use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BatchClusterStartEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BatchCluster cluster) throws SuspendExecution {
BatchActivity activity = cluster.getBatchActivity();
int nodeId = activity.getNodeId();
List<TaskBeginEvent> parentalStartEvents = cluster.getParentalStartEvents();
// Schedule all task begin events of the process instance
for (TaskBeginEvent pse : parentalStartEvents) {
ProcessInstance pi = pse.getProcessInstance();
// schedule subprocess start events for all process instances in parent
// processInstances and parentalStartEvents are ordered the same way
// Set the responsible process instance in the batch cluster, first one by default
// Go through all process instances. If it's the first one, schedule it. If not, save it to be scheduled later on
for (int j = 0; j < parentalStartEvents.size(); j++) {
TaskBeginEvent startEvent = parentalStartEvents.get(j);
ProcessInstance responsibleProcessInstance = startEvent.getProcessInstance();
int processInstanceId = responsibleProcessInstance.getId();
boolean showInTrace = responsibleProcessInstance.traceIsOn();
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) responsibleProcessInstance.getModel();
String source = startEvent.getSource();
TimeInstant currentSimulationTime = cluster.presentTime();
ProcessSimulationComponents pSimComponentsOfSubprocess = cluster.getProcessSimulationComponents().getChildren().get(nodeId);
ProcessModel subprocess = pSimComponentsOfSubprocess.getProcessModel();
try {
Integer startNodeId = subprocess.getStartNode();
ProcessInstance subprocessInstance = new ProcessInstance(model, subprocess, processInstanceId, showInTrace);
ScyllaEvent subprocessEvent = new BPMNStartEvent(model, source, currentSimulationTime, pSimComponentsOfSubprocess, subprocessInstance, startNodeId);
System.out.println("Created BPMNStartEvent for PI " + subprocessInstance.getId() + " / " + responsibleProcessInstance.getId() + " in Batch Cluster");
if (j == 0) {
// If it is the first process instance, schedule it...
} else {
// ...if not, save them for later
cluster.addPIEvent(startNodeId, subprocessEvent, subprocessInstance);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | MultipleStartNodesException | NoStartNodeException e) {
DebugLogger.log("Start node of process model " + subprocess.getId() + " not found.");
SimulationUtils.abort(model, responsibleProcessInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
// move batch cluster from list of not started ones to running ones
BatchPluginUtils pluginInstance = BatchPluginUtils.getInstance();
// next node and timespan to next event determined by responsible process instance
// tasks resources only assigned to responsible subprocess instance
// only responsible subprocess instance is simulated
// other subprocess instances of batch are covered in process logs
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BatchPluginUtils method getDataViewOfInstance.
private Map<String, Object> getDataViewOfInstance(TaskBeginEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance, BatchActivity batchActivity) {
if (batchActivity.getGroupingCharacteristic().isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
// ***********
// get the value of the dataObject
// ***********
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
boolean showInTrace = desmojEvent.traceIsOn();
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
try {
// ***************************
// ***************************
// fetch all available data objects
Map<Integer, Object> dataObjects = (Map<Integer, Object>) desmojObjects.getExtensionDistributions().get(DataObjectPluginUtils.PLUGIN_NAME);
Map<String, Object> simulationInput = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// iterate over all available data objects
for (int dataObjectId : dataObjects.keySet()) {
// fetch all data fields
Map<String, DataObjectField> dataObjectFields = (Map<String, DataObjectField>) dataObjects.get(dataObjectId);
String dataObjectName = processModel.getDisplayNames().get(dataObjectId);
for (String fieldName : dataObjectFields.keySet()) {
// create the key by concatenating dataObjectName + fieldName and assure that the first letter is lower case
String key = dataObjectName + "." + fieldName;
// handle the distribution of every data field
DataObjectField dataObjectField = dataObjectFields.get(fieldName);
DataDistributionWrapper distWrapper = dataObjectField.getDataDistributionWrapper();
try {
simulationInput.put(key, distWrapper.getSample());
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Map<String, Object> dataView = new HashMap<String, Object>();
for (String dataViewElement : batchActivity.getGroupingCharacteristic()) {
dataView.put(dataViewElement, simulationInput.get(dataViewElement));
return dataView;
} catch (ScyllaValidationException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);
return null;
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BoundaryEventPluginUtils method createTimerBoundaryEvents.
// I did not touch this for now. Hopefully could be deleted in future.
private void createTimerBoundaryEvents(SimulationModel model, BoundaryObject bo, double startOfInterval, double endOfInterval) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
double beginTimeOfTask = bo.getBeginTimeOfTask();
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = bo.getDesmojObjects();
ProcessModel processModel = desmojObjects.getProcessModel();
Map<Integer, EventType> eventTypes = processModel.getEventTypes();
Map<Integer, Boolean> cancelActivities = processModel.getCancelActivities();
List<Integer> referenceToBoundaryEvents = bo.getReferenceToBoundaryEvents();
for (Integer nId : referenceToBoundaryEvents) {
boolean timerEventIsInterrupting = false;
EventType eventType = eventTypes.get(nId);
if (eventType == EventType.BOUNDARY) {
Map<EventDefinitionType, Map<String, String>> eventDefinitions = processModel.getEventDefinitions().get(nId);
Map<String, String> definitionAttributes = eventDefinitions.get(EventDefinitionType.TIMER);
if (definitionAttributes != null) {
// if boundary event is timer event
double timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated = bo.getTimeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated();
if (definitionAttributes.get("timeDuration") != null) {
// ISO 8601 duration
String timeDuration = definitionAttributes.get("timeDuration");
if (beginTimeOfTask != timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated) {
// timer event has already been created once, skip
Duration javaDuration = Duration.parse(timeDuration);
double duration = javaDuration.get(ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
if (duration == 0) {
double timeToSchedule = beginTimeOfTask + duration;
if (timeToSchedule < endOfInterval) {
String displayName = processModel.getDisplayNames().get(nId);
if (displayName == null) {
displayName = processModel.getIdentifiers().get(nId);
String source = bo.getSource();
ProcessInstance processInstance = bo.getProcessInstance();
TimeInstant timeInstant = new TimeInstant(startOfInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
BPMNIntermediateEvent event = new BPMNIntermediateEvent(model, source, timeInstant, desmojObjects, processInstance, nId);
bo.getBoundaryEventsToSchedule().computeIfAbsent(timeToSchedule, k -> new ArrayList<BPMNIntermediateEvent>());
String message = "Schedule boundary timer event: " + displayName;
bo.getMessagesOfBoundaryEventsToSchedule().computeIfAbsent(timeToSchedule, k -> new ArrayList<String>());
// timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated = timeToSchedule;
// TODO fix boundary
timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated = timeToSchedule;
} else if (definitionAttributes.get("timeCycle") != null) {
// ISO 8601 repeating time interval:
String timeCycle = definitionAttributes.get("timeCycle");
// Rn/[ISO 8601 duration] where n
// (optional) for number of
// recurrences
// ["Rn"], "[ISO 8601 duration]"]
String[] recurrencesAndDuration = timeCycle.split("/");
String recurrencesString = recurrencesAndDuration[0];
String timeDurationString = recurrencesAndDuration[1];
Integer recurrencesMax = null;
if (recurrencesString.length() > 1) {
recurrencesMax = Integer.parseInt(recurrencesString.substring(1, recurrencesString.length()));
timerEventIsInterrupting = cancelActivities.get(nId);
if (timerEventIsInterrupting) {
recurrencesMax = 1;
Duration javaDuration = Duration.parse(timeDurationString);
double duration = javaDuration.get(ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
if (duration == 0 || recurrencesMax != null && recurrencesMax == 0) {
double timeToSchedule = beginTimeOfTask;
int actualNumberOfOccurrences = 0;
boolean recurrencesMaxExceeded = false;
while (timeToSchedule <= timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated) {
timeToSchedule += duration;
if (recurrencesMax != null && actualNumberOfOccurrences > recurrencesMax) {
recurrencesMaxExceeded = true;
if (recurrencesMaxExceeded) {
while (timeToSchedule <= endOfInterval) {
// add as many timer events for scheduling as possible (lots of them if timer event is
// non-interrupting,
// only one if it is interrupting
String displayName = processModel.getDisplayNames().get(nId);
if (displayName == null) {
displayName = processModel.getIdentifiers().get(nId);
String source = bo.getSource();
ProcessInstance processInstance = bo.getProcessInstance();
TimeInstant timeInstant = new TimeInstant(startOfInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
BPMNIntermediateEvent event = new BPMNIntermediateEvent(model, source, timeInstant, desmojObjects, processInstance, nId);
bo.getBoundaryEventsToSchedule().computeIfAbsent(timeToSchedule, k -> new ArrayList<BPMNIntermediateEvent>());
String message = "Schedule boundary timer event: " + displayName;
bo.getMessagesOfBoundaryEventsToSchedule().computeIfAbsent(timeToSchedule, k -> new ArrayList<String>());
if (recurrencesMax != null && actualNumberOfOccurrences == recurrencesMax) {
// recurrencesMaxExceeded = true;
timeToSchedule += duration;
timeUntilWhenTimerEventsAreCreated = timeToSchedule;
} else {
// TODO support timeDate attributes?
String identifier = processModel.getIdentifiers().get(nId);
DebugLogger.log("Timer event " + identifier + " has no timer definition, skip.");
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BoundaryEventPluginUtils method createAndScheduleBoundaryEvents.
void createAndScheduleBoundaryEvents(ScyllaEvent event, TimeSpan timeSpan) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
double startOfInterval = event.presentTime().getTimeAsDouble(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
double endOfInterval = startOfInterval + timeSpan.getTimeAsDouble(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) event.getModel();
// First create all the corresponding boundary events and then schedule them.
if (startOfInterval < endOfInterval) {
createBoundaryEvents(model, startOfInterval, endOfInterval, event);
scheduleBoundaryEvents(model, startOfInterval, endOfInterval);
} else {
// ==
// double nextEventTime = getNextEventTime(event); //Why would you take this, better take getTimeSpanToNextEventMap()
double nextEventTime = startOfInterval + event.getTimeSpanToNextEventMap().get(0).getTimeAsDouble(TimeUnit.SECONDS);
createBoundaryEvents(model, startOfInterval, nextEventTime, event);
scheduleBoundaryEvents(model, startOfInterval, nextEventTime);
// Moved to BoundaryIntermediateEventPlugin, events determinate if the should be cancelled
// int nodeId = event.getNodeId();
// ProcessInstance processInstance = event.getProcessInstance();
// ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// Boolean isCancelActivity = processModel.getCancelActivities().get(nodeId);
// if (isCancelActivity != null && isCancelActivity) {
// event.getProcessInstance().cancel();
// }
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.SimulationModel in project scylla by bptlab.
the class DataObjectTaskTerminate method eventRoutine.
public /* collect all fields of all dataobjects and simulate them with the given desmoj distribution. After that, pass them to the XES Logger */
void eventRoutine(TaskTerminateEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// int processInstanceId = processInstance.getId();
try {
if (processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getNodes().containsKey(desmojEvent.getNodeId())) {
Set<Integer> refferingObjects = processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getTargetObjects(desmojEvent.getNodeId());
Collection<Object> allFields = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects().getExtensionDistributions().get("dataobject").values();
for (Object fields : allFields) {
Integer i = 0;
while (((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray().length - i != 0) {
DataObjectField field = (DataObjectField) ((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray()[i];
if (refferingObjects.contains(field.getNodeId())) {
// System.out.println(processInstance.getId() + " " + desmojEvent.getDisplayName() + " " + processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + " " + field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample());
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
Collection<Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>>> allProcesses = model.getProcessNodeInfos().values();
for (Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>> process : allProcesses) {
List<ProcessNodeInfo> currentProcess = process.get(processInstance.getId());
for (ProcessNodeInfo task : currentProcess) {
// System.out.println(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[0]) + " " + task.getTaskName());
for (Integer j = 0; j < processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray().length; j++) {
if (task.getId().equals(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[j]) && task.getTransition() == ProcessNodeTransitionType.TERMINATE) {
// check all tasks and find the ones that may be looged; already logged ones will get ignored next line
if (!task.getDataObjectField().containsKey(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName())) {
// don't log if task already has this field logged
Map<String, Object> fieldSample = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object currentSample = field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample();
// log Value at TaskTerminate
fieldSample.put(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName(), currentSample);
// set current DataObjectFieldValue
DataObjectField.addDataObjectValue(processInstance.getId(), fieldSample.keySet().toArray()[0].toString(), currentSample);
} else {
// do nothing and continue with the next task because Node has no dataobejcts
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException | ScyllaValidationException | NodeNotFoundException e) {