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Example 6 with BranchingBehavior

use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.BranchingBehavior in project scylla by bptlab.

the class BoundarySCParserPlugin method parse.

// Therefore this method should be called just once for a sim.xml file
public Map<String, Object> parse(SimulationConfiguration simulationInput, Element sim) throws ScyllaValidationException {
    Map<Integer, BranchingBehavior> branchingBehaviors = new HashMap<Integer, BranchingBehavior>();
    Namespace simNamespace = sim.getNamespace();
    ProcessModel processModel = simulationInput.getProcessModel();
    for (Element element : sim.getChildren()) {
        String elementName = element.getName();
        if (elementName.equals("task") || elementName.endsWith("Task") || elementName.equals("subProcess")) {
            String identifier = element.getAttributeValue("id");
            if (identifier == null) {
                DebugLogger.log("Warning: Simulation configuration definition element '" + elementName + "' does not have an identifier, skip.");
                // No matching element in process, so skip definition.
            Integer nodeId = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(identifier);
            if (nodeId == null) {
                DebugLogger.log("Simulation configuration definition for process element '" + identifier + "', but not available in process, skip.");
                // No matching element in process, so skip definition
            // Get the list of all corresponding boundary events.
            Element boundaryEventsElem = element.getChild("boundaryEvents", simNamespace);
            if (boundaryEventsElem != null) {
                List<Element> boundaryEventElements = boundaryEventsElem.getChildren("boundaryEvent", simNamespace);
                if (boundaryEventElements.size() > 0) {
                    Map<Integer, Double> probabilities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
                    double probabilityOfStandardFlow = 1;
                    for (Element elem : boundaryEventElements) {
                        // Collect probabilities of boundary event occurrence...
                        String id = elem.getAttributeValue("id");
                        Integer nodeIdOfBoundaryEvent = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(id);
                        if (nodeIdOfBoundaryEvent == null) {
                            throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration refers to unknown boundary event: " + id);
                        // ... and subtract them from the default path behavior. The percentage of the default path is just
                        // relevant for interrupting events because its implicit 1 at tasks with only nn-interrupting events.
                        Element eventProbabilityElement = elem.getChild("eventProbability", simNamespace);
                        Double probabilityOfBoundaryEvent = Double.parseDouble(eventProbabilityElement.getText());
                        probabilityOfStandardFlow -= probabilityOfBoundaryEvent;
                        probabilities.put(nodeIdOfBoundaryEvent, probabilityOfBoundaryEvent);
                        // Add the arrival rate (= which is here the time at which the boundary event shall occur) relatively to the start of its task.
                        Element arrivalRateElement = elem.getChild("arrivalRate", simNamespace);
                        if (arrivalRateElement != null) {
                            TimeDistributionWrapper distribution = SimulationConfigurationParser.getTimeDistributionWrapper(arrivalRateElement, simNamespace);
                            // TODO: should be put into an extension attribute
                            simulationInput.getArrivalRates().put(nodeIdOfBoundaryEvent, distribution);
                    if (probabilityOfStandardFlow < 0) {
                        // The probability values of boundary events are added why they should not exceed 1 in total.
                        throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration defines probabilities for boundary events of task " + identifier + ", exceeding 1 in total.");
                    /*else if (probabilityOfStandardFlow == 0) { // Does not happen anymore and should not happen semantically correct.
                                    .log("Warning: Simulation configuration defines probabilities for boundary events of task "
                                            + identifier + ", but does not allow the normal flow to fire. \n"
                                            + "This may result in an infinite number of firings of boundary events "
                                            + "if none of them is interrupting.");
                    // XXX timer events do not have probabilities
                    // XXX probability of normal flow is stored under nodeId of task
                    // And save them for now.
                    probabilities.put(nodeId, probabilityOfStandardFlow);
                    BranchingBehavior branchingBehavior = new BranchingBehavior(probabilities);
                    branchingBehaviors.put(nodeId, branchingBehavior);
    // Store all branching behaviors collected for that task.
    HashMap<String, Object> extensionAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    extensionAttributes.put("branchingBehaviors", branchingBehaviors);
    return extensionAttributes;
Also used : ProcessModel(de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.ProcessModel) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) BranchingBehavior(de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.BranchingBehavior) Element(org.jdom2.Element) Namespace(org.jdom2.Namespace) ScyllaValidationException(de.hpi.bpt.scylla.exception.ScyllaValidationException) TimeDistributionWrapper(de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.distribution.TimeDistributionWrapper)


BranchingBehavior (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.BranchingBehavior)6 ProcessModel (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.ProcessModel)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 ScyllaValidationException (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.exception.ScyllaValidationException)3 SimulationConfiguration (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.SimulationConfiguration)3 SimulationModel (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Element (org.jdom2.Element)3 Namespace (org.jdom2.Namespace)3 DiscreteDistEmpirical (desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical)2 TimeDistributionWrapper (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.distribution.TimeDistributionWrapper)1 NodeNotFoundException (de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException)1 BoolDistBernoulli (desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistBernoulli)1