use of datawave.query.jexl.JexlASTHelper.IdentifierOpLiteral in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.
the class RangeStream method visit.
public Object visit(ASTERNode node, Object data) {
IdentifierOpLiteral op = JexlASTHelper.getIdentifierOpLiteral(node);
if (op == null) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
final String fieldName = op.deconstructIdentifier();
// HACK to make EVENT_DATATYPE queries work
if (QueryOptions.DEFAULT_DATATYPE_FIELDNAME.equals(fieldName)) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
if (isUnOrNotFielded(node)) {
return ScannerStream.noData(node);
if (isUnindexed(node)) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
if (node instanceof ASTUnknownFieldERNode) {
return ScannerStream.unknownField(node);
return ScannerStream.noData(node);
use of datawave.query.jexl.JexlASTHelper.IdentifierOpLiteral in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.
the class ExpandMultiNormalizedTerms method expandNodeForNormalizers.
* @param node
* @param data
* @return
protected JexlNode expandNodeForNormalizers(JexlNode node, Object data) {
JexlNode nodeToReturn = node;
IdentifierOpLiteral op = JexlASTHelper.getIdentifierOpLiteral(node);
if (op != null) {
final String fieldName = op.deconstructIdentifier();
final Object literal = op.getLiteralValue();
// Get all of the indexed or normalized dataTypes for the field name
Set<Type<?>> dataTypes = Sets.newHashSet(config.getQueryFieldsDatatypes().get(fieldName));
// Catch the case of the user entering FIELD == null
if (!dataTypes.isEmpty() && null != literal) {
try {
String term = literal.toString();
Set<String> normalizedTerms = Sets.newHashSet();
// Build up a set of normalized terms using each normalizer
for (Type<?> normalizer : dataTypes) {
try {
if (node instanceof ASTNRNode || node instanceof ASTERNode) {
} else {
log.debug("normalizedTerms=" + normalizedTerms);
} catch (IpAddressNormalizer.Exception ipex) {
try {
String[] lowHi = ((IpAddressType) normalizer).normalizeCidrToRange(term);
// node was FIELD == 'cidr'
// change to FIELD >= low and FIELD <= hi
JexlNode geNode = JexlNodeFactory.buildNode(new ASTGENode(ParserTreeConstants.JJTGENODE), fieldName, lowHi[0]);
JexlNode leNode = JexlNodeFactory.buildNode(new ASTLENode(ParserTreeConstants.JJTLENODE), fieldName, lowHi[1]);
// now link em up
return BoundedRange.create(JexlNodeFactory.createAndNode(Arrays.asList(geNode, leNode)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Could not normalize " + term + " as cidr notation with: " + normalizer.getClass());
// this could be CIDR notation, attempt to expand the node to the cidr range
} catch (Exception ne) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Could not normalize " + term + " using " + normalizer.getClass());
if (normalizedTerms.size() > 1) {
nodeToReturn = JexlNodeFactory.createNodeTreeFromFieldValues(ContainerType.OR_NODE, node, node, fieldName, normalizedTerms);
} else if (1 == normalizedTerms.size()) {
// If there is only one term, we don't need to make an OR
nodeToReturn = JexlNodeFactory.buildUntypedNewLiteralNode(node, fieldName, normalizedTerms.iterator().next());
} else {
// If we couldn't map anything, return a copy
nodeToReturn = JexlNodeFactory.buildUntypedNewLiteralNode(node, fieldName, literal);
} catch (Exception e) {
QueryException qe = new QueryException(DatawaveErrorCode.NODE_EXPANSION_ERROR, e, MessageFormat.format("Node: {0}, Datatypes: {1}", PrintingVisitor.formattedQueryString(node), dataTypes));
throw new DatawaveFatalQueryException(qe);
return nodeToReturn;
use of datawave.query.jexl.JexlASTHelper.IdentifierOpLiteral in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.
the class FixUnindexedNumericTerms method expandNodeForNormalizers.
protected JexlNode expandNodeForNormalizers(JexlNode node) {
IdentifierOpLiteral op = JexlASTHelper.getIdentifierOpLiteral(node);
if (op == null) {
return copy(node);
final String fieldName = op.deconstructIdentifier();
Object literal = op.getLiteralValue();
// Get all the normalizers for the field name
Collection<Type<?>> normalizers = config.getQueryFieldsDatatypes().get(fieldName);
// Catch the case of the user entering FIELD == null
if (normalizers.isEmpty() && literal instanceof String) {
try {
literal = NumberUtils.createNumber((String) literal);
} catch (Exception nfe) {
// leave literal as is
// Return a copy of the node with a potentially converted literal
JexlNode copy = copy(node);
return JexlNodeFactory.buildUntypedNewLiteralNode(copy, fieldName, literal);
use of datawave.query.jexl.JexlASTHelper.IdentifierOpLiteral in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.
the class IteratorBuildingVisitor method createIndexOnlyKey.
protected SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> createIndexOnlyKey(ASTEQNode node) throws IOException {
Key newStartKey = getKey(node);
IdentifierOpLiteral op = JexlASTHelper.getIdentifierOpLiteral(node);
if (null == op || null == op.getLiteralValue()) {
// deep copy since this is likely a null literal
return source.deepCopy(env);
String fn = op.deconstructIdentifier();
String literal = String.valueOf(op.getLiteralValue());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("createIndexOnlyKey for " + fn + " " + literal + " " + newStartKey);
List<Entry<Key, Value>> kv = Lists.newArrayList();
if (null != limitedMap.get(Maps.immutableEntry(fn, literal))) {
kv.add(limitedMap.get(Maps.immutableEntry(fn, literal)));
} else {
SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> mySource = limitedSource;
// if source size > 0, we are free to use up to that number for this query
if (source.getSourceSize() > 0)
mySource = source.deepCopy(env); Range(newStartKey, true, newStartKey.followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL), false), Collections.emptyList(), false);
if (mySource.hasTop()) {
kv.add(Maps.immutableEntry(mySource.getTopKey(), Constants.NULL_VALUE));
return new IteratorToSortedKeyValueIterator(kv.iterator());
use of datawave.query.jexl.JexlASTHelper.IdentifierOpLiteral in project datawave by NationalSecurityAgency.
the class RangeStream method visit.
public ScannerStream visit(ASTEQNode node, Object data) {
if (isUnOrNotFielded(node)) {
return ScannerStream.noData(node);
// We are looking for identifier = literal
IdentifierOpLiteral op = JexlASTHelper.getIdentifierOpLiteral(node);
if (op == null) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
final String fieldName = op.deconstructIdentifier();
// Null literals cannot be resolved against the index.
if (op.getLiteralValue() == null) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
// toString of String returns the String
String literal = op.getLiteralValue().toString();
if (QueryOptions.DEFAULT_DATATYPE_FIELDNAME.equals(fieldName)) {
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
// Check if field is not indexed
if (!isIndexed(fieldName, config.getIndexedFields())) {
try {
if (this.getAllFieldsFromHelper().contains(fieldName)) {
log.debug("{\"" + fieldName + "\": \"" + literal + "\"} is not indexed.");
return ScannerStream.unindexed(node);
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
log.debug("{\"" + fieldName + "\": \"" + literal + "\"} is not an observed field.");
return ScannerStream.unknownField(node);
// Final case, field is indexed
log.debug("\"" + fieldName + "\" is indexed. for " + literal);
try {
int stackStart = config.getBaseIteratorPriority();
RangeStreamScanner scannerSession;
SessionOptions options = new SessionOptions();
options.fetchColumnFamily(new Text(fieldName));
options.addScanIterator(makeDataTypeFilter(config, stackStart++));
final IteratorSetting uidSetting;
// Create the range for the term from the provided config.
Range range = rangeForTerm(literal, fieldName, config);
if (limitScanners) {
// Setup the CreateUidsIterator
scannerSession = scanners.newRangeScanner(config.getIndexTableName(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQuery(), config.getShardsPerDayThreshold());
uidSetting = new IteratorSetting(stackStart++, createUidsIteratorClass);
uidSetting.addOption(CreateUidsIterator.COLLAPSE_UIDS, Boolean.valueOf(collapseUids).toString());
uidSetting.addOption(CreateUidsIterator.PARSE_TLD_UIDS, Boolean.valueOf(config.getParseTldUids()).toString());
} else {
// Setup so this is a pass-through
scannerSession = scanners.newRangeScanner(config.getIndexTableName(), config.getAuthorizations(), config.getQuery(), config.getShardsPerDayThreshold());
uidSetting = new IteratorSetting(stackStart++, createUidsIteratorClass);
uidSetting.addOption(CreateUidsIterator.COLLAPSE_UIDS, Boolean.valueOf(false).toString());
uidSetting.addOption(CreateUidsIterator.PARSE_TLD_UIDS, Boolean.valueOf(false).toString());
* Create a scanner in the initialized state so that we can scan immediately
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Building delayed scanner for " + fieldName + ", literal= " + literal);
// Configure common settings on the ScannerSession
String queryString = fieldName + "=='" + literal + "'";
options.addScanIterator(QueryScannerHelper.getQueryInfoIterator(config.getQuery(), false, queryString));
// Create the EntryParser prior to ScannerStream.
EntryParser entryParser = new EntryParser(node, fieldName, literal, indexOnlyFields);
return ScannerStream.initialized(scannerSession, entryParser, node);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);