use of in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class SearchController method serializeQuery.
// EM: This web service is DISABLED until there is a need for it.
// ND: In case rewrite is supported, it could be used to check the authorization
// scope without searching etc. In case not, it helps to compare queries in
// different query languages.
// MH: ref query parameter removed!
// @GET
// @Path("{version}/query")
// @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")
public Response serializeQuery(@Context Locale locale, @Context SecurityContext securityContext, @QueryParam("q") String q, @QueryParam("ql") String ql, @QueryParam("v") String v, @QueryParam("context") String context, @QueryParam("cutoff") Boolean cutoff, @QueryParam("count") Integer pageLength, @QueryParam("offset") Integer pageIndex, @QueryParam("page") Integer startPage, @QueryParam("access-rewrite-disabled") boolean accessRewriteDisabled, @QueryParam("cq") String cq) {
TokenContext ctx = (TokenContext) securityContext.getUserPrincipal();
try {
scopeService.verifyScope(ctx, OAuth2Scope.SERIALIZE_QUERY);
String result = searchService.serializeQuery(q, ql, v, cq, pageIndex, startPage, pageLength, context, cutoff, accessRewriteDisabled);
if (DEBUG) {
jlog.debug("Query: " + result);
return Response.ok(result).build();
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
use of in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class SearchController method retrieveMatchInfo.
@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")
public Response retrieveMatchInfo(@Context SecurityContext ctx, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context Locale locale, @PathParam("corpusId") String corpusId, @PathParam("docId") String docId, @PathParam("textId") String textId, @PathParam("matchId") String matchId, @QueryParam("foundry") Set<String> foundries, @QueryParam("layer") Set<String> layers, @QueryParam("spans") Boolean spans, @QueryParam("expand") String expansion, // Highlights may also be a list of valid highlight classes
@QueryParam("hls") Boolean highlights) throws KustvaktException {
Boolean expandToSentence = true;
if (expansion != null && (expansion.equals("false") || expansion.equals("null"))) {
expandToSentence = false;
TokenContext tokenContext = (TokenContext) ctx.getUserPrincipal();
scopeService.verifyScope(tokenContext, OAuth2Scope.MATCH_INFO);
spans = spans != null ? spans : false;
highlights = highlights != null ? highlights : false;
if (layers == null || layers.isEmpty())
layers = new HashSet<>();
try {
String results = searchService.retrieveMatchInfo(corpusId, docId, textId, matchId, foundries, tokenContext.getUsername(), headers, layers, spans, expandToSentence, highlights);
return Response.ok(results).build();
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
use of in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class AuthenticationController method requestAPIToken.
// EM: testing using spring security authentication manager
// @Deprecated
// @GET
// @Path("ldap/token")
// public Response requestToken (@Context HttpHeaders headers,
// @Context Locale locale,
// @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.USER_AGENT) String agent,
// @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.HOST) String host,
// @HeaderParam("referer-url") String referer,
// @QueryParam("scope") String scopes,
// // @Context WebServiceContext wsContext, // FB
// @Context SecurityContext securityContext) {
// Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
// if (scopes != null && !scopes.isEmpty())
// attr.put(Attributes.SCOPES, scopes);
// attr.put(Attributes.HOST, host);
// attr.put(Attributes.USER_AGENT, agent);
// User user = new KorAPUser();
// user.setUsername(securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName());
// controller.setAccessAndLocation(user, headers);
// if (DEBUG_LOG == true) System.out.printf(
// "Debug: /token/: location=%s, access='%s'.\n",
// user.locationtoString(), user.accesstoString());
// attr.put(Attributes.LOCATION, user.getLocation());
// attr.put(Attributes.CORPUS_ACCESS, user.getCorpusAccess());
// try {
// TokenContext context = controller.createTokenContext(user, attr,
// TokenType.API);
// return Response.ok(context.toJson()).build();
// }
// catch (KustvaktException e) {
// throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
// }
// }
public // @ResourceFilters({HeaderFilter.class})
Response requestAPIToken(@Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context Locale locale, @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.USER_AGENT) String agent, @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.HOST) String host, @HeaderParam("referer-url") String referer, @QueryParam("scope") String scopes, // @Context WebServiceContext wsContext, // FB
@Context SecurityContext secCtx) {
List<String> auth = headers.getRequestHeader(ContainerRequest.AUTHORIZATION);
if (auth == null || auth.isEmpty()) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(new KustvaktException(StatusCodes.MISSING_PARAMETER, "Authorization header is missing.", "Authorization header"));
AuthorizationData authorizationData;
try {
authorizationData = authorizationHandler.parseAuthorizationHeaderValue(auth.get(0));
if (authorizationData.getAuthenticationScheme().equals(AuthenticationScheme.BASIC)) {
authorizationData = authorizationHandler.parseBasicToken(authorizationData);
} else {
// EM: throw exception that auth scheme is not supported?
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
if (DEBUG_LOG == true) {
System.out.printf("Debug: AuthService.requestAPIToken...:\n");
System.out.printf("Debug: auth.size=%d\n", auth.size());
System.out.printf("auth.get(0)='%s'\n", auth.get(0));
/* hide password etc. - FB
if( auth.size() > 0 )
Iterator it = auth.iterator();
while( it.hasNext() )
System.out.printf(" header '%s'\n",;
if( values.length > 0 )
for(int i=0; i< values.length; i++)
System.out.printf(" values[%d]='%s'\n", i, values[i]);
MultivaluedMap<String, String> headerMap = headers.getRequestHeaders();
if (headerMap != null && headerMap.size() > 0) {
Iterator<String> it = headerMap.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
List<String> vals = headerMap.get(key);
// System.out.printf("Debug: requestAPIToken: '%s' = '%s'\n",
// key, vals);
// System.out.printf("Debug: requestAPIToken: isSecure = %s.\n",
// secCtx.isSecure() ? "yes" : "no");
if (authorizationData.getUsername() == null || authorizationData.getUsername().isEmpty() || authorizationData.getPassword() == null || authorizationData.getPassword().isEmpty())
// is actual an invalid request
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(StatusCodes.REQUEST_INVALID);
Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
if (scopes != null && !scopes.isEmpty())
attr.put(Attributes.SCOPE, scopes);
attr.put(Attributes.HOST, host);
attr.put(Attributes.USER_AGENT, agent);
TokenContext context;
try {
// User user = controller.authenticate(0, values[0], values[1], attr); Implementation by Hanl
User user = controller.authenticate(AuthenticationMethod.LDAP, authorizationData.getUsername(), authorizationData.getPassword(), // Implementation with IdM/LDAP
// Userdata data = this.controller.getUserData(user, UserDetails.class); // Implem. by Hanl
// todo: is this necessary?
// attr.putAll(data.fields());
// EM: add authentication time
Date authenticationTime = TimeUtils.getNow().toDate();
attr.put(Attributes.AUTHENTICATION_TIME, authenticationTime);
// -- EM
controller.setAccessAndLocation(user, headers);
if (DEBUG_LOG == true)
System.out.printf("Debug: /apiToken/: location=%s, access='%s'.\n", user.locationtoString(), user.accesstoString());
attr.put(Attributes.LOCATION, user.getLocation());
attr.put(Attributes.CORPUS_ACCESS, user.getCorpusAccess());
context = controller.createTokenContext(user, attr, TokenType.API);
// context = controller.createTokenContext(user, attr,
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
try {
return Response.ok(context.toJson()).build();
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
use of in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class AuthenticationController method loginshib.
// fixme: security issues: setup shibboleth compatible authentication system
// todo: will be purged with token authentication --> shib is client side
public Response loginshib(@Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context Locale locale, @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.USER_AGENT) String agent, @HeaderParam(ContainerRequest.HOST) String host, @QueryParam("client_id") String client_id) {
// the shibfilter decrypted the values
// define default provider for returned access token strategy?!
Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(Attributes.HOST, host);
attr.put(Attributes.USER_AGENT, agent);
TokenContext context;
try {
// todo: distinguish type KorAP/Shibusers
User user = controller.authenticate(AuthenticationMethod.SHIBBOLETH, null, null, attr);
context = controller.createTokenContext(user, attr, null);
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
try {
return Response.ok().entity(context.toJson()).build();
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw kustvaktResponseHandler.throwit(e);
use of in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class OAuth2Controller method requestAuthorizationCode.
* Requests an authorization code.
* Kustvakt supports authorization only with Kalamar as the
* authorization web-frontend or user interface. Thus
* authorization code request requires user authentication
* using authorization header.
* <br /><br />
* RFC 6749:
* If the client omits the scope parameter when requesting
* authorization, the authorization server MUST either process the
* request using a pre-defined default value or fail the request
* indicating an invalid scope.
* @param request
* HttpServletRequest
* @param form
* form parameters
* @return a redirect URL
public Response requestAuthorizationCode(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @Context SecurityContext context, @FormParam("state") String state, MultivaluedMap<String, String> form) {
TokenContext tokenContext = (TokenContext) context.getUserPrincipal();
String username = tokenContext.getUsername();
ZonedDateTime authTime = tokenContext.getAuthenticationTime();
try {
scopeService.verifyScope(tokenContext, OAuth2Scope.AUTHORIZE);
HttpServletRequest requestWithForm = new FormRequestWrapper(request, form);
OAuth2AuthorizationRequest authzRequest = new OAuth2AuthorizationRequest(requestWithForm);
String uri = authorizationService.requestAuthorizationCode(requestWithForm, authzRequest, username, authTime);
return responseHandler.sendRedirect(uri);
} catch (OAuthSystemException e) {
throw responseHandler.throwit(e, state);
} catch (OAuthProblemException e) {
throw responseHandler.throwit(e, state);
} catch (KustvaktException e) {
throw responseHandler.throwit(e, state);