use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class ResourceCacheService method queryForMetacard.
private Optional<Metacard> queryForMetacard(String metacardId) {
Filter filter = frameworkProperties.getFilterBuilder().attribute(Metacard.ID).is().equalTo().text(metacardId);
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(new QueryImpl(filter), true);
QueryResponse queryResponse = null;
try {
queryResponse = catalogFramework.query(queryRequest);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException | SourceUnavailableException | FederationException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to lookup metacard for metacard id [{}].", metacardId);
return Optional.empty();
return queryResponse != null && queryResponse.getResults().size() == 1 ? Optional.of(queryResponse.getResults().get(0).getMetacard()) : Optional.empty();
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class QueryOperations method doQuery.
* Executes a query using the specified {@link QueryRequest} and {@link FederationStrategy}.
* Based on the isEnterprise and sourceIds list in the query request, the federated query may
* include the local provider and {@link ConnectedSource}s.
* @param queryRequest the {@link QueryRequest}
* @param strategy the {@link FederationStrategy}
* @return the {@link QueryResponse}
* @throws FederationException
QueryResponse doQuery(QueryRequest queryRequest, FederationStrategy strategy) throws FederationException {
Set<String> sourceIds = getCombinedIdSet(queryRequest);
LOGGER.debug("source ids: {}", sourceIds);
QuerySources querySources = new QuerySources(frameworkProperties).initializeSources(this, queryRequest, sourceIds).addConnectedSources(this, frameworkProperties).addCatalogProvider(this);
if (querySources.isEmpty()) {
// TODO change to SourceUnavailableException
throw new FederationException("SiteNames could not be resolved due to invalid site names, none of the sites " + "were available, or the current subject doesn't have permission to access the sites.");
LOGGER.debug("Calling strategy.federate()");
Query originalQuery = queryRequest.getQuery();
if (originalQuery != null && originalQuery.getTimeoutMillis() <= 0) {
Query modifiedQuery = new QueryImpl(originalQuery, originalQuery.getStartIndex(), originalQuery.getPageSize(), originalQuery.getSortBy(), originalQuery.requestsTotalResultsCount(), queryTimeoutMillis);
queryRequest = new QueryRequestImpl(modifiedQuery, queryRequest.isEnterprise(), queryRequest.getSourceIds(), queryRequest.getProperties());
QueryResponse response = strategy.federate(querySources.sourcesToQuery, queryRequest);
return addProcessingDetails(querySources.exceptions, response);
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class QueryOperations method populateQueryResponsePolicyMap.
private QueryResponse populateQueryResponsePolicyMap(QueryResponse queryResponse) throws FederationException {
HashMap<String, Set<String>> responsePolicyMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Serializable> unmodifiableProperties = Collections.unmodifiableMap(queryResponse.getProperties());
for (Result result : queryResponse.getResults()) {
HashMap<String, Set<String>> itemPolicyMap = new HashMap<>();
for (PolicyPlugin plugin : frameworkProperties.getPolicyPlugins()) {
try {
PolicyResponse policyResponse = plugin.processPostQuery(result, unmodifiableProperties);
opsSecuritySupport.buildPolicyMap(itemPolicyMap, policyResponse.itemPolicy().entrySet());
opsSecuritySupport.buildPolicyMap(responsePolicyMap, policyResponse.operationPolicy().entrySet());
} catch (StopProcessingException e) {
throw new FederationException("Query could not be executed.", e);
result.getMetacard().setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.SECURITY, itemPolicyMap));
queryResponse.getProperties().put(PolicyPlugin.OPERATION_SECURITY, responsePolicyMap);
return queryResponse;
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class RESTEndpoint method getHeaders.
* REST Head. Returns headers only. Primarily used to let the client know that range requests (though limited)
* are accepted.
* @param sourceid
* @param id
* @param uriInfo
* @param httpRequest
* @return
public Response getHeaders(@PathParam("sourceid") String sourceid, @PathParam("id") String id, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
Response response;
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;
QueryResponse queryResponse;
Metacard card = null;
URI absolutePath = uriInfo.getAbsolutePath();
MultivaluedMap<String, String> map = uriInfo.getQueryParameters();
if (id != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Got id: {}", id);
LOGGER.debug("Map of query parameters: \n{}", map.toString());
Map<String, Serializable> convertedMap = convert(map);
convertedMap.put("url", absolutePath.toString());
LOGGER.debug("Map converted, retrieving product.");
// default to xml if no transformer specified
try {
Filter filter = getFilterBuilder().attribute(Metacard.ID).is().equalTo().text(id);
Collection<String> sources = null;
if (sourceid != null) {
sources = new ArrayList<String>();
QueryRequestImpl request = new QueryRequestImpl(new QueryImpl(filter), sources);
queryResponse = catalogFramework.query(request, null);
// pull the metacard out of the blocking queue
List<Result> results = queryResponse.getResults();
// return null if timeout elapsed)
if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) {
card = results.get(0).getMetacard();
if (card == null) {
throw new ServerErrorException("Unable to retrieve requested metacard.", Status.NOT_FOUND);
LOGGER.debug("Calling transform.");
final BinaryContent content = catalogFramework.transform(card, transformer, convertedMap);
LOGGER.debug("Read and transform complete, preparing response.");
responseBuilder = Response.noContent();
// Add the Accept-ranges header to let the client know that we accept ranges in bytes
responseBuilder.header(HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES, BYTES);
String filename = null;
if (content instanceof Resource) {
// If we got a resource, we can extract the filename.
filename = ((Resource) content).getName();
} else {
String fileExtension = getFileExtensionForMimeType(content.getMimeTypeValue());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileExtension)) {
filename = id + fileExtension;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filename)) {
LOGGER.debug("filename: {}", filename);
responseBuilder.header(HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "inline; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
long size = content.getSize();
if (size > 0) {
responseBuilder.header(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, size);
response =;
} catch (FederationException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "READ failed due to unexpected exception: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (CatalogTransformerException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Unable to transform Metacard. Try different transformer: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (SourceUnavailableException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Cannot obtain query results because source is unavailable: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (UnsupportedQueryException e) {
String exceptionMessage = "Specified query is unsupported. Change query and resubmit: ";, e);
throw new ServerErrorException(exceptionMessage, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
// The catalog framework will throw this if any of the transformers blow up. We need to
// catch this exception
// here or else execution will return to CXF and we'll lose this message and end up with
// a huge stack trace
// in a GUI or whatever else is connected to this endpoint
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ServerErrorException(e, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
} else {
throw new ServerErrorException("No ID specified.", Status.BAD_REQUEST);
return response;
use of ddf.catalog.federation.FederationException in project ddf by codice.
the class UpdateOperations method populateMetacards.
private UpdateRequest populateMetacards(UpdateRequest updateRequest) throws IngestException {
final String attributeName = updateRequest.getAttributeName();
QueryRequestImpl queryRequest = createQueryRequest(updateRequest);
QueryResponse query;
try {
query = queryOperations.doQuery(queryRequest, frameworkProperties.getFederationStrategy());
} catch (FederationException e) {
LOGGER.debug("Unable to complete query for updated metacards.", e);
throw new IngestException("Exception during runtime while performing update");
if (!foundAllUpdateRequestMetacards(updateRequest, query)) {
logFailedQueryInfo(updateRequest, query);
throw new IngestException("Could not find all metacards specified in request");
updateRequest = rewriteRequestToAvoidHistoryConflicts(updateRequest, query);
HashMap<String, Metacard> metacardMap = new HashMap<>(query.getResults().stream().map(Result::getMetacard).collect(Collectors.toMap(metacard -> getAttributeStringValue(metacard, attributeName), Function.identity())));
updateRequest.getProperties().put(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_MAP_KEY, metacardMap);
updateRequest.getProperties().put(Constants.OPERATION_TRANSACTION_KEY, new OperationTransactionImpl(OperationTransaction.OperationType.UPDATE, metacardMap.values()));
return updateRequest;