use of de.btobastian.javacord.entities.impl.ImplInvite in project Javacord by BtoBastian.
the class ImplDiscordAPI method parseInvite.
public Future<Invite> parseInvite(final String invite, FutureCallback<Invite> callback) {
final String inviteCode = invite.replace("", "").replace("", "");
ListenableFuture<Invite> future = getThreadPool().getListeningExecutorService().submit(new Callable<Invite>() {
public Invite call() throws Exception {
logger.debug("Trying to parse invite {} (parsed code: {})", invite, inviteCode);
HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get("" + inviteCode).header("authorization", token).asJson();
logger.debug("Parsed invite {} (parsed code: {})", invite, inviteCode);
return new ImplInvite(ImplDiscordAPI.this, response.getBody().getObject());
if (callback != null) {
Futures.addCallback(future, callback);
return future;