() && !optimizeDexDirectoryFile.mkdirs()) {
            TinkerLog.w(TAG, "patch recover, make optimizeDexDirectoryFile fail");
            return false;
        // add opt files
        for (File file : files) {
            String outputPathName = SharePatchFileUtil.optimizedPathFor(file, optimizeDexDirectoryFile);
            optFiles.add(new File(outputPathName));
        TinkerLog.w(TAG, "patch recover, try to optimize dex file count:%d", files.length);
        // only use parallel dex optimizer for art
        if (ShareTinkerInternals.isVmArt()) {
            // try parallel dex optimizer
            TinkerParallelDexOptimizer.optimizeAll(files, optimizeDexDirectoryFile, new TinkerParallelDexOptimizer.ResultCallback() {

                long startTime;

                public void onStart(File dexFile, File optimizedDir) {
                    startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "start to parallel optimize dex %s, size: %d", dexFile.getPath(), dexFile.length());

                public void onSuccess(File dexFile, File optimizedDir, File optimizedFile) {
                    // Do nothing.
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "success to parallel optimize dex %s, opt file size: %d, use time %d", dexFile.getPath(), optimizedFile.length(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));

                public void onFailed(File dexFile, File optimizedDir, Throwable thr) {
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "fail to parallel optimize dex %s use time %d", dexFile.getPath(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
            // try again
            for (File retryDexFile : failOptDexFile) {
                try {
                    String outputPathName = SharePatchFileUtil.optimizedPathFor(retryDexFile, optimizeDexDirectoryFile);
                    if (!SharePatchFileUtil.isLegalFile(retryDexFile)) {
                        manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchDexOptFail(patchFile, retryDexFile, optimizeDexDirectory, retryDexFile.getName(), new TinkerRuntimeException("retry dex optimize file is not exist, name: " + retryDexFile.getName()));
                        return false;
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "try to retry dex optimize file, path: %s, size: %d", retryDexFile.getPath(), retryDexFile.length());
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    DexFile.loadDex(retryDexFile.getAbsolutePath(), outputPathName, 0);
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "success retry dex optimize file, path: %s, opt file size: %d, use time: %d", retryDexFile.getPath(), new File(outputPathName).length(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    TinkerLog.e(TAG, "retry dex optimize or load failed, path:" + retryDexFile.getPath());
                    manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchDexOptFail(patchFile, retryDexFile, optimizeDexDirectory, retryDexFile.getName(), e);
                    return false;
        // for dalvik, machine hardware performance is much worse than art machine
        } else {
            for (File file : files) {
                try {
                    String outputPathName = SharePatchFileUtil.optimizedPathFor(file, optimizeDexDirectoryFile);
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    DexFile.loadDex(file.getAbsolutePath(), outputPathName, 0);
                    TinkerLog.i(TAG, "success single dex optimize file, path: %s, opt file size: %d, use time: %d", file.getPath(), new File(outputPathName).length(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    TinkerLog.e(TAG, "single dex optimize or load failed, path:" + file.getPath());
                    manager.getPatchReporter().onPatchDexOptFail(patchFile, file, optimizeDexDirectory, file.getName(), e);
                    return false;
    return true;
Also used : TinkerRuntimeException(com.tencent.tinker.loader.TinkerRuntimeException) TinkerParallelDexOptimizer(com.tencent.tinker.loader.TinkerParallelDexOptimizer) Tinker(com.tencent.tinker.lib.tinker.Tinker) ZipFile( DexFile(dalvik.system.DexFile) File(

Example 4 with DexFile

use of dalvik.system.DexFile in project atlas by alibaba.

the class KernalBundle method patchKernalDex.

public void patchKernalDex() throws Exception {
    DexFile[] dexFile = archive.getOdexFile();
    if (dexFile != null || archive.getLibraryDirectory().exists()) {
        installKernalBundle(KernalConstants.baseContext.getClassLoader(), archive);
        Class FrameworkPropertiesClazz = KernalConstants.baseContext.getClassLoader().loadClass("");
        Field versionField = FrameworkPropertiesClazz.getDeclaredField("version");
        String version = (String) versionField.get(FrameworkPropertiesClazz.newInstance());
        if (!KernalVersionManager.instance().CURRENT_VERSIONAME.equals(version)) {
            if (isDeubgMode()) {
                Log.e("KernalBundle", "main dex is not match, awo test?");
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("maindex version is not mismatch");
Also used : Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) DexFile(dalvik.system.DexFile)

Example 5 with DexFile

use of dalvik.system.DexFile in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ClassPathPackageInfoSource method findClassesInApk.

     * Finds all classes and sub packages that are below the packageName and
     * add them to the respective sets. Searches the package in a single apk file.
private void findClassesInApk(String apkPath, String packageName, Set<String> classNames, Set<String> subpackageNames) throws IOException {
    DexFile dexFile = null;
    try {
        dexFile = new DexFile(apkPath);
        Enumeration<String> apkClassNames = dexFile.entries();
        while (apkClassNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            String className = apkClassNames.nextElement();
            if (className.startsWith(packageName)) {
                String subPackageName = packageName;
                int lastPackageSeparator = className.lastIndexOf('.');
                if (lastPackageSeparator > 0) {
                    subPackageName = className.substring(0, lastPackageSeparator);
                if (subPackageName.length() > packageName.length()) {
                } else if (isToplevelClass(className)) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        if (false) {
            Log.w("ClassPathPackageInfoSource", "Error finding classes at apk path: " + apkPath, e);
    } finally {
        if (dexFile != null) {
        // Todo: figure out why closing causes a dalvik error resulting in vm shutdown.
        //                dexFile.close();
Also used : IOException( DexFile(dalvik.system.DexFile)


DexFile (dalvik.system.DexFile)59 File ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)13 ZipFile ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)11 DexClassLoader (dalvik.system.DexClassLoader)9 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)4 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)4 ApplicationInfo ( NClassLoader ( URL ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Application ( ActivityNotFoundException (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)1 Context (android.content.Context)1 NameNotFoundException ( Main ( Action (com.jia.base.annotation.Action)1