use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class QueryRunnable method queryCatalog.
protected QueryResponse queryCatalog(String sourceId, SearchRequest searchRequest, Subject subject, Map<String, Serializable> properties) {
Query query = searchRequest.getQuery();
QueryResponse response = getEmptyResponse(sourceId);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
if (query != null) {
List<String> sourceIds;
if (sourceId == null) {
sourceIds = new ArrayList<>(searchRequest.getSourceIds());
} else {
sourceIds = Collections.singletonList(sourceId);
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequestImpl(query, false, sourceIds, properties);
if (subject != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Adding {} property with value {} to request.", SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT, subject);
request.getProperties().put(SecurityConstants.SECURITY_SUBJECT, subject);
LOGGER.debug("Sending query: {}", query);
response = searchController.getFramework().query(request);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException | FederationException e) {"Error executing query. {}. Set log level to DEBUG for more information", e.getMessage());
LOGGER.debug("Error executing query", e);
response.getProcessingDetails().add(new ProcessingDetailsImpl(sourceId, e));
} catch (SourceUnavailableException e) {"Error executing query because the underlying source was unavailable. {}. Set log level to DEBUG for more information", e.getMessage());
LOGGER.debug("Error executing query because the underlying source was unavailable.", e);
response.getProcessingDetails().add(new ProcessingDetailsImpl(sourceId, e));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Account for any runtime exceptions and send back a server error
// this prevents full stacktraces returning to the client
// this allows for a graceful server error to be returned"RuntimeException on executing query. {}. Set log level to DEBUG for more information", e.getMessage());
LOGGER.debug("RuntimeException on executing query", e);
response.getProcessingDetails().add(new ProcessingDetailsImpl(sourceId, e));
long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
response.getProperties().put("elapsed", estimatedTime);
return response;
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class ResourceOperations method getEnterpriseResourceOptions.
public Map<String, Set<String>> getEnterpriseResourceOptions(String metacardId, boolean fanoutEnabled) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
Set<String> supportedOptions = Collections.emptySet();
try {
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(createMetacardIdQuery(metacardId), true, null, null);
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryOperations.query(queryRequest, null, false, fanoutEnabled);
List<Result> results = queryResponse.getResults();
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
Metacard metacard = results.get(0).getMetacard();
String sourceIdOfResult = metacard.getSourceId();
if (sourceIdOfResult != null && sourceIdOfResult.equals(getId())) {
// found entry on local source
supportedOptions = getOptionsFromLocalProvider(metacard);
} else if (sourceIdOfResult != null && !sourceIdOfResult.equals(getId())) {
// found entry on federated source
supportedOptions = getOptionsFromFederatedSource(metacard, sourceIdOfResult);
} else {
String message = "Unable to find metacard " + metacardId + " on enterprise.";
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(message);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error finding metacard {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Unsuppported Query", e);
} catch (FederationException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error federating query for metacard {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Federation issue", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Metacard couldn't be found {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Query returned null metacard", e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getEnterpriseResourceOptions");
return Collections.singletonMap(ResourceRequest.OPTION_ARGUMENT, supportedOptions);
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class ResourceOperations method getResourceOptions.
public Map<String, Set<String>> getResourceOptions(String metacardId, String sourceId, boolean fanoutEnabled) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: getResourceOptions");
Map<String, Set<String>> optionsMap;
try {
LOGGER.debug("source id to get options from: {}", sourceId);
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(createMetacardIdQuery(metacardId), false, Collections.singletonList(sourceId == null ? this.getId() : sourceId), null);
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryOperations.query(queryRequest, null, false, fanoutEnabled);
List<Result> results = queryResponse.getResults();
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
Metacard metacard = results.get(0).getMetacard();
// or the local provider.
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sourceId) || sourceId.equals(getId())) {
optionsMap = Collections.singletonMap(ResourceRequest.OPTION_ARGUMENT, getOptionsFromLocalProvider(metacard));
} else {
optionsMap = Collections.singletonMap(ResourceRequest.OPTION_ARGUMENT, getOptionsFromFederatedSource(metacard, sourceId));
} else {
String message = "Could not find metacard " + metacardId + " on source " + sourceId;
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(message);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error finding metacard {}", metacardId, e);
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Unsuppported Query", e);
} catch (FederationException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error federating query for metacard {}", metacardId, e);
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Federation issue", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Metacard couldn't be found {}", metacardId, e);
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Query returned null metacard", e);
} finally {
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getResourceOptions");
return optionsMap;
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class ResourceOperations method getLocalResourceOptions.
public Map<String, Set<String>> getLocalResourceOptions(String metacardId, boolean fanoutEnabled) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: getLocalResourceOptions");
Map<String, Set<String>> optionsMap;
try {
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(createMetacardIdQuery(metacardId), false, Collections.singletonList(getId()), null);
QueryResponse queryResponse = queryOperations.query(queryRequest, null, false, fanoutEnabled);
List<Result> results = queryResponse.getResults();
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
Metacard metacard = results.get(0).getMetacard();
optionsMap = Collections.singletonMap(ResourceRequest.OPTION_ARGUMENT, getOptionsFromLocalProvider(metacard));
} else {
String message = "Could not find metacard " + metacardId + " on local source";
ResourceNotFoundException resourceNotFoundException = new ResourceNotFoundException(message);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getLocalResourceOptions");
throw resourceNotFoundException;
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error finding metacard {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getLocalResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Unsuppported Query", e);
} catch (FederationException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Error federating query for metacard {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getLocalResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Error finding metacard due to Federation issue", e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Metacard couldn't be found {}", metacardId, e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getLocalResourceOptions");
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Query returned null metacard", e);
LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getLocalResourceOptions");
return optionsMap;
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class DuplicationValidator method query.
private SourceResponse query(Set<Attribute> attributes, String originalId) {
final Filter filter = filterBuilder.allOf(filterBuilder.anyOf(buildFilters(attributes)), filterBuilder.not(filterBuilder.attribute(Metacard.ID).is().equalTo().text(originalId)));
LOGGER.debug("filter {}", filter);
QueryImpl query = new QueryImpl(filter);
QueryRequest request = new QueryRequestImpl(query);
SourceResponse response = null;
try {
response = catalogFramework.query(request);
} catch (FederationException | SourceUnavailableException | UnsupportedQueryException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Query failed ", e);
return response;