use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.distribution.BinomialDistribution in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationUtils method getDistribution.
public static NumericalDist<?> getDistribution(Distribution dist, SimulationModel model, String name, Integer nodeId, boolean showInReport, boolean showInTrace) throws InstantiationException {
if (dist instanceof BinomialDistribution) {
BinomialDistribution binDist = (BinomialDistribution) dist;
double probability = binDist.getProbability();
int amount = binDist.getAmount();
return new DiscreteDistBinomial(model, name, probability, amount, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof ConstantDistribution) {
ConstantDistribution conDist = (ConstantDistribution) dist;
double constantValue = conDist.getConstantValue();
return new DiscreteDistConstant<Number>(model, name, constantValue, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof EmpiricalDistribution) {
EmpiricalDistribution empDist = (EmpiricalDistribution) dist;
Map<Double, Double> entries = empDist.getEntries();
DiscreteDistEmpirical<Double> cde = new DiscreteDistEmpirical<Double>(model, name, showInReport, showInTrace);
for (Double value : entries.keySet()) {
Double frequency = entries.get(value);
cde.addEntry(value, frequency);
return cde;
} else if (dist instanceof EmpiricalStringDistribution) {
EmpiricalStringDistribution empDist = (EmpiricalStringDistribution) dist;
Map<Double, Double> entries = empDist.getEntries();
DiscreteDistEmpirical<Double> cde = new DiscreteDistEmpirical<Double>(model, name, showInReport, showInTrace);
for (Double value : entries.keySet()) {
Double frequency = entries.get(value);
cde.addEntry(value, frequency);
return cde;
} else if (dist instanceof ErlangDistribution) {
ErlangDistribution erlDist = (ErlangDistribution) dist;
double mean = erlDist.getMean();
long order = erlDist.getOrder();
return new ContDistErlang(model, name, order, mean, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof ExponentialDistribution) {
ExponentialDistribution expDist = (ExponentialDistribution) dist;
double mean = expDist.getMean();
return new ContDistExponential(model, name, mean, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof TriangularDistribution) {
TriangularDistribution triDist = (TriangularDistribution) dist;
double lower = triDist.getLower();
double upper = triDist.getUpper();
double peak = triDist.getPeak();
return new ContDistTriangular(model, name, lower, upper, peak, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof NormalDistribution) {
NormalDistribution norDist = (NormalDistribution) dist;
double mean = norDist.getMean();
double standardDeviation = norDist.getStandardDeviation();
return new ContDistNormal(model, name, mean, standardDeviation, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof PoissonDistribution) {
PoissonDistribution poiDist = (PoissonDistribution) dist;
double mean = poiDist.getMean();
return new DiscreteDistPoisson(model, name, mean, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else if (dist instanceof UniformDistribution) {
UniformDistribution uniDist = (UniformDistribution) dist;
double lower = uniDist.getLower();
double upper = uniDist.getUpper();
return new ContDistUniform(model, name, lower, upper, showInReport, showInTrace);
} else {
throw new InstantiationException("Distribution of node " + nodeId + " not supported.");
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.configuration.distribution.BinomialDistribution in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SimulationConfigurationParser method getDistribution.
public static Distribution getDistribution(Element element, Namespace simNamespace, String fieldType) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Distribution distribution;
if (element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace) != null && fieldType.equals("string")) {
Element el = element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace);
// changed name here but now in the whole project
EmpiricalStringDistribution dist = new EmpiricalStringDistribution();
List<Element> entries = el.getChildren("entry", simNamespace);
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
double sum = 0;
try {
for (Element entry : entries) {
// normalize frequency to 1.0
sum += Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency"));
for (Element entry : entries) {
dist.addEntry(entry.getAttributeValue("value"), Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency")) / sum);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
distribution = dist;
} else if (element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution", simNamespace);
// changed name here but now in the whole project
EmpiricalDistribution dist = new EmpiricalDistribution();
List<Element> entries = el.getChildren("entry", simNamespace);
if (entries.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
double sum = 0;
try {
for (Element entry : entries) {
// normalize frequency to 1.0
sum += Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency"));
for (Element entry : entries) {
dist.addEntry(Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("value")), Double.valueOf(entry.getAttributeValue("frequency")) / sum);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify pairs of a vaule and a frequency for arbitraryFiniteProbabilityDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
distribution = dist;
} else if (element.getChild("binomialDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("binomialDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double probability = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("probability", simNamespace));
int amount = Integer.valueOf(el.getChildText("amount", simNamespace));
distribution = new BinomialDistribution(probability, amount);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a probability and an amount for binomialDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("constantDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("constantDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double constantValue = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("constantValue", simNamespace));
distribution = new ConstantDistribution(constantValue);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a constantValue for constantDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("erlangDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("erlangDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
long order = Long.valueOf(el.getChildText("order", simNamespace));
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new ErlangDistribution(order, mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a order and a mean for erlangDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("exponentialDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("exponentialDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new ExponentialDistribution(mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean for exponentialDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("triangularDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("triangularDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double lower = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("lower", simNamespace));
double upper = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("upper", simNamespace));
double peak = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("peak", simNamespace));
distribution = new TriangularDistribution(lower, upper, peak);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a lower, a upper and a peak for triangularDistribution at" + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("normalDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("normalDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
double standardDeviation = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("standardDeviation", simNamespace));
distribution = new NormalDistribution(mean, standardDeviation);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean and a standardDeviation for normalDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("poissonDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("poissonDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double mean = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("mean", simNamespace));
distribution = new PoissonDistribution(mean);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a mean for poissonDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else if (element.getChild("uniformDistribution", simNamespace) != null) {
Element el = element.getChild("uniformDistribution", simNamespace);
try {
double lower = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("lower", simNamespace));
double upper = Double.valueOf(el.getChildText("upper", simNamespace));
distribution = new UniformDistribution(lower, upper);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("You have to specify a lower and an upper for uniformDistribution at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + ". Check spelling!");
} else {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Distribution definition at " + getTaskOfDistribution(element) + " not found or not supported. Check spelling!");
return distribution;