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Example 21 with VMRuntime

use of dalvik.system.VMRuntime in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ZygoteInit method preloadResources.

     * Load in commonly used resources, so they can be shared across
     * processes.
     * These tend to be a few Kbytes, but are frequently in the 20-40K
     * range, and occasionally even larger.
private static void preloadResources() {
    final VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
    try {
        mResources = Resources.getSystem();
        if (PRELOAD_RESOURCES) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Preloading resources...");
            long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            TypedArray ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray(;
            int N = preloadDrawables(runtime, ar);
            Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms.");
            startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray(;
            N = preloadColorStateLists(runtime, ar);
            Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms.");
        } else {
            Log.i(TAG, "Preload resources disabled, skipped.");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Failure preloading resources", e);
    } finally {
Also used : VMRuntime(dalvik.system.VMRuntime) TypedArray(android.content.res.TypedArray)

Example 22 with VMRuntime

use of dalvik.system.VMRuntime in project robovm by robovm.

the class MemoryTest method testSetShortArray.

public void testSetShortArray() {
    short[] values = { 0x0001, 0x0020, 0x0300, 0x4000 };
    short[] swappedValues = { 0x0100, 0x2000, 0x0003, 0x0040 };
    int scale = SizeOf.SHORT;
    VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
    byte[] array = (byte[]) runtime.newNonMovableArray(byte.class, scale * values.length + 1);
    long base_ptr = runtime.addressOf(array);
    for (long ptr_offset = 0; ptr_offset < 2; ++ptr_offset) {
        // To test aligned and unaligned accesses.
        long ptr = base_ptr + ptr_offset;
        Arrays.fill(array, (byte) 0);
        // Regular copy.
        Memory.pokeShortArray(ptr, values, 0, values.length, false);
        assertShortsEqual(values, ptr, false);
        assertShortsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, true);
        // Swapped copy.
        Memory.pokeShortArray(ptr, values, 0, values.length, true);
        assertShortsEqual(values, ptr, true);
        assertShortsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, false);
        // Swapped copies of slices (to ensure we test non-zero offsets).
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
            Memory.pokeShortArray(ptr + i * scale, values, i, 1, true);
        assertShortsEqual(values, ptr, true);
        assertShortsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, false);
Also used : VMRuntime(dalvik.system.VMRuntime)

Example 23 with VMRuntime

use of dalvik.system.VMRuntime in project robovm by robovm.

the class MemoryTest method testSetLongArray.

public void testSetLongArray() {
    long[] values = { 0x1020304050607080L, 0xffeeddccbbaa9988L };
    long[] swappedValues = new long[values.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
        swappedValues[i] = Long.reverseBytes(values[i]);
    int scale = SizeOf.LONG;
    VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
    byte[] array = (byte[]) runtime.newNonMovableArray(byte.class, scale * values.length + 1);
    long base_ptr = runtime.addressOf(array);
    for (long ptr_offset = 0; ptr_offset < 2; ++ptr_offset) {
        // To test aligned and unaligned accesses.
        long ptr = base_ptr + ptr_offset;
        Arrays.fill(array, (byte) 0);
        // Regular copy.
        Memory.pokeLongArray(ptr, values, 0, values.length, false);
        assertLongsEqual(values, ptr, false);
        assertLongsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, true);
        // Swapped copy.
        Memory.pokeLongArray(ptr, values, 0, values.length, true);
        assertLongsEqual(values, ptr, true);
        assertLongsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, false);
        // Swapped copies of slices (to ensure we test non-zero offsets).
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
            Memory.pokeLongArray(ptr + i * scale, values, i, 1, true);
        assertLongsEqual(values, ptr, true);
        assertLongsEqual(swappedValues, ptr, false);
Also used : VMRuntime(dalvik.system.VMRuntime)

Example 24 with VMRuntime

use of dalvik.system.VMRuntime in project XobotOS by xamarin.

the class ZygoteInit method preloadResources.

     * Load in commonly used resources, so they can be shared across
     * processes.
     * These tend to be a few Kbytes, but are frequently in the 20-40K
     * range, and occasionally even larger.
private static void preloadResources() {
    final VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
    try {
        mResources = Resources.getSystem();
        if (PRELOAD_RESOURCES) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Preloading resources...");
            long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            TypedArray ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray(;
            int N = preloadDrawables(runtime, ar);
            Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms.");
            startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
            ar = mResources.obtainTypedArray(;
            N = preloadColorStateLists(runtime, ar);
            Log.i(TAG, "...preloaded " + N + " resources in " + (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms.");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Failure preloading resources", e);
    } finally {
Also used : VMRuntime(dalvik.system.VMRuntime) TypedArray(android.content.res.TypedArray)

Example 25 with VMRuntime

use of dalvik.system.VMRuntime in project robovm by robovm.

the class System method initSystemProperties.

private static void initSystemProperties() {
    VMRuntime runtime = VMRuntime.getRuntime();
    Properties p = new Properties();
    String projectUrl = "";
    String projectName = "RoboVM";
    p.put("java.boot.class.path", runtime.bootClassPath());
    p.put("java.class.path", runtime.classPath());
    // None of these four are meaningful on Android, but these keys are guaranteed
    // to be present for System.getProperty. For java.class.version, we use the maximum
    // class file version that dx currently supports.
    p.put("java.class.version", "50.0");
    p.put("java.compiler", "");
    p.put("java.ext.dirs", "");
    p.put("java.version", "0");
    // RoboVM note: Android uses getenv("JAVA_HOME") here with "/system" as fallback.
    p.put("java.home", VM.resourcesPath());
    // RoboVM note: Use value of $TMPDIR if set. Otherwise use /tmp as Android does.
    String tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
    p.put("", tmpdir != null ? tmpdir : "/tmp");
    String ldLibraryPath = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
    if (ldLibraryPath != null) {
        p.put("java.library.path", ldLibraryPath);
    p.put("", "RoboVM Core Library");
    p.put("java.specification.vendor", projectName);
    p.put("java.specification.version", "0.9");
    p.put("java.vendor", projectName);
    p.put("java.vendor.url", projectUrl);
    p.put("", "RoboVM");
    p.put("", "RoboVM Virtual Machine Specification");
    p.put("java.vm.specification.vendor", projectName);
    p.put("java.vm.specification.version", "0.9");
    p.put("java.vm.vendor", projectName);
    p.put("java.vm.version", runtime.vmVersion());
    p.put("file.separator", "/");
    p.put("line.separator", "\n");
    p.put("path.separator", ":");
    p.put("", "RoboVM Runtime");
    p.put("java.runtime.version", "0.9");
    p.put("java.vm.vendor.url", projectUrl);
    p.put("file.encoding", "UTF-8");
    p.put("user.language", "en");
    p.put("user.region", "US");
    try {
        StructPasswd passwd = Libcore.os.getpwuid(Libcore.os.getuid());
        p.put("user.home", passwd.pw_dir);
        p.put("", passwd.pw_name);
    } catch (ErrnoException exception) {
        // RoboVM note: Start change. Fall back to environment variables. getpwuid() fails on the iOS simulator.
        String home = getenv("HOME");
        String user = getenv("USER");
        p.put("user.home", home != null ? home : "");
        p.put("", user != null ? user : "");
    // RoboVM note: End change.
    StructUtsname info = Libcore.os.uname();
    p.put("os.arch", info.machine);
    p.put("", info.sysname);
    p.put("os.version", info.release);
    // Undocumented Android-only properties.
    p.put("", ICU.getIcuVersion());
    p.put("", ICU.getUnicodeVersion());
    p.put("", ICU.getCldrVersion());
    parsePropertyAssignments(p, specialProperties());
    parsePropertyAssignments(p, robovmSpecialProperties());
    // user.home, user.dir and values on iOS.
    if (p.getProperty("").contains("iOS")) {
        // On iOS we want user.home and user.dir to point to the app's data
        // container root dir. This is the dir $HOME points to. We also set
        // to $USER or hardcode 'mobile' if $USER isn't set (iOS
        // simulator).
        String home = getenv("HOME");
        String user = getenv("USER");
        p.put("user.home", home != null ? home : "");
        p.put("user.dir", home != null ? home : "/");
        p.put("", user != null ? user : "mobile");
    // RoboVM note: End change.
    // Override built-in properties with settings from the command line.
    systemProperties = p;
Also used : VMRuntime(dalvik.system.VMRuntime) ErrnoException( StructUtsname( Properties(java.util.Properties) StructPasswd(


VMRuntime (dalvik.system.VMRuntime)33 TypedArray (android.content.res.TypedArray)7 BufferedReader ( IOException ( InputStream ( InputStreamReader ( ErrnoException (android.system.ErrnoException)5 FileInputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)5 Chunk (org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk)5 Properties (java.util.Properties)2 StructUtsname ( ErrnoException ( StructPasswd (