Search in sources :

Example 1 with MetricsGraphException

use of ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException in project ddf by codice.

the class MetricsEndpoint method getMetricsData.

     * Retrieve data for the specified metric over the given time range. The URL to access this
     * method is of the form http://<host>:<port>/<metricName>.<outputFormat> So the desired metric
     * filename is specified in the URL, e.g., catalogQueryCount.png, where the filename extension
     * defines the desired output format returned for the metric's data. Currently supported formats
     * are png, csv, xls, ppt, xml, and json.
     * <p>
     * Note that the time range can be specified as either a start and end date (in RFC3339 format,
     * i.e., YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssZ), or as an offset in seconds from the current time. These 2 time
     * range mechanisms cannot be combined, e.g., you cannot specify an end date and an offset to be
     * applied from that end date.
     * <p>
     * By default, the metric's name will be used for the y-axis label on the PNG graph, and the
     * metric name and time range will be used for the graph's title. Both of these can be
     * optionally specified with the yAxisLabel and title parameters. These 2 parameters do not
     * apply for the other formats.
     * @param metricName   Name of the metric being graphed, e.g., queryCount
     * @param outputFormat output format of the metric, e.g. csv
     * @param startDate    Specifies the start of the time range of the search on the metric's data (RFC-3339
     *                     - Date and Time format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Cannot be used with dateOffset
     *                     parameter.
     * @param endDate      Specifies the end of the time range of the search on the metric's data (RFC-3339 -
     *                     Date and Time format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Cannot be used with dateOffset
     *                     parameter.
     * @param dateOffset   Specifies an offset, backwards from the current time, to search on the modified
     *                     time field for entries. Defined in seconds. Cannot be used with startDate and
     *                     endDate parameters.
     * @param yAxisLabel   (optional) the label to apply to the graph's y-axis
     * @param title        (optional) the title to be applied to the graph
     * @param uriInfo
     * @return Response containing the metric's data in the specified outputFormat
     * @throws MetricsEndpointException
public Response getMetricsData(@PathParam("metricName") String metricName, @PathParam("outputFormat") String outputFormat, @QueryParam("startDate") String startDate, @QueryParam("endDate") String endDate, @QueryParam("dateOffset") String dateOffset, @QueryParam("yAxisLabel") String yAxisLabel, @QueryParam("title") String title, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) throws MetricsEndpointException {
    LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: getMetricsData  -  metricName = {},    outputFormat = {}", metricName, outputFormat);
    LOGGER.trace("request url: {}", uriInfo.getRequestUri());
    LOGGER.trace("startDate = {},     endDate = {}", startDate, endDate);
    LOGGER.trace("dateOffset = {}", dateOffset);
    Response response = null;
    // Client must specify *either* startDate and/or endDate *OR* dateOffset
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dateOffset) && (!StringUtils.isBlank(startDate) || !StringUtils.isBlank(endDate))) {
        throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot specify dateOffset and startDate or endDate, must specify either dateOffset only or startDate and/or endDate", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    long endTime;
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(endDate)) {
        endTime = parseDate(endDate);
        LOGGER.trace("Parsed endTime = {}", endTime);
    } else {
        // Default end time for metrics graphing to now (in seconds)
        Calendar now = getCalendar();
        endTime = now.getTimeInMillis() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
        LOGGER.trace("Defaulted endTime to {}", endTime);
        // Set endDate to new calculated endTime (so that endDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        endDate = dateFormatter.format(now.getTime());
    long startTime;
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(startDate)) {
        startTime = parseDate(startDate);
        LOGGER.trace("Parsed startTime = {}", startTime);
    } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dateOffset)) {
        startTime = endTime - Long.parseLong(dateOffset);
        LOGGER.trace("Offset-computed startTime = {}", startTime);
        // Set startDate to new calculated startTime (so that startDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        cal.setTimeInMillis(startTime * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
        startDate = dateFormatter.format(cal.getTime());
    } else {
        // Default start time for metrics graphing to end time last 24 hours (in seconds)
        startTime = endTime - ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS;
        LOGGER.trace("Defaulted startTime to {}", startTime);
        // Set startDate to new calculated startTime (so that startDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        cal.setTimeInMillis(startTime * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
        startDate = dateFormatter.format(cal.getTime());
    LOGGER.trace("startDate = {},   endDate = {}", startDate, endDate);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(yAxisLabel)) {
        yAxisLabel = RrdMetricsRetriever.convertCamelCase(metricName);
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) {
        title = RrdMetricsRetriever.convertCamelCase(metricName) + " for " + startDate + " to " + endDate;
    // Convert metric filename to rrd filename (because RRD file required by MetricRetriever to
    // generate graph)
    String rrdFilename = metricsDir + metricName + RRD_FILE_EXTENSION;
    if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(PNG_FORMAT)) {
        LOGGER.trace("Retrieving PNG-formatted data for metric {}", metricName);
        try {
            byte[] metricsGraphBytes = metricsRetriever.createGraph(metricName, rrdFilename, startTime, endTime, yAxisLabel, title);
            ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(metricsGraphBytes);
            response = Response.ok(bis, PNG_MIME_TYPE).build();
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create graph for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create metrics graph for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("csv")) {
        try {
            String csv = metricsRetriever.createCsvData(rrdFilename, startTime, endTime);
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(csv);
            response =;
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create CSV data for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create CSV data for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("xls")) {
        LOGGER.trace("Retrieving XLS-formatted data for metric {}", metricName);
        try {
            OutputStream os = metricsRetriever.createXlsData(metricName, rrdFilename, startTime, endTime);
            InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArrayOutputStream) os).toByteArray());
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(is);
            response =;
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create XLS data for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create XLS data for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("ppt")) {
        LOGGER.trace("Retrieving PPT-formatted data for metric {}", metricName);
        try {
            OutputStream os = metricsRetriever.createPptData(metricName, rrdFilename, startTime, endTime);
            InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArrayOutputStream) os).toByteArray());
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(is);
            response =;
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create PPT data for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create PPT data for metric for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("xml")) {
        LOGGER.trace("Retrieving XML-formatted data for metric {}", metricName);
        try {
            String xmlData = metricsRetriever.createXmlData(metricName, rrdFilename, startTime, endTime);
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(xmlData);
            response =;
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create XML data for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create XML data for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("json")) {
        LOGGER.trace("Retrieving JSON-formatted data for metric {}", metricName);
        try {
            String jsonData = metricsRetriever.createJsonData(metricName, rrdFilename, startTime, endTime);
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(jsonData);
            response =;
        } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
  "Could not create JSON data for metric {}", metricName);
            throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot create JSON data for specified metric.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getMetricsData");
    return response;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ByteArrayOutputStream( OutputStream( IOException( ByteArrayOutputStream( MetricsEndpointException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsEndpointException) Response( ByteArrayInputStream( MetricsGraphException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException) ResponseBuilder( Path( GET(

Example 2 with MetricsGraphException

use of ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException in project ddf by codice.

the class RrdMetricsRetriever method getMetricData.

     * Retrieves the RRD stored data for the specified metric over the specified time range.
     * @param rrdFilename the name of the RRD file containing the metric's data
     * @param startTime   start time, in seconds since Unix epoch, to fetch metric's data
     * @param endTime     end time, in seconds since Unix epoch, to fetch metric's data
     * @return domain object containing the metric's sampled data, which consists of the timestamps
     * and their associated values, and the total count of the sampled data
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws MetricsGraphException
public MetricData getMetricData(String rrdFilename, long startTime, long endTime) throws IOException, MetricsGraphException {
    LOGGER.trace("ENTERING: getMetricData");
    // Create RRD DB in read-only mode for the specified RRD file
    RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdFilename, true);
    // we have a problem)
    if (rrdDb.getDsCount() != 1) {
        throw new MetricsGraphException("Only one data source per RRD file is supported - RRD file " + rrdFilename + " has " + rrdDb.getDsCount() + " data sources.");
    // The step (sample) interval that determines how often RRD collects the metric's data
    long rrdStep = rrdDb.getRrdDef().getStep();
    // Retrieve the RRD file's data source type to determine how (later)
    // to store the metric's data for presentation.
    DsType dataSourceType = rrdDb.getDatasource(0).getType();
    // Fetch the metric's data from the RRD file for the specified time range
    FetchRequest fetchRequest = rrdDb.createFetchRequest(ConsolFun.TOTAL, startTime, endTime);
    FetchData fetchData = fetchRequest.fetchData();
    long[] timestamps = fetchData.getTimestamps();
    double[] values = fetchData.getValues(0);
    // Done retrieving data from the RRD database - close it, otherwise no one else will
    // be able to access it later.
    // The lists of the metric's timestamps and their associated values that have non-"NaN"
    // values
    List<Long> validTimestamps = new ArrayList<Long>();
    List<Double> validValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
    long totalCount = 0;
    MetricData metricData = new MetricData();
    if (dataSourceType == DsType.COUNTER || dataSourceType == DsType.DERIVE) {
        // Counters are for constantly incrementing data, hence they can
        // have a summation of their totals
        for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
            long timestamp = timestamps[i];
            // have been set to NaN as a placeholder when the RRD file was created)
            if (timestamp >= startTime && timestamp <= endTime && !Double.toString(values[i]).equals("NaN")) {
                // RRD averages the collected samples over the step interval.
                // To "undo" this averaging and get the actual count, need to
                // multiply the sampled data value by the RRD step interval.
                double nonAveragedValue = (double) (values[i] * rrdStep);
                totalCount += (long) nonAveragedValue;
    } else if (dataSourceType == DsType.GAUGE) {
        // Gauges are for data that waxes and wanes, hence no total count
        for (int i = 0; i < timestamps.length; i++) {
            long timestamp = timestamps[i];
            // have been set to NaN as a placeholder when the RRD file was created)
            if (timestamp >= startTime && timestamp <= endTime && !Double.toString(values[i]).equals("NaN")) {
    LOGGER.trace("EXITING: getMetricData");
    return metricData;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FetchData(org.rrd4j.core.FetchData) DsType(org.rrd4j.DsType) FetchRequest(org.rrd4j.core.FetchRequest) MetricsGraphException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException) RrdDb(org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb)

Example 3 with MetricsGraphException

use of ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException in project ddf by codice.

the class MetricsEndpoint method getMetricsReport.

     * Retrieve data for the all metrics over the given time range. The URL to access this method is
     * of the form http://<host>:<port>/report.<outputFormat> The filename extension defines the
     * desired output format returned for the report's data. Currently supported formats are xls and
     * ppt.
     * <p>
     * The XLS-formatted report will be one spreadsheet (workbook) with a worksheet per metric. The
     * PPT-formatted report will be one PowerPoint slide deck with a slide per metric. Each slide
     * will contain the metric's PNG graph.
     * <p>
     * If a summary interval is requested, the XSL report will instead contain a single table, with
     * the summarized values for each interval and metric. Cannot be used with PPT format.
     * <p>
     * Note that the time range can be specified as either a start and end date (in RFC3339 format,
     * i.e., YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ssZ), or as an offset in seconds from the current time. These 2 time
     * range mechanisms cannot be combined, e.g., you cannot specify an end date and an offset to be
     * applied from that end date.
     * <p>
     * By default, the metric's name will be used for the y-axis label, and the metric name and time
     * range will be used for the graph's title for the report in PPT format.
     * @param startDate       Specifies the start of the time range of the search on the metric's data (RFC-3339
     *                        - Date and Time format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Cannot be used with dateOffset
     *                        parameter.
     * @param endDate         Specifies the end of the time range of the search on the metric's data (RFC-3339 -
     *                        Date and Time format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ). Cannot be used with dateOffset
     *                        parameter.
     * @param dateOffset      Specifies an offset, backwards from the current time, to search on the modified
     *                        time field for entries. Defined in seconds. Cannot be used with startDate or
     *                        endDate parameters.
     * @param summaryInterval One of {@link ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.rrd4j.RrdMetricsRetriever.SUMMARY_INTERVALS}
     * @param uriInfo
     * @return Response containing the report as a stream in either XLS or PPT format
     * @throws MetricsEndpointException
public Response getMetricsReport(@PathParam("outputFormat") String outputFormat, @QueryParam("startDate") String startDate, @QueryParam("endDate") String endDate, @QueryParam("dateOffset") String dateOffset, @QueryParam("summaryInterval") String summaryInterval, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) throws MetricsEndpointException {
    LOGGER.debug("ENTERING: getMetricsReport  -  outputFormat = {}", outputFormat);
    LOGGER.debug("request url: {}", uriInfo.getRequestUri());
    LOGGER.debug("startDate = {},     endDate = {}", startDate, endDate);
    LOGGER.debug("dateOffset = {}", dateOffset);
    Response response = null;
    // Client must specify *either* startDate and/or endDate *OR* dateOffset
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dateOffset) && (!StringUtils.isBlank(startDate) || !StringUtils.isBlank(endDate))) {
        throw new MetricsEndpointException("Cannot specify dateOffset and startDate or endDate, must specify either dateOffset only or startDate and/or endDate", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    long endTime;
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(endDate)) {
        endTime = parseDate(endDate);
        LOGGER.debug("Parsed endTime = {}", endTime);
    } else {
        // Default end time for metrics graphing to now (in seconds)
        Calendar now = getCalendar();
        endTime = now.getTimeInMillis() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
        LOGGER.debug("Defaulted endTime to {}", endTime);
        // Set endDate to new calculated endTime (so that endDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        endDate = dateFormatter.format(now.getTime());
    long startTime;
    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(startDate)) {
        startTime = parseDate(startDate);
        LOGGER.debug("Parsed startTime = {}", startTime);
    } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dateOffset)) {
        startTime = endTime - Long.parseLong(dateOffset);
        LOGGER.debug("Offset-computed startTime = {}", startTime);
        // Set startDate to new calculated startTime (so that startDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        cal.setTimeInMillis(startTime * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
        startDate = dateFormatter.format(cal.getTime());
    } else {
        // Default start time for metrics graphing to end time last 24 hours (in seconds)
        startTime = endTime - ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS;
        LOGGER.debug("Defaulted startTime to {}", startTime);
        // Set startDate to new calculated startTime (so that startDate is displayed properly
        // in graph's title)
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        cal.setTimeInMillis(startTime * MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND);
        startDate = dateFormatter.format(cal.getTime());
    LOGGER.debug("startDate = {},   endDate = {}", startDate, endDate);
    List<String> metricNames = getMetricsNames();
    // Generated name for metrics file (<DDF Sitename>_<Startdate>_<EndDate>.outputFormat)
    String dispositionString = "attachment; filename=" + SystemInfo.getSiteName() + "_" + startDate.substring(0, 10) + "_" + endDate.substring(0, 10) + "." + outputFormat;
    try {
        if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("xls")) {
            OutputStream os = metricsRetriever.createXlsReport(metricNames, metricsDir, startTime, endTime, summaryInterval);
            InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArrayOutputStream) os).toByteArray());
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(is);
            responseBuilder.header("Content-Disposition", dispositionString);
            response =;
        } else if (outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("ppt")) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(summaryInterval)) {
                throw new MetricsEndpointException("Summary interval not allowed for ppt format", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
            OutputStream os = metricsRetriever.createPptReport(metricNames, metricsDir, startTime, endTime);
            InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(((ByteArrayOutputStream) os).toByteArray());
            ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(is);
            responseBuilder.header("Content-Disposition", dispositionString);
            response =;
    } catch (IOException | MetricsGraphException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Could not create {} report", outputFormat, e);
        throw new MetricsEndpointException("Could not create report in specified output format.", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    LOGGER.debug("EXITING: getMetricsReport");
    return response;
Also used : ByteArrayInputStream( InputStream( Calendar(java.util.Calendar) ByteArrayOutputStream( OutputStream( ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( MetricsEndpointException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsEndpointException) Response( ByteArrayInputStream( MetricsGraphException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException) ResponseBuilder( Path( GET(

Example 4 with MetricsGraphException

use of ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException in project ddf by codice.

the class RrdMetricsRetriever method createGraph.

public byte[] createGraph(String metricName, String rrdFilename, long startTime, long endTime, String verticalAxisLabel, String title) throws IOException, MetricsGraphException {
    // Create RRD DB in read-only mode for the specified RRD file
    RrdDb rrdDb = new RrdDb(rrdFilename, true);
    // we have a problem)
    if (rrdDb.getDsCount() != 1) {
        throw new MetricsGraphException("Only one data source per RRD file is supported - RRD file " + rrdFilename + " has " + rrdDb.getDsCount() + " data sources.");
    // Define attributes of the graph to be created for this metric
    RrdGraphDef graphDef = new RrdGraphDef();
    graphDef.setTimeSpan(startTime, endTime);
    // Since we have verified only one datasource in RRD file/RRDb, then know
    // that we can index by zero safely and get the metric's data
    Datasource dataSource = rrdDb.getDatasource(0);
    DsType dataSourceType = dataSource.getType();
    // generated graph by default will show data per rrdStep interval)
    if (dataSourceType == DsType.COUNTER || dataSourceType == DsType.DERIVE) {
        if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
            dumpData(ConsolFun.TOTAL, "TOTAL", rrdDb,, startTime, endTime);
        // If we ever needed to adjust the metric's data collected by RRD by the archive step
        // (which is the rrdStep * archiveSampleCount) this is how to do it.
        // FetchRequest fetchRequest = rrdDb.createFetchRequest(ConsolFun.AVERAGE, startTime,
        // endTime);
        // Archive archive = rrdDb.findMatchingArchive(fetchRequest);
        // long archiveStep = archive.getArcStep();
        // LOGGER.debug("archiveStep = " + archiveStep);
        long rrdStep = rrdDb.getRrdDef().getStep();
        LOGGER.debug("rrdStep = {}", rrdStep);
        // Still TBD if we want to graph the AVERAGE data on the same graph
        // graphDef.comment(metricName + "   ");
        // graphDef.datasource("myAverage", rrdFilename, "data", ConsolFun.AVERAGE);
        // graphDef.datasource("realAverage", "myAverage," + rrdStep + ",*");
        // graphDef.line("realAverage", Color.GREEN, "Average", 2);
        // Multiplied by the rrdStep to "undo" the automatic averaging that RRD does
        // when it collects TOTAL data - we want the actual totals for the step, not
        // the average of the totals.
        graphDef.datasource("myTotal", rrdFilename, dataSource.getName(), ConsolFun.TOTAL);
        graphDef.datasource("realTotal", "myTotal," + rrdStep + ",*");
        // If real total exceeds the threshold value used to constrain/filter spike data out,
        // then set total to UNKNOWN, which means this sample will not be graphed. This prevents
        // spike data that is typically 4.2E+09 (graphed as 4.3G) from corrupting the RRD graph.
        graphDef.datasource("constrainedTotal", "realTotal," + metricsMaxThreshold + ",GT,UNKN,realTotal,IF");
        graphDef.line("constrainedTotal", Color.BLUE, convertCamelCase(metricName), 2);
        // Add some spacing between the graph and the summary stats shown beneath the graph
        // Average, Min, and Max over all of the TOTAL data - displayed at bottom of the graph
        graphDef.gprint("constrainedTotal", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average = %.3f%s");
        graphDef.gprint("constrainedTotal", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min = %.3f%s");
        graphDef.gprint("constrainedTotal", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max = %.3f%s");
    } else if (dataSourceType == DsType.GAUGE) {
        if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
            dumpData(ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "AVERAGE", rrdDb,, startTime, endTime);
        graphDef.datasource("myAverage", rrdFilename, dataSource.getName(), ConsolFun.AVERAGE);
        graphDef.line("myAverage", Color.RED, convertCamelCase(metricName), 2);
        // Add some spacing between the graph and the summary stats shown beneath the graph
        // Average, Min, and Max over all of the AVERAGE data - displayed at bottom of the graph
        graphDef.gprint("myAverage", ConsolFun.AVERAGE, "Average = %.3f%s");
        graphDef.gprint("myAverage", ConsolFun.MIN, "Min = %.3f%s");
        graphDef.gprint("myAverage", ConsolFun.MAX, "Max = %.3f%s");
    } else {
        throw new MetricsGraphException("Unsupported data source type " + + " in RRD file " + rrdFilename + ", only DERIVE, COUNTER and GAUGE data source types supported.");
    // Use "-" as filename so that RRD creates the graph only in memory (no file is
    // created, hence no file locking problems due to race conditions between multiple clients)
    RrdGraph graph = new RrdGraph(graphDef);
    return graph.getRrdGraphInfo().getBytes();
Also used : RrdGraphDef(org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef) Datasource(org.rrd4j.core.Datasource) RrdGraph(org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraph) MetricsGraphException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException) RrdDb(org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb) DsType(org.rrd4j.DsType)

Example 5 with MetricsGraphException

use of ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException in project ddf by codice.

the class RrdMetricsRetrieverTest method testRrdFileWithMultipleDataSources.

public // (expected = MetricsGraphException.class)
void testRrdFileWithMultipleDataSources() throws Exception {
    String rrdFilename = TEST_DIR + "dummy" + RRD_FILE_EXTENSION;
    long endTime = new RrdFileBuilder().rrdFileName(rrdFilename).numSamples(4).secondDataSource(true).build();
    MetricsRetriever metricsRetriever = new RrdMetricsRetriever();
    try {
        metricsRetriever.createGraph("Dummy", rrdFilename, START_TIME, endTime);
    } catch (MetricsGraphException e) {
Also used : MetricsGraphException(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException) MetricsRetriever(ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsRetriever) Test(org.junit.Test)


MetricsGraphException (ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsGraphException)6 MetricsEndpointException (ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsEndpointException)2 MetricsRetriever (ddf.metrics.reporting.internal.MetricsRetriever)2 ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( IOException ( InputStream ( OutputStream ( Calendar (java.util.Calendar)2 GET ( Path ( Response ( ResponseBuilder ( Test (org.junit.Test)2 DsType (org.rrd4j.DsType)2 RrdDb (org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Datasource (org.rrd4j.core.Datasource)1 FetchData (org.rrd4j.core.FetchData)1 FetchRequest (org.rrd4j.core.FetchRequest)1