use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.event.TaskBeginEvent in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BatchClusterStartEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BatchCluster cluster) throws SuspendExecution {
BatchActivity activity = cluster.getBatchActivity();
int nodeId = activity.getNodeId();
List<TaskBeginEvent> parentalStartEvents = cluster.getParentalStartEvents();
// Schedule all task begin events of the process instance
for (TaskBeginEvent pse : parentalStartEvents) {
ProcessInstance pi = pse.getProcessInstance();
// schedule subprocess start events for all process instances in parent
// processInstances and parentalStartEvents are ordered the same way
// Set the responsible process instance in the batch cluster, first one by default
// Go through all process instances. If it's the first one, schedule it. If not, save it to be scheduled later on
for (int j = 0; j < parentalStartEvents.size(); j++) {
TaskBeginEvent startEvent = parentalStartEvents.get(j);
ProcessInstance responsibleProcessInstance = startEvent.getProcessInstance();
int processInstanceId = responsibleProcessInstance.getId();
boolean showInTrace = responsibleProcessInstance.traceIsOn();
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) responsibleProcessInstance.getModel();
String source = startEvent.getSource();
TimeInstant currentSimulationTime = cluster.presentTime();
ProcessSimulationComponents pSimComponentsOfSubprocess = cluster.getProcessSimulationComponents().getChildren().get(nodeId);
ProcessModel subprocess = pSimComponentsOfSubprocess.getProcessModel();
try {
Integer startNodeId = subprocess.getStartNode();
ProcessInstance subprocessInstance = new ProcessInstance(model, subprocess, processInstanceId, showInTrace);
ScyllaEvent subprocessEvent = new BPMNStartEvent(model, source, currentSimulationTime, pSimComponentsOfSubprocess, subprocessInstance, startNodeId);
System.out.println("Created BPMNStartEvent for PI " + subprocessInstance.getId() + " / " + responsibleProcessInstance.getId() + " in Batch Cluster");
if (j == 0) {
// If it is the first process instance, schedule it...
} else {
// ...if not, save them for later
cluster.addPIEvent(startNodeId, subprocessEvent, subprocessInstance);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | MultipleStartNodesException | NoStartNodeException e) {
DebugLogger.log("Start node of process model " + subprocess.getId() + " not found.");
SimulationUtils.abort(model, responsibleProcessInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
// move batch cluster from list of not started ones to running ones
BatchPluginUtils pluginInstance = BatchPluginUtils.getInstance();
// next node and timespan to next event determined by responsible process instance
// tasks resources only assigned to responsible subprocess instance
// only responsible subprocess instance is simulated
// other subprocess instances of batch are covered in process logs
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.simulation.event.TaskBeginEvent in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BatchTEPlugin method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(TaskEnableEvent event, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
BatchPluginUtils pluginInstance = BatchPluginUtils.getInstance();
pluginInstance.logTaskEventForNonResponsiblePI(event, processInstance);
// ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = event.getDesmojObjects();
// SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
int nodeId = event.getNodeId();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// SimulationConfiguration simulationConfiguration = desmojObjects.getSimulationConfiguration();
/*Map<Integer, BatchActivity> batchActivities = (Map<Integer, BatchActivity>) simulationConfiguration
.getExtensionValue(getName(), "batchActivities");*/
Map<Integer, BatchActivity> batchActivities = processModel.getBatchActivities();
if (batchActivities.containsKey(nodeId) && processModel.getSubProcesses().containsKey(nodeId)) {
// in any case: put taskbeginevent of subprocess container on hold
// String source = desmojEvent.getSource();
int indexOfSubprocessBeginEvent = 0;
Map<Integer, ScyllaEvent> nextEventMap = event.getNextEventMap();
Map<Integer, TimeSpan> timeSpanToNextEventMap = event.getTimeSpanToNextEventMap();
// Map<String, TaskBeginEvent> subprocessStartEventsOnHold =
// pluginInstance.getSubprocessStartEventsOnHold();
TaskBeginEvent subprocessBeginEvent = (TaskBeginEvent) nextEventMap.get(indexOfSubprocessBeginEvent);
pluginInstance.assignToBatchCluster(processInstance, nodeId, subprocessBeginEvent);